package com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.deployment; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * This class will deploy and undeploy every app found in the samples directory. * It will discover the name of every cluster and stand-alone instance and deploy * and undeploy all the samples to each. * In order to run the test, you should create the appropriate clusters and instances * and have a node-agent running. */ public class DeploymentTestsAuto { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("ant")) calledFromAnt = true; bold("Deployment Tests Started", System.err); caller = System.getProperty(""); if(caller == null) caller = "unknown"; DeploymentTestsAuto dta = null; try { dta = new DeploymentTestsAuto();; bold("RESULTS in " + dta.reportFile.getPath(), System.err); printErr("\n\n\n\n"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); } finally { Tee.stop(); } System.exit(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public DeploymentTestsAuto() throws DeploymentTestsException { start = new Date(); try { propertiesFile = Utils.safeGetCanonicalFile(new File(PROPERTIES_FILE)); if(!propertiesFile.exists() && caller.equals("bnevins")) propertiesFile = Utils.safeGetCanonicalFile(new File("C:/jwsee/appserv-tests/devtests/ee/admin/mbeanapi/deployment/" + PROPERTIES_FILE)); if(!propertiesFile.exists()) throw new DeploymentTestsException("No properties file. Expected it here: " + propertiesFile.getPath()); printErr("Properties File: " + propertiesFile.getPath()); printErr(""); load(); setupTee(); getConstantArgs(); getTargetList(); getSampleList(); getTestList(); getOptions(); } catch(DeploymentTestsException dte) { throw dte; } catch(Exception e) { throw new DeploymentTestsException("Unknown Exception caught in DeploymentTestsAuto.DeploymentTestsAuto", e); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void run() { // note: NOW all exceptions are documented internally and // the run continues... for(Iterator it = tests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Test test = (Test); try { DeployedAppInspector inspector = new DeployedAppInspector(,; if(inspector.isDeployed( { test.addComment("App was previously deployed before the test. Undeploying before testing.\n"); undeploy(test); inspector.refresh(); if(inspector.isDeployed( { test.addComment("Could not undeploy App. Aborted testing of this App."); break; } } deploy(test); inspector.refresh(); if(!inspector.isDeployed( { test.addComment("Inspector reported that App was not deployed."); break; } undeploy(test); inspector.refresh(); if(inspector.isDeployed( { test.addComment("Inspector reported that App was not undeployed."); break; } test.addComment("Successfully deployed and undeployed app"); test.passed = true; } catch(DeploymentTestsException dte) { test.add(dte); continue; } } report(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void report() { end = new Date(); long msec = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); double sec = (double)msec / 1000.0; print(stars); bold("Test Results", System.out); print(stars); print(""); print("Time Started: " + start); print("Time Ended: " + end); print("Total Time: " + sec + " seconds"); print(""); bold("Summary", System.out); print(""); int numTests = tests.size(); int numPassed = getNumPassed(); int numFailed = numTests - numPassed; print("Total Tests: " + numTests); print("Passed: " + numPassed); print("Failed: " + numFailed); print(""); bold("Details", System.out); print(""); int which = 1; for(Iterator it = tests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++which) { Test test = (Test); print("Test " + which); print(""); print(test.toString()); print(stars); print(""); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void deploy(Test test) throws DeploymentTestsException { bold("Deploy " + + " to " +, System.err); ConnectCmd ccmd =; DeployCmd deployCmd = cmdFactory.createDeployCmd( test.sample.file.getPath(),, null, //context-root true, // enable; Cmd pipe = new PipeCmd(ccmd, deployCmd); try { pipe.execute(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new DeploymentTestsException("Error deploying.", e); } if(pauseAfterDeploy) { // if this program is called from Ant -- stdin won't work. // So use a dialog box... if(calledFromAnt) Utils.messageBox("Just deployed " + + "\nPress OK when ready to undeploy." , "Deployment Tests Pause"); else Console.readLine(stars + "\n" + boldify("Pausing after Deploy. Hit Return to continue...") + "\n" + stars + "\n"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void undeploy(Test test) throws DeploymentTestsException { bold("UnDeploy " + + " from " +, System.err); ConnectCmd ccmd =; UndeployCmd undeployCmd = cmdFactory.createUndeployCmd(,; Cmd pipe = new PipeCmd(ccmd, undeployCmd); try { pipe.execute(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new DeploymentTestsException("Error undeploying.", e); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void getConstantArgs() throws DeploymentTestsException { phup = new Phup(props); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void getTargetList() throws DeploymentTestsException { String err = "No targets specified in properties file. Usage \"targets=foo,goo,hoo\""; String s = props.getProperty("targets"); if(!Utils.ok(s)) throw new DeploymentTestsException(err); String[] ss = s.split(","); if(ss == null || ss.length <= 0) throw new DeploymentTestsException(err); Set targetNames = new HashSet(); //targetNames.add("server"); for(int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) targetNames.add(ss[i]); targets = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator it = targetNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String targetName = (String); ConnectCmd ccmd = cmdFactory.createConnectCmd(phup); try { // note: it does NOT actually connect yet... ccmd.execute(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new DeploymentTestsException("Couldn't connect to target: " + targetName, e); } targets.add(new Target(targetName, ccmd)); } printErr("Targets:"); int which = 1; for(Iterator it = targetNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++which) printErr(" " + which + " " +; printErr(""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void getSampleList() throws DeploymentTestsException { SampleGetter getter = new SampleGetter(props); samples = getter.getSampleList(); printErr("Samples:"); int which = 1; for(Iterator it = samples.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++which) printErr(" " + which + " " + ((Utils.Sample) ); printErr(""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void getTestList()// throws DeploymentTestsException { tests = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator itt = targets.iterator(); itt.hasNext(); ) { Target target = (Target); for(Iterator its = samples.iterator(); its.hasNext(); ) { Utils.Sample sample = (Utils.Sample); tests.add(new Test(sample, target)); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void getOptions() { String s = props.getProperty("pauseAfterDeploy"); if(Utils.ok(s) && s.toLowerCase().equals("true")) pauseAfterDeploy = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void load() throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile); props.load(in); in.close(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void print(String s) { System.out.println(s); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void printErr(String s) { System.err.println(s); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void bold(String s, PrintStream out) { String message = boldify(s); out.println(stars); out.println(message); out.println(stars); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static String boldify(String s) { String message = s; int len = (s == null ? 0 : s.length()); if(len < 60) { message = " " + message + " "; len += 10; if(len % 2 != 0) { message += " "; ++len; } int numStars = (80 - len) / 2; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < numStars; i++) { sb.append('*'); } message = sb.toString() + message + sb.toString(); } return message; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void setupTee() throws DeploymentTestsException { // where to save the report? // (1) in the properties file String fname = props.getProperty("report"); if(!Utils.ok(fname)) { // (2) -- the default fname = "./" + REPORT_FILE; } reportFile = Utils.safeGetCanonicalFile(new File(fname)); try { Tee.start(reportFile.getPath()); } catch(IOException e) { throw new DeploymentTestsException("Could not create report file: " + reportFile, e); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int getNumPassed() { int numPassed = 0; for(Iterator it = tests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Test test = (Test); if(test.passed) ++numPassed; } return numPassed; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void usage() { printErr("\n\n\n\n"); bold("USAGE", System.err); for(int i = 0; i < help.length; i++) { printErr(help[i]); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private CmdFactory cmdFactory = Env.getCmdFactory(); private File propertiesFile; private File reportFile; private Properties props = new Properties(); private Phup phup; private List targets; private List samples; private List tests; private Date start; private Date end; private static String stars; private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "./"; private static final String REPORT_FILE = "./DeploymentTests.out"; private static String caller; private boolean pauseAfterDeploy = false; private static boolean calledFromAnt = false; private static final String[] help = { "java -cp <classpath> -ea com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.deployment.DeploymentTestsAuto", "", "where <classpath> must include: mbeanapi.jar, jmxri.jar and jmxremote.jar", "", "You must put instructions in a file named \"\"", "At a minimum, you must setup the following properties (example values included", "", "user=admin", "port=8686", "password=adminadmin", "", "sampledir=C:/jwsee/appserv-tests/devtests/ee/admin/mbeanapi/deployment/samples", "targets=qbert,foo", "", "The report file path defaults to \"DeploymentTests.out\" in the current directory.", "You can specify any path you want like so:", "", "report=c:/jwsee/appserv-tests/devtests/ee/admin/mbeanapi/deployment/DeploymentTests.out", "", "", "targets is a comma-delimited list of clusters and stand-alone instances.", "sampledir points to a directory that you have filled with samples to be deployed and undeployed.", "To make manual testing possible you can set a property that will cause the program to pause and", "wait for you to type in a carriage return after every deployment. This allows you to check the", "server, run the app, etc. Here is the syntax:", "", "pauseAfterDeploy=true", "", "", "", }; static { // note -- there must be a better way to do this, but I can't find it!! StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < 80; i++) sb.append('*'); stars = sb.toString(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// nested classes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class Target { public String toString() { return "Target: " + name; } private Target(String name, ConnectCmd ccmd) { = name; this.ccmd = ccmd; } private String name; private ConnectCmd ccmd; } private static class Test { public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if(passed) sb.append("****** Passed").append('\n'); else sb.append("****** Failed").append('\n'); sb.append(sample).append('\n'); sb.append(target).append('\n'); if(comments.length() > 0) sb.append(comments).append('\n'); if(!passed) { sb.append("Exceptions:").append('\n'); int which = 1; for(Iterator it = exceptions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++which) { Exception e = (Exception); sb.append("Exception # " + which).append('\n'); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.close(); sb.append(sw.toString()); } } return sb.toString(); } private Test(Utils.Sample sample, Target target) { this.sample = sample; = target; } private void addComment(String s) { comments += s; } private void add(DeploymentTestsException dte) { exceptions.add(dte); } Utils.Sample sample; Target target; String comments = new String(); List exceptions = new ArrayList(); boolean passed = false; } }