package com.zendesk.maxwell.schema; /* represents the schema of the `maxwell` databases, and contains code around upgrading * and managing that schema * * TODO: move all this into MysqlSchemaStore */ import java.sql.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.BinlogPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.InvalidSchemaError; public class SchemaStoreSchema { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaStoreSchema.class); public static void ensureMaxwellSchema(Connection connection, String schemaDatabaseName) throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidSchemaError { if ( !storeDatabaseExists(connection, schemaDatabaseName) ) { createStoreDatabase(connection, schemaDatabaseName); } } private static boolean storeDatabaseExists(Connection connection, String schemaDatabaseName) throws SQLException { Statement s = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("show databases like '" + schemaDatabaseName + "'"); if (! return false; rs = s.executeQuery("show tables from `" + schemaDatabaseName + "` like 'schemas'"); return; } private static void executeSQLInputStream(Connection connection, InputStream schemaSQL, String schemaDatabaseName) throws SQLException, IOException { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(schemaSQL)); String sql = "", line; if ( schemaDatabaseName != null ) { connection.createStatement().execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + schemaDatabaseName + "`"); if (!connection.getCatalog().equals(schemaDatabaseName)) connection.setCatalog(schemaDatabaseName); } while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { sql += line + "\n"; } for (String statement : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(sql, "\n\n")) { if (statement.length() == 0) continue; connection.createStatement().execute(statement); } } private static void createStoreDatabase(Connection connection, String schemaDatabaseName) throws SQLException, IOException {"Creating " + schemaDatabaseName + " database"); executeSQLInputStream(connection, SchemaStoreSchema.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/maxwell_schema.sql"), schemaDatabaseName); executeSQLInputStream(connection, SchemaStoreSchema.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/maxwell_schema_bootstrap.sql"), schemaDatabaseName); executeSQLInputStream(connection, SchemaStoreSchema.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/maxwell_schema_heartbeats.sql"), schemaDatabaseName); } private static HashMap<String, String> getTableColumns(String table, Connection c) throws SQLException { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); ResultSet rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery("show columns from `" + table + "`"); while ( { map.put(rs.getString("Field"), rs.getString("Type")); } return map; } private static ArrayList<String> getMaxwellTables(Connection c) throws SQLException { ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSet rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery("show tables"); while ( { l.add(rs.getString(1)); } return l; } private static void performAlter(Connection c, String sql) throws SQLException {"Maxwell is upgrading its own schema: '" + sql + "'"); c.createStatement().execute(sql); } public static void upgradeSchemaStoreSchema(Connection c) throws SQLException, IOException { ArrayList<String> maxwellTables = getMaxwellTables(c); if ( !getTableColumns("schemas", c).containsKey("deleted") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column deleted tinyint(1) not null default 0"); } if ( !getTableColumns("schemas", c).containsKey("gtid_set") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column gtid_set varchar(4096)"); } if ( !maxwellTables.contains("bootstrap") ) {"adding bootstrap tables to the maxwell schema."); InputStream is = MysqlSavedSchema.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/maxwell_schema_bootstrap.sql"); executeSQLInputStream(c, is, null); } if ( !getTableColumns("bootstrap", c).containsKey("total_rows") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `bootstrap` add column total_rows bigint unsigned not null default 0 after inserted_rows"); performAlter(c, "alter table `bootstrap` modify column inserted_rows bigint unsigned not null default 0"); } if ( !getTableColumns("bootstrap", c).containsKey("where_clause") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `bootstrap` add column where_clause varchar(1024)"); } HashMap<String, String> schemaColumns = getTableColumns("schemas", c); if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("charset")) { String[] charsetTables = { "schemas", "databases", "tables", "columns" }; for ( String table : charsetTables ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `" + table + "` change `encoding` `charset` varchar(255)"); } } if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("base_schema_id")) performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column base_schema_id int unsigned NULL default NULL after binlog_position"); if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("deltas")) performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column deltas mediumtext charset 'utf8' NULL default NULL after base_schema_id"); if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("version")) { performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column `version` smallint unsigned not null default 0 after `charset`"); } if ( !getTableColumns("positions", c).containsKey("client_id") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `positions` add column `client_id` varchar(255) charset 'latin1' not null default 'maxwell'"); performAlter(c, "alter table `positions` drop primary key, add primary key(`server_id`, `client_id`)"); } if ( !getTableColumns("positions", c).containsKey("gtid_set") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `positions` add column gtid_set varchar(4096)"); } if ( !getTableColumns("positions", c).containsKey("heartbeat_at") ) { // Note: unused as of 64a6a30074e3509ed9ed102a149bf5ca844f5df5; will be removed in the future performAlter(c, "alter table `positions` add column `heartbeat_at` bigint null default null"); } if ( !getTableColumns("positions", c).containsKey("last_heartbeat_read") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `positions` add column `last_heartbeat_read` bigint null default null"); } if ( !getTableColumns("columns", c).containsKey("column_length") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `columns` add column `column_length` tinyint unsigned"); } if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("position_sha") ) { performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column `position_sha` char(40) charset 'latin1' null default null, add unique index(`position_sha`)"); backfillPositionSHAs(c); } if ( !maxwellTables.contains("heartbeats") ) {"adding heartbeats table to the maxwell schema."); InputStream is = MysqlSavedSchema.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/maxwell_schema_heartbeats.sql"); executeSQLInputStream(c, is, null); } if ( !schemaColumns.containsKey("last_heartbeat_read") ) { // default 0 makes sorting easier (rows before this migration are older than those after) performAlter(c, "alter table `schemas` add column `last_heartbeat_read` bigint null default 0"); } } private static void backfillPositionSHAs(Connection c) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from `schemas`"); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong("id"); Position position = new Position( new BinlogPosition(rs.getLong("binlog_position"), rs.getString("binlog_file")), rs.getLong("last_heartbeat_read") ); String sha = MysqlSavedSchema.getSchemaPositionSHA(rs.getLong("server_id"), position); c.createStatement().executeUpdate("update `schemas` set `position_sha` = '" + sha + "' where id = " + id); } rs.close(); } }