/* * Copyright (c) 2012. The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich, UK * MISO project contacts: Robert Davey, Mario Caccamo @ TGAC * ********************************************************************* * * This file is part of MISO. * * MISO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MISO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MISO. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ********************************************************************* */ package uk.ac.bbsrc.tgac.miso.core.security.util; import com.eaglegenomics.simlims.core.Group; import com.eaglegenomics.simlims.core.User; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.ldap.core.DistinguishedName; import org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority; import org.springframework.security.core.authority.GrantedAuthorityImpl; import org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails; import org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.InetOrgPerson; import org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.LdapUserDetails; import uk.ac.bbsrc.tgac.miso.core.data.impl.UserImpl; import uk.ac.bbsrc.tgac.miso.core.security.SecurableByProfile; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; /** * Helper class that provides various methods to deal with security authorisation and profiles * * @author Rob Davey * @since 0.0.2 */ public class LimsSecurityUtils { /** Field log */ protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LimsSecurityUtils.class); /** * Converts a LDAP {@link org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.InetOrgPerson} object into a MISO user object * * @param details of type InetOrgPerson * @return User */ public static User fromLdapUser(InetOrgPerson details) { // remember that this user has no userID! // upon persistence using the default MISO securityManager, this user is checked against the MISO SQL DB // by username. If a user already exists with that username that has been authed, then they must be the same // user and this user will inherit the already-persisted userID. UserImpl user = new UserImpl(); user.setActive(details.isAccountNonExpired()); user.setAdmin(details.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_ADMIN"))); user.setExternal(details.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_EXTERNAL"))); user.setInternal(details.getAuthorities().contains(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_INTERNAL"))); user.setLoginName(details.getUsername()); user.setPassword(details.getPassword()); user.setFullName(details.getDisplayName()); user.setEmail(details.getMail()); List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GrantedAuthority ga : details.getAuthorities()) { roles.add(ga.toString()); } user.setRoles(roles.toArray(new String[0])); return user; } /** * Converts a MISO User into a LDAP {@link org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.LdapUserDetails} object * * @param user of type User * @return LdapUserDetails */ public static LdapUserDetails toLdapUser(User user) { InetOrgPerson.Essence p = new org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.InetOrgPerson.Essence(); p.setEnabled(user.isActive()); p.setAccountNonExpired(user.isActive()); p.setAccountNonLocked(user.isActive()); Collection<GrantedAuthority> auths = user.getPermissionsAsAuthorities(); //TODO we don't currently store LIMS activity roles in LDAP //auths.addAll(getRolesAsAuthorities()); p.setAuthorities(auths); p.setDisplayName(user.getFullName()); p.setMail(user.getEmail()); p.setUsername(user.getLoginName()); p.setPassword(user.getPassword()); p.setUid(user.getLoginName()); //must set these as part of the Person creation assertions p.setSn(user.getFullName().split(" ")[1]); p.setCn(new String[]{user.getFullName()}); DistinguishedName newDn = new DistinguishedName(); newDn.add("ou", "Users"); newDn.add("cn", user.getFullName()); p.setDn(newDn); return p.createUserDetails(); } public static org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User toUserDetails(User user) { Collection<GrantedAuthority> auths = user.getPermissionsAsAuthorities(); return new org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User( user.getLoginName(), user.getPassword(), user.isActive(), user.isActive(), user.isActive(), user.isActive(), auths ); } /** * From a subset of supplied users (usually the list of all users in MISO), returns a collection of Users that can be set as owners of the supplied SecurableByProfile object * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allUsers of type Collection<User> * @return Set<User> the collection of Users that can own the given SecurableByProfile object * @throws IOException when */ public static Set<User> getPotentialOwners(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<User> allUsers) throws IOException { SortedSet<User> owners = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { for (User u : allUsers) { owners.add(u); } return owners; } else { if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { owners.add(u); } } return owners; } } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * From a subset of supplied users (usually the list of all users in MISO), returns a collection of Users that can be set as owners of the supplied SecurableByProfile object * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allUsers of type Collection<User> * @return Set<User> the collection of Users that can own the given SecurableByProfile object */ public static Set<User> getAccessibleUsers(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<User> allUsers) { SortedSet<User> su = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { for (User u : allUsers) { su.add(u); } return su; } else if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { su.add(u); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of users that have been allowed to read the given SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Users that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, all users are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, but owns the object then all Users apart from admins are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, and doesn't own the object, then no Users will be returned. * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<User> getSelectedReadUsers(User user, SecurableByProfile object) { SortedSet<User> su = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { return new HashSet<User>(object.getSecurityProfile().getReadUsers()); } else if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : object.getSecurityProfile().getReadUsers()) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { su.add(u); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of users that can be set to be allowed to read SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Users that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, all users that can't already read the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, but owns the object, then all Users apart from admins that can't already read the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, and doesn't own the object, then no Users will be returned. * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allUsers of type Collection<User> * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<User> getAvailableReadUsers(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<User> allUsers) { SortedSet<User> su = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getReadUsers().contains(u)) { su.add(u); } } return su; } else if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getReadUsers().contains(u)) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { su.add(u); } } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of users that have been allowed to write the given SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Users that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, all users are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, but owns the object then all Users apart from admins are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, and doesn't own the object, then no Users will be returned. * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<User> getSelectedWriteUsers(User user, SecurableByProfile object) { SortedSet<User> su = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { return new TreeSet<User>(object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteUsers()); } else if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteUsers()) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { su.add(u); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of users that can be set to be allowed to write SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Users that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, all users that can't already write the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, but owns the object, then all Users apart from admins that can't already write the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * If the basis User isn't an admin, and doesn't own the object, then no Users will be returned. * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allUsers of type Collection<User> * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<User> getAvailableWriteUsers(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<User> allUsers) { SortedSet<User> su = new TreeSet<User>(new FullNameComparator()); if (user.isAdmin()) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteUsers().contains(u)) { su.add(u); } } return su; } else if (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user)) { for (User u : allUsers) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteUsers().contains(u)) { if (!u.isAdmin()) { su.add(u); } } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * From a subset of supplied Groups (usually the list of all Groups in MISO), returns a collection of Groups that can be set to read/write the supplied SecurableByProfile object * This method will NOT return special groups, like "Watchers" groups, etc * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allGroups of type Collection<Group> * @return Set<Group> */ public static Set<Group> getAccessibleGroups(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<Group> allGroups) { SortedSet<Group> su = new TreeSet<Group>(); if (user.isAdmin() || (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user))) { for (Group g : allGroups) { if (!g.getName().endsWith("Watchers")) { su.add(g); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of Groups that have been allowed to read the given SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Groups that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, or is the owner of the SecurableByProfile object, all read Groups are shown.<br/> * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<Group> getSelectedReadGroups(User user, SecurableByProfile object) { SortedSet<Group> su = new TreeSet<Group>(); if (user.isAdmin() || (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user))) { return new TreeSet<Group>(object.getSecurityProfile().getReadGroups()); } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of Groups that can be set to be allowed to read SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Groups that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, or is the owner of the SecurableByProfile object, then all Groups that can't already read the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allGroups of type Collection<Group> * @return Set<Group> */ public static Set<Group> getAvailableReadGroups(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<Group> allGroups) { SortedSet<Group> su = new TreeSet<Group>(); if (user.isAdmin() || (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user))) { for (Group g : allGroups) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getReadGroups().contains(g)) { su.add(g); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of Groups that have been allowed to write the given SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Groups that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, or is the owner of the SecurableByProfile object, all write Groups are shown.<br/> * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @return Set<User> */ public static Set<Group> getSelectedWriteGroups(User user, SecurableByProfile object) { SortedSet<Group> su = new TreeSet<Group>(); if (user.isAdmin() || (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user))) { return new TreeSet<Group>(object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteGroups()); } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Gets the list of Groups that can be set to be allowed to write SecurableByProfile object. The supplied User acts as a basis for the Groups that * are shown in the returned list. The following rules apply: * <p/> * If the supplied basis User is an admin, or is the owner of the SecurableByProfile object, then all Groups that can't already write the SecurableByProfile object are shown.<br/> * * @param user of type User * @param object of type SecurableByProfile * @param allGroups of type Collection<Group> * @return Set<Group> */ public static Set<Group> getAvailableWriteGroups(User user, SecurableByProfile object, Collection<Group> allGroups) { SortedSet<Group> su = new TreeSet<Group>(); if (user.isAdmin() || (object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner() != null && object.getSecurityProfile().getOwner().equals(user))) { for (Group g : allGroups) { if (!object.getSecurityProfile().getWriteGroups().contains(g)) { su.add(g); } } return su; } return Collections.emptySet(); } private static class FullNameComparator implements Comparator<User> { @Override public int compare(User u1, User u2) { return u1.getFullName().compareTo(u2.getFullName()); } } }