package org.limewire.nio; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.timeout.ReadTimeout; import org.limewire.nio.timeout.SoTimeout; /** * Implements all common functionality that a non-blocking socket must contain. * Specifically, <code>AbstractNBSocket</code> handles * the multiplexing aspect of handing off reading, writing and connecting to * other Observers (<code></code>). * <p> * Additionally, <code>AbstractNBSocket</code> traverses the chain of readers * and writers to read leftover data and ensure remaining data is written. * <p> * <code>AbstractNBSocket</code> also exposes a common blocking input and output * stream. */ public abstract class AbstractNBSocket extends NBSocket implements ConnectObserver, ReadWriteObserver, NIOMultiplexor, ReadTimeout, SoTimeout{ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractNBSocket.class); /** Lock for shutting down. */ private final Object LOCK = new Object(); /** The reader. */ private volatile ReadObserver reader; /** The writer. */ private volatile WriteObserver writer; /** The NIOOutputStream object, if we're using blocking writing. */ private volatile NIOOutputStream nioOutputStream; /** The connecter. */ private volatile ConnectObserver connecter; /** An observer for being shutdown. */ private volatile Shutdownable shutdownObserver; /** Whether or not we've shutdown the socket. */ private boolean shutdown = false; /** * Retrieves the channel which should be used as the base channel * for all reading operations. */ protected abstract InterestReadableByteChannel getBaseReadChannel(); /** * Retrieves the channel which should be used as the base channel * for all writing operations. * <p> * If the base write channel is chained (that is, if there are multiple * writing layers that will always be used) then this must return * the top-most layer. That layer will be installed beneath the * bottom layer that is set on the Socket. All layers except the last * must implement ChannelWriter, so they can be iterated over in order * to set the last writer. */ protected abstract InterestWritableByteChannel getBaseWriteChannel(); /** * Performs any operations required for shutting down this socket. * <code>shutdownImpl</code> method will only be called once per Socket. */ protected abstract void shutdownImpl(); /** * Sets the initial reader value. */ public final void setInitialReader() { reader = new NIOInputStream(this, this, getBaseReadChannel()); } /** * Sets the initial writer value. */ public final void setInitialWriter() { InterestWritableByteChannel base = getBaseWriteChannel(); writer = getBottomFromChain(base); nioOutputStream = new NIOOutputStream(this, base); } private InterestWritableByteChannel getBottomFromChain(InterestWritableByteChannel top) { if(top instanceof ChannelWriter) { ChannelWriter lastChannel = (ChannelWriter)top; while(lastChannel.getWriteChannel() instanceof ChannelWriter) lastChannel = (ChannelWriter)lastChannel.getWriteChannel(); return (InterestWritableByteChannel)lastChannel; } else { return top; } } /** * Sets the <code>Shutdown</code> observer. * This observer is useful for when the Socket is created, * but connect has not been called yet. This observer will be * notified when the socket is shutdown. */ @Override public final void setShutdownObserver(Shutdownable observer) { shutdownObserver = observer; } /** * Sets the new <code>ReadObserver</code>. * <p> * The deepest <code>ChannelReader</code> in the chain first has its source * set to the prior reader (assuming it implemented <code>ReadableByteChannel</code>) * and a read is notified, in order to read any buffered data. * The source is then set to the Socket's channel and interest * in reading is turned on. */ public final void setReadObserver(final ChannelReadObserver newReader) { NIODispatcher.instance().getScheduledExecutorService().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { ReadObserver oldReader = reader; try { synchronized(LOCK) { if(shutdown) { newReader.shutdown(); return; } reader = newReader; } // At this point, if the socket gets shutdown, we know the // reader is going to be notified of the shutdown. ChannelReader lastChannel = newReader; // go down the chain of ChannelReaders and find the last one to set our source while(lastChannel.getReadChannel() instanceof ChannelReader) lastChannel = (ChannelReader)lastChannel.getReadChannel(); if(lastChannel instanceof RequiresSelectionKeyAttachment) ((RequiresSelectionKeyAttachment)lastChannel).setAttachment(AbstractNBSocket.this); if(oldReader instanceof InterestReadableByteChannel && oldReader != newReader) { lastChannel.setReadChannel((InterestReadableByteChannel)oldReader); reader.handleRead(); // read up any buffered data from the old reader chain. oldReader.shutdown(); // shutdown the now unused reader. } InterestReadableByteChannel source = getBaseReadChannel(); lastChannel.setReadChannel(source); source.interestRead(true); // If the socket is still connected, read up any buffered data from the current chain. // This is only done if we know the dispatcher is not going to immediately call // handleRead on the socket. If this were not done, buffered data within the chain // would not be read until future incoming data triggered another handleRead. if(isConnected() && !NIODispatcher.instance().isReadReadyThisIteration(getChannel())) reader.handleRead(); } catch(IOException iox) { shutdown(); oldReader.shutdown(); // in case we lost it. } } }); } /** * Sets the new <code>WriteObserver</code>. *<p> * If a <code>ThrottleWriter</code> is one of the <code>ChannelWriters</code>, * the attachment of the <code>ThrottleWriter</code> is set to be this. * <p> * The deepest <code>ChannelWriter<code> in the chain has its source set to be * a new <code>InterestWriteChannel</code>, which will be used as the hub to receive * and forward interest events from/to the channel. * <p> * If this is called while the existing <code>WriteObserver</code> still has data left to * write, then an <code>IllegalStateException</code> is thrown. */ public final void setWriteObserver(final ChannelWriter newWriter) { NIODispatcher.instance().getScheduledExecutorService().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if(writer.handleWrite()) throw new IllegalStateException("data still in old writer!"); writer.shutdown(); // Guarantee the NIOOutputStream is closed, if it existed. if(nioOutputStream != null) nioOutputStream.shutdown(); ChannelWriter lastChannel = newWriter; while(lastChannel.getWriteChannel() instanceof ChannelWriter) { lastChannel = (ChannelWriter)lastChannel.getWriteChannel(); if(lastChannel instanceof RequiresSelectionKeyAttachment) ((RequiresSelectionKeyAttachment)lastChannel).setAttachment(AbstractNBSocket.this); } InterestWritableByteChannel source = getBaseWriteChannel(); synchronized(LOCK) { lastChannel.setWriteChannel(source); if(shutdown) { source.shutdown(); return; } nioOutputStream = null; writer = getBottomFromChain(source); } } catch(IOException iox) { shutdown(); newWriter.shutdown(); // in case we hadn't set it yet. } } }); } /** * Notification that a connect can occur. * <p> * This passes it off on to the delegating connecter and then forgets the * connecter for the duration of the connection. */ public final void handleConnect(Socket s) throws IOException { // Clear out connector prior to calling handleConnect. // This is so that if handleConnect throws an IOX, the // observer won't be confused by having both handleConnect & // shutdown called. It'll be one or the other. ConnectObserver observer = connecter; connecter = null; observer.handleConnect(this); } /** * Notification that a read can occur. * <p> * This passes it off to the delegating reader. */ public final void handleRead() throws IOException { reader.handleRead(); } /** * Notification that a write can occur. * <p> * This passes it off to the delegating writer. */ public final boolean handleWrite() throws IOException { return writer.handleWrite(); } /** Closes the socket & all streams, waking up any waiting locks. */ @Override public final void close() { shutdown(); } /** Connects to <code>addr</code> with no timeout. */ @Override public final void connect(SocketAddress addr) throws IOException { connect(addr, 0); } /** Connects to <code>addr</code> with the given timeout (in milliseconds). */ @Override public final void connect(SocketAddress addr, int timeout) throws IOException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout must not be < 0"); } final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); ConnectObserver connecter = new ConnectObserver() { public void handleConnect(Socket s) { connectLatch.countDown(); } public void shutdown() { connectLatch.countDown(); } // unused public void handleIOException(IOException e) { } }; if(!connect(addr, timeout, connecter)) { long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (timeout == 0) { connectLatch.await(); } else { // wait a little extra to allow other threads to notify connectLatch.await(timeout + 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { shutdown(); throw new InterruptedIOException(ie); } if(!isConnected()) { shutdown(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(timeout != 0 && now - then >= timeout) throw new SocketTimeoutException("operation timed out (" + timeout + ")"); else throw new ConnectException("Unable to connect!"); } } } /** * Connects to the specified address within the given timeout (in milliseconds). * The given <code>ConnectObserver</code> will be notified of success or failure. * In the event of success, <code>observer.handleConnect</code> is called. In a failure, * <code>observer.shutdown</code> is called. <code>observer.handleIOException</code> * is never called. * <p> * Returns true if this was able to connect immediately. The observer is still * notified about the success even it it was immediate. */ @Override public boolean connect(SocketAddress addr, int timeout, final ConnectObserver observer) { synchronized(LOCK) { if(shutdown) { observer.shutdown(); return false; } // Set the connectObserver within the lock so that the connecter // will not be set away from null after shutdown is called. this.connecter = observer; } // At this point, we know that if shutdown is called, the observer // will be notified of the shutdown. try { InetSocketAddress iaddr = (InetSocketAddress)addr; if (iaddr.isUnresolved()) throw new IOException("unresolved: " + addr); if(getChannel().connect(addr)) { // Make sure connecting callbacks are always on the NIO thread. NIODispatcher.instance().getScheduledExecutorService().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { // ensure it's registered in the selector, so it can be notified // for reading|writing, and polled for readiness NIODispatcher.instance().register(getChannel(), AbstractNBSocket.this); try { observer.handleConnect(AbstractNBSocket.this); } catch(IOException iox) { NIODispatcher.instance().executeLaterAlways(new Runnable() { public void run() { shutdown(); } }); } } }); return true; } else { NIODispatcher.instance().registerConnect(getChannel(), this, timeout); return false; } } catch(IOException failed) { NIODispatcher.instance().executeLaterAlways(new Runnable() { public void run() { shutdown(); } }); return false; } } /** * Returns the <code>InputStream</code> from the <code>NIOInputStream</code>. * <p> * Internally, this is a blocking Pipe from the non-blocking <code>SocketChannel</code>. */ @Override public final InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { // Unlocked check real quickly. if(isClosed() || isShutdown()) throw new IOException("Socket closed."); ReadObserver localReader; synchronized(LOCK) { if(isShutdown()) throw new IOException("Socket closed."); localReader = reader; } if(localReader instanceof NIOInputStream) { NIOInputStream nis = (NIOInputStream)localReader; // Ensure the stream is initialized before we interest it. InputStream stream = nis.getInputStream(); nis.interestRead(true); return stream; } else { Callable<InputStream> callable = new Callable<InputStream>() { public InputStream call() throws IOException { NIOInputStream stream = new NIOInputStream(AbstractNBSocket.this, AbstractNBSocket.this, null).init(); setReadObserver(stream); return stream.getInputStream(); } }; Future<InputStream> future = NIODispatcher.instance().getScheduledExecutorService().submit(callable); try { return future.get(); } catch(ExecutionException ee) { throw (IOException)new IOException().initCause(ee.getCause()); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw (IOException)new IOException().initCause(ie.getCause()); } } } /** * Returns the <code>OutputStream</code> from the <code>NIOOutputStream</code>. * <p> * Internally, this is a blocking Pipe from the non-blocking SocketChannel. */ @Override public final OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { // Unlocked check real quickly. if(isClosed() || isShutdown()) throw new IOException("Socket closed."); // Grab a handle to the stream, to ensure it can't become null. NIOOutputStream output = nioOutputStream; if(output != null) return output.getOutputStream(); else throw new IllegalStateException("blocking I/O not in use!"); } /** Gets the read timeout for this socket. */ public long getReadTimeout() { if(reader instanceof NIOInputStream) { return 0; // NIOInputStream handles its own timeouts. } else { try { return getSoTimeout(); } catch(SocketException se) { return 0; } } } /** * Notification that an <code>IOException</code> occurred while processing a * read, connect, or write. */ public final void handleIOException(IOException iox) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(this, iox); shutdown(); } /** * Shuts down this socket & all its streams. */ public final void shutdown() { synchronized(LOCK) { if(shutdown) return; shutdown = true; } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Shutting down socket & streams for: " + this); // NOTE: We assume >= Java 1.5.0_10. // Otherwise we'd need to workaround bugid: 4744057. shutdownSocketAndChannels(); shutdownObservers(); NIODispatcher.instance().getScheduledExecutorService().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { if(nioOutputStream != null) nioOutputStream.shutdown(); nioOutputStream = null; reader = new NoOpReader(); writer = new NoOpWriter(); connecter = null; shutdownObserver = null; } }); } /** Shuts down all observers. */ protected void shutdownObservers() { reader.shutdown(); writer.shutdown(); if(connecter != null) connecter.shutdown(); if(shutdownObserver != null) shutdownObserver.shutdown(); } /** Shuts down the socket and channels. */ private void shutdownSocketAndChannels() { shutdownImpl(); try { getChannel().close(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} } private boolean isShutdown() { synchronized(LOCK) { return shutdown; } } }