/* * EuroCarbDB, a framework for carbohydrate bioinformatics * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Eurocarb project, or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * A copy of this license accompanies this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * Last commit: $Rev: 1210 $ by $Author: glycoslave $ on $Date:: 2009-06-12 #$ */ /** * */ package org.eurocarbdb.applications.ms.glycopeakfinder.util; /** * @author rene * */ public class ErrorTextEnglish { public static final String POS_NEG_IONS = "Positive and negative ions are not permitted within the same spectrum."; public static final String MAX_PEAK = "The maximum number of quantifiable peaks is at present limited to %d peaks. You have entered %d peaks in the mass-list."; public static final String ACCURACY_PPM = "The upper limit for 'Accuracy of Mass' is automatically adjusted to %f ppm. You have entered %f ppm."; public static final String ACCURACY_U = "The upper limit for 'Accuracy of Mass' is automatically adjusted to %f u. You have entered %f u."; public static final String ACCURACY_NEGATIV = "The 'Accuracy of Mass' has to be a positive number."; public static final String WRONG_RESIDUE_FOR_DB = "GLYCOSCIENCES.de does not support a composition search with %s as residue."; public static final String PEAKLIST_SYMBOL = "One line in the peak-list contains '%s' instead of a positive value."; public static final String PEAKLIST_SYMBOL_2 = "One line in the peak-list contains '%s' instead of two positive values."; public static final String CHARGE_NO_SELECT = "At least one charge state must be selected."; public static final String ION_NO_SELECT = "At least one ion must be selected."; public static final String ION_OTHER_MASS = "The mass value for 'other ion' has to be positive mass."; public static final String RESIDUE_OTHER_MASS = "The mass value for 'other residue' has to be positive."; public static final String RESIDUE_MIN_MAX = "The minimum occurrence of residue '%s' has to be smaller than or equal to the maximum occurrence."; public static final String RESIDUE_NUMBER = "Minimum and maximum occurrence of residues '%s' have to be positive values."; public static final String MODI_OTHER_MASS = "The mass value for 'other modification' has to be positive."; public static final String FRAGMENT_MASS = "The mass value '%.3f u' with charge-state '%d' exceeds the maximum limit of %d."; public static final String NO_SELECT = "No compostion was selected for the database search."; public static final String MAX_MASS = "The upper limit for mass values is %.3f u. The specra contains mass values up to %.3f u."; public static final String EMPTY_MASS = "The mass list is empty."; public static final String DB_ERROR = "There was a critical error in the database. Please contact administrator."; public static final String LIPID_SPHINGO = "For calculation of a lipid at the reducing end, please select a sphingosine moiety."; public static final String LIPID_FATTY_ACID = "For calculation of a lipid at the reducing end, please select a fatty acid moiety."; public static final String PEPTID_EMPTY = "No amino-acid sequence was entered."; public static final String NO_PER_ALLOWED = "For caculations with peptides or lipids, no persubstitution is allowed."; public static final String NO_FRAGMENTTYPE = "No fragment-type selected."; public static final String NO_FRAGMENT_NUMBER = "No number of fragmentations selected."; public static final String NO_CHARGE = "No charge-state selected."; public static final String NO_EXCHANGE = "No ion-exchange state selected."; public static final String NO_RESIDUE = "No residue selected."; public static final String MASS_SHIFT = "Incorrect value for mass shift."; public static final String MODI_OTHER_NAME = "The name for the other modification is empty."; public static final String ION_OTHER_NAME = "The name for the other ion is empty."; public static final String MOLECULE_GAIN = "The gain value for '%s' has to be zero or a positiv number."; public static final String MOLECULE_LOSS = "The loss value for '%s' has to be zero or a positiv number."; public static final String NO_EXCHANGE_ION = "At least one ion must be selected for ion-exchange."; public static final String MOLECULES_GAIN = "Gain of the molecule '%s' have to be a positive value."; public static final String MOLECULES_LOSS_MIN = "Loss of the molecule '%s' have to be a positive value."; public static final String MOLECULES_LOSS_MAX = "The upper-limit for loss of the molecule '%s' is maximum %d. You have entered %d."; public static final String MOLECULES_OTHER_NAME = "The name for the other molecule is empty."; public static final String MOLECULES_OTHER_MASS = "The mass value for 'other molecule' has to be a positive mass."; public static final String NO_OTHER_EXCHANGE_ION_NAME = "The name for the other ion-exchange is empty."; public static final String NO_OTHER_EXCHANGE_ION_MASS = "The mass value for 'other ion-exchange' has to be a positive mass."; public static final String CALCULATION = "Critical error during calculation. Please contact admin."; public static final String MOTIF = "Unable to load motif."; public static final String MAX_CHARGE = "The upper limit for charge is 4. The specra contains larger charge values."; public static final String PRECURSOR_PEAKLIST = "The precursor must be part of the peaklist."; public static final String MISSING_PRECUSROR = "For MS<sup>2</sup> the precursor must be set."; public static final String ONLY_ONE_FOR_DB = "For database search only one selected composition is allowed."; public static final String UNKNOWN_DB = "Unknown database name : "; public static final String NO_DB = "No database selected for search."; public static final String CRITICAL_COMPOSITION_ERROR = "Critical error : Unable to perform composition search."; public static final String INVALIDE_PAGE = "Error while database result paging."; public static final String MAX_ANNOTATION_RANGE = "Maximum number of annotations per peaks must be between 1 and %d."; public static final String MAX_ANNOTATION = "Maximum number of annotations per peak must be a number."; }