// ********************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the // ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. // // ********************************************************************** // Ice version 3.4.1 package Glacier2; // <auto-generated> // // Generated from file `PermissionsVerifier.ice' // // Warning: do not edit this file. // // </auto-generated> /** * The Glacier2 permissions verifier. This is called through the * process of establishing a session. * * @see Router * **/ public final class PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper extends Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase implements PermissionsVerifierPrx { /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param reason The reason why access was denied. * * @return True if access is granted, or false otherwise. * **/ public boolean checkPermissions(String userId, String password, Ice.StringHolder reason) { return checkPermissions(userId, password, reason, null, false); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param reason The reason why access was denied. * * @param __ctx The Context map to send with the invocation. * @return True if access is granted, or false otherwise. * **/ public boolean checkPermissions(String userId, String password, Ice.StringHolder reason, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) { return checkPermissions(userId, password, reason, __ctx, true); } private boolean checkPermissions(String userId, String password, Ice.StringHolder reason, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx, boolean __explicitCtx) { if(__explicitCtx && __ctx == null) { __ctx = _emptyContext; } int __cnt = 0; while(true) { Ice._ObjectDel __delBase = null; try { __checkTwowayOnly("checkPermissions"); __delBase = __getDelegate(false); _PermissionsVerifierDel __del = (_PermissionsVerifierDel)__delBase; return __del.checkPermissions(userId, password, reason, __ctx); } catch(IceInternal.LocalExceptionWrapper __ex) { __cnt = __handleExceptionWrapperRelaxed(__delBase, __ex, null, __cnt); } catch(Ice.LocalException __ex) { __cnt = __handleException(__delBase, __ex, null, __cnt); } } } private static final String __checkPermissions_name = "checkPermissions"; /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, null, false, null); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param __ctx The Context map to send with the invocation. **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, __ctx, true, null); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, Ice.Callback __cb) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, null, false, __cb); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param __ctx The Context map to send with the invocation. **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, __ctx, true, __cb); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, Callback_PermissionsVerifier_checkPermissions __cb) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, null, false, __cb); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param __ctx The Context map to send with the invocation. **/ public Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx, Callback_PermissionsVerifier_checkPermissions __cb) { return begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, __ctx, true, __cb); } private Ice.AsyncResult begin_checkPermissions(String userId, String password, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx, boolean __explicitCtx, IceInternal.CallbackBase __cb) { __checkAsyncTwowayOnly(__checkPermissions_name); IceInternal.OutgoingAsync __result = new IceInternal.OutgoingAsync(this, __checkPermissions_name, __cb); try { __result.__prepare(__checkPermissions_name, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, __ctx, __explicitCtx); IceInternal.BasicStream __os = __result.__os(); __os.writeString(userId); __os.writeString(password); __os.endWriteEncaps(); __result.__send(true); } catch(Ice.LocalException __ex) { __result.__exceptionAsync(__ex); } return __result; } /** * ice_response indicates that * the operation completed successfully. * @param __ret (return value) True if access is granted, or false otherwise. * * @param reason The reason why access was denied. * **/ public boolean end_checkPermissions(Ice.StringHolder reason, Ice.AsyncResult __result) { Ice.AsyncResult.__check(__result, this, __checkPermissions_name); if(!__result.__wait()) { try { __result.__throwUserException(); } catch(Ice.UserException __ex) { throw new Ice.UnknownUserException(__ex.ice_name()); } } boolean __ret; IceInternal.BasicStream __is = __result.__is(); __is.startReadEncaps(); reason.value = __is.readString(); __ret = __is.readBool(); __is.endReadEncaps(); return __ret; } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * **/ public boolean checkPermissions_async(AMI_PermissionsVerifier_checkPermissions __cb, String userId, String password) { Ice.AsyncResult __r; try { __checkTwowayOnly(__checkPermissions_name); __r = begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, null, false, __cb); } catch(Ice.TwowayOnlyException ex) { __r = new IceInternal.OutgoingAsync(this, __checkPermissions_name, __cb); __r.__exceptionAsync(ex); } return __r.sentSynchronously(); } /** * Check whether a user has permission to access the router. * * @param __cb The callback object for the operation. * @param userId The user id for which to check permission. * * @param password The user's password. * * @param __ctx The Context map to send with the invocation. **/ public boolean checkPermissions_async(AMI_PermissionsVerifier_checkPermissions __cb, String userId, String password, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) { Ice.AsyncResult __r; try { __checkTwowayOnly(__checkPermissions_name); __r = begin_checkPermissions(userId, password, __ctx, true, __cb); } catch(Ice.TwowayOnlyException ex) { __r = new IceInternal.OutgoingAsync(this, __checkPermissions_name, __cb); __r.__exceptionAsync(ex); } return __r.sentSynchronously(); } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { try { __d = (PermissionsVerifierPrx)__obj; } catch(ClassCastException ex) { if(__obj.ice_isA("::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier")) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__obj); __d = __h; } } } return __d; } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { try { __d = (PermissionsVerifierPrx)__obj; } catch(ClassCastException ex) { if(__obj.ice_isA("::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier", __ctx)) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__obj); __d = __h; } } } return __d; } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, String __facet) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { Ice.ObjectPrx __bb = __obj.ice_facet(__facet); try { if(__bb.ice_isA("::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier")) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__bb); __d = __h; } } catch(Ice.FacetNotExistException ex) { } } return __d; } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, String __facet, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { Ice.ObjectPrx __bb = __obj.ice_facet(__facet); try { if(__bb.ice_isA("::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier", __ctx)) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__bb); __d = __h; } } catch(Ice.FacetNotExistException ex) { } } return __d; } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx uncheckedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { try { __d = (PermissionsVerifierPrx)__obj; } catch(ClassCastException ex) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__obj); __d = __h; } } return __d; } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx uncheckedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, String __facet) { PermissionsVerifierPrx __d = null; if(__obj != null) { Ice.ObjectPrx __bb = __obj.ice_facet(__facet); PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper __h = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); __h.__copyFrom(__bb); __d = __h; } return __d; } protected Ice._ObjectDelM __createDelegateM() { return new _PermissionsVerifierDelM(); } protected Ice._ObjectDelD __createDelegateD() { return new _PermissionsVerifierDelD(); } public static void __write(IceInternal.BasicStream __os, PermissionsVerifierPrx v) { __os.writeProxy(v); } public static PermissionsVerifierPrx __read(IceInternal.BasicStream __is) { Ice.ObjectPrx proxy = __is.readProxy(); if(proxy != null) { PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper result = new PermissionsVerifierPrxHelper(); result.__copyFrom(proxy); return result; } return null; } }