package com.zendesk.maxwell.schema; import java.util.*; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.InvalidSchemaError; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.ColumnPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.IntColumnDef; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.BigIntColumnDef; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.EnumeratedColumnDef; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.ColumnDef; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef.StringColumnDef; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; public class Table { public String database; @JsonProperty("table") public String name; private TableColumnList columns; public String charset; private List<String> pkColumnNames; private List<String> normalizedPKColumnNames; private HashMap<String, Integer> columnOffsetMap; @JsonIgnore public int pkIndex; public Table() { } public Table(String database, String name, String charset, List<ColumnDef> list, List<String> pks) { this.database = database; = name; this.charset = charset; this.setColumnList(list); if ( pks == null ) pks = new ArrayList<String>(); this.setPKList(pks); } @JsonProperty("columns") public List<ColumnDef> getColumnList() { return columns.getList(); } @JsonProperty("columns") public void setColumnList(List<ColumnDef> list) { this.columns = new TableColumnList(list); } @JsonIgnore public List<StringColumnDef> getStringColumns() { ArrayList<StringColumnDef> list = new ArrayList<>(); for ( ColumnDef c : columns ) { if ( c instanceof StringColumnDef ) list.add((StringColumnDef) c); } return list; } public String getName() { return; } public int findColumnIndex(String name) { return columns.indexOf(name); } public ColumnDef findColumn(String name) { return columns.findByName(name); } @JsonIgnore public int getPKIndex() { return this.pkIndex; } public String getDatabase() { return database; } public Table copy() { ArrayList<ColumnDef> list = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> pkList = new ArrayList<>(); for ( ColumnDef c : columns ) { list.add(c); } for ( String s : pkColumnNames ) { pkList.add(s); } return new Table(database, name, charset, list, pkList); } public void rename(String tableName) { = tableName; } private void diffColumnList(List<String> diffs, Table a, Table b, String nameA, String nameB) { for ( ColumnDef column : a.getColumnList() ) { ColumnDef other = b.findColumn(column.getName()); if ( other == null ) diffs.add(b.fullName() + " is missing column " + column.getName() + " in " + nameB); else { String colName = a.fullName() + ".`" + column.getName() + "` "; if ( !column.getType().equals(other.getType()) ) { diffs.add(colName + "has a type mismatch, " + column.getType() + " vs " + other.getType() + " in " + nameB); } else if ( column.getPos() != other.getPos() ) { diffs.add(colName + "has a position mismatch, " + column.getPos() + " vs " + other.getPos() + " in " + nameB); } if ( column instanceof EnumeratedColumnDef ) { EnumeratedColumnDef enumA, enumB; enumA = (EnumeratedColumnDef) column; enumB = (EnumeratedColumnDef) other; if ( !Arrays.deepEquals(enumA.getEnumValues(), enumB.getEnumValues()) ) { diffs.add(colName + "has an enum value mismatch, " + StringUtils.join(enumA.getEnumValues(), ",") + " vs " + StringUtils.join(enumB.getEnumValues(), ",") + " in " + nameB); } } if ( column instanceof StringColumnDef ) { StringColumnDef stringA, stringB; stringA = (StringColumnDef) column; stringB = (StringColumnDef) other; if ( !Objects.equals(stringA.getCharset(), stringB.getCharset()) ) { diffs.add(colName + "has an charset mismatch, " + "'" + stringA.getCharset() + "'" + " vs " + "'" + stringB.getCharset() + "'" + " in " + nameB); } } if ( column instanceof IntColumnDef ) { boolean signedA, signedB; signedA = ((IntColumnDef) column).isSigned(); signedB = ((IntColumnDef) other).isSigned(); if ( signedA != signedB ) diffs.add(colName + "has a signedness mismatch, " + "'" + signedA + "'" + " vs " + "'" + signedB + "'" + " in " + nameB); } if ( column instanceof BigIntColumnDef ) { boolean signedA, signedB; signedA = ((BigIntColumnDef) column).isSigned(); signedB = ((BigIntColumnDef) other).isSigned(); if ( signedA != signedB ) diffs.add(colName + "has a signedness mismatch, " + "'" + signedA + "'" + " vs " + "'" + signedB + "'" + " in " + nameB); } } } } public String fullName() { return "`" + this.database + "`." + + "`"; } public void diff(List<String> diffs, Table other, String nameA, String nameB) { if ( !this.getCharset().equals(other.getCharset()) ) { diffs.add(this.fullName() + " differs in charset: " + nameA + " is " + this.getCharset() + " but " + nameB + " is " + other.getCharset()); } if ( !this.getPKString().equals(other.getPKString())) { diffs.add(this.fullName() + " differs in PKs: " + nameA + " is " + this.getPKString() + " but " + nameB + " is " + other.getPKString()); } if ( !this.getName().equals(other.getName()) ) { diffs.add(this.fullName() + " differs in name: " + nameA + " is " + this.getName() + " but " + nameB + " is " + other.getName()); } diffColumnList(diffs, this, other, nameA, nameB); diffColumnList(diffs, other, this, nameB, nameA); } public void setDefaultColumnCharsets() { for ( StringColumnDef c : getStringColumns() ) { c.setDefaultCharset(this.getCharset()); } } public void addColumn(int index, ColumnDef definition) { columns.add(index, definition); } public void addColumn(ColumnDef definition) { columns.add(columns.size(), definition); } public void removeColumn(int idx) { ColumnDef toRemove = columns.get(idx); removePKColumn(toRemove.getName()); columns.remove(idx); } public void changeColumn(int idx, ColumnPosition position, ColumnDef definition) throws InvalidSchemaError { // when we go to rename the PK column, we need to make sure the old column name // is still there for (for normalization of pk-columns). ColumnDef oldColumn = columns.get(idx); renamePKColumn(oldColumn.getName(), definition.getName()); columns.remove(idx); columns.add(position.index(this, idx), definition); } public void setDatabase(String database) { this.database = database; } public String getCharset() { return charset; } @JsonProperty("primary-key") public List<String> getPKList() { return normalizedColumnNames(); } @JsonIgnore public String getPKString() { if ( this.pkColumnNames != null ) return StringUtils.join(pkColumnNames.iterator(), ","); else return null; } @JsonProperty("primary-key") public synchronized void setPKList(List<String> pkColumnNames) { this.pkColumnNames = pkColumnNames; this.normalizedPKColumnNames = null; } private synchronized void removePKColumn(String name) { int pkIndex = getPKList().indexOf(name); if ( pkIndex != -1 ) { this.pkColumnNames.remove(pkIndex); this.normalizedPKColumnNames = null; } } private synchronized void renamePKColumn(String oldName, String newName) { int pkIndex = getPKList().indexOf(oldName); if ( pkIndex != -1 ) { this.pkColumnNames.set(pkIndex, newName); this.normalizedPKColumnNames = null; } } private synchronized List<String> normalizedColumnNames() { /* primary keys may come in with different casing than the column names. convert the list of primary keys to match the column casing. we do this normalization lazily, as when a Table object is being deserialized from JSON, there may be no column definitions present when the setPKList() function is called. ugly! */ if ( this.normalizedPKColumnNames == null ) { this.normalizedPKColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(this.pkColumnNames.size()); for (String name : pkColumnNames) { ColumnDef cd = findColumn(name); if ( cd == null ) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find column for primary-key: " + name); this.normalizedPKColumnNames.add(cd.getName()); } } return this.normalizedPKColumnNames; } }