package com.zendesk.maxwell.recovery; import com.zendesk.maxwell.*; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import com.zendesk.maxwell.row.RowMap; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.MysqlSavedSchema; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.Schema; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.SchemaCapturer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.SchemaStoreSchema; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class RecoveryTest extends TestWithNameLogging { private static MysqlIsolatedServer masterServer, slaveServer; static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecoveryTest.class); private static final int DATA_SIZE = 500; private static final int NEW_DATA_SIZE = 100; @Before public void setupServers() throws Exception { masterServer = new MysqlIsolatedServer(); masterServer.boot(); SchemaStoreSchema.ensureMaxwellSchema(masterServer.getConnection(), "maxwell"); slaveServer = MaxwellTestSupport.setupServer("--server_id=12345 --max_binlog_size=100000 --log_bin=slave"); slaveServer.setupSlave(masterServer.getPort()); MaxwellTestSupport.setupSchema(masterServer, false); } private MaxwellConfig getConfig(int port, boolean masterRecovery) { MaxwellConfig config = new MaxwellConfig(); = "localhost"; config.maxwellMysql.port = port; config.maxwellMysql.user = "maxwell"; config.maxwellMysql.password = "maxwell"; config.masterRecovery = masterRecovery; config.maxwellMysql.jdbcOptions.add("useSSL=false"); config.validate(); return config; } private MaxwellContext getContext(int port, boolean masterRecovery) throws SQLException { MaxwellConfig config = getConfig(port, masterRecovery); return new MaxwellContext(config); } private String[] generateMasterData() throws Exception { String input[] = new String[DATA_SIZE]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < DATA_SIZE; i++ ) { input[i] = String.format("insert into shard_1.minimal set account_id = %d, text_field='row %d'", i, i); } return input; } private void generateNewMasterData(boolean useMaster, int startNum) throws Exception { MysqlIsolatedServer server = useMaster ? masterServer : slaveServer; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEW_DATA_SIZE; i++ ) { server.execute(String.format("insert into shard_1.minimal set account_id = %d, text_field='row %d'", i + startNum, i + startNum)); if ( i % 100 == 0 ) server.execute("flush logs"); } } @Test public void testBasicRecovery() throws Exception { if (MaxwellTestSupport.inGtidMode()) {"No need to test recovery under gtid-mode"); return; } MaxwellContext slaveContext = getContext(slaveServer.getPort(), true); String[] input = generateMasterData(); /* run the execution through with the replicator running so we get heartbeats */ MaxwellTestSupport.getRowsWithReplicator(masterServer, null, input, null); Position slavePosition = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection()); generateNewMasterData(false, DATA_SIZE); RecoveryInfo recoveryInfo = slaveContext.getRecoveryInfo(); assertThat(recoveryInfo, notNullValue()); MaxwellConfig slaveConfig = getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), true); Recovery recovery = new Recovery( slaveConfig.maxwellMysql, slaveConfig.databaseName, slaveContext.getReplicationConnectionPool(), slaveContext.getCaseSensitivity(), recoveryInfo, System.getenv("SHYKO_MODE") != null ); Position recoveredPosition = recovery.recover(); // lousy tests, but it's very hard to make firm assertions about the correct position. // It's in a ballpark. if ( slavePosition.getBinlogPosition().getFile().equals(recoveredPosition.getBinlogPosition().getFile()) ) { long positionDiff = recoveredPosition.getBinlogPosition().getOffset() - slavePosition.getBinlogPosition().getOffset(); assertThat(Math.abs(positionDiff), lessThan(1500L)); } else { // TODO: something something. } } @Test public void testOtherClientID() throws Exception { if (MaxwellTestSupport.inGtidMode()) {"No need to test recovery under gtid-mode"); return; } MaxwellContext slaveContext = getContext(slaveServer.getPort(), true); String[] input = generateMasterData(); MaxwellTestSupport.getRowsWithReplicator(masterServer, null, input, null); generateNewMasterData(false, DATA_SIZE); RecoveryInfo recoveryInfo = slaveContext.getRecoveryInfo(); assertThat(recoveryInfo, notNullValue()); /* pretend that we're a seperate client trying to recover now */ recoveryInfo.clientID = "another_client"; MaxwellConfig slaveConfig = getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), true); Recovery recovery = new Recovery( slaveConfig.maxwellMysql, slaveConfig.databaseName, slaveContext.getReplicationConnectionPool(), slaveContext.getCaseSensitivity(), recoveryInfo, System.getenv("SHYKO_MODE") != null ); Position recoveredPosition = recovery.recover(); assertEquals(null, recoveredPosition); } /* i know. it's horrible. */ private void drainReplication(BufferedMaxwell maxwell, List<RowMap> rows) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int pollMS = 10000; for ( ;; ) { RowMap r = maxwell.poll(pollMS); if ( r == null ) break; else { if ( r.toJSON() != null ) rows.add(r); pollMS = 500; // once we get a row, we timeout quickly. } } } @Test public void testRecoveryIntegration() throws Exception { if (MaxwellTestSupport.inGtidMode()) {"No need to test recovery under gtid-mode"); return; } String[] input = generateMasterData(); /* run the execution through with the replicator running so we get heartbeats */ List<RowMap> rows = MaxwellTestSupport.getRowsWithReplicator(masterServer, null, input, null); Position approximateRecoverPosition = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection()); LOGGER.warn("slave master position at time of cut: " + approximateRecoverPosition); generateNewMasterData(false, DATA_SIZE); BufferedMaxwell maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), true)); new Thread(maxwell).start(); drainReplication(maxwell, rows); for ( long i = 0 ; i < DATA_SIZE + NEW_DATA_SIZE; i++ ) { assertEquals(i + 1, rows.get((int) i).getData("id")); } // assert that we created a schema that matches up with the matched position. ResultSet rs = slaveServer.getConnection().createStatement().executeQuery("select * from maxwell.schemas"); boolean foundSchema = false; while ( ) { if ( rs.getLong("server_id") == 12345 ) { foundSchema = true; rs.getLong("base_schema_id"); assertEquals(false, rs.wasNull()); } } assertEquals(true, foundSchema); maxwell.terminate(); // assert that we deleted the old position row rs = slaveServer.getConnection().createStatement().executeQuery("select * from maxwell.positions");; assertEquals(12345, rs.getLong("server_id")); assert(!; } @Test public void testRecoveryIntegrationWithLaggedMaxwell() throws Exception { if (MaxwellTestSupport.inGtidMode()) {"No need to test recovery under gtid-mode"); return; } final String[] input = generateMasterData(); MaxwellTestSupportCallback callback = new MaxwellTestSupportCallback() { @Override public void afterReplicatorStart(MysqlIsolatedServer mysql) throws SQLException { mysql.executeList(Arrays.asList(input)); } @Override public void beforeTerminate(MysqlIsolatedServer mysql) { /* record some queries. maxwell may continue to heartbeat but we will be behind. */ try { LOGGER.warn("slave master position at time of cut: " + MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection())); mysql.executeList(Arrays.asList(input)); mysql.execute("FLUSH LOGS"); mysql.executeList(Arrays.asList(input)); mysql.execute("FLUSH LOGS"); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } }; List<RowMap> rows = MaxwellTestSupport.getRowsWithReplicator(masterServer, null, callback, null); generateNewMasterData(false, DATA_SIZE); BufferedMaxwell maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), true)); new Thread(maxwell).start(); drainReplication(maxwell, rows); assertThat(rows.size(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(1600)); boolean[] ids = new boolean[1601]; for ( RowMap r : rows ) { Long id = (Long) r.getData("id"); if ( id != null ) ids[id.intValue()] = true; } for ( int i = 1 ; i < 1601; i++ ) assertEquals("didn't find id " + i, true, ids[i]); maxwell.terminate(); } @Test public void testFailOver() throws Exception { String[] input = generateMasterData(); // Have maxwell connect to master first List<RowMap> rows = MaxwellTestSupport.getRowsWithReplicator(masterServer, null, input, null); try { // sleep a bit for slave to catch up Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"Got ex: " + ex); } Position slavePosition1 = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection());"slave master position at time of cut: " + slavePosition1 + " rows: " + rows.size()); // add 1000 rows on master side generateNewMasterData(true, DATA_SIZE); // connect to slave, maxwell should get these 1000 rows from slave boolean masterRecovery = !MaxwellTestSupport.inGtidMode(); BufferedMaxwell maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), masterRecovery)); new Thread(maxwell).start(); drainReplication(maxwell, rows); maxwell.terminate(); Position slavePosition2 = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection());"slave master position after failover: " + slavePosition2 + " rows: " + rows.size()); assertTrue(slavePosition2.newerThan(slavePosition1)); // add 1000 rows on slave side generateNewMasterData(false, DATA_SIZE + NEW_DATA_SIZE); // reconnct to slave to resume, maxwell should get the new 1000 rows maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(getConfig(slaveServer.getPort(), false)); new Thread(maxwell).start(); drainReplication(maxwell, rows); maxwell.terminate(); Position slavePosition3 = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(slaveServer.getConnection());"slave master position after resumption: " + slavePosition3 + " rows: " + rows.size()); assertTrue(slavePosition3.newerThan(slavePosition2)); for ( long i = 0 ; i < DATA_SIZE + NEW_DATA_SIZE + NEW_DATA_SIZE; i++ ) { assertEquals(i + 1, rows.get((int) i).getData("id")); } } @Test public void testSchemaIdRestore() throws Exception { MysqlIsolatedServer server = masterServer; Position oldlogPosition = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(server.getConnection());"Initial pos: " + oldlogPosition); MaxwellContext context = getContext(server.getPort(), false); context.getPositionStore().set(oldlogPosition); MysqlSavedSchema savedSchema = MysqlSavedSchema.restore(context, oldlogPosition); if (savedSchema == null) { Connection c = context.getMaxwellConnection(); Schema newSchema = new SchemaCapturer(c, context.getCaseSensitivity()).capture(); savedSchema = new MysqlSavedSchema(context, newSchema, context.getInitialPosition());; } Long oldSchemaId = savedSchema.getSchemaID();"old schema id: " + oldSchemaId); server.execute("CREATE TABLE (id int(11))"); BufferedMaxwell maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(getConfig(server.getPort(), false)); List<RowMap> rows = new ArrayList<>(); new Thread(maxwell).start(); drainReplication(maxwell, rows); maxwell.terminate(); Position newPosition = MaxwellTestSupport.capture(server.getConnection());"New pos: " + newPosition); MysqlSavedSchema newSavedSchema = MysqlSavedSchema.restore(context, newPosition);"New schema id: " + newSavedSchema.getSchemaID()); assertEquals(new Long(oldSchemaId + 1), newSavedSchema.getSchemaID()); assertTrue(newPosition.newerThan(savedSchema.getPosition())); MysqlSavedSchema restored = MysqlSavedSchema.restore(context, oldlogPosition); assertEquals(oldSchemaId, restored.getSchemaID()); } }