/* * ShoppingEJB.java * * Created on May 15, 2003, 5:16 PM */ package com.sun.devtest.admin.synchronization.api.security.shopping; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.SessionBean; import java.util.Vector; import java.lang.String; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * * @author Harpreet * @version */ public class RpaBean implements SessionBean { private String shopper = "anonymous"; private String principal = "harpreet"; private int totalPrice = 0; private int totalItems = 0; private Vector items; private Vector itemPrice; private SessionContext sc = null; /** Creates a new instance of ShoppingEJB */ public void ejbCreate(String shopperName) { shopper = shopperName; items = new Vector(); itemPrice = new Vector(); } public void addItem(java.lang.String item, int price) throws EJBException, RemoteException{ checkCallerPrincipal(); items.add(item); itemPrice.add(new Integer(price)); totalItems++; totalPrice += price; System.out.println(" Shopping Cart: Shopper "+ shopper +" has bought " + item +" for price ="+ price +" .Total Items = "+totalItems + " .TotalPrice = " + totalPrice); } public void deleteItem(java.lang.String item) throws EJBException, RemoteException{ checkCallerPrincipal(); int index = items.indexOf(item); items.remove(item); Integer price = (Integer) itemPrice.get(index); System.out.println("Shopping Cart: Removing item "+ item +" @price "+ price.intValue()); totalPrice -= price.shortValue(); itemPrice.remove(index); System.out.println(" Shopping Cart: Shopper "+ shopper +" .Total Items = "+totalItems + " .TotalPrice = " + totalPrice); } public double getTotalCost() throws EJBException{ checkCallerPrincipal(); return totalPrice; } public String[] getItems() throws EJBException{ checkCallerPrincipal(); Iterator it = items.iterator(); int sz = items.size(); String[] itemNames = new String[sz]; for(int i=0; it.hasNext();){ itemNames[i++] = new String( (String)it.next()); } return itemNames; } public void ejbActivate() { System.out.println("In Rpa ejbActivate"); } public void ejbPassivate() { System.out.println("In Rpa ejbPassivate"); } public void ejbRemove() { System.out.println("In Rpa ejbRemove"); } public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext sessionContext) { sc = sessionContext; } private void checkCallerPrincipal() throws EJBException { System.out.println("Caller Princial = " + sc.getCallerPrincipal() + " comparing against " + principal); if (!sc.getCallerPrincipal().getName().equals(principal)) { throw new EJBException("Wrong Principal. Principal should be = " + principal); } } }