package org.limewire.promotion.containers; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import org.limewire.promotion.LatitudeLongitude; import org.limewire.promotion.exceptions.PromotionException; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; /** * Instances of this class are messages that contain the keywords, target URL * and restrictions that define a promotion. */ public class PromotionMessageContainer implements MessageContainer, Serializable { /** * Since internal dates are stored in 4-bytes, seconds since Unix epoch, * this is the maximum value that can be encoded, which works out to be * January 18, 2038. Hello Y2K38. */ public static final long MAX_DATE_IN_SECONDS = 2147483647L; private static final String KEY_HEADER = "H"; private static final String KEY_TERRITORIES = "T"; private static final String KEY_DESCRIPTION = "D"; private static final String KEY_TITLE = "t"; private static final String KEY_DISPLAY_URL = "u"; private static final String KEY_URL = "U"; private static final String KEY_KEYWORDS = "K"; private static final String KEY_GEO_RESTRICT = "G"; private static final String KEY_DATE_RANGE = "d"; private static final String KEY_PROPERTIES = "P"; private static final String KEY_IMPRESS_ONLY = "I"; private GGEP payload = new GGEP(); public byte[] getType() { return StringUtils.toUTF8Bytes("P"); } /* Throws a RTE if we're missing any required fields. */ public byte[] encode() { payload.put(TYPE_KEY, getType()); if (!payload.hasKey(KEY_HEADER)) throw new RuntimeException("Missing header"); if (!payload.hasKey(KEY_TERRITORIES)) throw new RuntimeException("Missing territories"); if (!payload.hasKey(KEY_DESCRIPTION)) throw new RuntimeException("Missing description"); if (!payload.hasKey(KEY_URL)) throw new RuntimeException("Missing URL"); if (!payload.hasKey(KEY_KEYWORDS)) throw new RuntimeException("Missing keywords"); return payload.toByteArray(); } /** * A long that specifies a globally unique ID for this promo. */ public void setUniqueID(long id) { byte[] header = getHeader(); ByteUtils.long2beb(id, header, 0); setHeader(header); } public long getUniqueID() { byte[] header = getHeader(); return ByteUtils.beb2long(header, 0, 8); } /** * A goodness ratio, between 0 and 1. If greater than 1, sets to 1. If less * than 0, sets to 0. This is an approximation with only 8 bits of * resolution. */ public void setProbability(float probability) { if (probability < 0) probability = 0; if (probability > 1) probability = 1; byte probByte = (byte) ((probability * 255) - 128); byte[] header = getHeader(); header[9] = probByte; setHeader(header); } public float getProbability() { byte[] header = getHeader(); byte probByte = header[9]; return (probByte + 128) / 255.0F; } public PromotionMediaType getMediaType() { byte[] header = getHeader(); byte typeByte = header[8]; return PromotionMediaType.getInstance(typeByte); } public void setMediaType(PromotionMediaType type) { byte[] header = getHeader(); header[8] = type.getValue(); setHeader(header); } public boolean isImpressionOnly() { return payload.hasKey(KEY_IMPRESS_ONLY); } public void setImpressionOnly(boolean impressOnly) { if(impressOnly) payload.put(KEY_IMPRESS_ONLY); else payload.getHeaders().remove(KEY_IMPRESS_ONLY); } public void setOptions(PromotionOptions options) { byte[] header = getHeader(); // How many bytes we have for the bitmask. int bitmaskLength = header.length - 10; byte[] mask = new byte[bitmaskLength]; if (mask.length > 0) { // We have a byte to fill if (options.isMatchAllWords()) mask[0] = (byte) (mask[0] | 1); if (options.isOpenInNewTab()) mask[0] = (byte) (mask[0] | 2); if (options.isOpenInHomeTab()) mask[0] = (byte) (mask[0] | 4); if (options.isOpenInStoreTab()) mask[0] = (byte) (mask[0] | 8); if (options.isOpenInUnknownTab()) mask[0] = (byte) (mask[0] | 16); } // Now we have the mask. Copy it back to the header. System.arraycopy(mask, 0, header, 10, bitmaskLength); setHeader(header); } public PromotionOptions getOptions() { byte[] header = getHeader(); PromotionOptions options = new PromotionOptions(); if (header.length > 10) { byte mask = header[10]; options.setMatchAllWords((mask & 1) > 0); options.setOpenInNewTab((mask & 2) > 0); options.setOpenInHomeTab((mask & 4) > 0); options.setOpenInStoreTab((mask & 8) > 0); options.setOpenInUnknownTab((mask & 16) > 0); } return options; } /** Sets the payload with the given header. Should be 11 bytes or bigger. */ private void setHeader(byte[] header) { if (header == null || header.length < 11) throw new IllegalArgumentException("header must be at least 11 bytes long."); payload.put(KEY_HEADER, header); } /** * Gets the header bytes from the payload, or creates them freshly with * defaults set if there is a problem parsing them. */ private byte[] getHeader() { byte[] header = null; try { if (payload.hasKey(KEY_HEADER)) header = payload.getBytes(KEY_HEADER); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ignored) { } if (header == null || header.length < 11) header = new byte[11]; return header; } /** * Set the territory list. Takes the #getCountry() value from each locale, * discarding any other info. */ public void setTerritories(Locale... locales) { StringBuilder countries = new StringBuilder(); for (Locale locale : locales) countries.append(locale.getCountry()); payload.put(KEY_TERRITORIES, StringUtils.toUTF8Bytes(countries.toString())); } /** * @return an array of 0 or more {@link Locale} instances with their country * property set to a two-character ISO country code */ public Locale[] getTerritories() { List<Locale> territoryList = new ArrayList<Locale>(); String territories; try { territories = StringUtils.toUTF8String(payload.getBytes(KEY_TERRITORIES)); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("GGEP exception parsing territories.", ex); } for (int i = 0; i < territories.length() - 1; i += 2) territoryList.add(new Locale("", territories.substring(i, i + 2))); return territoryList.toArray(new Locale[territoryList.size()]); } /** * The description to display to the user. Setting this to null sets it to * "". */ public void setDescription(String description) { set(KEY_DESCRIPTION, description); } public String getDescription() { return get(KEY_DESCRIPTION); } public void setTitle(String title) { set(KEY_TITLE, title); } public String getTitle() { return get(KEY_TITLE); } public void setDisplayUrl(String displayUrl) { set(KEY_DISPLAY_URL, displayUrl); } public String getDisplayUrl() { return get(KEY_DISPLAY_URL); } /** * The keywords to search by, in encoded format (See the keyword parser * elsewhere for format). Setting this to null sets it to "". */ public void setKeywords(String keywords) { set(KEY_KEYWORDS, keywords); } public String getKeywords() { return get(KEY_KEYWORDS); } /** * The url to direct the user to . Setting this to null sets it to "". */ public void setURL(String url) { set(KEY_URL, url); } public String getURL() { return get(KEY_URL); } /** * Sets the properties for this promotion. OPTIONAL. Keys must obviously not * be null. Null values are ignored and not encoded into the final message. * Keys with trailing "." characters are trimmed to remove them. */ public void setProperties(Map<String, String> properties) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : properties.keySet()) { String value = properties.get(key); if (value == null) continue; builder.append(encodePropertyKey(key)).append('=').append(value).append('\t'); } if (builder.length() == 0) { payload.put(KEY_PROPERTIES, new byte[0]); return; } // Put the string into the ggep, but strip the last character (which is // always a tab) byte[] encodedProperties = StringUtils.toUTF8Bytes(builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1)); payload.put(KEY_PROPERTIES, encodedProperties); } /** * If the key is recognized as an encodable key, returns a shortened * version. Otherwise returns the original key. Package visible for testing. */ String encodePropertyKey(String key) { if (key != null && key.indexOf(".") != -1 && !key.equals(".")) return encodeDottedPropertyKey(key); for (int i = 0; i < PROPERTY_ENCODING_ARRAY.length; i++) if (PROPERTY_ENCODING_ARRAY[i].equals(key)) return new String(((char) (i + 128)) + ""); return key; } /** * Takes a key like "xxx.yyy.zzz" splits it and encodes each token * individually, then rejoins them. */ private String encodeDottedPropertyKey(String key) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(key, ".", true); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean lastTokenWasCompressed = false; while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = encodePropertyKey(tokens.nextToken()); if (!token.equals(".") || !lastTokenWasCompressed) builder.append(token); lastTokenWasCompressed = (token.length() == 1 && token.charAt(0) >= 128); } return trimTrailingPeriods(builder); } private String trimTrailingPeriods(StringBuilder builder) { if (builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) == '.') { builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1); return trimTrailingPeriods(builder); } return builder.toString(); } /** ONLY ADD TO THIS LIST, AND ADD AT THE END. ORDERING IS SUPER-IMPORTANT. */ private static final String[] PROPERTY_ENCODING_ARRAY = new String[] { "artist", "album", "url", "genre", "license", "size", "creation_time", "vendor", "name", "audio", "video", "document" }; /** * If the key is decodable, returns the lengthened version, otherwise * returns the original key. Package visible for testing. */ String decodePropertyKey(String key) { if (key == null || key.length() == 0) return key; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) { int index = key.charAt(i); if (index >= 128) { index -= 128; if (index < PROPERTY_ENCODING_ARRAY.length) { builder.append(PROPERTY_ENCODING_ARRAY[index]); builder.append("."); } } else { builder.append((char) index); } } if (builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) == '.' && !key.endsWith(".")) return builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1); else return builder.toString(); } /** * @return a map of properties, and an empty map if no properties have been * set or the field has an encoding error. Never null. */ public Map<String, String> getProperties() { Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { String encoded = StringUtils.toUTF8String(payload.getBytes(KEY_PROPERTIES)); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(encoded, "\t"); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokens.nextToken(); if (token.indexOf('=') > 0) { String key = token.substring(0, token.indexOf('=')); String value = token.substring(key.length() + 1); properties.put(decodePropertyKey(key), value); } } } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ignored) { } return properties; } /** Sets the {@link GeoRestriction} list for this message. Optional. */ public void setGeoRestrictions(List<GeoRestriction> restrictions) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (GeoRestriction restriction : restrictions) try { out.write(restriction.toBytes()); } catch (IOException ignored) { // This stream won't throw this } payload.put(KEY_GEO_RESTRICT, out.toByteArray()); } /** * Gets a list of {@link GeoRestriction} entries for this message, or an * empty list if there are none. */ public List<GeoRestriction> getGeoRestrictions() { List<GeoRestriction> list = new ArrayList<GeoRestriction>(); if (payload.hasValueFor(KEY_GEO_RESTRICT)) { byte[] encoded = payload.get(KEY_GEO_RESTRICT); for (int i = 0; i < encoded.length - 6; i += 7) { byte[] geoBytes = new byte[7]; System.arraycopy(encoded, i, geoBytes, 0, 7); try { list.add(new GeoRestriction(geoBytes)); } catch (PromotionException ex) { // Only happens if we miscalculated the array size throw new RuntimeException( "PromotionException while parsing geo restrictions.", ex); } } } return list; } /** * Sets an individual validity range for this promotion, OPTIONAL (if not * set, promotion inherits validity range from its parent container). * * @param start when this promo becomes valid. Cannot be past the parent * container's end date, or will never be valid. If null, defaults to * now. */ public void setValidStart(Date start) { setValidRange(start, getValidEnd()); } /** * Sets an individual validity range for this promotion, OPTIONAL (if not * set, promotion inherits validity range from its parent container). * * @param end when this promo expires. If null, the promo will expire at the * end of the parent container's validity period. */ public void setValidEnd(Date end) { setValidRange(getValidStart(), end); } /** * @param start when this promo becomes valid. Cannot be past the parent * container's end date, or will never be valid. If null, defaults to * now. * @param end when this promo expires. If null, the promo will expire at the * end of the parent container's validity period. */ private void setValidRange(Date start, Date end) { if (start == null) start = new Date(); if (end == null) end = new Date(MAX_DATE_IN_SECONDS * 1000); byte[] range = new byte[8]; byte[] startBytes = ByteUtils.long2bytes(start.getTime() / 1000, 4); byte[] endBytes = ByteUtils.long2bytes(end.getTime() / 1000, 4); System.arraycopy(startBytes, 0, range, 0, 4); System.arraycopy(endBytes, 0, range, 4, 4); payload.put(KEY_DATE_RANGE, range); } /** * If not set or there is trouble parsing the field, returns the earliest * possible date, which will be overridden by the parent container's start date. */ public Date getValidStart() { // Date is stored as a 4 byte long, seconds since UNIX epoch. try { byte range[] = payload.getBytes(KEY_DATE_RANGE); byte start[] = new byte[4]; System.arraycopy(range, 0, start, 0, 4); long startLong = ByteUtils.beb2long(start, 0, 4); return new Date(startLong * 1000); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ex) { return new Date(0); } } /** * If not set or there is trouble parsing the field, returns a date far in * the future which will be overwritten by the parent container's expiration * date. */ public Date getValidEnd() { // Date is stored as a 4 byte long, seconds since UNIX epoch. try { byte range[] = payload.getBytes(KEY_DATE_RANGE); byte end[] = new byte[4]; System.arraycopy(range, 4, end, 0, 4); long endLong = ByteUtils.beb2long(end, 0, 4); return new Date(endLong * 1000); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ex) { return new Date(MAX_DATE_IN_SECONDS * 1000L); } } /** Parses out the given key, or returns "" if the key is not present. */ private String get(String key) { try { if (!payload.hasValueFor(key)) { return ""; } else { return StringUtils.toUTF8String(payload.getBytes(key)); } } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("GGEP exception parsing value.", ex); } } /** * Set the given key to the given value encoded to UTF-8. Setting to null * sets the value to "". */ private void set(String key, String value) { payload.put(key, StringUtils.toUTF8Bytes(value)); } public void decode(GGEP rawGGEP) throws BadGGEPBlockException { if (!Arrays.equals(getType(), rawGGEP.get(TYPE_KEY))) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Incorrect type."); if (!rawGGEP.hasKey(KEY_HEADER)) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Missing header"); if (!rawGGEP.hasKey(KEY_TERRITORIES)) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Missing territories"); if (!rawGGEP.hasKey(KEY_DESCRIPTION)) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Missing description"); if (!rawGGEP.hasKey(KEY_URL)) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Missing URL"); if (!rawGGEP.hasKey(KEY_KEYWORDS)) throw new BadGGEPBlockException("Missing keywords"); this.payload = rawGGEP; } /** * Checks the UID, validity dates, keywords and URL to decide equality. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PromotionMessageContainer)) return false; PromotionMessageContainer compare = (PromotionMessageContainer) obj; if (getUniqueID() != compare.getUniqueID()) return false; if (!getKeywords().equals(compare.getKeywords())) return false; if (!getURL().equals(compare.getURL())) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) getUniqueID(); } public static enum PromotionMediaType { /** audio content. */ AUDIO(1), /** video content. */ VIDEO(2), /** LimeWire Store content. */ STORE(3), /** LimeSpot content. */ SPOT(4), /** A browser link of no special type. */ GENERIC_LINK(5), /** * UNKNOWN is the default for if A) the type is not known for B) the * promotion specifies a media type that this client does not know how * to parse. */ UNKNOWN(0); private byte value; /** The value this enum encodes to in the message. */ public byte getValue() { return value; } private PromotionMediaType(int value) { this.value = (byte) value; } /** * An instance of this enum, or UNKNOWN if the value cannot be mapped to * an enum. */ static PromotionMediaType getInstance(byte value) { for (PromotionMediaType type : PromotionMediaType.values()) { if (type.value == value) return type; } return UNKNOWN; } } public static class GeoRestriction { private LatitudeLongitude center; private int radiusInMeters; /** * Constructs an instance with the given center point and radius. */ public GeoRestriction(LatitudeLongitude center, int radiusInMeters) { = center; this.radiusInMeters = radiusInMeters; } /** * Decodes a 7-byte array, first 3 bytes are latitude, second 3 are * longitude, and final byte encodes radius using the rules discussed in * {@link #getEncodedRadius()}. Package visible for unit testing, but * should only be called during promo message parsing. * * @throws PromotionException if the array is not exactly 7 bytes long. */ GeoRestriction(byte[] bytes) throws PromotionException { if (bytes == null || bytes.length != 7) throw new PromotionException("expected exactly 7 bytes for construction."); byte[] lat = new byte[3]; byte[] lon = new byte[3]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, lat, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(bytes, 3, lon, 0, 3); = new LatitudeLongitude(lat, lon); this.radiusInMeters = decodeRadius(bytes[6]); } /** * @return true if point is within this restriction */ public boolean contains(LatitudeLongitude point) { return center.distanceFrom(point) <= (radiusInMeters / 1000.0); } /** * @return a 7-byte array, the first 3 bytes encode latitude, next 3 * encode longitude, and final byte encodes radius using the * following formula (b is byte, 1-256): (b*13)^2 meters */ public byte[] toBytes() { byte[] bytes = new byte[7]; System.arraycopy(center.toBytes(), 0, bytes, 0, 6); bytes[6] = getEncodedRadius(); return bytes; } /** * Encodes the radius to a single byte. The byte can be inflated by * multiplying it by 13 and then squaring the result. Package visible * for unit testing. */ byte getEncodedRadius() { long value = (long) (Math.sqrt(radiusInMeters) / 13); return ByteUtils.long2bytes(value - 1, 1)[0]; } /** * @return the radius in meters that the byte represents, as defined by * {@link #getEncodedRadius()}. */ static int decodeRadius(byte radiusByte) { long radius = ByteUtils.beb2long(new byte[] { radiusByte }, 0, 1) + 1; return (int) Math.pow(13 * radius, 2); } } /** Bean that represents the options bit mask. */ public static class PromotionOptions { private boolean matchAllWords = false; private boolean openInNewTab = false; private boolean openInHomeTab = false; private boolean openInStoreTab = false; private boolean openInUnknownTab = false; /** * @return if true, query should match all words, otherwise any words. */ public boolean isMatchAllWords() { return matchAllWords; } public void setMatchAllWords(boolean matchAllWords) { this.matchAllWords = matchAllWords; } /** * Not a settable property, goes to true if all the other browser * options are false. * * @return if true, open the link in a new (external to LW) browser * window. */ public boolean isOpenInNewWindow() { return !(openInStoreTab || openInNewTab || openInHomeTab || openInUnknownTab); } /** * @return if true and LW supports tabs, open a new tab for this * browser. */ public boolean isOpenInNewTab() { return openInNewTab; } public void setOpenInNewTab(boolean openInNewTab) { this.openInNewTab = openInNewTab; } /** * @return if true and LW supports a "Store" tab, open this into that * tab, creating it if it's not already open */ public boolean isOpenInStoreTab() { return openInStoreTab; } public void setOpenInStoreTab(boolean openInStoreTab) { this.openInStoreTab = openInStoreTab; } /** * @return if true and LimeWire supports a "Spot" tab, open this into that * tab, creating it if it's not already open */ public boolean isOpenInUnknownTab() { return openInUnknownTab; } public void setOpenInUnknownTab(boolean openInUnknownTab) { this.openInUnknownTab = openInUnknownTab; } /** * @return if true and LW supports a "Client" (browser) tab, open this * into that tab, creating it if it's not already open */ public boolean isOpenInHomeTab() { return openInHomeTab; } public void setOpenInHomeTab(boolean openInHomeTab) { this.openInHomeTab = openInHomeTab; } } }