package com.sun.ejte.ccl.reporter; import com.sun.ejte.ccl.reporter.SimpleReporterAdapter; public class ReporterClient{ private static SimpleReporterAdapter stat = new SimpleReporterAdapter("appserv-tests"); public static void main(String args[]){ if(args.length<1){ usage(); } echo(args[0]+" is the test name"); String default_desc=args[0]+"_default_description"; if(args.length>1 && !((args[1].trim()).equals(""))){ echo(args[1]+" is the test description"); default_desc = args[1]; } int numTests = 1; if (args.length>=3) { numTests = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); } echo("adding description..."); stat.addDescription(default_desc); echo("adding status..."); if (numTests==1) { stat.addStatus(args[0], stat.DID_NOT_RUN); } else { for (int i=0;i<numTests; i++) { stat.addStatus(args[0]+"-"+(i+1), stat.DID_NOT_RUN); } } echo("printing summary..."); stat.printSummary(); } public static void usage(){ String usg="Usage:"+ "\tReporterClient <test name> [<test description>]"+ "\tNote:Test description is not required but recommended"; echo(usg); } public static void echo(String msg){ System.out.println(msg); } }