package com.zendesk.maxwell.bootstrap; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.BinlogPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.MaxwellContext; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Replicator; import com.zendesk.maxwell.row.RowMap; import com.zendesk.maxwell.producer.AbstractProducer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.Database; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.Schema; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.Table; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.ColumnDef; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class SynchronousBootstrapper extends AbstractBootstrapper { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SynchronousBootstrapper.class); private static final long INSERTED_ROWS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MILLIS = 250; private long lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0; public SynchronousBootstrapper(MaxwellContext context) { super(context); } @Override public boolean shouldSkip(RowMap row) { // the synchronous bootstrapper blocks other incoming messages // to the replication stream so there's nothing to skip return false; } @Override public void startBootstrap(RowMap startBootstrapRow, AbstractProducer producer, Replicator replicator) throws Exception { String databaseName = bootstrapDatabase(startBootstrapRow); String tableName = bootstrapTable(startBootstrapRow); String whereClause = bootstrapWhere(startBootstrapRow); String logString = String.format("bootstrapping request for %s.%s", databaseName, tableName); if ( whereClause != null ) { logString += String.format(" with where clause %s", whereClause); } LOGGER.debug(logString); Schema schema = replicator.getSchema(); Database database = findDatabase(schema, databaseName); Table table = findTable(tableName, database); Position position = startBootstrapRow.getPosition(); producer.push(startBootstrapRow); producer.push(bootstrapStartRowMap(table, position));"bootstrapping started for %s.%s, binlog position is %s", databaseName, tableName, position.toString())); try ( Connection connection = getConnection(); Connection streamingConnection = getStreamingConnection()) { setBootstrapRowToStarted(startBootstrapRow, connection); ResultSet resultSet = getAllRows(databaseName, tableName, schema, whereClause, streamingConnection); int insertedRows = 0; lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0; // ensure updateInsertedRowsColumn is called at least once while ( ) { RowMap row = bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-insert", table, position); setRowValues(row, resultSet, table); if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.debug("bootstrapping row : " + row.toJSON()); producer.push(row); ++insertedRows; updateInsertedRowsColumn(insertedRows, startBootstrapRow, position.getBinlogPosition(), connection); } setBootstrapRowToCompleted(insertedRows, startBootstrapRow, connection); } } private void updateInsertedRowsColumn(int insertedRows, RowMap startBootstrapRow, BinlogPosition position, Connection connection) throws SQLException, NoSuchElementException { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( now - lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis > INSERTED_ROWS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MILLIS ) { long rowId = ( long ) startBootstrapRow.getData("id"); String sql = "update `bootstrap` set inserted_rows = ?, binlog_file = ?, binlog_position = ? where id = ?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1, insertedRows); preparedStatement.setString(2, position.getFile()); preparedStatement.setLong(3, position.getOffset()); preparedStatement.setLong(4, rowId); if ( preparedStatement.executeUpdate() == 0 ) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = now; } } protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { Connection conn = context.getReplicationConnection(); conn.setCatalog(context.getConfig().databaseName); return conn; } protected Connection getStreamingConnection() throws SQLException { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(context.getConfig().replicationMysql.getConnectionURI(), context.getConfig().replicationMysql.user, context.getConfig().replicationMysql.password); conn.setCatalog(context.getConfig().databaseName); return conn; } private RowMap bootstrapStartRowMap(Table table, Position position) { return bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-start", table, position); } private RowMap bootstrapCompleteRowMap(Table table, Position position) { return bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-complete", table, position); } private RowMap bootstrapEventRowMap(String type, Table table, Position position) { return new RowMap( type, table.getDatabase(), table.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, table.getPKList(), position); } @Override public void completeBootstrap(RowMap completeBootstrapRow, AbstractProducer producer, Replicator replicator) throws Exception { String databaseName = bootstrapDatabase(completeBootstrapRow); String tableName = bootstrapTable(completeBootstrapRow); Database database = findDatabase(replicator.getSchema(), databaseName); ensureTable(tableName, database); Table table = findTable(tableName, database); Position position = completeBootstrapRow.getPosition(); producer.push(completeBootstrapRow); producer.push(bootstrapCompleteRowMap(table, position));"bootstrapping ended for %s.%s", databaseName, tableName)); } @Override public void resume(AbstractProducer producer, Replicator replicator) throws Exception { try ( Connection connection = context.getMaxwellConnection() ) { // This update resets all rows of incomplete bootstraps to their original state. // These updates are treated as fresh bootstrap requests and trigger a restart // of the bootstrap process from the beginning. String sql = "update `bootstrap` set started_at = NULL where is_complete = 0 and started_at is not NULL"; connection.prepareStatement(sql).execute(); } } @Override public boolean isRunning( ) { return false; } @Override public void work(RowMap row, AbstractProducer producer, Replicator replicator) throws Exception { try { if ( isStartBootstrapRow(row) ) { startBootstrap(row, producer, replicator); } else if ( isCompleteBootstrapRow(row) ) { completeBootstrap(row, producer, replicator); } } catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) {"bootstrapping cancelled for %s.%s", row.getDatabase(), row.getTable())); } } private Table findTable(String tableName, Database database) { Table table = database.findTable(tableName); if ( table == null ) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find table " + tableName); return table; } private Database findDatabase(Schema schema, String databaseName) { Database database = schema.findDatabase(databaseName); if ( database == null ) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find database " + databaseName); return database; } private void ensureTable(String tableName, Database database) { findTable(tableName, database); } private ResultSet getAllRows(String databaseName, String tableName, Schema schema, String whereClause, Connection connection) throws SQLException, InterruptedException { Statement statement = createBatchStatement(connection); String pk = schema.findDatabase(databaseName).findTable(tableName).getPKString(); String sql = String.format("select * from `%s`.%s", databaseName, tableName); if ( whereClause != null && !whereClause.equals("") ) { sql += String.format(" where %s", whereClause); } if ( pk != null && !pk.equals("") ) { sql += String.format(" order by %s", pk); } return statement.executeQuery(sql); } private Statement createBatchStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException, InterruptedException { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); return statement; } private void setBootstrapRowToStarted(RowMap startBootstrapRow, Connection connection) throws SQLException, NoSuchElementException { String sql = "update `bootstrap` set started_at=NOW() where id=?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setLong(1, ( Long ) startBootstrapRow.getData("id")); if ( preparedStatement.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } private void setBootstrapRowToCompleted(int insertedRows, RowMap startBootstrapRow, Connection connection) throws SQLException, NoSuchElementException { String sql = "update `bootstrap` set is_complete=1, inserted_rows=?, completed_at=NOW() where id=?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1, insertedRows); preparedStatement.setLong(2, ( Long ) startBootstrapRow.getData("id")); if ( preparedStatement.executeUpdate() == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } private void setRowValues(RowMap row, ResultSet resultSet, Table table) throws SQLException, IOException { Iterator<ColumnDef> columnDefinitions = table.getColumnList().iterator(); int columnIndex = 1; while ( columnDefinitions.hasNext() ) { ColumnDef columnDefinition =; Object columnValue = resultSet.getObject(columnIndex); row.putData( columnDefinition.getName(), columnValue == null ? null : columnDefinition.asJSON(columnValue) ); ++columnIndex; } } }