package com.sun.ejte.ccl.webrunner.webtest; import; import; /** *This is the main class for Web Test.It takes a text script file as an argument. * * @author Deepa Singh ( *Company Sun Microsystems Inc. * */ public class WebTest { private String ws_root="appserv-tests"; private String testsuite_id=""; WebTest(){} public void setTestSuiteID(String testsuiteid) { this.testsuite_id=testsuiteid; } public void setResultFileLocation(String workspace_root) { this.ws_root=workspace_root; } /** *Reads script file and converts into a byte array.Sends byte array to SendRequest class. *@author Deepa Singh *@param file String fully qualified location of file *@param host String host name of web server where web application is to be run. * */ public void readFile(String file,String s_host,String s_port) { try { FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(file); File f=new File(file); byte buffer[]=new byte[(int)f.length()]; System.out.println("size of buffer is"+buffer.length); int pos=0; int n; while((>=0) { if(pos>(int)f.length()) { System.out.println("EOF reached"); break; } buffer[pos]=(byte)n; pos=pos+1; } fin.close(); SendRequest sendRequest=new SendRequest(ws_root,testsuite_id); int port=new Integer(s_port).intValue(); sendRequest.setServerProperties(s_host,port); sendRequest.processUrl(buffer); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in reading Script File"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String [] args) { if(args.length<4) { System.err.println("usage:\t WebTest <<full_file_name>> <<web_server_host_name>> <<web_server_port>> <<outputfile>> <<testsuiteid>>"); System.exit(0); } String file= args[0]; String serverhost=args[1]; String serverport=args[2]; String ws_root=args[3]; String testsuiteid=args[4]; WebTest webTest=new WebTest(); webTest.setResultFileLocation(ws_root); webTest.setTestSuiteID(testsuiteid); webTest.readFile(file,serverhost,serverport); } }