package com.zendesk.maxwell.row; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.BinlogPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.producer.MaxwellOutputConfig; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RowMap implements Serializable { public enum KeyFormat { HASH, ARRAY } static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowMap.class); private final String rowType; private final String database; private final String table; private final Long timestamp; private Position nextPosition; private Long xid; private boolean txCommit; private Long serverId; private Long threadId; private final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> data; private final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> oldData; private final List<String> pkColumns; private static final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); private long approximateSize; private static final ThreadLocal<ByteArrayOutputStream> byteArrayThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<ByteArrayOutputStream>(){ @Override protected ByteArrayOutputStream initialValue() { return new ByteArrayOutputStream(); } }; private static final ThreadLocal<JsonGenerator> jsonGeneratorThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<JsonGenerator>() { @Override protected JsonGenerator initialValue() { JsonGenerator g = null; try { g = jsonFactory.createGenerator(byteArrayThreadLocal.get()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("error initializing jsonGenerator", e); return null; } g.setRootValueSeparator(null); return g; } }; public RowMap(String type, String database, String table, Long timestamp, List<String> pkColumns, Position nextPosition) { this.rowType = type; this.database = database; this.table = table; this.timestamp = timestamp; = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.oldData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.nextPosition = nextPosition; this.pkColumns = pkColumns; this.approximateSize = 100L; // more or less 100 bytes of overhead } public String pkToJson(KeyFormat keyFormat) throws IOException { if ( keyFormat == KeyFormat.HASH ) return pkToJsonHash(); else return pkToJsonArray(); } private String pkToJsonHash() throws IOException { JsonGenerator g = jsonGeneratorThreadLocal.get(); g.writeStartObject(); // start of row { g.writeStringField("database", database); g.writeStringField("table", table); if (pkColumns.isEmpty()) { g.writeStringField("_uuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } else { for (String pk : pkColumns) { Object pkValue = null; if ( data.containsKey(pk) ) pkValue = data.get(pk); g.writeObjectField("pk." + pk.toLowerCase(), pkValue); } } g.writeEndObject(); // end of 'data: { }' g.flush(); return jsonFromStream(); } private String pkToJsonArray() throws IOException { JsonGenerator g = jsonGeneratorThreadLocal.get(); g.writeStartArray(); g.writeString(database); g.writeString(table); g.writeStartArray(); for (String pk : pkColumns) { Object pkValue = null; if ( data.containsKey(pk) ) pkValue = data.get(pk); g.writeStartObject(); g.writeObjectField(pk.toLowerCase(), pkValue); g.writeEndObject(); } g.writeEndArray(); g.writeEndArray(); g.flush(); return jsonFromStream(); } public String pkAsConcatString() { if (pkColumns.isEmpty()) { return database + table; } String keys=""; for (String pk : pkColumns) { Object pkValue = null; if (data.containsKey(pk)) pkValue = data.get(pk); if (pkValue != null) keys += pkValue.toString(); } if (keys.isEmpty()) return "None"; return keys; } public String buildPartitionKey(List<String> partitionColumns, String partitionKeyFallback) { String partitionKey=""; for (String pc : partitionColumns) { Object pcValue = null; if (data.containsKey(pc)) pcValue = data.get(pc); if (pcValue != null) partitionKey += pcValue.toString(); } if (partitionKey.isEmpty()) return getPartitionKeyFallback(partitionKeyFallback); return partitionKey; } private String getPartitionKeyFallback(String partitionKeyFallback) { switch (partitionKeyFallback) { case "table": return this.table; case "primary_key": return pkAsConcatString(); case "database": default: return this.database; } } private void writeMapToJSON(String jsonMapName, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> data, boolean includeNullField) throws IOException { JsonGenerator generator = jsonGeneratorThreadLocal.get(); generator.writeObjectFieldStart(jsonMapName); // start of jsonMapName: { for ( String key: data.keySet() ) { Object value = data.get(key); if ( value == null && !includeNullField ) continue; if ( value instanceof List ) { // sets come back from .asJSON as lists, and jackson can't deal with lists natively. List stringList = (List) value; generator.writeArrayFieldStart(key); for ( Object s : stringList ) { generator.writeObject(s); } generator.writeEndArray(); } else if ( value instanceof RawJSONString ) { // JSON column type, using binlog-connector's serializers. generator.writeFieldName(key); generator.writeRawValue(((RawJSONString) value).json); } else { generator.writeObjectField(key, value); } } generator.writeEndObject(); // end of 'jsonMapName: { }' } public String toJSON() throws IOException { return toJSON(new MaxwellOutputConfig()); } public String toJSON(MaxwellOutputConfig outputConfig) throws IOException { JsonGenerator g = jsonGeneratorThreadLocal.get(); g.writeStartObject(); // start of row { g.writeStringField("database", this.database); g.writeStringField("table", this.table); g.writeStringField("type", this.rowType); g.writeNumberField("ts", this.timestamp); if ( outputConfig.includesCommitInfo ) { if ( this.xid != null ) g.writeNumberField("xid", this.xid); if ( this.txCommit ) g.writeBooleanField("commit", true); } BinlogPosition binlogPosition = this.nextPosition.getBinlogPosition(); if ( outputConfig.includesBinlogPosition ) g.writeStringField("position", binlogPosition.getFile() + ":" + binlogPosition.getOffset()); if ( outputConfig.includesGtidPosition) g.writeStringField("gtid", binlogPosition.getGtid()); if ( outputConfig.includesServerId && this.serverId != null ) { g.writeNumberField("server_id", this.serverId); } if ( outputConfig.includesThreadId && this.threadId != null ) { g.writeNumberField("thread_id", this.threadId); } if ( outputConfig.excludeColumns.size() > 0 ) { // NOTE: to avoid concurrent modification. Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); keys.addAll(; keys.addAll(this.oldData.keySet()); for ( Pattern p : outputConfig.excludeColumns ) { for ( String key : keys ) { if ( p.matcher(key).matches() ) {; this.oldData.remove(key); } } } } writeMapToJSON("data",, outputConfig.includesNulls); if ( !this.oldData.isEmpty() ) { writeMapToJSON("old", this.oldData, true); } g.writeEndObject(); // end of row g.flush(); return jsonFromStream(); } private String jsonFromStream() { ByteArrayOutputStream b = byteArrayThreadLocal.get(); String s = b.toString(); b.reset(); return s; } public Object getData(String key) { return; } public long getApproximateSize() { return approximateSize; } private long approximateKVSize(String key, Object value) { long length = 0; length += 40; // overhead. Whynot. length += key.length() * 2; if ( value instanceof String ) { length += ((String) value).length() * 2; } else { length += 64; } return length; } public void putData(String key, Object value) {, value); this.approximateSize += approximateKVSize(key, value); } public Object getOldData(String key) { return this.oldData.get(key); } public void putOldData(String key, Object value) { this.oldData.put(key, value); this.approximateSize += approximateKVSize(key, value); } public Position getPosition() { return nextPosition; } public Long getXid() { return xid; } public void setXid(Long xid) { this.xid = xid; } public void setTXCommit() { this.txCommit = true; } public boolean isTXCommit() { return this.txCommit; } public Long getServerId() { return serverId; } public void setServerId(Long serverId) { this.serverId = serverId; } public Long getThreadId() { return threadId; } public void setThreadId(Long threadId) { this.threadId = threadId; } public String getDatabase() { return database; } public String getTable() { return table; } public Long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public boolean hasData(String name) { return; } public String getRowType() { return this.rowType; } // determines whether there is anything for the producer to output // override this for extended classes that don't output a value // return false when there is a heartbeat row or other row with suppressed output public boolean shouldOutput(MaxwellOutputConfig outputConfig) { return true; } public LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getData() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(data); } public LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getOldData() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(oldData); } }