/* * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.sun.s1asdev.ejb.ejb30.hello.session3; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.mail.MailSessionDefinition; import javax.mail.MailSessionDefinitions; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.EJBs; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; @EJB(name = "helloStateless3", beanInterface = Hello.class) @EJBs({@EJB(name = "helloStateless4", beanName = "HelloEJB", beanInterface = Hello.class), @EJB(name = "helloStateful3", beanInterface = HelloStateful.class)}) @MailSessionDefinitions( value = { @MailSessionDefinition(description = "Mail Session Description 1", name = "java:global/mail/MySession", storeProtocol = "IMAP", transportProtocol = "SMTP", host = "localhost", user = "naman", password = "naman", from = "naman.mehta@oracle.com", properties = {"property1=10;property2=20"} ), @MailSessionDefinition(description = "Mail Session Description 3", name = "java:app/mail/MySession", storeProtocol = "IMAP", transportProtocol = "SMTP", host = "localhost", user = "naman", password = "naman", from = "naman.mehta@oracle.com", properties = {"property1=10;property2=20"} ), @MailSessionDefinition(description = "Mail Session Description 4", name = "java:module/mail/MySession", storeProtocol = "IMAP", transportProtocol = "SMTP", host = "localhost", user = "naman", password = "naman", from = "naman.mehta@oracle.com", properties = {"property1=10;property2=20"} ), @MailSessionDefinition(description = "Mail Session Description 5", name = "java:global/env/Servlet_MailSession", storeProtocol = "IMAP", transportProtocol = "SMTP", host = "localhost", user = "naman", password = "naman", from = "naman.mehta@oracle.com", properties = {"property1=10;property2=20"} ), @MailSessionDefinition(description = "Mail Session Description 5", name = "java:app/env/Servlet_MailSession", storeProtocol = "IMAP", transportProtocol = "SMTP", host = "localhost", user = "naman", password = "naman", from = "naman.mehta@oracle.com", properties = {"property1=10;property2=20"} ) } ) @WebServlet(name = "Servlet", urlPatterns = {"/servlet"} ) public class Servlet extends HttpServlet { private @EJB Hello helloStateless; private @EJB(beanName = "HelloStatefulEJB") HelloStateful helloStateful; /* private Hello helloStateless2; private HelloStateful helloStateful2; */ private @Resource UserTransaction ut; public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); System.out.println("In Mail-Session-Test::servlet... init()"); } public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resp.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); boolean global = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/MySession", true); boolean app = lookupMailSession("java:app/mail/MySession", true); boolean module = lookupMailSession("java:module/mail/MySession", true); boolean globalHelloSfulEJB = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/HelloStatefulEJB_MailSession", true); boolean appHelloStatefulEjb = lookupMailSession("java:app/mail/HelloStatefulEJB_MailSession", true); boolean globalHelloEJB = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/HelloEJB_MailSession", true); boolean moduleHelloEjb = lookupMailSession("java:module/mail/HelloEJB_MailSession", false); boolean globalServlet_MS_MailSession = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/Servlet_MS_MailSession", true); boolean globalHelloStateful_MS_MailSession = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/HelloStatefulEJB_MS_MailSession", true); boolean globalHello_MS_MailSession = lookupMailSession("java:global/mail/HelloEJB_MS_MailSession", true); if (global && app && globalHelloSfulEJB && globalServlet_MS_MailSession && globalHelloEJB && globalHelloStateful_MS_MailSession && globalHello_MS_MailSession && appHelloStatefulEjb && !moduleHelloEjb && module) { System.out.println("Servlet successful lookup of mail-sessions !"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Servlet failure "); } System.out.println("beginning tx"); ut.begin(); // invoke method on the EJB System.out.println("invoking stateless ejb"); helloStateless.hello(); System.out.println("committing tx"); ut.commit(); System.out.println("committed tx"); System.out.println("invoking stateless ejb"); helloStateful.hello(); System.out.println("successfully invoked ejbs"); System.out.println("accessing connections"); try { MyThread thread = new MyThread(helloStateful); thread.start(); sleepFor(2); helloStateful.ping(); //throw new EJBException("Did not get ConcurrentAccessException"); } catch (javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessException conEx) { ; //Everything is fine } catch (Throwable th) { throw new EJBException("Got some wierd exception: " + th); } System.out.println("successfully accessed mail-session definitions"); out.println("<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> JMS Servlet Output </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=white>"); out.println("<CENTER> <FONT size=+1 COLOR=blue>DatabaseServlet :: All information I can give </FONT> </CENTER> <p> "); out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Context Path : </FONT> " + req.getContextPath() + "<br>"); out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Servlet Path : </FONT> " + req.getServletPath() + "<br>"); out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Path Info : </FONT> " + req.getPathInfo() + "<br>"); out.println("</BODY> </HTML> "); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Mail-Session-Test servlet test failed"); throw new ServletException(ex); } } public void destroy() { System.out.println("in Mail-Session-Test client::servlet destroy"); } class MyThread extends Thread { HelloStateful ref; MyThread(HelloStateful ref) { this.ref = ref; } public void run() { try { ref.sleepFor(2); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not invoke waitfor() method"); } } } private void sleepFor(int sec) { try { for (int i = 0; i < sec; i++) { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); System.out.println("[" + i + "/" + sec + "]: Sleeping...."); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } private boolean lookupMailSession(String mailSessionName, boolean expectSuccess) { try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); Object ds = ic.lookup(mailSessionName); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (expectSuccess) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } }