package backtype.storm.utils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import; import; public class VersionedStore { private static final String FINISHED_VERSION_SUFFIX = ".version"; private String _root; public VersionedStore(String path) throws IOException { _root = path; mkdirs(_root); } public String getRoot() { return _root; } public String versionPath(long version) { return new File(_root, "" + version).getAbsolutePath(); } public String mostRecentVersionPath() throws IOException { Long v = mostRecentVersion(); if(v==null) return null; return versionPath(v); } public String mostRecentVersionPath(long maxVersion) throws IOException { Long v = mostRecentVersion(maxVersion); if(v==null) return null; return versionPath(v); } public Long mostRecentVersion() throws IOException { List<Long> all = getAllVersions(); if(all.size()==0) return null; return all.get(0); } public Long mostRecentVersion(long maxVersion) throws IOException { List<Long> all = getAllVersions(); for(Long v: all) { if(v <= maxVersion) return v; } return null; } public String createVersion() throws IOException { Long mostRecent = mostRecentVersion(); long version = Time.currentTimeMillis(); if(mostRecent!=null && version <= mostRecent) { version = mostRecent + 1; } return createVersion(version); } public String createVersion(long version) throws IOException { String ret = versionPath(version); if(getAllVersions().contains(version)) throw new RuntimeException("Version already exists or data already exists"); else return ret; } public void failVersion(String path) throws IOException { deleteVersion(validateAndGetVersion(path)); } public void deleteVersion(long version) throws IOException { File versionFile = new File(versionPath(version)); File tokenFile = new File(tokenPath(version)); if(versionFile.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(versionFile); } if(tokenFile.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(tokenFile); } } public void succeedVersion(String path) throws IOException { long version = validateAndGetVersion(path); // should rewrite this to do a file move createNewFile(tokenPath(version)); } public void cleanup() throws IOException { cleanup(-1); } public void cleanup(int versionsToKeep) throws IOException { List<Long> versions = getAllVersions(); if(versionsToKeep >= 0) { versions = versions.subList(0, Math.min(versions.size(), versionsToKeep)); } HashSet<Long> keepers = new HashSet<Long>(versions); for(String p: listDir(_root)) { Long v = parseVersion(p); if(v!=null && !keepers.contains(v)) { deleteVersion(v); } } } /** * Sorted from most recent to oldest */ public List<Long> getAllVersions() throws IOException { List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<Long>(); for(String s: listDir(_root)) { if(s.endsWith(FINISHED_VERSION_SUFFIX)) { ret.add(validateAndGetVersion(s)); } } Collections.sort(ret); Collections.reverse(ret); return ret; } private String tokenPath(long version) { return new File(_root, "" + version + FINISHED_VERSION_SUFFIX).getAbsolutePath(); } private long validateAndGetVersion(String path) { Long v = parseVersion(path); if(v==null) throw new RuntimeException(path + " is not a valid version"); return v; } private Long parseVersion(String path) { String name = new File(path).getName(); if(name.endsWith(FINISHED_VERSION_SUFFIX)) { name = name.substring(0, name.length()-FINISHED_VERSION_SUFFIX.length()); } try { return Long.parseLong(name); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private void createNewFile(String path) throws IOException { new File(path).createNewFile(); } private void mkdirs(String path) throws IOException { new File(path).mkdirs(); } private List<String> listDir(String dir) throws IOException { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for(File f: new File(dir).listFiles()) { ret.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); } return ret; } }