package org.limewire.collection; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Structure that contains only the necessary nodes of a hash tree, automatically * verifies new nodes against the root and compacts the tree as nodes are used. * <p> * For the numbering of the nodes check * */ public class TreeStorage { /** * Node used to represent nodes that do not really exist in the tree. */ private static final TreeNode PADDING = new TreeNode(); private final TreeNodeMap map = new TreeNodeMap(false); private final NodeGenerator generator; /** id of the largest node that maps to a real chunk of the file */ private final int maxId; /** Whether nodes that are not verified can be used */ private boolean allowUnverifiedUse; TreeStorage(byte [] rootHash, NodeGenerator generator, int numLeafs) { this.generator = generator; this.maxId = (0x1 << log2Ceil(numLeafs))+ numLeafs - 1; assert this.maxId == fileToNodeId(numLeafs-1) : "max Id: "+this.maxId+" vs "+fileToNodeId(numLeafs - 1); TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1, rootHash); // root is trusted root.verified = true; map.put(1, root); } public void setAllowUnverifiedUse(boolean allow) { allowUnverifiedUse = allow; } /** * @param id the id of the tree node * @param data the hash in the node * @return true if the node was added and verified ok */ public boolean add(int id, byte [] data) { assert id > 0 && id <= maxId : "bad id "+id; TreeNode tn = map.get(id); if (tn != null && tn.verified) return false; TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(id, data); verify(newNode); map.put(id, newNode); return newNode.verified; } /** * @return the contents of the node with the given id */ public byte [] get(int id) { TreeNode tn = map.get(id); if (tn != null && tn.verified) return; return null; } /** * notification that the node id has been used to verify * data from the file. This will compact the tree. */ public void used(int id) { TreeNode tn = map.get(id); assert tn != null; assert allowUnverifiedUse || tn.verified; tn.used = true; consolidate(tn); } /** * @return the representation as defined on the wiki page */ public Collection<Integer> getUsedNodes() { // reel easy List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>(map.size()); for (int i : map) if (map.get(i).used) l.add(i); return l; } public Collection<Integer> getVerifiedNodes() { List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>(map.size()); for (int i : map) if (map.get(i).verified) l.add(i); return l; } /** * Goes through the tree and consolidates any nodes * that have been used. */ private void consolidate(TreeNode node){ TreeNode [] siblings = getSiblings(node); // if no sibling, can't consolidate. (always true for root) if (siblings[0] == null || siblings[1] == null) return; // if both haven't been used, can't consolidate. if (!siblings[0].used || !siblings[1].used) return; TreeNode parent; TreeNode existingParent = map.get( / 2); if (existingParent != null) { assert allowUnverifiedUse || existingParent.verified; assert !existingParent.used; parent = existingParent; } else parent = generateParent(siblings); parent.verified = true; parent.used = true; map.remove(siblings[0].id); map.remove(siblings[1].id); map.put(, parent); consolidate(parent); } private TreeNode[] getSiblings(TreeNode oneOfThem) { TreeNode[] ret = new TreeNode[2]; if ( % 2 == 0) { ret[0] = oneOfThem; if ( == maxId) ret[1] = PADDING; else ret[1] = map.get( + 1); } else { ret[0] = map.get( - 1); ret[1] = oneOfThem; } return ret; } /** * Goes through the tree and checks if any nodes * can be verified including the provided node. */ private void verify(TreeNode node) { TreeNode [] siblings = getSiblings(node); // if no sibling, can't verify. if (siblings[0] == null || siblings[1] == null) return; assert (allowUnverifiedUse || !siblings[0].verified) && (!siblings[1].verified || siblings[1] == PADDING); TreeNode parent = generateParent(siblings); TreeNode existingParent = map.get(; boolean same = existingParent != null && Arrays.equals(,; if (same) parent = existingParent; if (!parent.verified) verify(parent); if (parent.verified) { markVerified(siblings[0]); markVerified(siblings[1]); if ( != 1) // don't remove the root map.remove(; } else if ( != 1) // keep the parent around. map.put(, parent); } /** * marks the node as verified and removes it if its children * are verified too. */ private void markVerified(TreeNode node) { if (node == null || node == PADDING || == 1) return; map.remove(; node.verified = true; map.put(, node); // if both children are present, we can forget about this node. TreeNode left = map.get( * 2); TreeNode right = map.get( * 2 +1); if (left != null && right != null) map.remove(; markVerified(left); markVerified(right); } private TreeNode generateParent(TreeNode[] children) { byte [] data = children[1] == PADDING ? children[0].data : generator.generate(children[0].data, children[1].data); return new TreeNode(children[0].id / 2, data); } private static class TreeNode { private final int id; private final byte[] data; private boolean used; private boolean verified; /** * creates a marker node for a padding node. * Its always verified and used. */ TreeNode() { = Integer.MAX_VALUE; = null; this.used = true; this.verified = true; } TreeNode(int id, byte [] data) { = id; = data; } @Override public String toString() { return "id "+id+" verified " +verified + " used "+used; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Mapping structure that optionally caches TreeNodes indefinitely. */ private static class TreeNodeMap implements Iterable<Integer> { private final Map<Integer, TreeNode> hardMap = new TreeMap<Integer, TreeNode>(); private final Map<Integer, SoftReference<TreeNode>> softMap = new TreeMap<Integer, SoftReference<TreeNode>>(); private final boolean soft; /** * @param soft true if all nodes should be cached in soft references. */ TreeNodeMap(boolean soft) { this.soft = soft; } public TreeNode get(int id) { TreeNode ret = hardMap.get(id); if (ret != null || !soft) return ret; SoftReference<TreeNode> sr = softMap.get(id); if (sr == null) return null; return sr.get(); } public TreeNode put(int id, TreeNode node) { // remove cached copies if (soft) softMap.remove(id); return hardMap.put(id, node); } public TreeNode remove(int id) { TreeNode n = hardMap.remove(id); if (n != null && soft) softMap.put(id, new SoftReference<TreeNode>(n)); return n; } public int size() { return hardMap.size(); } public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { if (soft) return new CachingIterator(); return hardMap.keySet().iterator(); } private class CachingIterator implements Iterator<Integer> { private final Iterator<Integer> hardIterator = hardMap.keySet().iterator(); private int currentId; private TreeNode currentNode; public boolean hasNext() { return hardIterator.hasNext(); } public Integer next() { currentId =; currentNode = hardMap.get(currentId); return currentId; } public void remove() { if (currentId <= 0) throw new IllegalStateException(); hardIterator.remove(); softMap.put(currentId, new SoftReference<TreeNode>(currentNode)); currentId = 0; currentNode = null; } } } //////////////////////////////////// // various utility methods below //////////////////////////////////// // calculates the next n with 2^n > number public static int log2Ceil(long number) { int n = 0; while (number > 1) { number++; // for rounding up. number >>>= 1; n++; } return n; } /** * @param fileId id of a chunk in a file starting from 0 * @return id of a node on the bottom row of the tree */ public int fileToNodeId(int fileId) { int power = log2Ceil(maxId); int ret = (0x1 << Math.max(0,(power - 1)))+fileId; if (ret > maxId) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fileId "+fileId+" maxId "+maxId+" ret "+ret); return ret ; } /** * @param nodeId node from the tree * @return the start and end index of the chunks from the file * the node maps to or null if id is invalid. */ public int[] nodeToFileId(int nodeId) { if (nodeId < 1 || nodeId > maxId) return null; int power = Math.max(1,0x1 << (log2Ceil(maxId) - 1)); if (nodeId == 1) return new int[]{0,maxId - power}; int [] ret = new int[2]; int times = 0; while(nodeId < power ) { times++; nodeId <<= 1; } if (nodeId > maxId) return null; ret[0] = nodeId - power; ret[1] = Math.min(maxId - power, ret[0] + (0x1 << times) - 1); return ret; } }