package com.zendesk.maxwell.replication; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.event.Event; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.event.QueryEventData; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.event.TableMapEventData; import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.event.deserialization.EventDeserializer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.MaxwellContext; import com.zendesk.maxwell.MaxwellMysqlConfig; import com.zendesk.maxwell.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrapper; import com.zendesk.maxwell.producer.AbstractProducer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.row.RowMap; import com.zendesk.maxwell.row.RowMapBuffer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class BinlogConnectorReplicator extends AbstractReplicator implements Replicator { private final long MAX_TX_ELEMENTS = 10000; protected SchemaStore schemaStore; private final LinkedBlockingDeque<BinlogConnectorEvent> queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(20); protected BinlogConnectorEventListener binlogEventListener; private final BinaryLogClient client; static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BinlogConnectorReplicator.class); private final boolean stopOnEOF; private boolean hitEOF = false; public BinlogConnectorReplicator( SchemaStore schemaStore, AbstractProducer producer, AbstractBootstrapper bootstrapper, MaxwellMysqlConfig mysqlConfig, Long replicaServerID, String maxwellSchemaDatabaseName, Position start, boolean stopOnEOF, String clientID ) { super(clientID, bootstrapper, maxwellSchemaDatabaseName, producer, start); this.schemaStore = schemaStore; this.client = new BinaryLogClient(, mysqlConfig.port, mysqlConfig.user, mysqlConfig.password); BinlogPosition startBinlog = start.getBinlogPosition(); if (startBinlog.getGtidSetStr() != null) { String gtidStr = startBinlog.getGtidSetStr();"Setting initial gtid to: " + gtidStr); this.client.setGtidSet(gtidStr); } else {"Setting initial binlog pos to: " + startBinlog.getFile() + ":" + startBinlog.getOffset()); this.client.setBinlogFilename(startBinlog.getFile()); this.client.setBinlogPosition(startBinlog.getOffset()); } EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer(); eventDeserializer.setCompatibilityMode(EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.DATE_AND_TIME_AS_LONG_MICRO, EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.CHAR_AND_BINARY_AS_BYTE_ARRAY); this.client.setEventDeserializer(eventDeserializer); this.binlogEventListener = new BinlogConnectorEventListener(client, queue); this.client.setBlocking(!stopOnEOF); this.client.registerEventListener(binlogEventListener); this.client.setServerId(replicaServerID.intValue()); this.stopOnEOF = stopOnEOF; } public BinlogConnectorReplicator(SchemaStore schemaStore, AbstractProducer producer, AbstractBootstrapper bootstrapper, MaxwellContext ctx, Position start) throws SQLException { this( schemaStore, producer, bootstrapper, ctx.getConfig().replicationMysql, ctx.getConfig().replicaServerID, ctx.getConfig().databaseName, start, false, ctx.getConfig().clientID ); } private void ensureReplicatorThread() throws Exception { if ( !client.isConnected() && !stopOnEOF ) { String gtidStr = client.getGtidSet(); String binlogPos = client.getBinlogFilename() + ":" + client.getBinlogPosition(); String position = gtidStr == null ? binlogPos : gtidStr; LOGGER.warn("replicator stopped at position: " + position + " -- restarting"); client.connect(5000); } } public void startReplicator() throws Exception { this.client.connect(5000); } @Override protected void beforeStart() throws Exception { startReplicator(); } @Override protected void beforeStop() throws Exception { this.binlogEventListener.stop(); this.client.disconnect(); } private static Pattern createTablePattern = Pattern.compile("^CREATE\\s+TABLE", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * Get a batch of rows for the current transaction. * * We assume the replicator has just processed a "BEGIN" event, and now * we're inside a transaction. We'll process all rows inside that transaction * and turn them into RowMap objects. We do this because mysql attaches the * transaction-id (xid) to the COMMIT event (at the end of the transaction), * so we process the entire transaction in order to assign each row the same xid. * @return A RowMapBuffer of rows; either in-memory or on disk. */ private RowMapBuffer getTransactionRows() throws Exception { BinlogConnectorEvent event; RowMapBuffer buffer = new RowMapBuffer(MAX_TX_ELEMENTS); while ( true ) { event = pollEvent(); if (event == null) { ensureReplicatorThread(); continue; } switch(event.getEvent().getHeader().getEventType()) { case WRITE_ROWS: case UPDATE_ROWS: case DELETE_ROWS: case EXT_WRITE_ROWS: case EXT_UPDATE_ROWS: case EXT_DELETE_ROWS: Table table = tableCache.getTable(event.getTableID()); if ( table != null && shouldOutputEvent(table.getDatabase(), table.getName(), filter) ) { for ( RowMap r : event.jsonMaps(table, lastHeartbeatPosition) ) buffer.add(r); } break; case TABLE_MAP: TableMapEventData data = event.tableMapData(); tableCache.processEvent(getSchema(), this.filter, data.getTableId(), data.getDatabase(), data.getTable()); break; case QUERY: QueryEventData qe = event.queryData(); String sql = qe.getSql(); if ( sql.equals("COMMIT") ) { // MyISAM will output a "COMMIT" QUERY_EVENT instead of a XID_EVENT. // There's no transaction ID but we can still set "commit: true" if ( !buffer.isEmpty() ) buffer.getLast().setTXCommit(); return buffer; } else if ( sql.toUpperCase().startsWith("SAVEPOINT")) {"Ignoring SAVEPOINT in transaction: " + qe); } else if ( createTablePattern.matcher(sql).find() ) { // CREATE TABLE `foo` SELECT * FROM `bar` will put a CREATE TABLE // inside a transaction. Note that this could, in rare cases, lead // to us starting on a WRITE_ROWS event -- we sync the schema position somewhere // kinda unsafe. processQueryEvent(event); } else if (sql.toUpperCase().startsWith("INSERT INTO MYSQL.RDS_HEARTBEAT")) { // RDS heartbeat events take the following form: // INSERT INTO mysql.rds_heartbeat2(id, value) values (1,1483041015005) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = 1483041015005 // We don't need to process them, just ignore } else { LOGGER.warn("Unhandled QueryEvent inside transaction: " + qe); } break; case XID: buffer.setXid(event.xidData().getXid()); // feed metric gauge. replicationLag = System.currentTimeMillis() - event.getEvent().getHeader().getTimestamp(); if ( !buffer.isEmpty() ) buffer.getLast().setTXCommit(); return buffer; } } } private RowMapBuffer rowBuffer; /** * The main entry point into the event reading loop. * * We maintain a buffer of events in a transaction, * and each subsequent call to `getRow` can grab one from * the buffer. If that buffer is empty, we'll go check * the open-replicator buffer for rows to process. If that * buffer is empty, we return null. * * @return either a RowMap or null */ public RowMap getRow() throws Exception { BinlogConnectorEvent event; if ( stopOnEOF && hitEOF ) return null; while (true) { if (rowBuffer != null && !rowBuffer.isEmpty()) { RowMap row = rowBuffer.removeFirst(); if ( row != null && isMaxwellRow(row) && row.getTable().equals("heartbeats") ) return processHeartbeats(row); else return row; } event = pollEvent(); if (event == null) { if ( stopOnEOF ) { if ( client.isConnected() ) continue; else return null; } else { ensureReplicatorThread(); return null; } } switch (event.getType()) { case WRITE_ROWS: case EXT_WRITE_ROWS: case UPDATE_ROWS: case EXT_UPDATE_ROWS: case DELETE_ROWS: case EXT_DELETE_ROWS: LOGGER.warn("Started replication stream inside a transaction. This shouldn't normally happen."); LOGGER.warn("Assuming new transaction at unexpected event:" + event); queue.offerFirst(event); rowBuffer = getTransactionRows(); break; case TABLE_MAP: TableMapEventData data = event.tableMapData(); tableCache.processEvent(getSchema(), this.filter, data.getTableId(), data.getDatabase(), data.getTable()); break; case QUERY: QueryEventData qe = event.queryData(); String sql = qe.getSql(); if (sql.equals("BEGIN")) { rowBuffer = getTransactionRows(); rowBuffer.setServerId(event.getEvent().getHeader().getServerId()); rowBuffer.setThreadId(qe.getThreadId()); } else { processQueryEvent(event); } break; case ROTATE: tableCache.clear(); if ( stopOnEOF && event.getPosition().getOffset() > 0 ) { this.binlogEventListener.mustStop.set(true); this.client.disconnect(); this.hitEOF = true; return null; } break; default: break; } } } protected BinlogConnectorEvent pollEvent() throws InterruptedException { return queue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private void processQueryEvent(BinlogConnectorEvent event) throws Exception { QueryEventData data = event.queryData(); processQueryEvent( data.getDatabase(), data.getSql(), this.schemaStore, lastHeartbeatPosition.withBinlogPosition(event.getPosition()), event.getEvent().getHeader().getTimestamp() / 1000 ); } public Schema getSchema() throws SchemaStoreException { return this.schemaStore.getSchema(); } public Long getReplicationLag() { return this.replicationLag; } }