package connector; import javax.validation.constraints.*; import javax.resource.spi.*; public class MyAdminObject1 implements { private String resetControl="NORESET"; private Integer expectedResults; private String email ; public void setEmail(String email){ = email; } @Null public String getEmail(){ return email; } /* @Readme : setting a value that violates validation constraint This violation should be listed in the set of violated constraints (in server.log) and lookup of this resource must fail */ int intValue = -1; @Max(value=50) public int getIntValue(){ return intValue; } @ConfigProperty(type=java.lang.Integer.class) public void setIntValue(int intValue){ this.intValue = intValue; } /* @Readme : setting a value that violates validation constraint This violation should be listed in the set of violated constraints (in server.log) and lookup of this resource must fail */ int intValue1 = 55; @Max(value=50) public int getIntValue1(){ return intValue1; } @ConfigProperty(type=java.lang.Integer.class) public void setIntValue1(int intValue){ this.intValue1 = intValue; } public void setResetControl (String value) { resetControl = value; } public String getResetControl () { return resetControl; } public void setExpectedResults (Integer value) { expectedResults = value; } public Integer getExpectedResults () { return expectedResults; } public void initialize() { System.out.println("[MyAdminObject] Initializing the Controls to false:"+resetControl); if (resetControl.equals("BEGINNING")) { synchronized (Controls.readyLock){ Controls.done=false; } System.out.println("[MyAdminObject] Initialized the Controls to false"); } } public boolean done() { synchronized (Controls.readyLock){ return Controls.done; } } public int expectedResults(){ synchronized (Controls.readyLock){ return Controls.expectedResults; } } public Object getLockObject(){ return Controls.readyLock; } }