/* ======================================================================== * JCommon : a free general purpose class library for the Java(tm) platform * ======================================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2000-2006, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors. * * Project Info: http://www.jfree.org/jcommon/index.html * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * in the United States and other countries.] * * ------------------------- * SpreadsheetDateTests.java * ------------------------- * (C) Copyright 2001-2006, by Object Refinery Limited. * * Original Author: David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited); * Contributor(s): -; * * $Id: SpreadsheetDateTests.java,v 1.6 2007/11/02 17:50:35 taqua Exp $ * * Changes * ------- * 15-Nov-2001 : Version 1 (DG); * 24-Oct-2002 : Fixed errors reported by Checkstyle (DG); * 29-Aug-2006 : Added checks for get/setDescription (DG); * */ package org.jfree.date.junit; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.ObjectInput; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutput; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.jfree.date.MonthConstants; import org.jfree.date.SerialDate; import org.jfree.date.SpreadsheetDate; /** * Tests for the {@link SpreadsheetDate} class. */ public class SpreadsheetDateTests extends TestCase { /** Date representing 1 January 1900. */ private SerialDate jan1Y1900; /** Date representing serial day number 2. */ private SerialDate s2; /** * Returns a test suite for the JUnit test runner. * * @return the test suite. */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SpreadsheetDateTests.class); } /** * Creates a new test case. * * @param name the name. */ public SpreadsheetDateTests(final String name) { super(name); } /** * Setup. */ protected void setUp() { this.jan1Y1900 = new SpreadsheetDate(1, MonthConstants.JANUARY, 1900); this.s2 = new SpreadsheetDate(2); } /** * 1 January 1900 is a Thursday. */ public void test1Jan1900GetDayOfWeek() { final int dayOfWeek = this.jan1Y1900.getDayOfWeek(); assertEquals(SerialDate.MONDAY, dayOfWeek); } /** * 12 November 2001 is a Monday. */ public void test12Nov2001GetDayOfWeek() { SerialDate nov12Y2001 = new SpreadsheetDate(12, MonthConstants.NOVEMBER, 2001); int dayOfWeek = nov12Y2001.getDayOfWeek(); assertEquals(SerialDate.MONDAY, dayOfWeek); } /** * Day 2 is the first of the month. */ public void testS2GetDayOfMonth() { final int dayOfMonth = this.s2.getDayOfMonth(); assertEquals(1, dayOfMonth); } /** * Day 2 is in January. */ public void testS2GetMonth() { final int month = this.s2.getMonth(); assertEquals(MonthConstants.JANUARY, month); } /** * Day 2 is in 1900. */ public void testS2GetYYYY() { final int year = this.s2.getYYYY(); assertEquals(1900, year); } /** * Day 37986 is 31 Dec 2003. */ public void test37986() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(37986); assertEquals(31, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.DECEMBER, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2003, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Day 37987 is 1 Jan 2004. */ public void test37987() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(37987); assertEquals(1, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.JANUARY, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2004, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Day 38352 is 31 Dec 2004. */ public void test38352() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(38352); assertEquals(31, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.DECEMBER, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2004, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Day 38353 is 1 Jan 2005. */ public void test38353() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(38353); assertEquals(1, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.JANUARY, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2005, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Create a date for serial number 36584: it should be 28-Feb-2000. */ public void test36584() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(36584); assertEquals(28, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2000, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Create a date for serial number 36585: it should be 29-Feb-2000. */ public void test36585() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(36585); assertEquals(29, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2000, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Create a date for serial number 36586: it should be 1-Mar-2000. */ public void test36586() { final SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(36586); assertEquals(1, d.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(MonthConstants.MARCH, d.getMonth()); assertEquals(2000, d.getYYYY()); } /** * Create a date for 01-Jan-1900: the serial number should be 2. */ public void test01Jan1900ToSerial() { final int serial = this.jan1Y1900.toSerial(); assertEquals(2, serial); } /** * Create a date for 28-Feb-1900: the serial number should be 60. */ public void test28Feb1900ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(28, MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, 1900); assertEquals(60, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 01-Mar-1900: the serial number should be 61. */ public void test01Mar1900ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(1, MonthConstants.MARCH, 1900); assertEquals(61, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 31-Dec-1999: the serial number should be 36525. */ public void test31Dec1999ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(31, MonthConstants.DECEMBER, 1999); assertEquals(36525, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 1-Jan-2000: the serial number should be 36526. */ public void test01Jan2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(1, MonthConstants.JANUARY, 2000); assertEquals(36526, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 31-Jan-2000: the serial number should be 36556. */ public void test31Jan2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(31, MonthConstants.JANUARY, 2000); assertEquals(36556, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 01-Feb-2000: the serial number should be 36557. */ public void test01Feb2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(1, MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, 2000); assertEquals(36557, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 28-Feb-2000: the serial number should be 36584. */ public void test28Feb2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(28, MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, 2000); assertEquals(36584, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 29-Feb-2000: the serial number should be 36585. */ public void test29feb2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(29, MonthConstants.FEBRUARY, 2000); assertEquals(36585, d.toSerial()); } /** * Create a date for 1-Mar-2000: the serial number should be 36586. */ public void test1mar2000ToSerial() { SpreadsheetDate d = new SpreadsheetDate(1, MonthConstants.MARCH, 2000); assertEquals(36586, d.toSerial()); } /** * Serialize an instance, restore it, and check for equality. */ public void testSerialization() { final SpreadsheetDate d1 = new SpreadsheetDate(15, 4, 2000); SpreadsheetDate d2 = null; try { final ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer); out.writeObject(d1); out.close(); ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream( buffer.toByteArray())); d2 = (SpreadsheetDate) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } assertEquals(d1, d2); } /** * Some checks for the getDescription() method. */ public void testGetDescription() { SpreadsheetDate d1 = new SpreadsheetDate(15, 4, 2000); assertEquals(null, d1.getDescription()); d1.setDescription("XYZ"); assertEquals("XYZ", d1.getDescription()); } /** * Some checks for the setDescription() method. */ public void testSetDescription() { SpreadsheetDate d1 = new SpreadsheetDate(15, 4, 2000); assertEquals(null, d1.getDescription()); d1.setDescription("XYZ"); assertEquals("XYZ", d1.getDescription()); d1.setDescription(null); assertEquals(null, d1.getDescription()); } }