package com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.config; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.common.AMXConnector; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.common.ClusterManager; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.common.ClusteredInstanceManager; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; /** * @author <a>Shreedhar Ganapathy</a> * Date: Sep 11, 2004 * @version $Revision: 1.5 $ */ public class ClusterLifecycleTest { private AMXConnector mAmxConnector; private ClusterManager cm; private ClusteredInstanceManager cim; private Hashtable clusters = new Hashtable(); protected static final String LIST_INSTANCES_COMMAND = "asadmin list-instances"; protected static final String START_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND = "asadmin start-node-agent"; protected static final Object CREATE_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND = "asadmin create-node-agent"; protected static final Object LIST_NODE_AGENTS_COMMAND = "asadmin list-node-agents"; protected static final String STOP_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND = "asadmin stop-node-agent"; protected static final String DELETE_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND = "asadmin delete-node-agent"; protected static final String DELETE_NODE_AGENT_CONFIG_COMMAND = "asadmin delete-node-agent-config"; private static final String LIST_CLUSTERS_COMMAND = "asadmin list-clusters"; private SortedMap summary = new TreeMap(); public ClusterLifecycleTest(){ try { mAmxConnector = new AMXConnector(getHost(), getAMXPort(), getAdminUser(), getAdminPassword(), getUseTLS()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } cm = new ClusterManager(mAmxConnector); cim = new ClusteredInstanceManager(mAmxConnector ); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS EXPECTED TO RUN", new Integer(getNumClusters()*4 + getNumInstances()*4)); } public int runTest() throws TestFailedException{ int result; /* final boolean newNodeAgent = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("NEW_NODE_AGENT","true")).booleanValue(); if(newNodeAgent){ result = createNodeAgent(); if(result == 1){ throw new TestFailedException("Create Node Agent Operation Failed"); } result = verifyNodeAgentCreation(); if(result == 1){ throw new TestFailedException("Verification of Create Node Agent Operation Failed"); } }*/ result = createCluster(); if(result == 1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Create Cluster test failed"); } result = verifyClusterCreation(); if(result == 1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Verification of Create Cluster failed"); } result = createInstance(); if(result == 1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Create Instance test failed"); } result = verifyInstanceCreation(); if(result == 1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Create Instance Verification failed"); } result = startNodeAgent(); if(result == 1) { printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Start NodeAgent Operation failed"); } result = startCluster(); if(result==1) { printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Start Cluster Operation failed"); } result = verifyStartCluster(); if(result==1) { printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Verification of Start Cluster Operation failed"); } result = stopCluster(); if(result==1) { printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Stop Cluster Operation failed"); } result = verifyStopCluster(); if(result==1) { printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Verification of Stop Cluster Operation failed"); } result = startInstance(); if(result == 1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Start Instance test failed"); } result = verifyStartInstance(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Start Instance Verification failed"); } result = stopInstance(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Stop Instance test failed"); } result = verifyStopInstance(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Stop Instance Verification failed"); } result = deleteInstance(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Delete Instance test failed"); } result = verifyDeleteInstance(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Delete Instance Verification failed"); } result = deleteCluster(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Delete Cluster test failed"); } result = verifyDeleteCluster(); if(result ==1){ printSummaryTestResults(); throw new TestFailedException("Delete Cluster Verification failed"); } /*if(newNodeAgent){ result = stopNodeAgent(); if(result == 1){ throw new TestFailedException("Stop Node Agent Operation Failed"); } result = deleteNodeAgent(); if(result == 1){ throw new TestFailedException("Delete Node Agent Operation Failed"); } } */ printSummaryTestResults(); return 0; } private void printSummaryTestResults() { for(Iterator i = summary.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();){ System.out.println(; } } protected int createNodeAgent() { final String nodeAgentName = getNodeAgentName(); final String command = CREATE_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND + " --host " + getHost() + " --port " + getAdminPort() + " --user " + getAdminUser() + " --password " + getAdminPassword()+ " " + nodeAgentName; System.out.println("running command: " +command); final String sb = runCommand(command); if(sb.indexOf("successfully")>=0){ System.out.println("Node Agent create operation for "+nodeAgentName+" completed."); return 0; } return 1; } protected int verifyNodeAgentCreation() { final String nodeAgentName = getNodeAgentName(); final String command = LIST_NODE_AGENTS_COMMAND + " --host "+ getHost() + " --port "+ getAdminPort() + " --user "+ getAdminUser() + " --password "+ getAdminPassword() + " " + nodeAgentName; System.out.println("running command: " +command); final String sb = runCommand(command); if(sb.indexOf(nodeAgentName)>=0){ System.out.println("Verification for Node Agent Create Operation for "+nodeAgentName+" completed."); return 0; } return 1; } private int createCluster() { ClusterConfig clusterConfig ; String clusterName; for(int i = 0; i< getNumClusters(); i++){ clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; try { clusterConfig = cm.createCluster(clusterName, getConfigName(), null ); clusters.put(clusterName, clusterConfig); } catch (Exception e){ final Throwable t = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause(e); System.out.println(t.getMessage()); return 1; } System.out.println("Cluster Creation for "+ getClusterNames()[i] + " completed."); } return 0; } private int verifyClusterCreation(){ int retval=1; final int numClusters = getNumClusters(); for(int i = 0; i< numClusters; i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; final String sb = getListClustersCommandOutput(clusterName); if(sb.indexOf(clusterName)>=0){ System.out.println("Cluster Creation Verification for "+getClusterNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("CLUSTER CREATION TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numClusters+" PASS"); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", new Integer(i+1)); retval=0; } else retval = 1; } return retval; } protected int createInstance(){ String clusterName; for(int i=0; i<getNumClusters(); i++){ clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; for(int j = 0; j< getNumInstances(); j++){ try { cim.createInstance(getInstanceNames()[j], getNodeAgentName(), clusterName, getOptionalParameters(j+1) ); } catch (Exception e){ final Throwable t = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause(e); if(t.getMessage() != null){ if(t.getMessage().indexOf("WARNING")<0){ System.out.println(t.getMessage()); return 1; } }else{ e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("Instance Creation for "+ getInstanceNames()[j] + " completed."); } } return 0; } protected int verifyInstanceCreation() { int retval=1; final int numInst = getNumInstances(); for(int i = 0; i< numInst; i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; final String sb = getListInstancesCommandOutput(instanceName); if(sb.indexOf(instanceName)>=0){ System.out.println("Instance Creation Verification for "+getInstanceNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("INSTANCE CREATION TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numInst+" PASS"); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", new Integer(i+1)); retval=0; } else retval = 1; } return retval; } protected String getListInstancesCommandOutput(final String instanceName) { //this assumes asadmin is somewhere in the path String command = LIST_INSTANCES_COMMAND+ " --host "+ getHost()+ " --port "+ getAdminPort()+ " --user "+ getAdminUser()+ " --password " + getAdminPassword(); if(instanceName != null) command += " " + instanceName; System.out.println("running command: " +command); return runCommand(command); } private String getListClustersCommandOutput(final String clusterName) { //this assumes asadmin is somewhere in the path String command = LIST_CLUSTERS_COMMAND+ " --host "+ getHost()+ " --port "+ getAdminPort()+ " --user "+ getAdminUser()+ " --password " + getAdminPassword(); if(clusterName != null) command += " " + clusterName; System.out.println("running command: " +command); return runCommand(command); } protected String runCommand(final String command) { String sb = null; try { final Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); sb = convertToString(p.getInputStream()); System.out.println("Received Process Output String: |" +sb+"|"); if(sb.length() == 0 ){ sb = convertToString(p.getErrorStream()); System.out.println("Received Process Error String: |" +sb+"|"); } } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return sb; } protected String convertToString(final InputStream in) { final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(in)); String line; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); sb.append(" "); } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } protected int startNodeAgent() { final String command = START_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND + " --user "+ getAdminUser()+ " --password " + getAdminPassword()+ " --startinstances=false"+ " " +getNodeAgentName() ; System.out.println("running command: " +command); final String result = runCommand(command); if(result.indexOf("successfully")>=0 || result.indexOf("running")>=0) { return 0; } return 1; } private int startCluster() { for(int i = 0; i< getNumClusters(); i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; try { cm.startCluster(clusterName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Starting of cluster " + clusterName +" completed."); } return 0; } private int verifyStartCluster() { int retval=1; final int numClusters = getNumClusters(); for(int i = 0; i< numClusters; i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; final String sb = getListClustersCommandOutput(clusterName); if(sb.indexOf(clusterName+" running")>=0){ System.out.println("Cluster Start Verification for "+getClusterNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("CLUSTER START TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numClusters+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval=1; } return retval; } private int stopCluster() { for(int i = 0; i< getNumClusters(); i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; try { cm.stopCluster(clusterName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Stopping of cluster " + clusterName +" completed."); } return 0; } private int verifyStopCluster() { int retval = 1; final int numClusters = getNumClusters(); for(int i = 0; i< numClusters; i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; final String sb = getListClustersCommandOutput(clusterName); if(sb.indexOf(clusterName+" not running")>=0){ System.out.println("Cluster Stop Verification for "+getClusterNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("CLUSTER STOP TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numClusters+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval =1; } return retval; } protected int startInstance() { for(int i = 0; i< getNumInstances(); i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; try { cim.startInstance(instanceName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Starting of instance " + instanceName +" completed."); } return 0; } protected int verifyStartInstance() { int retval=1; final int numInst = getNumInstances(); for(int i = 0; i< numInst; i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; final String sb = getListInstancesCommandOutput(instanceName); if(sb.indexOf(instanceName+" running")>=0){ System.out.println("Instance Start Verification for "+getInstanceNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("INSTANCE START TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numInst+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval=1; } return retval; } protected int stopInstance() { for(int i = 0; i< getNumInstances(); i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; try { cim.stopInstance(instanceName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Stopping of instance " + instanceName +" completed."); } return 0; } protected int verifyStopInstance() { int retval = 1; final int numInst = getNumInstances(); for(int i = 0; i< numInst; i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; final String sb = getListInstancesCommandOutput(instanceName); if(sb.indexOf(instanceName+" not running")>=0){ System.out.println("Instance Stop Verification for "+getInstanceNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("INSTANCE STOP TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numInst+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval =1; } return retval; } protected int deleteInstance() { for(int i=0; i<getNumClusters(); i++){ for(int j = 0; j< getNumInstances(); j++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[j]; try { cim.deleteInstance(instanceName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Deleting of instance " + instanceName +" completed."); } } return 0; } protected int verifyDeleteInstance() { int retval = 1; final int numInst = getNumInstances(); for(int i = 0; i< numInst; i++){ final String instanceName = getInstanceNames()[i]; final String sb = getListInstancesCommandOutput(null); if(sb.indexOf(instanceName)<0){ System.out.println("Instance Delete Verification for "+getInstanceNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("INSTANCE DELETE TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numInst+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval =1; } return retval; } private int deleteCluster() { for(int i = 0; i< getNumClusters(); i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; try { cm.deleteCluster(clusterName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } System.out.println("Deleting of cluster " + clusterName +" completed."); } return 0; } private int verifyDeleteCluster() { int retval = 1; final int numClusters = getNumClusters(); for(int i = 0; i< numClusters; i++){ final String clusterName = getClusterNames()[i]; final String sb = getListClustersCommandOutput(null); if(sb.indexOf(clusterName)<0){ System.out.println("Cluster Delete Verification for "+getClusterNames()[i] + " successful."); summary.put("CLUSTER DELETE TEST", i+1 +" out of "+numClusters+" PASS"); final Integer total = new Integer(((Integer)summary.get("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN")).intValue()+ 1); summary.put("TOTAL AMX TESTS ACUALLY RUN", total); retval = 0; } else retval =1; } return retval; } protected int stopNodeAgent() { final String command = STOP_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND + " " +getNodeAgentName() ; System.out.println("running command: " +command); final String result = runCommand(command); if(result.indexOf("successfully")>=0){ return 0; } return 1; } private int deleteNodeAgent() { String command = DELETE_NODE_AGENT_COMMAND + " " +getNodeAgentName() ; System.out.println("running command: " +command); String result = runCommand(command); if(result.indexOf("succesfully")>=0){ command = DELETE_NODE_AGENT_CONFIG_COMMAND + " --host "+ getHost()+ " --port "+ getAdminPort()+ " --user "+ getAdminUser()+ " --password " + getAdminPassword()+ " " +getNodeAgentName(); System.out.println("running command: " +command); result = runCommand(command); if(result.indexOf("successfully")>=0){ return 0; } } return 1; } protected String getHost() { return System.getProperty("HOST", "localhost"); } protected int getAMXPort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("AMX_PORT","8686")); } protected int getAdminPort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ADMIN_PORT","4848")); } protected String getAdminUser() { return System.getProperty("ADMIN_USER", "admin"); } protected String getAdminPassword() { return System.getProperty("ADMIN_PASSWORD", "adminadmin"); } protected boolean getUseTLS() { return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("USE_TLS", "false")).booleanValue(); } protected String[] getInstanceNames() { final int num = getNumInstances(); final String[] instances = new String[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){ instances[i] = "instance"+(1+i); } return instances; } private String[] getClusterNames() { final int num = getNumClusters(); final String[] clusters = new String[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){ clusters[i] = "cluster"+(1+i); } return clusters; } protected int getNumInstances() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("NUM_INSTANCES", "1")); } private int getNumClusters() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("NUM_CLUSTERS", "1")); } protected String getNodeAgentName() { return System.getProperty("NODE_AGENT"); } protected String getConfigName() { return System.getProperty("CONFIG_NAME"); } //Properties should be specified as a SystemProperty "PROPERTIES" with its // values following the pattern "key=value:key=value......" //For each instance number passed in to this method, the port values will be incremented by //that number here for each value provided through PROPERTIES system prop protected Map getOptionalParameters(final int instanceNum) throws Exception { final Map properties = new HashMap(); final String props = System.getProperty("PROPERTIES"); if(props == null) return null; final String[] specs = props.split(":"); String key, value; for(int i=0; i<specs.length;i++){ key = specs[i].substring(0, specs[i].indexOf("=",0)); value = specs[i].substring(specs[i].indexOf("=")+1,specs[i].length()); key = getLegalKey(key); if(key!=null){ properties.put(key, ""+(Integer.parseInt(value)+instanceNum)); } else{ throw new Exception("PROPERTIES:property key did not match legal key"); } } System.out.println(properties.toString()); return properties; } private String getLegalKey(String key) { String[] legalKeys = { ServerConfigKeys.HTTP_LISTENER_1_PORT_KEY, ServerConfigKeys.HTTP_LISTENER_2_PORT_KEY, ServerConfigKeys.ORB_LISTENER_1_PORT_KEY, ServerConfigKeys.SSL_PORT_KEY, ServerConfigKeys.SSL_MUTUALAUTH_PORT_KEY, ServerConfigKeys.JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT_KEY, }; for(int i=0; i<legalKeys.length;i++){ if(legalKeys[i].matches(PropertiesAccess.PROPERTY_PREFIX+key )) return legalKeys[i]; } return null; } public static void main(final String[] args){ final ClusterLifecycleTest test = new ClusterLifecycleTest(); try { test.runTest(); } catch (TestFailedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }