/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.search; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory; import org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelector; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** Solr wrapper for IndexReader that contains extra context. * This is currently experimental, for internal use only, and subject to change. */ public class SolrIndexReader extends FilterIndexReader { private final SolrIndexReader[] subReaders; private final SolrIndexReader[] leafReaders; private int[] leafOffsets; private final SolrIndexReader parent; private final int base; // docid offset of this reader within parent private static int[] zeroIntArray = new int[]{0}; // top level searcher for this reader tree // a bit if a hack currently... searcher needs to set SolrIndexSearcher searcher; public SolrIndexSearcher getSearcher() { return searcher; } // Shared info about the wrapped reader. private SolrReaderInfo info; /** Recursively wrap an IndexReader in SolrIndexReader instances. * @param in the reader to wrap * @param parent the parent, if any (null if none) * @param base the docid offset in the parent (0 if top level) */ public SolrIndexReader(IndexReader in, SolrIndexReader parent, int base) { super(in); assert(!(in instanceof SolrIndexReader)); this.parent = parent; this.base = base; IndexReader subs[] = in.getSequentialSubReaders(); if (subs != null) { subReaders = new SolrIndexReader[subs.length]; int numLeaves = subs.length; leafOffsets = new int[numLeaves]; int b=0; for (int i=0; i<subReaders.length; i++) { SolrIndexReader sir = subReaders[i] = new SolrIndexReader(subs[i], this, b); leafOffsets[i] = b; b += sir.maxDoc(); IndexReader subLeaves[] = sir.leafReaders; numLeaves += subLeaves.length - 1; // subtract 1 for the parent } leafReaders = getLeaves(numLeaves); } else { subReaders = null; leafReaders = new SolrIndexReader[]{this}; leafOffsets = zeroIntArray; } } private SolrIndexReader[] getLeaves(int numLeaves) { // fast path for a normal multiReader if (subReaders==null || numLeaves == subReaders.length) return subReaders; SolrIndexReader[] leaves = new SolrIndexReader[numLeaves]; leafOffsets = new int[numLeaves]; int i=0; int b = 0; for (SolrIndexReader sir : subReaders) { SolrIndexReader subLeaves[] = sir.leafReaders; if (subLeaves == null) { leafOffsets[i] = b; b += sir.maxDoc(); leaves[i++] = sir; } else { for (SolrIndexReader subLeaf : subLeaves) { leafOffsets[i] = b; b += subLeaf.maxDoc(); leaves[i++] = subLeaf; } } } assert(i == numLeaves && b == maxDoc()); return leaves; } /** return the leaf readers in this reader tree, or an array of size 1 containing "this" if "this" is a leaf */ public SolrIndexReader[] getLeafReaders() { return leafReaders; } /** Return the doc id offsets for each leaf reader. This will be different than getBase() for * any leaf reader who is not a direct descendant of "this". */ public int[] getLeafOffsets() { return leafOffsets; } /** Given an array of IndexReader offsets, find which contains the given doc */ public static int readerIndex(int doc, int[] offsets) { // find reader for doc doc: int high = offsets.length - 1; // fast-path for a big optimized index and a bunch of smaller ones. if (high <= 0 || doc < offsets[1]) return 0; int low = 1; while (high >= low) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; int offset = offsets[mid]; // check low first since first segments are normally bigger. if (doc < offset) high = mid - 1; else if (doc > offset) { low = mid + 1; } else { // exact match on the offset. return mid; } } // low is the insertion point, high should be just below that (and the segment we want). return high; } static String shortName(Object o) { return o.getClass().getSimpleName()+ "@" + Integer.toHexString(o.hashCode()); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SolrIndexReader{this=").append(Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode())); sb.append(",r=").append(shortName(in)); sb.append(",refCnt=").append(getRefCount()); sb.append(",segments="); sb.append(subReaders == null ? 1 : subReaders.length); if (parent != null) { sb.append(",parent=").append(parent.toString()); } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } static void setSearcher(SolrIndexReader sr, SolrIndexSearcher searcher) { sr.searcher = searcher; SolrIndexReader[] readers = sr.getSequentialSubReaders(); if (readers == null) return; for (SolrIndexReader r : readers) { setSearcher(r, searcher); } } private static void buildInfoMap(SolrIndexReader other, HashMap<IndexReader, SolrReaderInfo> map) { if (other == null) return; map.put(other.getWrappedReader(), other.info); SolrIndexReader[] readers = other.getSequentialSubReaders(); if (readers == null) return; for (SolrIndexReader r : readers) { buildInfoMap(r, map); } } private static void setInfo(SolrIndexReader target, HashMap<IndexReader, SolrReaderInfo> map) { SolrReaderInfo info = map.get(target.getWrappedReader()); if (info == null) info = new SolrReaderInfo(target.getWrappedReader()); target.info = info; SolrIndexReader[] readers = target.getSequentialSubReaders(); if (readers == null) return; for (SolrIndexReader r : readers) { setInfo(r, map); } } /** Copies SolrReaderInfo instances from the source to this SolrIndexReader */ public void associateInfo(SolrIndexReader source) { // seemed safer to not mess with reopen() but simply set // one set of caches from another reader tree. HashMap<IndexReader, SolrReaderInfo> map = new HashMap<IndexReader, SolrReaderInfo>(); buildInfoMap(source, map); setInfo(this, map); } public IndexReader getWrappedReader() { return in; } /** returns the parent reader, or null of none */ public SolrIndexReader getParent() { return parent; } /** returns the docid offset within the parent reader */ public int getBase() { return base; } @Override public Directory directory() { return in.directory(); } @Override public TermFreqVector[] getTermFreqVectors(int docNumber) throws IOException { return in.getTermFreqVectors(docNumber); } @Override public TermFreqVector getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, String field) throws IOException { return in.getTermFreqVector(docNumber, field); } @Override public void getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, String field, TermVectorMapper mapper) throws IOException { in.getTermFreqVector(docNumber, field, mapper); } @Override public void getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, TermVectorMapper mapper) throws IOException { in.getTermFreqVector(docNumber, mapper); } @Override public int numDocs() { return in.numDocs(); } @Override public int maxDoc() { return in.maxDoc(); } @Override public Document document(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return in.document(n, fieldSelector); } @Override public boolean isDeleted(int n) { return in.isDeleted(n); } @Override public boolean hasDeletions() { return in.hasDeletions(); } @Override protected void doUndeleteAll() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {in.undeleteAll();} @Override public boolean hasNorms(String field) throws IOException { return in.hasNorms(field); } @Override public byte[] norms(String f) throws IOException { return in.norms(f); } @Override public void norms(String f, byte[] bytes, int offset) throws IOException { in.norms(f, bytes, offset); } @Override protected void doSetNorm(int d, String f, byte b) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { in.setNorm(d, f, b); } @Override public TermEnum terms() throws IOException { return in.terms(); } @Override public TermEnum terms(Term t) throws IOException { return in.terms(t); } @Override public int docFreq(Term t) throws IOException { ensureOpen(); return in.docFreq(t); } @Override public TermDocs termDocs() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); return in.termDocs(); } @Override public TermDocs termDocs(Term term) throws IOException { ensureOpen(); return in.termDocs(term); } @Override public TermPositions termPositions() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); return in.termPositions(); } @Override protected void doDelete(int n) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { in.deleteDocument(n); } // Let FilterIndexReader handle commit()... we cannot override commit() // or call in.commit() ourselves. // protected void doCommit() throws IOException { in.commit(); } @Override protected void doClose() throws IOException { in.close(); } @Override public Collection getFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption fieldNames) { return in.getFieldNames(fieldNames); } @Override public long getVersion() { return in.getVersion(); } @Override public boolean isCurrent() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return in.isCurrent(); } @Override public boolean isOptimized() { return in.isOptimized(); } @Override public SolrIndexReader[] getSequentialSubReaders() { return subReaders; } @Override public int hashCode() { return in.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof SolrIndexReader) { o = ((SolrIndexReader)o).in; } return in.equals(o); } @Override public int getRefCount() { return in.getRefCount(); } @Override public IndexReader reopen(IndexCommit commit) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return in.reopen(commit); } @Override public Object clone() { // hmmm, is this right? return super.clone(); } @Override public IndexReader clone(boolean openReadOnly) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { // hmmm, is this right? return super.clone(openReadOnly); } @Override public Map getCommitUserData() { return in.getCommitUserData(); } @Override public long getUniqueTermCount() throws IOException { return super.getUniqueTermCount(); } @Override public SolrIndexReader reopen(boolean openReadOnly) throws IOException { IndexReader r = in.reopen(openReadOnly); if (r == in) { return this; } SolrIndexReader sr = new SolrIndexReader(r, null, 0); sr.associateInfo(this); return sr; } @Override public SolrIndexReader reopen() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return reopen(true); } @Override public void decRef() throws IOException { in.decRef(); } @Override public void deleteDocument(int docNum) throws StaleReaderException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException { in.deleteDocument(docNum); } @Override public int deleteDocuments(Term term) throws StaleReaderException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException { return in.deleteDocuments(term); } @Override public Document document(int n) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return in.document(n); } // @Override // public String getCommitUserData() { // return in.getCommitUserData(); // } @Override public IndexCommit getIndexCommit() throws IOException { return in.getIndexCommit(); } @Override public void incRef() { in.incRef(); } @Override public int numDeletedDocs() { return in.numDeletedDocs(); } @Override public void setNorm(int doc, String field, byte value) throws StaleReaderException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException { in.setNorm(doc, field, value); } @Override public void setNorm(int doc, String field, float value) throws StaleReaderException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException { in.setNorm(doc, field, value); } @Override public TermPositions termPositions(Term term) throws IOException { return in.termPositions(term); } @Override public void undeleteAll() throws StaleReaderException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException { in.undeleteAll(); } @Override public Object getCoreCacheKey() { return in.getCoreCacheKey(); } @Override public int getTermInfosIndexDivisor() { return in.getTermInfosIndexDivisor(); } } /** SolrReaderInfo contains information that is the same for * every SolrIndexReader that wraps the same IndexReader. * Multiple SolrIndexReader instances will be accessing this * class concurrently. */ class SolrReaderInfo { private final IndexReader reader; public SolrReaderInfo(IndexReader reader) { this.reader = reader; } public IndexReader getReader() { return reader; } }