package; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class SearchHighlightUtilTest extends TestCase { private String highlight(String search, String current) { SearchHighlightUtil util = new SearchHighlightUtil(search); return util.highlight(current); } public void testNoMatches() { assertEquals("heynow", highlight("foo bar", "heynow")); } public void testNullInputString() { assertEquals("", highlight("foo", null)); } public void testMatchOneWordSearch() { assertEquals("i like <b>foo</b>d", highlight("foo", "i like food")); } public void testMatchTwoWordSearch() { assertEquals("i like the <b>foo</b>d <b>bar</b> in the mall", highlight("foo bar", "i like the food bar in the mall")); } public void testMatchCaseInsensitively() { assertEquals("i like the <b>foo</b>d <b>bar</b> in the mall", highlight("FoO bAr", "i like the food bar in the mall")); } public void testNoHighlightingIfSearchTermsNotAtBeginningOfWord() { assertEquals("i like the pfood sbar in the mall", highlight("foo bar", "i like the pfood sbar in the mall")); } public void testMultipleSearchMatchesAndOneExclusion() { assertEquals("<b>foo</b> <b>foo</b>ey ooff <b>hoo</b>faa", highlight("foo faa hoo", "foo fooey ooff hoofaa")); } /** Tests highlighting with open bracket. */ public void testHighlightWithOpenBracket() { // Define test strings. String search = "Akon["; String content = "Akon[hello]"; // Verify highlighting. String expectedReturn = "<b>Akon[</b>hello]"; String actualReturn = highlight(search, content); assertEquals("highlight with open bracket", expectedReturn, actualReturn); } /** Tests highlighting with asterisk character. */ public void testHighlightWithAsterisk() { // Define test strings. String search = "f*"; String content = "f*[x]"; // Verify highlighting. String expectedReturn = "<b>f*</b>[x]"; String actualReturn = highlight(search, content); assertEquals("highlight with asterisk", expectedReturn, actualReturn); } /** Tests highlighting with period character. */ public void testHighlightWithPeriod() { // Define test strings. String search = "f."; String content = "[x]"; // Verify highlighting. String expectedReturn = "<b>f.</b>bar[x]"; String actualReturn = highlight(search, content); assertEquals("highlight with period", expectedReturn, actualReturn); // Verify non-match. String moreContent = "fubar[x]"; expectedReturn = "fubar[x]"; actualReturn = highlight(search, moreContent); assertEquals("highlight with period", expectedReturn, actualReturn); } }