package com.zendesk.maxwell.schema; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.GtidSet; import com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; import com.zendesk.maxwell.CaseSensitivity; import com.zendesk.maxwell.MaxwellContext; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.BinlogPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.InvalidSchemaError; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.ResolvedSchemaChange; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import snaq.db.ConnectionPool; public class MysqlSavedSchema { static int SchemaStoreVersion = 4; private Schema schema; private Position position; private Long schemaID; private int schemaVersion; private Long baseSchemaID; private List<ResolvedSchemaChange> deltas; private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private static final JavaType listOfResolvedSchemaChangeType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, ResolvedSchemaChange.class); static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MysqlSavedSchema.class); private final static String columnInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO `columns` (schema_id, table_id, name, charset, coltype, is_signed, enum_values, column_length) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private final CaseSensitivity sensitivity; private final Long serverID; private boolean shouldSnapshotNextSchema = false; private MysqlSavedSchema(Long serverID, CaseSensitivity sensitivity) throws SQLException { this.serverID = serverID; this.sensitivity = sensitivity; } public MysqlSavedSchema(Long serverID, CaseSensitivity sensitivity, Schema schema, Position position) throws SQLException { this(serverID, sensitivity); this.schema = schema; setPosition(position); } public MysqlSavedSchema(MaxwellContext context, Schema schema, Position position) throws SQLException { this(context.getServerID(), context.getCaseSensitivity(), schema, position); } public MysqlSavedSchema(Long serverID, CaseSensitivity sensitivity, Schema schema, Position position, long baseSchemaID, List<ResolvedSchemaChange> deltas) throws SQLException { this(serverID, sensitivity, schema, position); this.baseSchemaID = baseSchemaID; this.deltas = deltas; } public MysqlSavedSchema createDerivedSchema(Schema newSchema, Position position, List<ResolvedSchemaChange> deltas) throws SQLException { if ( this.shouldSnapshotNextSchema ) return new MysqlSavedSchema(this.serverID, this.sensitivity, newSchema, position); else return new MysqlSavedSchema(this.serverID, this.sensitivity, newSchema, position, this.schemaID, deltas); } public Long getSchemaID() { return schemaID; } private static Long executeInsert(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object... values) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]); } preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { return rs.getLong(1); } else return null; } public Long save(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if (this.schema == null) throw new RuntimeException("Uninitialized schema!"); this.schemaID = findSchemaForPositionSHA(connection, getPositionSHA()); if ( this.schemaID != null ) return schemaID; try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); this.schemaID = saveSchema(connection); connection.commit(); } catch ( MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e ) { connection.rollback(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); this.schemaID = findSchemaForPositionSHA(connection, getPositionSHA()); } finally { connection.setAutoCommit(true); } return schemaID; } /* Look for SHAs already created at a position we're about to save to. * don't conflict with other maxwell replicators running on the same server. */ private Long findSchemaForPositionSHA(Connection c, String sha) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement p = c.prepareStatement("SELECT * from `schemas` where position_sha = ?"); p.setString(1, sha); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); if ( ) { Long id = rs.getLong("id"); LOGGER.debug("findSchemaForPositionSHA: found schema_id: " + id + " for sha: " + sha); return id; } else { return null; } } private Long saveDerivedSchema(Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement insert = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT into `schemas` SET base_schema_id = ?, deltas = ?, binlog_file = ?, " + "binlog_position = ?, server_id = ?, charset = ?, version = ?, " + "position_sha = ?, gtid_set = ?, last_heartbeat_read = ?", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); String deltaString; try { deltaString = mapper.writerFor(listOfResolvedSchemaChangeType).writeValueAsString(deltas); } catch ( JsonProcessingException e ) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't serialize " + deltas + " to JSON."); } BinlogPosition binlogPosition = position.getBinlogPosition(); return executeInsert( insert, this.baseSchemaID, deltaString, binlogPosition.getFile(), binlogPosition.getOffset(), serverID, schema.getCharset(), SchemaStoreVersion, getPositionSHA(), binlogPosition.getGtidSetStr(), position.getLastHeartbeatRead() ); } public Long saveSchema(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if ( this.baseSchemaID != null ) return saveDerivedSchema(conn); PreparedStatement schemaInsert, databaseInsert, tableInsert; schemaInsert = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `schemas` SET binlog_file = ?, binlog_position = ?, server_id = ?, charset = ?, version = ?, position_sha = ?, gtid_set = ?, last_heartbeat_read = ?", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ); databaseInsert = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `databases` SET schema_id = ?, name = ?, charset=?", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ); tableInsert = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `tables` SET schema_id = ?, database_id = ?, name = ?, charset=?, pk=?", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ); BinlogPosition binlogPosition = position.getBinlogPosition(); Long schemaId = executeInsert(schemaInsert, binlogPosition.getFile(), binlogPosition.getOffset(), serverID, schema.getCharset(), SchemaStoreVersion, getPositionSHA(), binlogPosition.getGtidSetStr(), position.getLastHeartbeatRead()); ArrayList<Object> columnData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Database d : schema.getDatabases()) { Long dbId = executeInsert(databaseInsert, schemaId, d.getName(), d.getCharset()); for (Table t : d.getTableList()) { Long tableId = executeInsert(tableInsert, schemaId, dbId, t.getName(), t.getCharset(), t.getPKString()); for (ColumnDef c : t.getColumnList()) { String enumValuesSQL = null; if ( c instanceof EnumeratedColumnDef ) { EnumeratedColumnDef enumColumn = (EnumeratedColumnDef) c; if (enumColumn.getEnumValues() != null) { try { enumValuesSQL = mapper.writeValueAsString(enumColumn.getEnumValues()); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } } columnData.add(schemaId); columnData.add(tableId); columnData.add(c.getName()); if ( c instanceof StringColumnDef ) { columnData.add(((StringColumnDef) c).getCharset()); } else { columnData.add(null); } columnData.add(c.getType()); if ( c instanceof IntColumnDef ) { columnData.add(((IntColumnDef) c).isSigned() ? 1 : 0); } else if ( c instanceof BigIntColumnDef ) { columnData.add(((BigIntColumnDef) c).isSigned() ? 1 : 0); } else { columnData.add(0); } columnData.add(enumValuesSQL); if ( c instanceof ColumnDefWithLength ) { Long columnLength = ((ColumnDefWithLength) c).getColumnLength(); columnData.add(columnLength); } else { columnData.add(null); } } if ( columnData.size() > 1000 ) executeColumnInsert(conn, columnData); } } if ( columnData.size() > 0 ) executeColumnInsert(conn, columnData); return schemaId; } private void executeColumnInsert(Connection conn, ArrayList<Object> columnData) throws SQLException { String insertColumnSQL = this.columnInsertSQL; for (int i=1; i < columnData.size() / 8; i++) { insertColumnSQL = insertColumnSQL + ", (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } PreparedStatement columnInsert = conn.prepareStatement(insertColumnSQL); int i = 1; for (Object o : columnData) columnInsert.setObject(i++, o); columnInsert.execute(); columnInsert.close(); columnData.clear(); } public static MysqlSavedSchema restore(MaxwellContext context, Position targetPosition) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { return restore(context.getMaxwellConnectionPool(), context.getServerID(), context.getCaseSensitivity(), targetPosition); } public static MysqlSavedSchema restore( ConnectionPool pool, Long serverID, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, Position targetPosition ) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { try ( Connection conn = pool.getConnection() ) { Long schemaID = findSchema(conn, targetPosition, serverID); if (schemaID == null) return null; MysqlSavedSchema savedSchema = new MysqlSavedSchema(serverID, caseSensitivity); savedSchema.restoreFromSchemaID(conn, schemaID); savedSchema.handleVersionUpgrades(conn); return savedSchema; } } public static MysqlSavedSchema restoreFromSchemaID(MysqlSavedSchema savedSchema, MaxwellContext context) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { try ( Connection conn = context.getMaxwellConnectionPool().getConnection() ) { Long schemaID = savedSchema.getSchemaID(); if (schemaID == null) return null; savedSchema.restoreFromSchemaID(conn, schemaID); return savedSchema; } } private List<ResolvedSchemaChange> parseDeltas(String json) { if ( json == null ) return null; try { return mapper.readerFor(listOfResolvedSchemaChangeType).readValue(json.getBytes()); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException("couldn't parse json delta: " + json.getBytes(), e); } } private HashMap<Long, HashMap<String, Object>> buildSchemaMap(Connection conn) throws SQLException { HashMap<Long, HashMap<String, Object>> schemas = new HashMap<>(); PreparedStatement p = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * from `schemas`"); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); while ( ) { HashMap<String, Object> row = new HashMap<>(); for ( int i = 1; i <= md.getColumnCount(); i++ ) row.put(md.getColumnName(i), rs.getObject(i)); schemas.put(rs.getLong("id"), row); } rs.close(); return schemas; } private LinkedList<Long> buildSchemaChain(HashMap<Long, HashMap<String, Object>> schemas, Long schema_id) { LinkedList<Long> schemaChain = new LinkedList<>(); while ( schema_id != null ) { if ( !schemas.containsKey(schema_id) ) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find chained schema: " + schema_id); schemaChain.addFirst(schema_id); schema_id = (Long) schemas.get(schema_id).get("base_schema_id"); } return schemaChain; } private void restoreDerivedSchema(Connection conn, Long schema_id) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { /* build hashmap of schemaID -> schema properties (as hash) */ HashMap<Long, HashMap<String, Object>> schemas = buildSchemaMap(conn); /* walk backwards to build linked list with base schema at the * head, and the rest of the delta schemas following */ LinkedList<Long> schemaChain = buildSchemaChain(schemas, schema_id); Long firstSchemaId = schemaChain.removeFirst(); /* do the "full" restore of the schema snapshot */ MysqlSavedSchema firstSchema = new MysqlSavedSchema(serverID, sensitivity); firstSchema.restoreFromSchemaID(conn, firstSchemaId); Schema schema = firstSchema.getSchema();"beginning to play deltas..."); int count = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* now walk the chain and play each schema's deltas on top of the snapshot */ for ( Long id : schemaChain ) { List<ResolvedSchemaChange> deltas = parseDeltas((String) schemas.get(id).get("deltas")); for ( ResolvedSchemaChange delta : deltas ) { delta.apply(schema); } count++; } this.schema = schema; long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;"played " + count + " deltas in " + elapsed + "ms"); } protected void restoreFromSchemaID(Connection conn, Long schemaID) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { restoreSchemaMetadata(conn, schemaID); if (this.baseSchemaID != null) { LOGGER.debug("Restoring derived schema"); restoreDerivedSchema(conn, schemaID); } else { LOGGER.debug("Restoring full schema"); restoreFullSchema(conn, schemaID); } } private void restoreSchemaMetadata(Connection conn, Long schemaID) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement p = conn.prepareStatement("select * from `schemas` where id = " + schemaID); ResultSet schemaRS = p.executeQuery();; setPosition(new Position( new BinlogPosition( schemaRS.getString("gtid_set"), null, schemaRS.getInt("binlog_position"), schemaRS.getString("binlog_file") ), schemaRS.getLong("last_heartbeat_read") ));"Restoring schema id " + schemaRS.getInt("id") + " (last modified at " + this.position + ")"); this.schemaID = schemaRS.getLong("id"); this.baseSchemaID = schemaRS.getLong("base_schema_id"); if ( schemaRS.wasNull() ) this.baseSchemaID = null; this.deltas = parseDeltas(schemaRS.getString("deltas")); this.schemaVersion = schemaRS.getInt("version"); this.schema = new Schema(new ArrayList<Database>(), schemaRS.getString("charset"), this.sensitivity); } private void restoreFullSchema(Connection conn, Long schemaID) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { PreparedStatement p = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT " + " AS dbId," + " AS dbName," + "d.charset AS dbCharset," + " AS tableName," + "t.charset AS tableCharset," + " AS tablePk," + " AS tableId," + "c.column_length AS columnLength," + "c.enum_values AS columnEnumValues," + " AS columnName," + "c.charset AS columnCharset," + "c.coltype AS columnColtype," + "c.is_signed AS columnIsSigned " + "FROM `databases` d " + "LEFT JOIN tables t ON = t.database_id " + "LEFT JOIN columns c ON " + "WHERE d.schema_id = ? " + "ORDER BY,," ); p.setLong(1, this.schemaID); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); Database currentDatabase = null; Table currentTable = null; int columnIndex = 0; while ( { // Database String dbName = rs.getString("dbName"); String dbCharset = rs.getString("dbCharset"); // Table String tName = rs.getString("tableName"); String tCharset = rs.getString("tableCharset"); String tPKs = rs.getString("tablePk"); // Column String columnName = rs.getString("columnName"); int columnLengthInt = rs.getInt("columnLength"); String columnEnumValues = rs.getString("columnEnumValues"); String columnCharset = rs.getString("columnCharset"); String columnType = rs.getString("columnColtype"); int columnIsSigned = rs.getInt("columnIsSigned"); if (currentDatabase == null || !currentDatabase.getName().equals(dbName)) { currentDatabase = new Database(dbName, dbCharset); this.schema.addDatabase(currentDatabase); LOGGER.debug("Restoring database " + dbName + "..."); } if (tName == null) { // if tName is null, there are no tables connected to this database continue; } else if (currentTable == null || !currentTable.getName().equals(tName)) { currentTable = currentDatabase.buildTable(tName, tCharset); if (tPKs != null) { List<String> pkList = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(tPKs, ',')); currentTable.setPKList(pkList); } columnIndex = 0; } if (columnName == null) { // If columnName is null, there are no columns connected to this table continue; } Long columnLength; if (rs.wasNull()) { columnLength = null; } else { columnLength = Long.valueOf(columnLengthInt); } String[] enumValues = null; if (columnEnumValues != null) { if (this.schemaVersion >= 4) { try { enumValues = mapper.readValue(columnEnumValues, String[].class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } else { enumValues = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(columnEnumValues, ","); } } ColumnDef c = columnName, columnCharset, columnType, columnIndex++, columnIsSigned == 1, enumValues, columnLength ); currentTable.addColumn(c); } rs.close(); LOGGER.debug("Restored all databases"); } private static Long findSchema(Connection connection, Position targetPosition, Long serverID) throws SQLException { LOGGER.debug("looking to restore schema at target position " + targetPosition); BinlogPosition targetBinlogPosition = targetPosition.getBinlogPosition(); if (targetBinlogPosition.getGtidSetStr() != null) { PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT id, gtid_set from `schemas` " + "WHERE deleted = 0 " + "ORDER BY id desc"); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong("id"); String gtid = rs.getString("gtid_set"); LOGGER.debug("Retrieving schema at id: " + id + " gtid: " + gtid); if (gtid != null) { GtidSet gtidSet = new GtidSet(gtid); if (gtidSet.isContainedWithin(targetBinlogPosition.getGtidSet())) { LOGGER.debug("Found contained schema: " + id); return id; } } } return null; } else { // Only consider binlog positions before the target position on the current server. // Within those, sort for the latest binlog file, then the latest binlog position. PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT id from `schemas` " + "WHERE deleted = 0 " + "AND last_heartbeat_read <= ? AND ((binlog_file < ?) OR (binlog_file = ? and binlog_position <= ?)) AND server_id = ? " + "ORDER BY last_heartbeat_read DESC, binlog_file DESC, binlog_position DESC limit 1"); s.setLong(1, targetPosition.getLastHeartbeatRead()); s.setString(2, targetBinlogPosition.getFile()); s.setString(3, targetBinlogPosition.getFile()); s.setLong(4, targetBinlogPosition.getOffset()); s.setLong(5, serverID); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getLong("id"); } else return null; } } public Schema getSchema() { return this.schema; } public void setSchema(Schema s) { this.schema = s; } private void ensureSchemaID() { if ( this.schemaID == null ) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't destroy uninitialized schema!"); } } private void setPosition(Position position) { this.position = position; } public static void delete(Connection connection, long schema_id) throws SQLException { connection.createStatement().execute("update `schemas` set deleted = 1 where id = " + schema_id); } public void destroy(Connection connection) throws SQLException { ensureSchemaID(); String[] tables = { "databases", "tables", "columns" }; connection.createStatement().execute("delete from `schemas` where id = " + schemaID); for ( String tName : tables ) { connection.createStatement().execute("delete from `" + tName + "` where schema_id = " + schemaID); } } public boolean schemaExists(Connection connection, long schema_id) throws SQLException { if ( this.schemaID == null ) return false; ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery("select id from `schemas` where id = " + schema_id); return; } public BinlogPosition getBinlogPosition() { if (this.position == null) { return null; } return this.position.getBinlogPosition(); } public Position getPosition() { return this.position; } private void fixUnsignedColumns(Schema recaptured) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { int unsignedDiffs = 0; for ( Pair<ColumnDef, ColumnDef> pair : schema.matchColumns(recaptured) ) { ColumnDef cA = pair.getLeft(); ColumnDef cB = pair.getRight(); if (cA instanceof IntColumnDef) { if (cB != null && cB instanceof IntColumnDef) { if (((IntColumnDef) cA).isSigned() && !((IntColumnDef) cB).isSigned()) { ((IntColumnDef) cA).setSigned(false); unsignedDiffs++; } } else { LOGGER.warn("warning: Couldn't check for unsigned integer bug on column " + cA.getName() + ". You may want to recapture your schema"); } } else if (cA instanceof BigIntColumnDef) { if (cB != null && cB instanceof BigIntColumnDef) { if (((BigIntColumnDef) cA).isSigned() && !((BigIntColumnDef) cB).isSigned()) ((BigIntColumnDef) cA).setSigned(false); unsignedDiffs++; } else { LOGGER.warn("warning: Couldn't check for unsigned integer bug on column " + cA.getName() + ". You may want to recapture your schema"); } } } if ( unsignedDiffs > 0 ) { /* A little explanation here: we've detected differences in signed-ness between the restored * and the recaptured schema. 99.9% of the time this will be the result of our capture bug. * * We can't however simply re-save the re-captured schema, as the * capture might be ahead of some DDL updates that we'd otherwise * lose. So we leave a marker so that the next time we save the * schema, we'll purposely break the delta chain and fix the * unsigned columns in the database. * */ this.shouldSnapshotNextSchema = true; } } private void fixColumnCases(Schema recaptured) throws SQLException { int caseDiffs = 0; for ( Pair<ColumnDef, ColumnDef> pair : schema.matchColumns(recaptured) ) { ColumnDef cA = pair.getLeft(); ColumnDef cB = pair.getRight(); if ( !cA.getName().equals(cB.getName()) ) {"correcting column case of `" + cA.getName() + "` to `" + cB.getName() + "`. Will save a full schema snapshot after the new DDL update is processed."); caseDiffs++; cA.setName(cB.getName()); } } if ( caseDiffs > 0 ) this.shouldSnapshotNextSchema = true; } private void fixColumnLength(Schema recaptured) throws SQLException { int colLengthDiffs = 0; for ( Pair<ColumnDef, ColumnDef> pair : schema.matchColumns(recaptured) ) { ColumnDef cA = pair.getLeft(); ColumnDef cB = pair.getRight(); if (cA instanceof ColumnDefWithLength) { if (cB != null && cB instanceof ColumnDefWithLength) { long aColLength = ((ColumnDefWithLength) cA).getColumnLength(); long bColLength = ((ColumnDefWithLength) cB).getColumnLength(); if ( aColLength != bColLength ) { colLengthDiffs++;"correcting column length of `" + cA.getName() + "` to " + bColLength + ". Will save a full schema snapshot after the new DDL update is processed."); ((ColumnDefWithLength) cA).setColumnLength(bColLength); } } else { LOGGER.warn("warning: Couldn't check for column length on column " + cA.getName() + ". You may want to recapture your schema"); } } if ( colLengthDiffs > 0 ) this.shouldSnapshotNextSchema = true; } } protected void handleVersionUpgrades(Connection conn) throws SQLException, InvalidSchemaError { if ( this.schemaVersion < 3 ) { Schema recaptured = new SchemaCapturer(conn, sensitivity).capture(); if ( this.schemaVersion < 1 ) { if ( this.schema != null && this.schema.findDatabase("mysql") == null ) {"Could not find mysql db, adding it to schema"); SchemaCapturer sc = new SchemaCapturer(conn, sensitivity, "mysql"); Database db = sc.capture().findDatabase("mysql"); this.schema.addDatabase(db); this.shouldSnapshotNextSchema = true; } fixUnsignedColumns(recaptured); } if ( this.schemaVersion < 2 ) { fixColumnCases(recaptured); } if ( this.schemaVersion < 3 ) { fixColumnLength(recaptured); } } } private String getPositionSHA() { return getSchemaPositionSHA(serverID, position); } public static String getSchemaPositionSHA(Long serverID, Position position) { BinlogPosition binlogPosition = position.getBinlogPosition(); String shaString = String.format("%d/%s/%d/%d", serverID, binlogPosition.getFile(), binlogPosition.getOffset(), position.getLastHeartbeatRead() ); return DigestUtils.shaHex(shaString); } }