package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * * <p/> * <p/> * Info * * @author Rob Davey * @date 29/08/12 * @since 0.1.7 */ public class MisoEntityNamingSchemeResolverService implements EntityNamingSchemeResolverService { protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MisoEntityNamingSchemeResolverService.class); private Map<String, MisoNamingScheme<?>> contextMap; @Override public MisoNamingScheme<?> getNamingScheme(String schemeName) { for (MisoNamingScheme scheme : getNamingSchemes()) { if (scheme.getSchemeName().equals(schemeName)) { try { return scheme.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.error("Cannot create a new instance of '" + schemeName + "'", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("Cannot create a new instance of '" + schemeName + "'", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } log.warn("No scheme called '" + schemeName + "' was available on the classpath"); return null; } @Override public Collection<MisoNamingScheme<?>> getNamingSchemes() { //lazily load available schemes if (contextMap == null) { ServiceLoader<? extends MisoNamingScheme> consumerLoader = ServiceLoader.load(MisoNamingScheme.class); Iterator<? extends MisoNamingScheme> consumerIterator = consumerLoader.iterator(); contextMap = new HashMap<String, MisoNamingScheme<?>>(); while (consumerIterator.hasNext()) { MisoNamingScheme p =; if (!contextMap.containsKey(p.getSchemeName())) { contextMap.put(p.getSchemeName(), p); } else { if (contextMap.get(p.getSchemeName()) != p) { String msg = "Multiple different NamingSchemes with the same scheme name " + "('" + p.getSchemeName() + "') are present on the classpath. Scheme names must be unique."; log.error(msg); throw new ServiceConfigurationError(msg); } } } consumerLoader = ServiceLoader.load(RequestManagerAwareNamingScheme.class); consumerIterator = consumerLoader.iterator(); while (consumerIterator.hasNext()) { MisoNamingScheme p =; if (!contextMap.containsKey(p.getSchemeName())) { contextMap.put(p.getSchemeName(), p); } else { if (contextMap.get(p.getSchemeName()) != p) { String msg = "Multiple different NamingSchemes with the same scheme name " + "('" + p.getSchemeName() + "') are present on the classpath. Scheme names must be unique."; log.error(msg); throw new ServiceConfigurationError(msg); } } }"Loaded " + contextMap.values().size() + " known naming schemes"); } return contextMap.values(); } }