/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.schema; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.IndexOptions; import org.apache.lucene.search.SortField; import org.apache.lucene.search.Query; import org.apache.lucene.search.TermRangeQuery; import org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.solr.search.function.ValueSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.OrdFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.search.Sorting; import org.apache.solr.search.QParser; import org.apache.solr.response.TextResponseWriter; import org.apache.solr.response.XMLWriter; import org.apache.solr.analysis.SolrAnalyzer; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.IOException; /** * Base class for all field types used by an index schema. * * @version $Id: FieldType.java 1150848 2011-07-25 18:59:14Z hossman $ */ public abstract class FieldType extends FieldProperties { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FieldType.class); /** * The default poly field separator. * * @see #createFields(SchemaField, String, float) * @see #isPolyField() */ public static final String POLY_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "___"; /** The name of the type (not the name of the field) */ protected String typeName; /** additional arguments specified in the field type declaration */ protected Map<String,String> args; /** properties explicitly set to true */ protected int trueProperties; /** properties explicitly set to false */ protected int falseProperties; int properties; /** Returns true if fields of this type should be tokenized */ public boolean isTokenized() { return (properties & TOKENIZED) != 0; } /** Returns true if fields can have multiple values */ public boolean isMultiValued() { return (properties & MULTIVALUED) != 0; } /** Check if a property is set */ protected boolean hasProperty( int p ) { return (properties & p) != 0; } /** * A "polyField" is a FieldType that can produce more than one Fieldable instance for a single value, via the {@link #createFields(org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField, String, float)} method. This is useful * when hiding the implementation details of a field from the Solr end user. For instance, a spatial point may be represented by multiple different fields. * @return true if the {@link #createFields(org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField, String, float)} method may return more than one field */ public boolean isPolyField(){ return false; } /** Returns true if a single field value of this type has multiple logical values * for the purposes of faceting, sorting, etc. Text fields normally return * true since each token/word is a logical value. */ public boolean multiValuedFieldCache() { return isTokenized(); } /** subclasses should initialize themselves with the args provided * and remove valid arguments. leftover arguments will cause an exception. * Common boolean properties have already been handled. * */ protected void init(IndexSchema schema, Map<String, String> args) { } protected String getArg(String n, Map<String,String> args) { String s = args.remove(n); if (s == null) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Missing parameter '"+n+"' for FieldType=" + typeName +args); } return s; } // Handle additional arguments... void setArgs(IndexSchema schema, Map<String,String> args) { // default to STORED, INDEXED, OMIT_TF_POSITIONS and MULTIVALUED depending on schema version properties = (STORED | INDEXED); float schemaVersion = schema.getVersion(); if (schemaVersion < 1.1f) properties |= MULTIVALUED; if (schemaVersion > 1.1f) properties |= OMIT_TF_POSITIONS; if (schemaVersion < 1.3) { args.remove("compressThreshold"); } this.args=args; Map<String,String> initArgs = new HashMap<String,String>(args); trueProperties = FieldProperties.parseProperties(initArgs,true); falseProperties = FieldProperties.parseProperties(initArgs,false); properties &= ~falseProperties; properties |= trueProperties; for (String prop : FieldProperties.propertyNames) initArgs.remove(prop); init(schema, initArgs); String positionInc = initArgs.get("positionIncrementGap"); if (positionInc != null) { Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(); if (analyzer instanceof SolrAnalyzer) { ((SolrAnalyzer)analyzer).setPositionIncrementGap(Integer.parseInt(positionInc)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set positionIncrementGap on custom analyzer " + analyzer.getClass()); } analyzer = getQueryAnalyzer(); if (analyzer instanceof SolrAnalyzer) { ((SolrAnalyzer)analyzer).setPositionIncrementGap(Integer.parseInt(positionInc)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set positionIncrementGap on custom analyzer " + analyzer.getClass()); } initArgs.remove("positionIncrementGap"); } if (initArgs.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("schema fieldtype " + typeName + "("+ this.getClass().getName() + ")" + " invalid arguments:" + initArgs); } } /** :TODO: document this method */ protected void restrictProps(int props) { if ((properties & props) != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("schema fieldtype " + typeName + "("+ this.getClass().getName() + ")" + " invalid properties:" + propertiesToString(properties & props)); } } /** The Name of this FieldType as specified in the schema file */ public String getTypeName() { return typeName; } void setTypeName(String typeName) { this.typeName = typeName; } @Override public String toString() { return typeName + "{class=" + this.getClass().getName() // + propertiesToString(properties) + (analyzer != null ? ",analyzer=" + analyzer.getClass().getName() : "") + ",args=" + args +"}"; } /** * Used for adding a document when a field needs to be created from a * type and a string. * * <p> * By default, the indexed value is the same as the stored value * (taken from toInternal()). Having a different representation for * external, internal, and indexed would present quite a few problems * given the current Lucene architecture. An analyzer for adding docs * would need to translate internal->indexed while an analyzer for * querying would need to translate external->indexed. * </p> * <p> * The only other alternative to having internal==indexed would be to have * internal==external. In this case, toInternal should convert to * the indexed representation, toExternal() should do nothing, and * createField() should *not* call toInternal, but use the external * value and set tokenized=true to get Lucene to convert to the * internal(indexed) form. * </p> * * :TODO: clean up and clarify this explanation. * * @see #toInternal * * */ public Fieldable createField(SchemaField field, String externalVal, float boost) { if (!field.indexed() && !field.stored()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Ignoring unindexed/unstored field: " + field); return null; } String val; try { val = toInternal(externalVal); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error while creating field '" + field + "' from value '" + externalVal + "'", e, false); } if (val==null) return null; return createField(field.getName(), val, getFieldStore(field, val), getFieldIndex(field, val), getFieldTermVec(field, val), field.omitNorms(), getIndexOptions(field, val), boost); } /** * Create the field from native Lucene parts. Mostly intended for use by FieldTypes outputing multiple * Fields per SchemaField * @param name The name of the field * @param val The _internal_ value to index * @param storage {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store} * @param index {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index} * @param vec {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field.TermVector} * @param omitNorms true if norms should be omitted * @param options options for what should be indexed in the postings * @param boost The boost value * @return the {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field}. */ protected Fieldable createField(String name, String val, Field.Store storage, Field.Index index, Field.TermVector vec, boolean omitNorms, IndexOptions options, float boost){ Field f = new Field(name, val, storage, index, vec); if (index.isIndexed()) { f.setOmitNorms(omitNorms); f.setIndexOptions(options); f.setBoost(boost); } return f; } /** * Given a {@link org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField}, create one or more {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable} instances * @param field the {@link org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField} * @param externalVal The value to add to the field * @param boost The boost to apply * @return An array of {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable} * * @see #createField(SchemaField, String, float) * @see #isPolyField() */ public Fieldable[] createFields(SchemaField field, String externalVal, float boost) { Fieldable f = createField( field, externalVal, boost); return f==null ? new Fieldable[]{} : new Fieldable[]{f}; } /* Helpers for field construction */ protected Field.TermVector getFieldTermVec(SchemaField field, String internalVal) { Field.TermVector ftv = Field.TermVector.NO; if (field.storeTermPositions() && field.storeTermOffsets()) ftv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS; else if (field.storeTermPositions()) ftv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS; else if (field.storeTermOffsets()) ftv = Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS; else if (field.storeTermVector()) ftv = Field.TermVector.YES; return ftv; } protected Field.Store getFieldStore(SchemaField field, String internalVal) { return field.stored() ? Field.Store.YES : Field.Store.NO; } protected Field.Index getFieldIndex(SchemaField field, String internalVal) { return field.indexed() ? (isTokenized() ? Field.Index.ANALYZED : Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED) : Field.Index.NO; } protected IndexOptions getIndexOptions(SchemaField field, String internalVal) { IndexOptions options = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS; if (field.omitTermFreqAndPositions()) { options = IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY; } else if (field.omitPositions()) { options = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS; } return options; } /** * Convert an external value (from XML update command or from query string) * into the internal format for both storing and indexing (which can be modified by any analyzers). * @see #toExternal */ public String toInternal(String val) { // - used in delete when a Term needs to be created. // - used by the default getTokenizer() and createField() return val; } /** * Convert the stored-field format to an external (string, human readable) * value * @see #toInternal */ public String toExternal(Fieldable f) { // currently used in writing XML of the search result (but perhaps // a more efficient toXML(Fieldable f, Writer w) should be used // in the future. return f.stringValue(); } /** * Convert the stored-field format to an external object. * @see #toInternal * @since solr 1.3 */ public Object toObject(Fieldable f) { return toExternal(f); // by default use the string } /** Given an indexed term, return the human readable representation */ public String indexedToReadable(String indexedForm) { return indexedForm; } /** Given the stored field, return the human readable representation */ public String storedToReadable(Fieldable f) { return toExternal(f); } /** Given the stored field, return the indexed form */ public String storedToIndexed(Fieldable f) { // right now, the transformation of single valued fields like SortableInt // is done when the Field is created, not at analysis time... this means // that the indexed form is the same as the stored field form. return f.stringValue(); } /** Given the readable value, return the term value that will match it. */ public String readableToIndexed(String val) { return toInternal(val); } /** * Default analyzer for types that only produce 1 verbatim token... * A maximum size of chars to be read must be specified */ protected final class DefaultAnalyzer extends SolrAnalyzer { final int maxChars; DefaultAnalyzer(int maxChars) { this.maxChars=maxChars; } @Override public TokenStreamInfo getStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) { Tokenizer ts = new Tokenizer(reader) { final char[] cbuf = new char[maxChars]; final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); @Override public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException { clearAttributes(); int n = input.read(cbuf,0,maxChars); if (n<=0) return false; String s = toInternal(new String(cbuf,0,n)); termAtt.setEmpty().append(s); offsetAtt.setOffset(correctOffset(0),correctOffset(n)); return true; } }; return new TokenStreamInfo(ts, ts); } } /** * Analyzer set by schema for text types to use when indexing fields * of this type, subclasses can set analyzer themselves or override * getAnalyzer() * @see #getAnalyzer * @see #setAnalyzer */ protected Analyzer analyzer=new DefaultAnalyzer(256); /** * Analyzer set by schema for text types to use when searching fields * of this type, subclasses can set analyzer themselves or override * getAnalyzer() * @see #getQueryAnalyzer * @see #setQueryAnalyzer */ protected Analyzer queryAnalyzer=analyzer; /** * Returns the Analyzer to be used when indexing fields of this type. * <p> * This method may be called many times, at any time. * </p> * @see #getQueryAnalyzer */ public Analyzer getAnalyzer() { return analyzer; } /** * Returns the Analyzer to be used when searching fields of this type. * <p> * This method may be called many times, at any time. * </p> * @see #getAnalyzer */ public Analyzer getQueryAnalyzer() { return queryAnalyzer; } private final String analyzerError = "FieldType: " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " (" + typeName + ") does not support specifying an analyzer"; /** * Sets the Analyzer to be used when indexing fields of this type. * * <p> * The default implementation throws a SolrException. * Subclasses that override this method need to ensure the behavior * of the analyzer is consistent with the implementation of toInternal. * </p> * * @see #toInternal * @see #setQueryAnalyzer * @see #getAnalyzer */ public void setAnalyzer(Analyzer analyzer) { SolrException e = new SolrException (ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "FieldType: " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " (" + typeName + ") does not support specifying an analyzer"); SolrException.logOnce(log,null,e); throw e; } /** * Sets the Analyzer to be used when querying fields of this type. * * <p> * The default implementation throws a SolrException. * Subclasses that override this method need to ensure the behavior * of the analyzer is consistent with the implementation of toInternal. * </p> * * @see #toInternal * @see #setAnalyzer * @see #getQueryAnalyzer */ public void setQueryAnalyzer(Analyzer analyzer) { SolrException e = new SolrException (ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "FieldType: " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " (" + typeName + ") does not support specifying an analyzer"); SolrException.logOnce(log,null,e); throw e; } /** * Renders the specified field as XML */ public abstract void write(XMLWriter xmlWriter, String name, Fieldable f) throws IOException; /** * calls back to TextResponseWriter to write the field value */ public abstract void write(TextResponseWriter writer, String name, Fieldable f) throws IOException; /** * Returns the SortField instance that should be used to sort fields * of this type. * @see SchemaField#checkSortability */ public abstract SortField getSortField(SchemaField field, boolean top); /** * Utility usable by subclasses when they want to get basic String sorting * using common checks. * @see SchemaField#checkSortability */ protected SortField getStringSort(SchemaField field, boolean reverse) { field.checkSortability(); return Sorting.getStringSortField(field.name, reverse, field.sortMissingLast(),field.sortMissingFirst()); } /** called to get the default value source (normally, from the * Lucene FieldCache.) */ public ValueSource getValueSource(SchemaField field, QParser parser) { field.checkFieldCacheSource(parser); return new OrdFieldSource(field.name); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getValueSource(SchemaField, QParser)} */ @Deprecated public ValueSource getValueSource(SchemaField field) { return getValueSource(field,null); } /** * Returns a Query instance for doing range searches on this field type. {@link org.apache.solr.search.SolrQueryParser} * currently passes part1 and part2 as null if they are '*' respectively. minInclusive and maxInclusive are both true * currently by SolrQueryParser but that may change in the future. Also, other QueryParser implementations may have * different semantics. * <p/> * Sub-classes should override this method to provide their own range query implementation. They should strive to * handle nulls in part1 and/or part2 as well as unequal minInclusive and maxInclusive parameters gracefully. * * @param parser * @param field the schema field * @param part1 the lower boundary of the range, nulls are allowed. * @param part2 the upper boundary of the range, nulls are allowed * @param minInclusive whether the minimum of the range is inclusive or not * @param maxInclusive whether the maximum of the range is inclusive or not * @return a Query instance to perform range search according to given parameters * * @see org.apache.solr.search.SolrQueryParser#getRangeQuery(String, String, String, boolean) */ public Query getRangeQuery(QParser parser, SchemaField field, String part1, String part2, boolean minInclusive, boolean maxInclusive) { // constant score mode is now enabled per default return new TermRangeQuery( field.getName(), part1 == null ? null : toInternal(part1), part2 == null ? null : toInternal(part2), minInclusive, maxInclusive); } /** * Returns a Query instance for doing searches against a field. * @param parser The {@link org.apache.solr.search.QParser} calling the method * @param field The {@link org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField} of the field to search * @param externalVal The String representation of the value to search * @return The {@link org.apache.lucene.search.Query} instance. This implementation returns a {@link org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery} but overriding queries may not * */ public Query getFieldQuery(QParser parser, SchemaField field, String externalVal) { return new TermQuery(new Term(field.getName(), toInternal(externalVal))); } }