// ********************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the // ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. // // ********************************************************************** package IceInternal; public final class Network { // ProtocolSupport public final static int EnableIPv4 = 0; public final static int EnableIPv6 = 1; public final static int EnableBoth = 2; public static boolean connectionRefused(java.net.ConnectException ex) { // // The JDK raises a generic ConnectException when the server // actively refuses a connection. Unfortunately, our only // choice is to search the exception message for // distinguishing phrases. // String msg = ex.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if(msg != null) { final String[] msgs = { "connection refused", // ECONNREFUSED "remote host refused an attempted connect operation" // ECONNREFUSED (AIX JDK 1.4.2) }; for(String m : msgs) { if(msg.indexOf(m) != -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean noMoreFds(java.lang.Throwable ex) { String msg = ex.getMessage(); if(msg != null) { msg = msg.toLowerCase(); final String[] msgs = { "too many open files", // EMFILE "file table overflow", // ENFILE "too many open files in system" // ENFILE }; for(String m : msgs) { if(msg.indexOf(m) != -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public static java.nio.channels.SocketChannel createTcpSocket() { try { java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd = java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.open(); java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); socket.setKeepAlive(true); return fd; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel createTcpServerSocket() { try { java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd = java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel.open(); // // It's not possible to set TCP_NODELAY or KEEP_ALIVE // on a server socket in Java // //java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); //socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); //socket.setKeepAlive(true); return fd; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel createUdpSocket() { try { return java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel.open(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static void closeSocketNoThrow(java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel fd) { try { fd.close(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { // Ignore } } public static void closeSocket(java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel fd) { try { fd.close(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static void setBlock(java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel fd, boolean block) { try { fd.configureBlocking(block); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static void setReuseAddress(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd, boolean reuse) { try { fd.socket().setReuseAddress(reuse); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static void setReuseAddress(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd, boolean reuse) { try { fd.socket().setReuseAddress(reuse); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.net.InetSocketAddress doBind(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd, java.net.InetSocketAddress addr, int backlog) { try { java.net.ServerSocket sock = fd.socket(); sock.bind(addr, backlog); return (java.net.InetSocketAddress)sock.getLocalSocketAddress(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.net.InetSocketAddress doBind(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd, java.net.InetSocketAddress addr) { try { java.net.DatagramSocket sock = fd.socket(); sock.bind(addr); return (java.net.InetSocketAddress)sock.getLocalSocketAddress(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.nio.channels.SocketChannel doAccept(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel afd) { java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd = null; while(true) { try { fd = afd.accept(); break; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { if(interrupted(ex)) { continue; } Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } try { java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); socket.setKeepAlive(true); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return fd; } public static boolean doConnect(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd, java.net.InetSocketAddress addr) { try { if(!fd.connect(addr)) { return false; } } catch(java.net.ConnectException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.ConnectFailedException se; if(connectionRefused(ex)) { se = new Ice.ConnectionRefusedException(); } else { se = new Ice.ConnectFailedException(); } se.initCause(ex); throw se; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } if(System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Linux")) { // // Prevent self connect (self connect happens on Linux when a client tries to connect to // a server which was just deactivated if the client socket re-uses the same ephemeral // port as the server). // if(addr.equals(fd.socket().getLocalSocketAddress())) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); throw new Ice.ConnectionRefusedException(); } } return true; } public static void doFinishConnect(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd) { // // Note: we don't close the socket if there's an exception. It's the responsibility // of the caller to do so. // try { if(!fd.finishConnect()) { throw new Ice.ConnectFailedException(); } if(System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Linux")) { // // Prevent self connect (self connect happens on Linux when a client tries to connect to // a server which was just deactivated if the client socket re-uses the same ephemeral // port as the server). // java.net.SocketAddress addr = fd.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); if(addr != null && addr.equals(fd.socket().getLocalSocketAddress())) { throw new Ice.ConnectionRefusedException(); } } } catch(java.net.ConnectException ex) { Ice.ConnectFailedException se; if(connectionRefused(ex)) { se = new Ice.ConnectionRefusedException(); } else { se = new Ice.ConnectFailedException(); } se.initCause(ex); throw se; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static void doConnect(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd, java.net.InetSocketAddress addr) { try { fd.connect(addr); } catch(java.net.ConnectException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.ConnectFailedException se; if(connectionRefused(ex)) { se = new Ice.ConnectionRefusedException(); } else { se = new Ice.ConnectFailedException(); } se.initCause(ex); throw se; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static java.nio.channels.SocketChannel doAccept(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd, int timeout) { java.nio.channels.SocketChannel result = null; while(result == null) { try { result = fd.accept(); if(result == null) { java.nio.channels.Selector selector = java.nio.channels.Selector.open(); try { while(true) { try { fd.register(selector, java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); int n; if(timeout > 0) { n = selector.select(timeout); } else if(timeout == 0) { n = selector.selectNow(); } else { n = selector.select(); } if(n == 0) { throw new Ice.TimeoutException(); } break; } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { if(interrupted(ex)) { continue; } Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } } finally { try { selector.close(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { // Ignore } } } } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { if(interrupted(ex)) { continue; } Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } try { java.net.Socket socket = result.socket(); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); socket.setKeepAlive(true); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return result; } public static void setSendBufferSize(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd, int size) { try { java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setSendBufferSize(size); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static int getSendBufferSize(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd) { int size; try { java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); size = socket.getSendBufferSize(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return size; } public static void setRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd, int size) { try { java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static int getRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel fd) { int size; try { java.net.Socket socket = fd.socket(); size = socket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return size; } public static void setRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd, int size) { try { java.net.ServerSocket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static int getRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel fd) { int size; try { java.net.ServerSocket socket = fd.socket(); size = socket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return size; } public static void setSendBufferSize(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd, int size) { try { java.net.DatagramSocket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setSendBufferSize(size); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static int getSendBufferSize(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd) { int size; try { java.net.DatagramSocket socket = fd.socket(); size = socket.getSendBufferSize(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return size; } public static void setRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd, int size) { try { java.net.DatagramSocket socket = fd.socket(); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } } public static int getRecvBufferSize(java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel fd) { int size; try { java.net.DatagramSocket socket = fd.socket(); size = socket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { closeSocketNoThrow(fd); Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return size; } public static java.net.InetSocketAddress getAddress(String host, int port, int protocol) { return getAddressImpl(host, port, protocol, false); } public static java.net.InetSocketAddress getAddressForServer(String host, int port, int protocol) { return getAddressImpl(host, port, protocol, true); } public static int compareAddress(java.net.InetSocketAddress addr1, java.net.InetSocketAddress addr2) { if(addr1.getPort() < addr2.getPort()) { return -1; } else if(addr2.getPort() < addr1.getPort()) { return 1; } byte[] larr = addr1.getAddress().getAddress(); byte[] rarr = addr2.getAddress().getAddress(); if(larr.length < rarr.length) { return -1; } else if(rarr.length < larr.length) { return 1; } assert(larr.length == rarr.length); for(int i = 0; i < larr.length; i++) { if(larr[i] < rarr[i]) { return -1; } else if(rarr[i] < larr[i]) { return 1; } } return 0; } public static java.net.InetAddress getLocalAddress(int protocol) { java.net.InetAddress addr = null; try { addr = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { // // May be raised on DHCP systems. // } catch(NullPointerException ex) { // // Workaround for bug in JDK. // } if(addr == null || !isValidAddr(addr, protocol)) { // // Iterate over the network interfaces and pick an IP // address (preferably not the loopback address). // java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetAddress> addrs = getLocalAddresses(protocol); java.util.Iterator<java.net.InetAddress> iter = addrs.iterator(); while(addr == null && iter.hasNext()) { java.net.InetAddress a = iter.next(); if(protocol == EnableBoth || isValidAddr(a, protocol)) { addr = a; } } if(addr == null) { addr = getLoopbackAddresses(protocol)[0]; // Use the loopback address as the last resort. } } assert(addr != null); return addr; } public static java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetSocketAddress> getAddresses(String host, int port, int protocol) { java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetSocketAddress> addresses = new java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetSocketAddress>(); try { java.net.InetAddress[] addrs; if(host == null || host.length() == 0) { addrs = getLoopbackAddresses(protocol); } else { addrs = java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(host); } for(java.net.InetAddress addr : addrs) { if(protocol == EnableBoth || isValidAddr(addr, protocol)) { addresses.add(new java.net.InetSocketAddress(addr, port)); } } } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { Ice.DNSException e = new Ice.DNSException(); e.host = host; e.initCause(ex); throw e; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } // // No Inet4Address/Inet6Address available. // if(addresses.size() == 0) { Ice.DNSException e = new Ice.DNSException(); e.host = host; throw e; } return addresses; } public static java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetAddress> getLocalAddresses(int protocol) { java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetAddress> result = new java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetAddress>(); try { java.util.Enumeration<java.net.NetworkInterface> ifaces = java.net.NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while(ifaces.hasMoreElements()) { java.net.NetworkInterface iface = ifaces.nextElement(); java.util.Enumeration<java.net.InetAddress> addrs = iface.getInetAddresses(); while(addrs.hasMoreElements()) { java.net.InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement(); if(!addr.isLoopbackAddress()) { if(protocol == EnableBoth || isValidAddr(addr, protocol)) { result.add(addr); } } } } } catch(java.net.SocketException e) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(e); throw se; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } return result; } public static final class SocketPair { public java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel source; public java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel sink; } public static SocketPair createPipe() { SocketPair fds = new SocketPair(); try { java.nio.channels.Pipe pipe = java.nio.channels.Pipe.open(); fds.sink = pipe.sink(); fds.source = pipe.source(); } catch(java.io.IOException ex) { Ice.SocketException se = new Ice.SocketException(); se.initCause(ex); throw se; } return fds; } public static java.util.ArrayList<String> getHostsForEndpointExpand(String host, int protocolSupport, boolean includeLoopback) { boolean wildcard = (host == null || host.length() == 0); if(!wildcard) { try { wildcard = java.net.InetAddress.getByName(host).isAnyLocalAddress(); } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } } java.util.ArrayList<String> hosts = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); if(wildcard) { java.util.ArrayList<java.net.InetAddress> addrs = getLocalAddresses(protocolSupport); for(java.net.InetAddress addr : addrs) { // // NOTE: We don't publish link-local IPv6 addresses as these addresses can only // be accessed in general with a scope-id. // if(!addr.isLinkLocalAddress()) { hosts.add(addr.getHostAddress()); } } if(includeLoopback || hosts.isEmpty()) { if(protocolSupport != EnableIPv6) { hosts.add(""); } if(protocolSupport != EnableIPv4) { hosts.add("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"); } } } return hosts; } public static void setTcpBufSize(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel socket, Ice.Properties properties, Ice.Logger logger) { // // By default, on Windows we use a 128KB buffer size. On Unix // platforms, we use the system defaults. // int dfltBufSize = 0; if(System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { dfltBufSize = 128 * 1024; } int sizeRequested = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.RcvSize", dfltBufSize); if(sizeRequested > 0) { // // Try to set the buffer size. The kernel will silently adjust // the size to an acceptable value. Then read the size back to // get the size that was actually set. // setRecvBufferSize(socket, sizeRequested); int size = getRecvBufferSize(socket); if(size < sizeRequested) // Warn if the size that was set is less than the requested size. { logger.warning("TCP receive buffer size: requested size of " + sizeRequested + " adjusted to " + size); } } sizeRequested = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.SndSize", dfltBufSize); if(sizeRequested > 0) { // // Try to set the buffer size. The kernel will silently adjust // the size to an acceptable value. Then read the size back to // get the size that was actually set. // setSendBufferSize(socket, sizeRequested); int size = getSendBufferSize(socket); if(size < sizeRequested) // Warn if the size that was set is less than the requested size. { logger.warning("TCP send buffer size: requested size of " + sizeRequested + " adjusted to " + size); } } } public static void setTcpBufSize(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel socket, Ice.Properties properties, Ice.Logger logger) { // // By default, on Windows we use a 128KB buffer size. On Unix // platforms, we use the system defaults. // int dfltBufSize = 0; if(System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { dfltBufSize = 128 * 1024; } // // Get property for buffer size. // int sizeRequested = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.RcvSize", dfltBufSize); if(sizeRequested > 0) { // // Try to set the buffer size. The kernel will silently adjust // the size to an acceptable value. Then read the size back to // get the size that was actually set. // setRecvBufferSize(socket, sizeRequested); int size = getRecvBufferSize(socket); if(size < sizeRequested) // Warn if the size that was set is less than the requested size. { logger.warning("TCP receive buffer size: requested size of " + sizeRequested + " adjusted to " + size); } } } public static String fdToString(java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel fd) { if(fd == null) { return "<closed>"; } java.net.InetAddress localAddr = null, remoteAddr = null; int localPort = -1, remotePort = -1; if(fd instanceof java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) { java.net.Socket socket = ((java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)fd).socket(); localAddr = socket.getLocalAddress(); localPort = socket.getLocalPort(); remoteAddr = socket.getInetAddress(); remotePort = socket.getPort(); } else if(fd instanceof java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel) { java.net.DatagramSocket socket = ((java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel)fd).socket(); localAddr = socket.getLocalAddress(); localPort = socket.getLocalPort(); remoteAddr = socket.getInetAddress(); remotePort = socket.getPort(); } else { assert(false); } return addressesToString(localAddr, localPort, remoteAddr, remotePort); } public static String fdToString(java.net.Socket fd) { if(fd == null) { return "<closed>"; } java.net.InetAddress localAddr = fd.getLocalAddress(); int localPort = fd.getLocalPort(); java.net.InetAddress remoteAddr = fd.getInetAddress(); int remotePort = fd.getPort(); return addressesToString(localAddr, localPort, remoteAddr, remotePort); } public static String addressesToString(java.net.InetAddress localAddr, int localPort, java.net.InetAddress remoteAddr, int remotePort) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(128); s.append("local address = "); s.append(localAddr.getHostAddress()); s.append(':'); s.append(localPort); if(remoteAddr == null) { s.append("\nremote address = <not connected>"); } else { s.append("\nremote address = "); s.append(remoteAddr.getHostAddress()); s.append(':'); s.append(remotePort); } return s.toString(); } public static String addrToString(java.net.InetSocketAddress addr) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(128); s.append(addr.getAddress().getHostAddress()); s.append(':'); s.append(addr.getPort()); return s.toString(); } public static boolean interrupted(java.io.IOException ex) { return ex instanceof java.io.InterruptedIOException; } private static boolean isValidAddr(java.net.InetAddress addr, int protocol) { byte[] bytes = null; if(addr != null) { bytes = addr.getAddress(); } return bytes != null && ((bytes.length == 16 && protocol == EnableIPv6) || (bytes.length == 4 && protocol == EnableIPv4)); } private static java.net.InetSocketAddress getAddressImpl(String host, int port, int protocol, boolean server) { try { java.net.InetAddress[] addrs; if(host == null || host.length() == 0) { if(server) { addrs = getWildcardAddresses(protocol); } else { addrs = getLoopbackAddresses(protocol); } } else { addrs = java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(host); } for(java.net.InetAddress addr : addrs) { if(protocol == EnableBoth || isValidAddr(addr, protocol)) { return new java.net.InetSocketAddress(addr, port); } } } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { Ice.DNSException e = new Ice.DNSException(); e.host = host; e.initCause(ex); throw e; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } // // No Inet4Address/Inet6Address available. // Ice.DNSException e = new Ice.DNSException(); e.host = host; throw e; } private static java.net.InetAddress[] getLoopbackAddresses(int protocol) { try { java.net.InetAddress[] addrs = new java.net.InetAddress[protocol == EnableBoth ? 2 : 1]; int i = 0; if(protocol != EnableIPv6) { addrs[i++] = java.net.InetAddress.getByName(""); } if(protocol != EnableIPv4) { addrs[i++] = java.net.InetAddress.getByName("::1"); } return addrs; } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { assert(false); return null; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } } private static java.net.InetAddress[] getWildcardAddresses(int protocol) { try { java.net.InetAddress[] addrs = new java.net.InetAddress[protocol == EnableBoth ? 2 : 1]; int i = 0; if(protocol != EnableIPv4) { addrs[i++] = java.net.InetAddress.getByName("::0"); } if(protocol != EnableIPv6) { addrs[i++] = java.net.InetAddress.getByName(""); } return addrs; } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { assert(false); return null; } catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex) { Ice.SocketException e = new Ice.SocketException(); e.initCause(ex); throw e; } } }