package org.krakenapps.socialweb.facebook.jsonobject; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.krakenapps.socialweb.facebook.graphapi.objectcode.Permissions; import org.krakenapps.socialweb.facebook.jsonobject.fieldelement.*; public class Application implements FacebookGraphObject { private String id; private String name; private String description; private String category; private String company; private String iconUrl; private String subcategory; private String link; private String logoUrl; private String daily_active_users; private String weekly_active_users; private String monthly_active_users; // facebook return object we defined above // TODO : Migration? private String namespace; private Restrictions restrictions; // Object with one or more of the following // fields: type, location, age, and age_distr // TODO : app_domains? private String auth_dialog_data_help_url; private String auth_dialog_description; private String auth_dialog_headline; private String auth_dialog_perms_explanation; /* * Array types? auth_referral_user_perms auth_referral_friend_perms */ private String auth_referral_default_activity_privacy; // SELF , EVERYONE , // ALL_FRIENDS or NONE private boolean auth_referral_enabled; /* * Array auth_referral_enabled */ private String auth_referral_response_type; // code or token private boolean canvas_fluid_height; private boolean canvas_fluid_width; private String canvas_url; private String contact_email; private int created_time; private int creator_uid; private String deauth_callback_url; private String iphone_app_store_id; private String hosting_url; private String mobile_web_url; private String page_tab_default_name; private String page_tab_url; private String privacy_policy_url; private String secure_canvas_url; private String secure_page_tab_url; private String server_ip_whitelist; private boolean social_discovery; private String terms_of_service_url; private String user_support_email; private String user_support_url; private String website_url; private FbConnection fbConnection; public Application() { fbConnection = new FbConnection(); } private class FbConnection { public String CONN_accounts = "accounts"; public String CONN_achievements = "achievements"; public String CONN_banned = "banned"; public String CONN_insights = "insights"; public String CONN_payment_currencies = "payment_currencies"; public String CONN_payment = "payment"; public String CONN_picture = "picture"; public String CONN_roles = "roles"; public String CONN_staticresources = "staticresources"; public String CONN_subscriptions = "subscriptions"; public String CONN_translations = "translations"; public String CONN_scores = "scores"; public String CONN_video = "video"; // TODO: define field Element } @Override public int parseJson(JSONObject json) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getCategory() { return category; } public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; } public String getCompany() { return company; } public void setCompany(String company) { = company; } public String getIconUrl() { return iconUrl; } public void setIconUrl(String iconUrl) { this.iconUrl = iconUrl; } public String getSubcategory() { return subcategory; } public void setSubcategory(String subcategory) { this.subcategory = subcategory; } public String getLink() { return link; } public void setLink(String link) { = link; } public String getLogoUrl() { return logoUrl; } public void setLogoUrl(String logoUrl) { this.logoUrl = logoUrl; } public String getDaily_active_users() { return daily_active_users; } public void setDaily_active_users(String daily_active_users) { this.daily_active_users = daily_active_users; } public String getWeekly_active_users() { return weekly_active_users; } public void setWeekly_active_users(String weekly_active_users) { this.weekly_active_users = weekly_active_users; } public String getMonthly_active_users() { return monthly_active_users; } public void setMonthly_active_users(String monthly_active_users) { this.monthly_active_users = monthly_active_users; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } public Restrictions getRestrictions() { return restrictions; } public void setRestrictions(Restrictions restrictions) { this.restrictions = restrictions; } public String getAuth_dialog_data_help_url() { return auth_dialog_data_help_url; } public void setAuth_dialog_data_help_url(String auth_dialog_data_help_url) { this.auth_dialog_data_help_url = auth_dialog_data_help_url; } public String getAuth_dialog_description() { return auth_dialog_description; } public void setAuth_dialog_description(String auth_dialog_description) { this.auth_dialog_description = auth_dialog_description; } public String getAuth_dialog_headline() { return auth_dialog_headline; } public void setAuth_dialog_headline(String auth_dialog_headline) { this.auth_dialog_headline = auth_dialog_headline; } public String getAuth_dialog_perms_explanation() { return auth_dialog_perms_explanation; } public void setAuth_dialog_perms_explanation( String auth_dialog_perms_explanation) { this.auth_dialog_perms_explanation = auth_dialog_perms_explanation; } public String getAuth_referral_default_activity_privacy() { return auth_referral_default_activity_privacy; } public void setAuth_referral_default_activity_privacy( String auth_referral_default_activity_privacy) { this.auth_referral_default_activity_privacy = auth_referral_default_activity_privacy; } public boolean isAuth_referral_enabled() { return auth_referral_enabled; } public void setAuth_referral_enabled(boolean auth_referral_enabled) { this.auth_referral_enabled = auth_referral_enabled; } public String getAuth_referral_response_type() { return auth_referral_response_type; } public void setAuth_referral_response_type( String auth_referral_response_type) { this.auth_referral_response_type = auth_referral_response_type; } public boolean isCanvas_fluid_height() { return canvas_fluid_height; } public void setCanvas_fluid_height(boolean canvas_fluid_height) { this.canvas_fluid_height = canvas_fluid_height; } public boolean isCanvas_fluid_width() { return canvas_fluid_width; } public void setCanvas_fluid_width(boolean canvas_fluid_width) { this.canvas_fluid_width = canvas_fluid_width; } public String getCanvas_url() { return canvas_url; } public void setCanvas_url(String canvas_url) { this.canvas_url = canvas_url; } public String getContact_email() { return contact_email; } public void setContact_email(String contact_email) { this.contact_email = contact_email; } public int getCreated_time() { return created_time; } public void setCreated_time(int created_time) { this.created_time = created_time; } public int getCreator_uid() { return creator_uid; } public void setCreator_uid(int creator_uid) { this.creator_uid = creator_uid; } public String getDeauth_callback_url() { return deauth_callback_url; } public void setDeauth_callback_url(String deauth_callback_url) { this.deauth_callback_url = deauth_callback_url; } public String getIphone_app_store_id() { return iphone_app_store_id; } public void setIphone_app_store_id(String iphone_app_store_id) { this.iphone_app_store_id = iphone_app_store_id; } public String getHosting_url() { return hosting_url; } public void setHosting_url(String hosting_url) { this.hosting_url = hosting_url; } public String getMobile_web_url() { return mobile_web_url; } public void setMobile_web_url(String mobile_web_url) { this.mobile_web_url = mobile_web_url; } public String getPage_tab_default_name() { return page_tab_default_name; } public void setPage_tab_default_name(String page_tab_default_name) { this.page_tab_default_name = page_tab_default_name; } public String getPage_tab_url() { return page_tab_url; } public void setPage_tab_url(String page_tab_url) { this.page_tab_url = page_tab_url; } public String getPrivacy_policy_url() { return privacy_policy_url; } public void setPrivacy_policy_url(String privacy_policy_url) { this.privacy_policy_url = privacy_policy_url; } public String getSecure_canvas_url() { return secure_canvas_url; } public void setSecure_canvas_url(String secure_canvas_url) { this.secure_canvas_url = secure_canvas_url; } public String getSecure_page_tab_url() { return secure_page_tab_url; } public void setSecure_page_tab_url(String secure_page_tab_url) { this.secure_page_tab_url = secure_page_tab_url; } public String getServer_ip_whitelist() { return server_ip_whitelist; } public void setServer_ip_whitelist(String server_ip_whitelist) { this.server_ip_whitelist = server_ip_whitelist; } public boolean isSocial_discovery() { return social_discovery; } public void setSocial_discovery(boolean social_discovery) { this.social_discovery = social_discovery; } public String getTerms_of_service_url() { return terms_of_service_url; } public void setTerms_of_service_url(String terms_of_service_url) { this.terms_of_service_url = terms_of_service_url; } public String getUser_support_email() { return user_support_email; } public void setUser_support_email(String user_support_email) { this.user_support_email = user_support_email; } public String getUser_support_url() { return user_support_url; } public void setUser_support_url(String user_support_url) { this.user_support_url = user_support_url; } public String getWebsite_url() { return website_url; } public void setWebsite_url(String website_url) { this.website_url = website_url; } public FbConnection getFbConnection() { return fbConnection; } public void setFbConnection(FbConnection fbConnection) { this.fbConnection = fbConnection; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.krakenapps.socialweb.facebook.jsonobject.FacebookGraphObject#parseJson(org.json.JSONObject, java.util.Set) */ @Override public int parseJson(JSONObject json, Set<Permissions> permit) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } }