package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import junit.framework.Test; import; import org.limewire.util.TestUtils; /** * This class handles testing all methods of the urn class. This test * needs to be run from either the core directory or the directory above * the core directory. */ public final class UrnTest extends com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeTestCase { private static final String [] VALID_URNS = { "urn:sha1:GLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKPZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKOZWUGZQYPFB", "Urn:sha1:OLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKTZWUGZQYPFB", "uRn:sHa1:JLRTHIPQGSSZTS5RJUPAKRZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:RLPTHIPQGSSZTS5FRUPAKEZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:Sha1:MLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJRPAKWZWUGYQYPFB", "UrN:sha1:WLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJURAKQZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sHa1:ALSTIIPQGSSZTS5FJUPRKAZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:ZLSTXIPQGSSZTS5FJUPARCZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTTIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKXZWUGYQYPFB", " urn:sHa1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB" }; private static final String [] INVALID_URNS = { "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFBC", "urn:sh1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "ur:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "rn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urnsha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn::sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn: sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1 :PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1 :PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1: PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWU GYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWU GYQYPFB " }; private static final String [] VALID_SHA1_URNS = { "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGZQYPFB", "Urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGZQYPFB", "uRn:sHa1:PLRTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLPTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:Sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "UrN:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sHa1:PLSTIIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTXIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "urn:sha1:PLSTTIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB" }; private static URN[] urns; private static URN[] sha1Urns; private final String [] VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS = { "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:BLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:BLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/URI-RES/N2R?urn:sha1:WLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/n2R?urn:sha1:RLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/N2r?urn:sha1:ZLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/n2r?urn:sha1:GLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1", "/uri-res/N2R?UrN:sha1:LLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sHa1:VLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:OLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:ULSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HtTP/1.0" }; private final String [] VALID_URN_URI_RES_STRINGS = { "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:BLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:BLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/URI-RES/N2R?urn:sha1:WLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/n2R?urn:sha1:RLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2r?urn:sha1:ZLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/n2r?urn:sha1:GLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2R?UrN:sha1:LLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sHa1:VLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:OLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:ULSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", }; private final URN[] VALID_URNS_HTTP = new URN[VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS.length]; private final URN[] VALID_URNS_URI_RES = new URN[VALID_URN_URI_RES_STRINGS.length]; private final String [] invalidURNStrings = { "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.2", "GET /urires/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1", "/uri-es/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJcdirnZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.2", "GET /uri-res/N2Rurn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sh1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1", "GET/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:bitprint::PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB."+ "PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB1234567 HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1::PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB."+ "PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB1234567 HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPF HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?ur:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R? urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R? urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R? "+ "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1: PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/ N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2Rurn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urnsha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sa1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0 ", " GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.0 ", " ", "GET", "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFBC HTTP/1.0", }; private File _testDir; public UrnTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(UrnTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } protected void setUp() throws Exception { urns = new URN[VALID_URNS.length]; for(int i=0; i<urns.length; i++) { urns[i] = URN.createSHA1Urn(VALID_URNS[i]); assertNotNull("urn should not be null",urns[i]); assertTrue("should be SHA1: '"+urns[i]+"'\r\n"+ urns[i].getUrnType(), urns[i].isSHA1()); assertNotEquals("urn should not have the empty string", "", urns[i].toString()); } sha1Urns = new URN[VALID_SHA1_URNS.length]; for(int i=0; i<sha1Urns.length; i++) { sha1Urns[i] = URN.createSHA1Urn(VALID_SHA1_URNS[i]); assertNotNull("urn should not be null",sha1Urns[i]); assertNotEquals("urn should not have the empty string", "", sha1Urns[i].toString()); } for(int i=0; i<VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS.length; i++) { try { VALID_URNS_HTTP[i] = URN.createSHA1UrnFromHttpRequest(VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS[i]); } catch(IOException e) { fail( "could not create urns for URNTest setup", e); } } for(int i=0; i<VALID_URN_URI_RES_STRINGS.length; i++) { try { VALID_URNS_URI_RES[i] = URN.createSHA1UrnFromUriRes(VALID_URN_URI_RES_STRINGS[i]); } catch(IOException e) { fail("could not create urns for URNTest setup", e); } } _testDir = TestUtils.getResourceFile("com/limegroup/gnutella"); assertTrue("should have been able to initialize gnutella dir", _testDir.isDirectory()); File[] files = _testDir.listFiles(); assertNotNull("test directory should contain files", files); assertGreaterThan("should have more than 10 files: "+_testDir, 10, files.length); } /** * Tests that valid urn strings successfully construct new URN instances. */ public void testValidUrns() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<VALID_URNS.length; i++) { URN.createSHA1Urn(VALID_URNS[i]); } } /** * Tests the urn contructor that takes a string to make sure that invalid * string inputs fail properly. */ public void testInvalidUrns() { for(int i=0; i<INVALID_URNS.length; i++) { try { URN.createSHA1Urn(INVALID_URNS[i]); fail("should have thrown an exception on: " + INVALID_URNS[i]); } catch(IOException e) { } } } /** * Tests the URN constructor that takes a File instance. */ public void testUrnConstructionFromFiles() throws Exception { // TESTS FOR URN CONSTRUCTION FROM FILES, WITH SHA1 CALCULATION File[] testFiles = _testDir.listFiles(); File curFile = null; for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { curFile = testFiles[i]; if(!curFile.isFile()) { continue; } URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(curFile); assertTrue("should be a valid SHA1", urn.isSHA1()); assertTrue("should be considered a urn", URN.isUrn(urn.toString())); assertEquals("should be == UrnTypes", urn.getUrnType(), URN.Type.SHA1); URN newURN = URN.createSHA1Urn(urn.toString()); assertEquals("urns should be equal", urn, newURN); } } /** * Test the constructor that constructs a URN from a URN HTTP request. */ public void testUrnHttpConstructor() { for(int i=0; i<VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS.length; i++) { try { URN.createSHA1UrnFromHttpRequest(VALID_URN_HTTP_STRINGS[i]); } catch(IOException e) { fail("construction of an URN from a valid get request failed", e); } } for(int i=0; i<invalidURNStrings.length; i++) { try { URN.createSHA1UrnFromHttpRequest(invalidURNStrings[i]); fail("construction of a URN from an invalid get request succeeded: "+ invalidURNStrings[i]); } catch(IOException e) { continue; } } } /** * Test the URN constructor that takes only a file parameter. */ public void testCreateSHA1Urn() throws Exception { File[] files = _testDir.listFiles(); for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) { if(!files[i].isFile()) continue; try { URN.createSHA1Urn(files[i]); } catch(IOException e) { fail("could not create a SHA1 URN from a valid file", e); } } } /** * Tests the isUrnType method. */ public void testIsUrnTypeMethod() { // TEST FOR isURNType method String[] validURNTypes = { "urn:", "urn:sha1:", "Urn:", "urn:Sha1:" }; String[] invalidURNTypes = { "urn: sha1:", "urn::", "urn:sha2:", " urn:sha1", "rn:sha1", " " }; for(int i=0; i<validURNTypes.length; i++) { assertTrue("should be supported URNType", URN.Type.isSupportedUrnType(validURNTypes[i])); } for(int i=0; i<invalidURNTypes.length; i++) { assertTrue("should not be supported URNType", !URN.Type.isSupportedUrnType(invalidURNTypes[i])); } } /** * Tests the hashCode method. */ public void testHashCode() throws Exception { int[] hashCodes = new int[VALID_URNS.length]; for(int i=0; i<VALID_URNS.length; i++) { hashCodes[i] = URN.createSHA1Urn(VALID_URNS[i]).hashCode(); } for(int i=0; i<hashCodes.length; i++) { int curCode = hashCodes[i]; for(int j=0; j<hashCodes.length; j++) { if(i == j) continue; assertNotEquals("hashes of two different URNs should not be equal", curCode, hashCodes[j]); } } } /** * Tests the equals method. */ public void testEquals() throws Exception { URN curUrn; for(int i=0; i<urns.length; i++) { curUrn = urns[i]; assertNotNull("current urn is unexpectedly null", curUrn); for(int j=0; j<urns.length; j++) { if(i == j) { URN tempUrn = URN.createSHA1Urn(urns[j].toString()); assertEquals("urns should be equal", curUrn, tempUrn); continue; } else { assertNotEquals("urns are unexpectedly equal" + "i: "+i+" j: "+j, curUrn, urns[j]); } assertNotNull("urn is unexpectedly null", urns[j]); } } } /** * Tests the isSHA1 method. */ public void testIsSHA1Method() { for(int i=0; i<sha1Urns.length; i++) { assertTrue(sha1Urns[i].isSHA1()); } } public void testCreateGUIDUrnFromString() throws IOException { // test valid urns, we can reuse sha1 urns and just replace sha1 with guid for (String sha1URN : VALID_URNS) { String guidURN = sha1URN.toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace("sha1", "guid"); URN urn = URN.createGUIDUrn(guidURN); assertNotNull(urn); assertTrue(urn.isGUID()); } // invalid sha1 urns should also be invalid guid urns for (String sha1URN : INVALID_URNS) { String guidURN = sha1URN.toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace("sha1", "guid"); try { URN urn = URN.createGUIDUrn(guidURN); fail("urn should not have been created for invalid input: " + urn + " original: " + sha1URN); } catch (IOException ie) { } } // valid sha1 urns should not be guid urns for (String sha1URN : VALID_SHA1_URNS) { try { URN urn = URN.createGUIDUrn(sha1URN); fail("urn should not have been created for invalid input: " + urn + " original: " + sha1URN); } catch (IOException ie) { } } } public void testCreateGUIDUrnFromGUID() { GUID guid = new GUID(); URN urn = URN.createGUIDUrn(guid); assertTrue(urn.isGUID()); assertEquals(guid.toHexString(), urn.getNamespaceSpecificString()); assertEquals("urn:guid:" + guid.toHexString(), urn.toString()); } }