package com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.core.settings.SearchSettings; import org.limewire.inspection.InspectablePrimitive; import; /** A default implementation of {@link OutOfBandStatistics} */ @Singleton class OutOfBandStatisticsImpl implements OutOfBandStatistics { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OutOfBandStatisticsImpl.class); private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 500; @InspectablePrimitive("oob sample size") private AtomicInteger sampleSize = new AtomicInteger(SAMPLE_SIZE); @InspectablePrimitive("oob requested") private AtomicInteger requested = new AtomicInteger(0); @InspectablePrimitive("oob received") private AtomicInteger received = new AtomicInteger(0); @InspectablePrimitive("oob bypassed") private AtomicInteger bypassed = new AtomicInteger(0); @InspectablePrimitive("oob sent") private AtomicInteger sent = new AtomicInteger(0); public void addBypassedResponse(int numBypassed) { bypassed.addAndGet(numBypassed); } public void addReceivedResponse(int numReceived) { received.addAndGet(numReceived); } public void addRequestedResponse(int numRequested) { requested.addAndGet(numRequested); } public void addSentQuery() { sent.incrementAndGet(); } public int getRequestedResponses() { return requested.get(); } public int getSampleSize() { return sampleSize.get(); } public void increaseSampleSize() { sampleSize.addAndGet(SAMPLE_SIZE); } public double getSuccessRate() { double numRequested = requested.doubleValue(); double numReceived = received.doubleValue(); return (numReceived/numRequested) * 100; } public boolean isSuccessRateGood() { // we want a large enough sample space..... if (requested.get() < sampleSize.get()) { LOG.debug("Assuming OOB success rate is good"); return true; } int threshold = SearchSettings.OOB_SUCCESS_RATE_GOOD.getValue(); boolean good = getSuccessRate() > threshold; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("OOB success rate of " + getSuccessRate() + "% is " + (good ? "" : "not ") + "good"); } return good; } public boolean isSuccessRateGreat() { // we want a large enough sample space..... if (requested.get() < sampleSize.get()) { LOG.debug("Assuming OOB success rate is great"); return true; } int threshold = SearchSettings.OOB_SUCCESS_RATE_GREAT.getValue(); boolean great = getSuccessRate() > threshold; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("OOB success rate of " + getSuccessRate() + "% is " + (great ? "" : "not ") + "great"); } return great; } public boolean isSuccessRateTerrible() { // we want a large enough sample space..... if (requested.get() < sampleSize.get()) { LOG.debug("Assuming OOB success rate is not terrible"); return false; } int threshold = SearchSettings.OOB_SUCCESS_RATE_TERRIBLE.getValue(); boolean terrible = getSuccessRate() < threshold; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("OOB success rate of " + getSuccessRate() + "% is " + (terrible ? "" : "not ") + "terrible"); } return terrible; } public boolean isOOBEffectiveForProxy() { if(SearchSettings.FORCE_OOB.getValue()) return true; boolean effective = !((sent.get() > 40) && (requested.get() == 0)); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sent " + sent.get() + " queries, requested " + requested.get() + " responses, OOB is " + (effective ? "" : "not ") + "effective for proxying"); } return effective; } public boolean isOOBEffectiveForMe() { if(SearchSettings.FORCE_OOB.getValue()) return true; boolean effective = !((sent.get() > 20) && (requested.get() == 0)); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sent " + sent.get() + " queries, requested " + requested.get() + " responses, OOB is " + (effective ? "" : "not ") + "effective for me"); } return effective; } }