package com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.ColumnDef; import org.junit.*; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.*; public class DDLParserTest { public String getSQLDir() { final String dir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); return dir + "/src/test/resources/sql/"; } private List<SchemaChange> parse(String sql) { return SchemaChange.parse("default_db", sql); } private TableAlter parseAlter(String sql) { return (TableAlter) parse(sql).get(0); } private TableCreate parseCreate(String sql) { return (TableCreate) parse(sql).get(0); } @Test public void testBasic() { MaxwellSQLSyntaxError e = null; assertThat(parseAlter("ALTER TABLE `foo` ADD col1 text"), is(not(nullValue()))); try { parseAlter("ALTER TABLE foolkj `foo` lkjlkj"); } catch ( MaxwellSQLSyntaxError err ) { e = err; } assertThat(e, is(not(nullValue()))); } @Test public void testColumnAdd() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("ALTER TABLE `foo`.`bar` ADD column `col1` text AFTER `afterCol`"); assertThat(a, is(not(nullValue()))); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("col1")); assertThat(m.definition, not(nullValue())); assertThat(m.position.position, is(ColumnPosition.Position.AFTER)); assertThat(m.position.afterColumn, is("afterCol")); } @Test public void testIntColumnTypes_1() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table foo add column `int` int(11) unsigned not null AFTER `afterCol`"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("int")); assertThat(m.definition, instanceOf(IntColumnDef.class)); IntColumnDef i = (IntColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(i.getName(), is("int")); assertThat(i.getType(), is("int")); assertThat(i.isSigned(), is(false)); } @Test public void testIntColumnTypes_2() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table `fie` add column baz bigINT null"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("baz")); BigIntColumnDef b = (BigIntColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(b.getType(), is("bigint")); assertThat(b.isSigned(), is(true)); assertThat(b.getName(), is("baz")); } @Test public void testVarchar() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table add column mocha varchar(255) character set latin1 not null"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("mocha")); StringColumnDef b = (StringColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(b.getType(), is("varchar")); assertThat(b.getCharset(), is("latin1")); } @Test public void testText() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table add column mocha TEXT character set 'utf8' collate 'utf8_foo'"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); StringColumnDef b = (StringColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(b.getType(), is("text")); assertThat(b.getCharset(), is("utf8")); } @Test public void testDefault() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table add column mocha TEXT default 'hello'''''"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); StringColumnDef b = (StringColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(b.getType(), is("text")); } @Test public void testLots() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table bar add column m TEXT character set utf8 " + "default null " + "auto_increment " + "unique key " + "primary key " + "comment 'bar' " + "column_format fixed " + "storage disk"); AddColumnMod m = (AddColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); StringColumnDef b = (StringColumnDef) m.definition; assertThat(b.getType(), is("text")); assertThat(b.getCharset(), is("utf8")); } @Test public void testMultipleColumns() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table bar add column m int(11) unsigned not null, add p varchar(255)"); assertThat(a.columnMods.size(), is(2)); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(0).name, is("m")); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(1).name, is("p")); } @Test public void testMultipleColumnWithParens() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table bar add column (m int(11) unsigned not null, p varchar(255))"); assertThat(a.columnMods.size(), is(2)); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(0).name, is("m")); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(1).name, is("p")); } @Test public void testParsingSomeAlters() { String testSQL[] = { "alter database d DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = 'utf8'", "alter database d UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME", "alter schema d COLLATE foo", "alter table t add index `foo` using btree (`a`, `cd`) key_block_size=123", "alter table t add key bar (d)", "alter table t add constraint `foo` primary key using btree (id)", "alter table t add primary key (`id`)", "alter table t add constraint unique key (`id`)", "alter table t add fulltext key (`id`)", "alter table t add index foo (a desc)", "alter table t add index foo (a asc)", "alter table t add index foo (a) COMMENT 'hello world'", "alter table t add spatial key (`id`)", "ALTER TABLE foo ADD feee int(11) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'eee' AFTER id", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT 112312", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT 1.2", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT 'foo'", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT true", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT false", "alter table t alter column `foo` SET DEFAULT -1", "alter table t alter column `foo` drop default", "alter table t CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE = 'utf8'", "ALTER TABLE `test` ENGINE=`InnoDB` CHARACTER SET latin1", "alter table t DROP PRIMARY KEY", "alter table t drop index `foo`", "alter table t disable keys", "alter table t enable keys", "alter table t order by `foor`, bar", "alter table tester add index (whatever(20), `f,` (2))", "create table t ( id int ) engine = innodb, auto_increment = 5", "alter table t engine=innodb", "alter table t auto_increment =5", "alter table t add column `foo` int, auto_increment = 5 engine=innodb, modify column bar int", "alter table t add column `foo` int, ALGORITHM=copy", "alter table t add column `foo` int, algorithm copy", "alter table t add column `foo` int, algorithm copy, lock shared", "alter table t add column `foo` int, algorithm copy, lock=exclusive", "create table t (id int) engine=memory", "CREATE TABLE `t1` (id int, UNIQUE `int` (`int`))", "create table t2 (b varchar(10) not null unique) engine=MyISAM", "create TABLE shard_1.20151214foo ( r1 REAL, b2 REAL (2,2) )", "create TABLE shard_1.20151214 ( r1 REAL, b2 REAL (2,2) )", "create table `` ( `` int )", "create table `` ( `` int ) collate = `utf8_bin`", "ALTER TABLE .`users` CHANGE COLUMN `password` `password` VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin' NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Length 60 for Bcrypt'", "create table `` ( `` int ) collate = `utf8_bin`", "create table if not exists audit_payer_bank_details (event_time TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())", "ALTER TABLE foo RENAME INDEX index_quote_request_follow_on_data_on_model_name TO index_quote_request_follow_on_data_on_model_class_name", "ALTER TABLE foo DROP COLUMN `ducati` CASCADE", "CREATE TABLE account_groups ( visible_to_all CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL CHECK (visible_to_all IN ('Y','N')))", "create table vc11( id serial, name varchar(10) not null default \"\")" }; for ( String s : testSQL ) { SchemaChange parsed = parse(s).get(0); assertThat("Expected " + s + "to parse", parsed, not(nullValue())); } } @Test public void testSQLBlacklist() { String testSQL[] = { "CREATE -- comment\nEVENT foo", "/*!50003 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `DAY_NAME_FROM_NUMER` */", "ALTER DEFINER=foo VIEW", "CREATE VIEW foo", "CREATE TRIGGER foo", "CREATE DEFINER=`dba`@`localhost` TRIGGER `pt_osc_zd_shard485_prod_cf_values_del` ... ", "CREATE EVENT foo ", "DROP EVENT foo bar", "ALTER ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER='view'@'localhost' SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `fooview` as (SELECT * FROM FOO)" + "VIEW view_name [(alskdj lk jdlfka j dlkjd lk", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 172898_16841_transmem SELECT t.* FROM map.transmem AS t", "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS 172898_16841_transmem", "ALTER TEMPORARY TABLE 172898_16841_transmem ADD something VARCHAR(1)", "/* hi bob */ CREATE EVENT FOO", "DELETE FROM `foo`.`bar`" }; for ( String s : testSQL ) { assertThat(SchemaChange.parse("default_db", s), is(nullValue())); } } @Test public void testChangeColumn() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table c CHANGE column `foo` bar int(20) unsigned default 'foo' not null"); assertThat(a.columnMods.size(), is(1)); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(0), instanceOf(ChangeColumnMod.class)); ChangeColumnMod c = (ChangeColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("foo")); assertThat(c.definition.getName(), is("bar")); assertThat(c.definition.getType(), is("int")); } @Test public void testModifyColumn() throws IOException { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table c MODIFY column `foo` bigint(20) unsigned default 'foo' not null"); ChangeColumnMod c = (ChangeColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("foo")); assertThat(c.definition.getName(), is("foo")); assertThat(c.definition.getType(), is("bigint")); } @Test public void testDropColumn() { RemoveColumnMod remove; TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table c drop column `drop`"); assertThat(a.columnMods.size(), is(1)); assertThat(a.columnMods.get(0), instanceOf(RemoveColumnMod.class)); remove = (RemoveColumnMod) a.columnMods.get(0); assertThat(, is("drop")); } @Test public void testRenameTable() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table c rename to `foo`"); assertThat(a.newTableName, is("foo")); a = parseAlter("alter table c rename to `foo`.`bar`"); assertThat(a.newDatabase, is("foo")); assertThat(a.newTableName, is("bar")); } @Test public void testConvertCharset() { TableAlter a = parseAlter("alter table c convert to character set 'latin1'"); assertThat(a.convertCharset, is("latin1")); a = parseAlter("alter table c charset=utf8"); assertThat(a.defaultCharset, is("utf8")); a = parseAlter("alter table c character set = 'utf8'"); assertThat(a.defaultCharset, is("utf8")); } @Test public void testCreateTable() { TableCreate c = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE `foo` ( id int(11) auto_increment not null, `textcol` mediumtext character set 'utf8' not null )"); assertThat(c.database, is("default_db")); assertThat(c.table, is("foo")); assertThat(c.columns.size(), is(2)); assertThat(c.columns.get(0).getName(), is("id")); assertThat(c.columns.get(1).getName(), is("textcol")); } @Test public void testCreateTableWithIndexes() { TableCreate c = parseCreate( "CREATE TABLE `bar`.`foo` (" + "id int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, " + "dt datetime, " + "KEY `index_on_datetime` (dt), " + "KEY (`something else`), " + "INDEX USING BTREE (yet_again)" + ")"); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); } @Test public void testCreateTableWithOptions() { TableCreate c = parseCreate( "CREATE TABLE `bar`.`foo` (" + "id int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" + ") " + "ENGINE=innodb " + "CHARACTER SET='latin1' " + "ROW_FORMAT=FIXED" ); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); } @Test public void testDecimalWithSingleDigitPrecsion() { TableCreate c = parseCreate( "CREATE TABLE test.chk ( group_name DECIMAL(8) NOT NULL) "); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); } @Test public void testDecimalWithDoubleDigitPrecision() { TableCreate c = parseCreate( "CREATE TABLE test.chk ( group_name DECIMAL(8, 2) NOT NULL) "); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); } @Test public void testNumericType() { TableCreate c = parseCreate( "CREATE TABLE test.chk ( group_name NUMERIC(8) NOT NULL) "); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); } @Test public void testCreateTableLikeTable() { TableCreate c = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE `foo` LIKE `bar`.`baz`"); assertThat(c, not(nullValue())); assertThat(c.table, is("foo")); assertThat(c.likeDB, is("bar")); assertThat(c.likeTable, is("baz")); } @Test public void testDropTable() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("DROP TABLE IF exists `foo`.bar, `bar`.baz"); assertThat(changes.size(), is(2)); TableDrop d = (TableDrop) changes.get(0); assertThat(d.table, is("bar")); assertThat(d.database, is("foo")); } @Test public void testCreateDatabase() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE DATABASE if not exists `foo` default character set='latin1'"); DatabaseCreate create = (DatabaseCreate) changes.get(0); assertThat(create.database, is("foo")); assertThat(create.charset, is("latin1")); } @Test public void testCreateSchema() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE SCHEMA if not exists `foo`"); DatabaseCreate create = (DatabaseCreate) changes.get(0); assertThat(create.database, is("foo")); } @Test public void testCommentSyntax() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE DATABASE if not exists `foo` default character set='latin1' /* generate by server */"); assertThat(changes.size(), is(1)); } @Test public void testCommentSyntax2() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE DATABASE if not exists `foo` -- inline comment!\n default character # another one\nset='latin1' --one at the end"); assertThat(changes.size(), is(1)); } @Test public void testCurrentTimestamp() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE TABLE `foo` ( `id` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )"); assertThat(changes.size(), is(1)); } @Test public void testBinaryChar() { List<SchemaChange> changes = parse("CREATE TABLE `foo` ( `id` char(16) BINARY character set 'utf8' )"); assertThat(changes.size(), is(1)); } @Test public void testCharsetPositionIndependence() { TableCreate create = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE `foo` (id varchar(1) NOT NULL character set 'foo')"); ColumnDef c = create.columns.get(0); assertThat(c, is(instanceOf(StringColumnDef.class))); assertThat(((StringColumnDef) c).getCharset(), is("foo")); create = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE `foo` (id varchar(1) character set 'foo' NOT NULL)"); c = create.columns.get(0); assertThat(c, is(instanceOf(StringColumnDef.class))); assertThat(((StringColumnDef) c).getCharset(), is("foo")); } @Test public void testCreateTableNamedPrimaryKey() { /* not documented, but accepted and ignored to table the primary key. */ TableCreate create = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE db (foo char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY Host (foo,Db,User))"); assertThat(create, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(create.pks.size(), is(3)); } @Test public void testCommentsThatAreNotComments() { TableCreate create = parseCreate("CREATE TABLE /*! IF NOT EXISTS */ foo (id int primary key)"); assertThat(create, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(create.ifNotExists, is(true)); } @Test public void testBinaryColumnDefaults() { assertThat(parseCreate("CREATE TABLE foo (id boolean default true)"), is(notNullValue())); assertThat(parseCreate("CREATE TABLE foo (id boolean default false)"), is(notNullValue())); } @Test public void testAlterOrderBy() { assertThat(parseAlter("ALTER TABLE t1 ORDER BY, t1.status, t1.type_id, t1.user_id, t1.body"), is(notNullValue())); } @Test public void testMysqlTestFixedSQL() throws Exception { int i = 1; List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-fixed.sql"), Charset.defaultCharset()); for ( String sql: lines ) { parse(sql); } } @Test public void testMysqlTestPartitionSQL() throws Exception { int i = 1; boolean outputFirst = false; List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-partition.sql"), Charset.defaultCharset()); for ( String sql: lines ) { try { parse(sql); } catch ( Exception e ) { assertThat(e.getMessage() + "\nline: " + i + ": " + sql, true, is(false)); } i++; } } @Test public void testMysqlGIS() throws Exception { List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-gis.sql"), Charset.defaultCharset()); for ( String sql: lines ) { parse(sql); } } @Ignore @Test public void testMysqlTestSQL() throws Exception { int i = 1; List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-errors.sql"), Charset.defaultCharset()); for ( String sql: lines ) { parse(sql); } } @Ignore @Test public void generateTestFiles() throws Exception { FileOutputStream problems = new FileOutputStream(new File(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-errors.sql")); FileOutputStream fixed = new FileOutputStream(new File(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test-fixed.sql")); int nFixed = 0, nErr = 0; List<String> assertions = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getSQLDir() + "/ddl/mysql-test.sql"), Charset.defaultCharset()); for ( String sql: lines ) { try { parse(sql); nFixed++; fixed.write((sql + "\n").getBytes()); } catch ( Exception e) { assertions.add(sql); problems.write((sql + "\n").getBytes()); nErr++; System.err.println(sql); } } System.out.println(nFixed + " fixed, " + nErr + " remain."); } }