package org.limewire.util; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.limewire.i18n.I18nMarker; /** * A generic type of media, i.e., "video" or "audio". * Many different file formats can be of the same media type. * MediaType's are immutable. *<p> * See * <p> * Implementation note: Since MediaType implements serialization and there * are inner anonymous classes be careful where to add new inner classes * and fields. */ public class MediaType implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3999062781289258389L; // These values should match standard MIME content-type // categories and/or XSD Mime Type names. public static final String SCHEMA_ANY_TYPE = "*"; public static final String SCHEMA_CUSTOM = "custom"; public static final String SCHEMA_DOCUMENTS = "document"; public static final String SCHEMA_PROGRAMS = "application"; public static final String SCHEMA_AUDIO = "audio"; public static final String SCHEMA_VIDEO = "video"; public static final String SCHEMA_IMAGES = "image"; public static final String SCHEMA_OTHER = "other"; // These are used as resource keys to retreive descriptions in the GUI public static final String ANY_TYPE = I18nMarker.marktr("All Types"); public static final String DOCUMENTS = I18nMarker.marktr("Documents"); public static final String PROGRAMS = I18nMarker.marktr("Programs"); public static final String AUDIO = I18nMarker.marktr("Audio"); public static final String VIDEO = I18nMarker.marktr("Video"); public static final String IMAGES = I18nMarker.marktr("Images"); public static final String OTHER = I18nMarker.marktr("Other"); /** * Type for 'any file'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_ANY = new MediaType(SCHEMA_ANY_TYPE, ANY_TYPE, null) { // required SVUID because we're constructing an anonymous class. // the id is taken from old limewire builds, versions 4.4 to 4.12 private static final long serialVersionUID = 8621997774686329539L; //3728385699213635375L; @Override public boolean matches(String ext) { return true; } }; /** * Type for 'documents'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_DOCUMENTS = new MediaType(SCHEMA_DOCUMENTS, DOCUMENTS, new String[] { "123", "abw", "accdb", "accde", "accdr", "accdt", "ans", "asc", "asp", "bdr", "chm", "css", "csv", "dat", "db", "dif", "diz", "doc", "docm", "docx", "dotm", "dotx", "dvi", "eml", "eps", "epsf", "fm", "grv", "gsa", "gts", "hlp", "htm", "html", "idb", "idx", "iif", "info", "js", "jsp", "kfl", "kwd", "latex", "lif", "lit", "log", "man", "mcw", "mdb", "mht", "mhtml", "mny", "msg", "obi", "odp", "ods", "odt", "ofx", "one", "onepkg", "ost", "pages", "pdf", "php", "pot", "potm", "potx", "pps", "ppsm", "ppsx", "ppt", "pptm", "pptx", "ps", "pub", "qba", "qbb", "qdb", "qbi", "qbm", "qbw", "qbx", "qdf", "qel", "qfp", "qpd", "qph", "qmd", "qsd", "rtf", "scd", "sdc", "sdd", "sdp", "sdw", "shw", "sldx", "sxc", "sxd", "sxp", "sxw", "t01", "t02", "t03", "t04", "t05", "t06", "t07", "t08", "t09", "t98", "t99", "ta0", "ta1", "ta2", "ta3", "ta4", "ta5", "ta6", "ta7", "ta8", "ta9", "tax", "tax2008", "tex", "texi", "toc", "tsv", "tvl", "txf", "txt", "wk1", "wk3", "wk4", "wks", "wp", "wp5", "wpd", "wps", "wri", "xhtml", "xlam", "xls", "xlsb", "xlsm", "xlsx", "xltm", "xltx", "xml", "xsf", "xsn", "qfx", "qif", "bud", "ofc", "pst", "mbf", "mn1", "mn2", "mn3", "mn4", "mn5", "mn6", "mn7", "mn8", "mn9", "m10", "m11", "m12", "m13", "m14", "m15", "m16", "boe", "box", "bri", "cnm", "dbx", "eml", "emlx", "idb", "idx", "maildb", "mbg", "mbs", "mbx", "mht", "msb", "msf", "msg", "nws", "pmi", "pmm", "pmx", "tbb", "toc", "vfb", "zmc", "stw", "odm", "ott", "wpt" }); /** * Type for linux/osx programs, used for Aggregator. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_LINUX_OSX_PROGRAMS = new MediaType(SCHEMA_PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, new String[] { "app", "bin", "mdb", "sh", "csh", "awk", "pl", "rpm", "deb", "gz", "gzip", "z", "bz2", "zoo", "tar", "tgz", "taz", "shar", "hqx", "sit", "dmg", "7z", "jar", "zip", "nrg", "cue", "iso", "jnlp", "rar", "sh" }); /** * Type for windows programs, used for Aggregator. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_WINDOWS_PROGRAMS = new MediaType(SCHEMA_PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, new String[] { "exe", "zip", "jar", "cab", "msi", "msp", "arj", "rar", "ace", "lzh", "lha", "bin", "nrg", "cue", "iso", "jnlp", "bat", "lnk", "vbs" }); /** * Type for 'programs'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_PROGRAMS = new MediaType(SCHEMA_PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, makeArray(TYPE_LINUX_OSX_PROGRAMS.exts, TYPE_WINDOWS_PROGRAMS.exts) ); /** * Type for 'audio'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_AUDIO = new MediaType(SCHEMA_AUDIO, AUDIO, new String[] { "mp3", "mpa", "mp1", "mpga", "mp2", "ra", "rm", "ram", "rmj", "wma", "wav", "m4a", "m4p","mp4", "lqt", "ogg", "med", "aif", "aiff", "aifc", "au", "snd", "s3m", "aud", "mid", "midi", "rmi", "mod", "kar", "ac3", "shn", "fla", "flac", "cda", "mka" }); /** * Type for 'video'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_VIDEO = new MediaType(SCHEMA_VIDEO, VIDEO, new String[] { "mpg", "mpeg", "mpe", "mng", "mpv", "m1v", "vob", "mp2", "mpv2", "mp2v", "m2p", "m2v", "mpgv", "vcd", "mp4", "dv", "dvd", "div", "divx", "dvx", "smi", "smil", "rm", "ram", "rv", "rmm", "rmvb", "avi", "asf", "asx", "wmv", "qt", "mov", "fli", "flc", "flx", "flv", "wml", "vrml", "swf", "dcr", "jve", "nsv", "mkv", "ogm", "cdg", "srt", "sub", "flv" }); /** * Type for 'images'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_IMAGES = new MediaType(SCHEMA_IMAGES, IMAGES, new String[] { "gif", "png", "bmp", "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "jif", "jiff", "jfif", "tif", "tiff", "iff", "lbm", "ilbm", "eps", "mac", "drw", "pct", "img", "bmp", "dib", "rle", "ico", "ani", "icl", "cur", "emf", "wmf", "pcx", "pcd", "tga", "pic", "fig", "psd", "wpg", "dcx", "cpt", "mic", "pbm", "pnm", "ppm", "xbm", "xpm", "xwd", "sgi", "fax", "rgb", "ras" }); /** * Type for 'other'. */ private static final MediaType TYPE_OTHER = new MediaType(SCHEMA_OTHER, OTHER, null) { // required SVUID because we're constructing an anonymous class. private static final long serialVersionUID = 2041997774686329401L; @Override public boolean matches(String ext) { return !TYPE_DOCUMENTS.matches(ext) && !TYPE_PROGRAMS.matches(ext) && !TYPE_AUDIO.matches(ext) && !TYPE_VIDEO.matches(ext) && !TYPE_IMAGES.matches(ext); } }; /** * All media types. */ private static final MediaType[] ALL_MEDIA_TYPES = new MediaType[] { TYPE_ANY, TYPE_DOCUMENTS, TYPE_PROGRAMS, TYPE_AUDIO, TYPE_VIDEO, TYPE_IMAGES, TYPE_OTHER }; /** * The description of this MediaType. */ private final String schema; /** * The key to look up this MediaType. */ private final String descriptionKey; /** * The list of extensions within this MediaType. */ private final Set<String> exts; /** * Whether or not this is one of the default media types. */ private final boolean isDefault; /** * Constructs a MediaType with only a MIME-Type. */ public MediaType(String schema) { if (schema == null) { throw new NullPointerException("schema must not be null"); } this.schema = schema; this.descriptionKey = null; this.exts = Collections.emptySet(); this.isDefault = false; } /** * @param schema a MIME compliant non-localizable identifier, * that matches file categories (and XSD schema names). * @param descriptionKey a media identifier that can be used * to retrieve a localizable descriptive text. * @param extensions a list of all file extensions of this * type. Must be all lowercase. If null, this matches * any file. */ public MediaType(String schema, String descriptionKey, String[] extensions) { if (schema == null) { throw new NullPointerException("schema must not be null"); } this.schema = schema; this.descriptionKey = descriptionKey; this.isDefault = true; if (extensions == null) { this.exts = Collections.emptySet(); } else { Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(extensions)); this.exts = set; } } /** * Returns true if a file with the given name is of this * media type, i.e., the suffix of the filename matches * one of this' extensions. */ public boolean matches(String filename) { if (exts == null) return true; //Get suffix of filename. int j = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if (j == -1 || j == filename.length()) return false; String suffix = filename.substring(j+1); // Match with extensions. return exts.contains(suffix); } /** * Returns this' media-type (a MIME content-type category) * (previously returned a description key). */ @Override public String toString() { return schema; } /** * Returns this' description key in localizable resources * (now distinct from the result of the toString method). */ public String getDescriptionKey() { return descriptionKey; } /** * Returns the MIME-Type of this. */ public String getSchema() { return schema; } /** * Determines whether or not this is a default media type. */ public boolean isDefault() { return isDefault; } /** * Returns the extensions for this media type. */ public Set<String> getExtensions() { return exts; } /** * Returns all default media types. */ public static MediaType[] getDefaultMediaTypes() { return ALL_MEDIA_TYPES; } /** * Retrieves the media type for the specified schema's description. */ public static MediaType getMediaTypeForSchema(String schema) { for (int i = ALL_MEDIA_TYPES.length; --i >= 0;) if (schema.equals(ALL_MEDIA_TYPES[i].schema)) return ALL_MEDIA_TYPES[i]; return null; } /** * Retrieves the media type for the specified extension. */ public static MediaType getMediaTypeForExtension(String ext) { for (int i = ALL_MEDIA_TYPES.length; --i >= 0;) if (ALL_MEDIA_TYPES[i].exts.contains(ext)) return ALL_MEDIA_TYPES[i]; return null; } /** * Determines whether or not the specified schema is a default. */ public static boolean isDefaultType(String schema) { for (int i = ALL_MEDIA_TYPES.length; --i >= 0;) if (schema.equals(ALL_MEDIA_TYPES[i].schema)) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof MediaType) { MediaType type = (MediaType)obj; return schema.equals(type.schema) && exts.equals(type.exts) && isDefault == type.isDefault; } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 41*hash + (schema != null ? schema.hashCode() : 0); hash = 41*hash + (descriptionKey != null ? descriptionKey.hashCode() : 0); hash = 41*hash + (exts != null ? exts.hashCode() : 0); hash = 41*hash + (isDefault ? 1 : 0); return hash; } /* * We canonicalize the default mediatypes, but since MediaType has * a public constructor only 'equals' comparisons should be used. */ Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { for (MediaType type : ALL_MEDIA_TYPES) { if (equals(type)) { return type; } } return this; } /** * Retrieves the any media type. */ public static MediaType getAnyTypeMediaType() { return TYPE_ANY; } /** * Retrieves the audio media type. */ public static MediaType getAudioMediaType() { return TYPE_AUDIO; } /** * Retrieves the video media type. */ public static MediaType getVideoMediaType() { return TYPE_VIDEO; } /** * Retrieves the image media type. */ public static MediaType getImageMediaType() { return TYPE_IMAGES; } /** * Retrieves the document media type. */ public static MediaType getDocumentMediaType() { return TYPE_DOCUMENTS; } /** * Retrieves the programs media type. */ public static MediaType getProgramMediaType() { return TYPE_PROGRAMS; } /** * Retrieves the program type specific for OS X & Linux. */ public static MediaType getOsxAndLinuxProgramMediaType() { return TYPE_LINUX_OSX_PROGRAMS; } /** * Retrieves the program type specific to Windows. */ public static MediaType getWindowsProgramMediaType() { return TYPE_WINDOWS_PROGRAMS; } /** Retrieves the 'Other' media type. */ public static MediaType getOtherMediaType() { return TYPE_OTHER; } /** * Utility that makes an array out of two sets. */ private static String[] makeArray(Set<String> one, Set<String> two) { Set<String> all = new HashSet<String>(one); all.addAll(two); return all.toArray(new String[all.size()]); } }