package com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeanapi.deployment; import; import*; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** */ public class DeployCmd extends BaseCmd { public static final String kArchive = "archive"; public static final String kTarget = "target"; public static final String kDeployOptions = "deployOptions"; public DeployCmd(CmdEnv cmdEnv) { super(cmdEnv); } public Object execute() throws Exception { assert isConnected(); deploy(); associate(); startApp(); return null; } public Object upload(InputStream is, final long fileSize) throws Exception { try { final DeploymentMgr mgr = getDeploymentMgr(); assert( mgr != null ); final int totalSize = (int)fileSize; final int chunkSize = 32 * 1024; final Object uploadID = mgr.initiateFileUpload( totalSize ); int remaining = totalSize; boolean done = false; while ( remaining != 0 ) { final int actual = remaining < chunkSize ? remaining : chunkSize; final byte[] bytes = new byte[ actual ]; try {; } catch (EOFException eofe) { done = true; break; } done = mgr.uploadBytes( uploadID, bytes ); remaining -= actual; } assert( done ); return( uploadID ); } finally { //nothing } } protected void deploy() throws Exception { BufferedInputStream bis = null; DeployListener myListener = null;; DeploymentMgr mgr = null; try { final File archive = getArchive(); mgr = getDeploymentMgr(); myListener = new DeployListener(); mgr.addNotificationListener(myListener, null, null); final Object deployID = mgr.initDeploy( ); assert( deployID instanceof String ); if(archive.isDirectory()) { DeploymentSourceImpl dsi = new DeploymentSourceImpl(archive.getAbsolutePath(), true, new String[1], new String[1], new String[1], new HashMap()); mgr.startDeploy( deployID, dsi.asMap(), null, getDeploymentOptions()); } else { bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(archive)); Object uploadID = upload(bis, archive.length()); mgr.startDeploy( deployID, uploadID, null, getDeploymentOptions()); } while ( ! myListener.isCompleted() ) { try { Thread.sleep( 2000 ); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { } } checkFailed(checkForException(myListener.getFinalStatus())); } finally { if (bis != null) { bis.close(); } if(myListener != null && mgr != null) { try { mgr.removeNotificationListener(myListener); } catch( e) { System.err.println("Couldn't remove listener!"); } } } } protected void associate() throws Exception { final String target = getTarget(); if (!DEFAULT_DEPLOY_TARGET.equals(target)) //not a "domain". { final DeployedItemRefConfig refConfig = getDeployedItemRefConfigCR(target).createDeployedItemRefConfig(getAppName()); assert refConfig != null; } } protected void startApp() throws Exception { final String target = getTarget(); if (!DEFAULT_DEPLOY_TARGET.equals(target)) //not a "domain". { J2EELogicalServer server = getLogicalServer(); server.startApp(getAppName(), null); } } protected void stopApp() throws Exception { final String target = getTarget(); if (!DEFAULT_DEPLOY_TARGET.equals(target)) //not a "domain". { J2EELogicalServer server = getLogicalServer(); server.stopApp(getAppName(), null); } } protected DeployedItemRefConfigCR getDeployedItemRefConfigCR() throws Exception { return getDeployedItemRefConfigCR(getTarget()); } protected DeployedItemRefConfigCR getDeployedItemRefConfigCR(String target) throws Exception { final AMXConfig clusterOrServer = getClusterOrServer(target); assert clusterOrServer != null; DeployedItemRefConfigCR mgr = null; if (clusterOrServer instanceof StandaloneServerConfig) { mgr = (StandaloneServerConfig)clusterOrServer; } else if (clusterOrServer instanceof ClusterConfig) { mgr = (ClusterConfig)clusterOrServer; } else { throw new Exception("Invaid deployment target: " + "Target has to be a cluster or standalone server"); } assert mgr != null; return mgr; } protected AMXConfig getClusterOrServer(String target) throws Exception { final DomainConfig domainConfig = getDomainConfig(); final Map standAloneServers = domainConfig.getStandaloneServerConfigMap(); final Map clusters = domainConfig.getClusterConfigMap(); final Map clusteredServers = domainConfig.getClusteredServerConfigMap(); AMXConfig proxy = null; if (standAloneServers.containsKey(target)) { proxy = (AMXConfig)standAloneServers.get(target); } else if (clusters.containsKey(target)) { proxy = (AMXConfig)clusters.get(target); } else { //assert !clusteredServers.containsKey(target); proxy = (AMXConfig)clusteredServers.get(target); } return proxy; } protected DeploymentMgr getDeploymentMgr() throws Exception { return( getDomainRoot().getDeploymentMgr() ); } protected File getArchive() { final String file = (String)getCmdEnv().get(kArchive); assert file != null; final File f = new File(file); assert (f.exists() && f.canRead()); return f; } protected String getAppName() { String name = null; final Map deploymentOptions = getDeploymentOptions(); if (null != deploymentOptions) { name = (String)deploymentOptions.get( DeploymentMgr.DEPLOY_OPTION_NAME_KEY); } if (null == name) { name = getArchive().getName(); //strip the extension name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); System.err.println("App name=" + name); } return name; } static final String DEFAULT_DEPLOY_TARGET = "domain"; protected String getTarget() { final String target = (String)getCmdEnv().get(kTarget); return (null == target) ? DEFAULT_DEPLOY_TARGET : target; } protected Map getDeploymentOptions() { return (Map)getCmdEnv().get(kDeployOptions); } J2EELogicalServer getLogicalServer() throws Exception { J2EELogicalServer server = null; J2EEDomain domain = getJ2EEDomain(); Map serverMap = domain.getServerMap(); Map clusterMap = domain.getClusterMap(); String target = getTarget(); serverMap.putAll(clusterMap); if(!serverMap.containsKey(target)) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't find target: " + getTarget()); } return (J2EELogicalServer)serverMap.get(target); } public static Throwable checkForException(final DeploymentStatus s) { Throwable ex = s.getThrowable(); final Iterator it = s.getSubStages(); while ((ex == null) && (it.hasNext())) { final DeploymentStatus subStage = DeploymentSupport.mapToDeploymentStatus((Map); ex = subStage.getThrowable(); } return ex; } public void checkFailed(final Throwable t) throws Exception { if ( t != null ) { if ( t instanceof Exception ) { throw ( Exception )t; } else { throw new Exception( t ); } } } }