package org.limewire.ui.swing.components; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.application.Resource; import org.limewire.ui.swing.components.decorators.ComboBoxDecorator; import org.limewire.ui.swing.util.GuiUtils; import; /** * A horizontal container for {@link FancyTab FancyTab} objects. * FlexibleTabList adjusts the number of visible tabs depending on the container * size, and displays a "more" button when the actual tab count exceeds the * visible count. New tabs may be added to the container by calling the * {@link #addTabActionMapAt(TabActionMap, int) addTabActionMapAt()} method. * * <p>FlexibleTabList is used to display the search tabs at the top of the main * window.</p> */ public class FlexibleTabList extends AbstractTabList { private static final int MAX_TAB_WIDTH = 205; private static final int MIN_TAB_WIDTH = 115; private static final int RIGHT_INSET = 3; @Resource private Icon moreDefaultIcon; @Resource private Icon morePressedIcon; @Resource private Icon moreRolloverIcon; private final ComboBoxDecorator comboBoxDecorator; private final Action closeOtherAction; private final Action closeAllAction; private int maxVisibleTabs; private int vizStartIdx = -1; /** * Constructs a FlexibleTabList with the specified combobox decorator. */ @Inject FlexibleTabList(ComboBoxDecorator comboBoxDecorator) { this.comboBoxDecorator = comboBoxDecorator; GuiUtils.assignResources(this); setOpaque(false); setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 0 0 0 3, gap 0, filly, hidemode 2")); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(0, getMinimumSize().height)); closeOtherAction = new CloseOther(); closeAllAction = new CloseAll(); maxVisibleTabs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Add listener to adjust tab layout when container is resized. addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { // Redo tab layout when number of tabs changes. if (calculateVisibleTabCount() != maxVisibleTabs) { layoutTabs(); } } }); } /** * Adds a new tab using the specified action map at the specified index. */ public void addTabActionMapAt(TabActionMap actionMap, int i) { FancyTab tab = createAndPrepareTab(actionMap); addTab(tab, i); } /** * Creates a new tab with the specified action map. This calls the * superclass method to create the tab, sets the minimum and maximum widths, * and adds close actions. */ @Override protected FancyTab createAndPrepareTab(TabActionMap actionMap) { // Create tab. FancyTab tab = super.createAndPrepareTab(actionMap); // Set minimum and maximum widths. tab.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(MIN_TAB_WIDTH, tab.getMinimumSize().height)); tab.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(MAX_TAB_WIDTH, tab.getMaximumSize().height)); // Add Close actions. actionMap.setRemoveAll(closeAllAction); actionMap.setRemoveOthers(closeOtherAction); return tab; } /** * Updates the layout to display the visible tabs. This method removes all * visible tabs, and lays them out again. */ @Override protected void layoutTabs() { removeAll(); List<FancyTab> visibleTabs = getPendingVisibleTabs(); for (FancyTab tab : visibleTabs) { add(tab, "growy"); } // Add "more" button if some tabs not visible. if (visibleTabs.size() < getTabs().size()) { FancyTabMoreButton more = new FancyTabMoreButton(getTabs()); comboBoxDecorator.decorateIconComboBox(more); more.setIcon(moreDefaultIcon); more.setPressedIcon(morePressedIcon); more.setRolloverIcon(moreRolloverIcon); more.setSelectedIcon(morePressedIcon); add(more, "gapleft 0:" + String.valueOf(MIN_TAB_WIDTH)); } revalidate(); repaint(); } /** * Returns the tabs that *should* be visible, based on the currently visible * tabs, and the currently selected tab. This keeps state and assumes the * tabs it returns will become visible. * <p> * The goal is to shift the minimum amount of distance possible, while * still keeping the selected tab in view. If there's no selected tab, * this bumps everything to the left one. */ private List<FancyTab> getPendingVisibleTabs() { // Calculate maximum visible tabs. maxVisibleTabs = calculateVisibleTabCount(); // Determine tabs to display. List<FancyTab> tabs = getTabs(); List<FancyTab> vizTabs; if (maxVisibleTabs >= tabs.size()) { vizStartIdx = 0; vizTabs = tabs; } else { // Bump the start down from where it previously was // if there's now more room to display more tabs, // so that we display as many tabs as possible. if (tabs.size() - vizStartIdx < maxVisibleTabs) { vizStartIdx = tabs.size() - maxVisibleTabs; } vizTabs = tabs.subList(vizStartIdx, vizStartIdx + maxVisibleTabs); // If we had a selection, make sure that we shift in the // appropriate distance to keep that selection in view. FancyTab selectedTab = getSelectedTab(); if (selectedTab != null && !vizTabs.contains(selectedTab)) { int selIdx = tabs.indexOf(selectedTab); if (vizStartIdx > selIdx) { // We have to shift left vizStartIdx = selIdx; } else { // We have to shift right vizStartIdx = selIdx - maxVisibleTabs + 1; } vizTabs = tabs.subList(vizStartIdx, vizStartIdx+maxVisibleTabs); } } return vizTabs; } /** * Calculates the number of visible tabs that will fit in the container. * This is based on the current container width and the minimum tab width. */ private int calculateVisibleTabCount() { int visibleTabCount; // Calculate available width and maximum visible tabs. int totalWidth = getSize().width; int availWidth = Math.max(totalWidth, MIN_TAB_WIDTH); visibleTabCount = availWidth / MIN_TAB_WIDTH; // Adjust maximum tabs including "more" button if necessary. if (visibleTabCount < getTabs().size()) { int moreWidth = moreDefaultIcon.getIconWidth(); availWidth = Math.max(totalWidth - moreWidth - RIGHT_INSET, MIN_TAB_WIDTH); visibleTabCount = availWidth / MIN_TAB_WIDTH; } return visibleTabCount; } /** * Recreates the tabs in the container using their action maps. */ private void recreateTabs() { List<FancyTab> tabs = getTabs(); List<TabActionMap> actionMaps = new ArrayList<TabActionMap>(tabs.size()); for (FancyTab tab : tabs) { actionMaps.add(tab.getTabActionMap()); } setTabActionMaps(actionMaps); } /** * Sets the text for the Close All tabs action. */ public void setCloseAllText(String closeAllText) { getTabProperties().setCloseAllText(closeAllText); closeAllAction.putValue(Action.NAME, closeAllText); } /** * Sets the text for the Close tab action. */ public void setCloseOneText(String closeOneText) { getTabProperties().setCloseOneText(closeOneText); } /** * Sets the text for the Close All Other tabs action. */ public void setCloseOtherText(String closeOtherText) { getTabProperties().setCloseOtherText(closeOtherText); closeOtherAction.putValue(Action.NAME, closeOtherText); } /** * Sets whether or not the tabs should render a 'remove' icon. */ public void setRemovable(boolean removable) { getTabProperties().setRemovable(removable); recreateTabs(); } /** * Sets the insets for all tabs. */ public void setTabInsets(Insets insets) { getTabProperties().setInsets(insets); revalidate(); } /** * Action to remove all tabs from the container. */ private class CloseAll extends AbstractAction { public CloseAll() { super(getTabProperties().getCloseAllText()); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { while (!getTabs().isEmpty()) { getTabs().get(0).remove(); } } } /** * Action to remove all tabs except the current one from the container. */ private class CloseOther extends AbstractAction { public CloseOther() { super(getTabProperties().getCloseOtherText()); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { while (getTabs().size() > 1) { FancyTab tab = getTabs().get(0); if (isFrom(tab, (Component) e.getSource())) { tab = getTabs().get(1); } tab.remove(); } } private boolean isFrom(JComponent parent, Component child) { while (child.getParent() != null) { child = child.getParent(); if (child instanceof JPopupMenu) { child = ((JPopupMenu) child).getInvoker(); } if (child == parent) { return true; } } return false; } } }