// ********************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the // ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. // // ********************************************************************** // Ice version 3.4.1 package Glacier2; // <auto-generated> // // Generated from file `Router.ice' // // Warning: do not edit this file. // // </auto-generated> /** * Create a per-client session with the router. If a * {@link SessionManager} has been installed, a proxy to a {@link Session} * object is returned to the client. Otherwise, null is returned * and only an internal session (i.e., not visible to the client) * is created. * * If a session proxy is returned, it must be configured to route * through the router that created it. This will happen automatically * if the router is configured as the client's default router at the * time the session proxy is created in the client process, otherwise * the client must configure the session proxy explicitly. * **/ public abstract class Callback_Router_createSession extends Ice.TwowayCallback { public abstract void response(SessionPrx __ret); public abstract void exception(Ice.UserException __ex); public final void __completed(Ice.AsyncResult __result) { RouterPrx __proxy = (RouterPrx)__result.getProxy(); SessionPrx __ret = null; try { __ret = __proxy.end_createSession(__result); } catch(Ice.UserException __ex) { exception(__ex); return; } catch(Ice.LocalException __ex) { exception(__ex); return; } response(__ret); } }