package org.drools.template.model; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * @author <a href=""> Michael Neale </a> * * Represents a rule. */ public class Rule extends DRLElement implements DRLJavaEmitter { private static final int MAX_ROWS = 65535; private Integer _salience; // Integer as it may be null private String _name; private String _duration; // RIK: New variable to the Rule class (Defines // a Duration tag for the rule) private String _description; // RIK: New variable to the Rule class (Set // the description parameter of the rule // tag) private String _noLoop; // RIK: New variable to the Rule class (Set the // no-loop parameter of the rule tag) private String _activationGroup; // RIK: New variable to the Rule class (Set the // activation-group parameter of the rule tag) private String _ruleFlowGroup; private String _agendaGroup; // SJW: New variable to the Rule class (Set the // agenda-group parameter of the rule tag private List<Condition> _lhs; private List<Consequence> _rhs; private int _spreadsheetRow; /** * Create a new rule. Note that the rule name should be post-fixed with the row number, * as one way of providing tracability for errors back to the originating spreadsheet. * @param name The name of the rule. This may be used to calculate DRL row error * to Spreadsheet row error (just need to keep track of output lines, and map spreadsheetRow to a start * and end range in the rendered output). * @param salience * @param spreadsheetRow The phyical row number from the spreadsheet. */ public Rule(final String name, final Integer salience, final int spreadsheetRow) { this._name = name; this._salience = salience; this._description = ""; this._lhs = new LinkedList<Condition>(); this._rhs = new LinkedList<Consequence>(); this._spreadsheetRow = spreadsheetRow; } public void addCondition(final Condition con) { this._lhs.add( con ); } public void addConsequence(final Consequence con) { this._rhs.add( con ); } public void renderDRL(final DRLOutput out) { if ( isCommented() ) { out.writeLine( "#" + getComment() ); } out.writeLine( "rule " + "\"" + this._name + "\"" ); if ( this._description != null ) { out.writeLine( "\t" + this._description ); } if ( this._salience != null ) { out.writeLine( "\tsalience " + this._salience ); } if ( this._activationGroup != null ) { out.writeLine( "\tactivation-group \"" + this._activationGroup + "\"" ); } if ( this._agendaGroup != null ) { out.writeLine( "\tagenda-group " + this._agendaGroup ); } if ( this._noLoop != null ) { out.writeLine( "\tno-loop " + this._noLoop ); } if ( this._duration != null ) { out.writeLine( "\tduration " + this._duration ); } if ( this._ruleFlowGroup != null ) { out.writeLine( "\truleflow-group \"" + this._ruleFlowGroup + "\"" ); } out.writeLine( "\twhen" ); renderDRL( this._lhs, out ); out.writeLine( "\tthen" ); renderDRL( this._rhs, out ); out.writeLine( "end\n" ); } private void renderDRL(final List<? extends DRLJavaEmitter> list, final DRLOutput out) { for ( DRLJavaEmitter item : list ) { item.renderDRL( out ); } } public static int calcSalience(final int rowNumber) { if ( rowNumber > Rule.MAX_ROWS ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "That row number is above the max: " + Rule.MAX_ROWS ); } return Rule.MAX_ROWS - rowNumber; } /** * @param col - * the column number. Start with zero. * @return The spreadsheet name for this col number, such as "AA" or "AB" or * "A" and such and such. */ public static String convertColNumToColName(final int i) { String result; final int div = i / 26; final int mod = i % 26; if ( div == 0 ) { final byte[] c = new byte[1]; c[0] = (byte) (mod + 65); result = byteToString( c ); } else { final byte[] firstChar = new byte[1]; firstChar[0] = (byte) ((div - 1) + 65); final byte[] secondChar = new byte[1]; secondChar[0] = (byte) (mod + 65); final String first = byteToString( firstChar ); final String second = byteToString( secondChar ); result = first + second; } return result; } private static String byteToString(final byte[] secondChar) { try { return new String( secondChar, "UTF-8" ); } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to convert char to string.", e ); } } public List<Condition> getConditions() { return this._lhs; } public List<Consequence> getConsequences() { return this._rhs; } public void setSalience(final Integer value) // Set the salience of the rule { this._salience = value; } public Integer getSalience() { return this._salience; } public void setName(final String value) // Set the name of the rule { this._name = value; } public String getName() { return this._name; } public void setDescription(final String value) // Set the description of the // rule { this._description = value; } public void appendDescription(final String value) // Set the description of the // rule { this._description += value; } public String getDescription() { return this._description; } public void setDuration(final String value) // Set the duration of the rule { this._duration = value; } public String getDuration() { return this._duration; } public void setActivationGroup(final String value) // Set the duration of the rule { this._activationGroup = value; } public void setRuleFlowGroup(final String value) { this._ruleFlowGroup = value; } public String getRuleFlowGroup() { return this._ruleFlowGroup; } public String getActivationGroup() { return this._activationGroup; } public String getAgendaGroup() { return _agendaGroup; } public void setAgendaGroup(String group) // Set the agenda-group of the rule { _agendaGroup = group; } public void setNoLoop(final String value) // Set the no-loop attribute of the rule { this._noLoop = value; } /** * @return The row in the spreadsheet this represents. * This can be handy when mapping a line error from Parser back to the rule row. * Will need to have a map of ranges of line numbers that each rule covers. * Then can find out the rule that cause it, and this will give the row number to report. */ public int getSpreadsheetRowNumber() { return this._spreadsheetRow; } }