/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package android.text; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.util.Log; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests StaticLayout bidi implementation. */ public class StaticLayoutBidiTest extends TestCase { public static final int REQ_DL = 2; // Layout.DIR_REQUEST_DEFAULT_LTR; public static final int REQ_DR = -2; // Layout.DIR_REQUEST_DEFAULT_RTL; public static final int REQ_L = 1; // Layout.DIR_REQUEST_LTR; public static final int REQ_R = -1; // Layout.DIR_REQUEST_RTL; public static final int L = Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; public static final int R = Layout.DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; public static final String SP = " "; public static final String ALEF = "\u05d0"; public static final String BET = "\u05d1"; public static final String GIMEL = "\u05d2"; public static final String DALET = "\u05d3"; //@SmallTest public void testAllLtr() { expectBidi(REQ_DL, "a test", "000000", L); } //@SmallTest public void testLtrRtl() { expectBidi(REQ_DL, "abc " + ALEF + BET + GIMEL, "0000111", L); } //@SmallTest public void testAllRtl() { expectBidi(REQ_DL, ALEF + SP + ALEF + BET + GIMEL + DALET, "111111", R); } //@SmallTest public void testRtlLtr() { expectBidi(REQ_DL, ALEF + BET + GIMEL + " abc", "1111000", R); } //@SmallTest public void testRAllLtr() { expectBidi(REQ_R, "a test", "000000", R); } //@SmallTest public void testRLtrRtl() { expectBidi(REQ_R, "abc " + ALEF + BET + GIMEL, "0001111", R); } //@SmallTest public void testLAllRtl() { expectBidi(REQ_L, ALEF + SP + ALEF + BET + GIMEL + DALET, "111111", L); } //@SmallTest public void testLRtlLtr() { expectBidi(REQ_L, ALEF + BET + GIMEL + " abc", "1110000", L); } private void expectBidi(int dir, String text, String expectedLevels, int expectedDir) { char[] chs = text.toCharArray(); int n = chs.length; byte[] chInfo = new byte[n]; int resultDir = StaticLayout.bidi(dir, chs, chInfo, n, false); { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("info:"); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sb.append(" ").append(String.valueOf(chInfo[i])); } Log.i("BIDI", sb.toString()); } char[] resultLevelChars = new char[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { resultLevelChars[i] = (char)('0' + chInfo[i]); } String resultLevels = new String(resultLevelChars); assertEquals("direction", expectedDir, resultDir); assertEquals("levels", expectedLevels, resultLevels); } //@SmallTest public void testNativeBidi() { // native bidi returns levels, not simply directions expectNativeBidi(REQ_DL, ALEF + BET + GIMEL + " abc", "1111222", R); } private void expectNativeBidi(int dir, String text, String expectedLevels, int expectedDir) { char[] chs = text.toCharArray(); int n = chs.length; byte[] chInfo = new byte[n]; int resultDir = AndroidBidi.bidi(dir, chs, chInfo, n, false); { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("info:"); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sb.append(" ").append(String.valueOf(chInfo[i])); } Log.i("BIDI", sb.toString()); } char[] resultLevelChars = new char[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { resultLevelChars[i] = (char)('0' + chInfo[i]); } String resultLevels = new String(resultLevelChars); assertEquals("direction", expectedDir, resultDir); assertEquals("levels", expectedLevels, resultLevels); } }