package org.apache.lucene.index; /** * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable; import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import com.alimama.mdrill.fdtBlockCompress.FdtCompressIndexInput; import com.alimama.mdrill.fdtBlockCompress.FdtCompressIndexOutput; public class FieldsWriter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FieldsWriter.class); static final int FIELD_IS_TOKENIZED = 1 << 0; static final int FIELD_IS_BINARY = 1 << 1; /** @deprecated Kept for backwards-compatibility with <3.0 indexes; will be removed in 4.0 */ @Deprecated static final int FIELD_IS_COMPRESSED = 1 << 2; private static final int _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT = 3; static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_MASK = 0x07 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_INT = 1 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_LONG = 2 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_FLOAT = 3 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_DOUBLE = 4 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; // currently unused: static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_SHORT = 5 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; // currently unused: static final int FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_BYTE = 6 << _NUMERIC_BIT_SHIFT; // the next possible bits are: 1 << 6; 1 << 7 // Original format static final int FORMAT = 0; // Changed strings to UTF8 static final int FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES = 1; // Lucene 3.0: Removal of compressed fields static final int FORMAT_LUCENE_3_0_NO_COMPRESSED_FIELDS = 2; // Lucene 3.2: NumericFields are stored in binary format static final int FORMAT_LUCENE_3_2_NUMERIC_FIELDS = 3; // NOTE: if you introduce a new format, make it 1 higher // than the current one, and always change this if you // switch to a new format! static final int FORMAT_CURRENT = FORMAT_LUCENE_3_2_NUMERIC_FIELDS; private FieldInfos fieldInfos; // If null - we were supplied with streams, if notnull - we manage them ourselves private Directory directory; private String segment; private IndexOutput fieldsStream; private IndexOutput indexStream; FieldsWriter(Directory directory, String segment, FieldInfos fn) throws IOException { = directory; this.segment = segment; fieldInfos = fn; boolean success = false; try { IndexOutput fdt = directory.createOutput(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION)); indexStream = directory.createOutput(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION)); if(FieldsWriterCompress.isFdtCompress()&&!(directory instanceof RAMDirectory)) { indexStream.writeInt(FieldsWriterCompress.FORMAT_CURRENT); fieldsStream=new FdtCompressIndexOutput(fdt,1024*512); fieldsStream.writeInt(FieldsWriterCompress.FORMAT_CURRENT); }else{ fdt.writeInt(FORMAT_CURRENT); indexStream.writeInt(FORMAT_CURRENT); fieldsStream=fdt; fieldsStream.writeInt(FieldsWriterCompress.FORMAT_CURRENT); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { abort(); } } } FieldsWriter(IndexOutput fdx, IndexOutput fdt, FieldInfos fn) { directory = null; segment = null; fieldInfos = fn; fieldsStream = fdt; indexStream = fdx; } void setFieldsStream(IndexOutput stream) { this.fieldsStream = stream; } // Writes the contents of buffer into the fields stream // and adds a new entry for this document into the index // stream. This assumes the buffer was already written // in the correct fields format. void flushDocument(int numStoredFields, RAMOutputStream buffer) throws IOException { long pos=fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); //"flushDocument:"+pos+","+numStoredFields); indexStream.writeLong(pos); fieldsStream.writeVInt(numStoredFields); buffer.writeTo(fieldsStream); } void skipDocument() throws IOException { long pos=fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); //"skipDocument:"+pos); indexStream.writeLong(pos); fieldsStream.writeVInt(0); } void close() throws IOException { if (directory != null) { try { IOUtils.close(fieldsStream, indexStream); } finally { fieldsStream = indexStream = null; } } } void abort() { if (directory != null) { try { close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } try { directory.deleteFile(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION)); } catch (IOException ignored) { } try { directory.deleteFile(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION)); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } final void writeField(FieldInfo fi, Fieldable field) throws IOException { fieldsStream.writeVInt(fi.number); int bits = 0; if (field.isTokenized()) bits |= FIELD_IS_TOKENIZED; if (field.isBinary()) bits |= FIELD_IS_BINARY; if (field instanceof NumericField) { switch (((NumericField) field).getDataType()) { case INT: bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_INT; break; case LONG: bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_LONG; break; case FLOAT: bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_FLOAT; break; case DOUBLE: bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_DOUBLE; break; default: assert false : "Should never get here"; } } fieldsStream.writeByte((byte) bits); if (field.isBinary()) { final byte[] data; final int len; final int offset; data = field.getBinaryValue(); len = field.getBinaryLength(); offset = field.getBinaryOffset(); fieldsStream.writeVInt(len); fieldsStream.writeBytes(data, offset, len); } else if (field instanceof NumericField) { final NumericField nf = (NumericField) field; final Number n = nf.getNumericValue(); switch (nf.getDataType()) { case INT: fieldsStream.writeVVInt(n.intValue()); break; case LONG: fieldsStream.writeVVLong(n.longValue()); break; case FLOAT: fieldsStream.writeVVVInt(Float.floatToIntBits(n.floatValue())); break; case DOUBLE: fieldsStream.writeVVVLong(Double.doubleToLongBits(n.doubleValue())); break; default: assert false : "Should never get here"; } } else { fieldsStream.writeString(field.stringValue()); } } final void addRawDocuments(final IndexInput stream, long[] lengthsstart,long[] lengthsend, int numDocs) throws IOException { if(stream instanceof FdtCompressIndexInput) { FdtCompressIndexInput inputstream=(FdtCompressIndexInput)stream; for(int i=0;i<numDocs;i++) { long position = fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); indexStream.writeLong(position); //"addRawDocuments 1 "+position+","+lengthsstart[i]+","+lengthsend[i]); inputstream.writeToPos(fieldsStream,lengthsend[i]); } return ; } if(fieldsStream instanceof FdtCompressIndexOutput) { for(int i=0;i<numDocs;i++) { long position = fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); indexStream.writeLong(position); //"addRawDocuments 2 "+position+","+lengthsstart[i]+","+lengthsend[i]); long end=lengthsend[i]; if(end==-1) { end=stream.length(); } fieldsStream.copyBytes(stream, end-lengthsstart[i]); } return ; } long position = fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); long start = position; for(int i=0;i<numDocs;i++) { indexStream.writeLong(position); //"addRawDocuments 3 "+position+","+lengthsstart[i]+","+lengthsend[i]); long end=lengthsend[i]; if(end==-1) { end=stream.length(); } position += end-lengthsstart[i]; } fieldsStream.copyBytes(stream, position-start); } final void addDocument(Document doc) throws IOException { long pos=fieldsStream.getFilePointer(); indexStream.writeLong(pos); //"addDocument "+pos); int storedCount = 0; List<Fieldable> fields = doc.getFields(); for (Fieldable field : fields) { if (field.isStored()) storedCount++; } fieldsStream.writeVInt(storedCount); for (Fieldable field : fields) { if (field.isStored()) { writeField(fieldInfos.fieldInfo(, field); } } } }