package org.drools.lang.dsl; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class DSLMappingEntryTest extends TestCase { protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } private DSLMappingEntry createEntry(final String inputKey, final String inputValue) throws IOException { String mapping = "[condition][]" + inputKey + "=" + inputValue; StringReader dsl = new StringReader( mapping ); DSLMappingEntry entry = null; try { DSLTokenizedMappingFile parser = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); if ( parser.parseAndLoad( dsl ) ) { entry = parser.getMapping().getEntries().get( 0 ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Error parsing entry: " + mapping + ": " + parser.getErrors().toString() ); } } finally { dsl.close(); } return entry; } public void testPatternCalculation() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "The Customer name is {name} and surname is {surname} and it has US$ 50,00 on his {pocket}"; final String inputValue = "Customer( name == \"{name}\", surname == \"{surname}\", money > $money )"; final String expectedKeyP = "(\\W|^)The\\s+Customer\\s+name\\s+is\\s+(.*?)\\s+and\\s+surname\\s+is\\s+(.*?)\\s+and\\s+it\\s+has\\s+US\\$\\s+50,00\\s+on\\s+his\\s+(.*?)$"; final String expectedValP = "$1Customer( name == \"$2\", surname == \"$3\", money > \\$money )"; final DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( inputKey, entry.getMappingKey() ); assertEquals( expectedKeyP, entry.getKeyPattern().pattern() ); assertEquals( inputValue, entry.getMappingValue() ); assertEquals( expectedValP, entry.getValuePattern() ); } public void testPatternCalculation2() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "-name is {name}"; final String inputValue = "name == \"{name}\""; final String expectedKeyP = "(\\W|^)-\\s*name\\s+is\\s+(.*?)$"; final String expectedValP = "$1name == \"$2\""; final DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( inputKey, entry.getMappingKey() ); assertEquals( expectedKeyP, entry.getKeyPattern().pattern() ); assertEquals( inputValue, entry.getMappingValue() ); assertEquals( expectedValP, entry.getValuePattern() ); } public void testPatternCalculation3() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "- name is {name}"; final String inputValue = "name == \"{name}\""; final String expectedKeyP = "(\\W|^)-\\s*name\\s+is\\s+(.*?)$"; final String expectedValP = "$1name == \"$2\""; final DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( inputKey, entry.getMappingKey() ); assertEquals( entry.getKeyPattern().pattern(), expectedKeyP, entry.getKeyPattern().pattern() ); assertEquals( inputValue, entry.getMappingValue() ); assertEquals( expectedValP, entry.getValuePattern() ); } private DSLMappingEntry setupEntry() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "String is \"{value}\""; final String inputValue = "SomeFact(value==\"{value}\")"; return createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); } public void testExpandNoSpaces() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \"blah\"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\"blah\")", result ); } public void testExpandWithLeadingSpace() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \" blah\"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\" blah\")", result ); } public void testExpandWithMultipleLeadingSpaces() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \" blah\"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\" blah\")", result ); } public void testExpandWithTrailingSpace() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \"blah \"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\"blah \")", result ); } public void testExpandWithMultipleTrailingSpaces() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \"blah \"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\"blah \")", result ); } public void testExpandWithInternalSpace() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \"bl ah\"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\"bl ah\")", result ); } public void testExpandWithMultipleSpaces() throws IOException { DSLMappingEntry entry = this.setupEntry(); final String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "String is \" bl ah \"" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( "SomeFact(value==\" bl ah \")", result ); } public void testExpandWithDots() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "- {prop} is {val} "; final String inputValue = "{prop} == {val}"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "- type is ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "type == ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD", result ); } public void testExpandPartialWords() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "- {prop} is {val} "; final String inputValue = "{prop} == {val}"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); // not supposed to expand String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "- type is_not ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "- type is_not ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD", result ); } public void testExpandPartialWords2() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "- {prop} is_not {val} "; final String inputValue = "{prop} != {val}"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "- type is_not ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "type != ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD", result ); } public void testExpandPartialWords3() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "- {prop} is not {val} "; final String inputValue = "{prop} != {val}"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "- type is not ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "type != ClientServiceType.TypeGOLD", result ); } public void testExpandWithBrackets() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "attr {attr_name} is in \\[ {values} \\]"; final String inputValue = "{attr_name} in ( {values} )"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "attr name is in [ 'Edson', 'Bob' ]" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "name in ( 'Edson', 'Bob' )", result ); } public void testExpandWithParethesis() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "((H|h)e|(S|s)he) \\(is\\) (a|an) $xx {attribute} (man|woman)"; final String inputValue = "Person( attribute == \"{attribute}\" )"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "he (is) a $xx handsome man" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "Person( attribute == \"handsome\" )", result ); } public void testSingleCharacterBetweenVars() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "DSL sentence with {key1} {key2}"; final String inputValue = "Sentence( {key1} == {key2} )"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "DSL sentence with mykey myvalue" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "Sentence( mykey == myvalue )", result ); } public void testExpandWithQualifiedVars() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "When the credit rating is {rating:ENUM:Applicant.creditRating}"; final String inputValue = "applicant:Applicant(credit=={rating})"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "When the credit rating is AA" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "applicant:Applicant(credit==AA)", result ); } public void testExpandWithRegexp() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "When the credit rating is {rating:regexp:\\d{3}}"; final String inputValue = "applicant:Applicant(credit=={rating})"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( "(\\W|^)When\\s+the\\s+credit\\s+rating\\s+is\\s+(\\d{3})(\\W|$)", entry.getKeyPattern().toString() ); assertEquals( "$1applicant:Applicant(credit==$2)$3", entry.getValuePattern()); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "When the credit rating is 555" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "applicant:Applicant(credit==555)", result ); } public void testExpandWithLineBreaks() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "This is a sentence with line breaks"; final String inputValue = "Cheese\\n(price == 10)"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( "(\\W|^)This\\s+is\\s+a\\s+sentence\\s+with\\s+line\\s+breaks(\\W|$)", entry.getKeyPattern().toString() ); assertEquals( "$1Cheese\n(price == 10)$2", entry.getValuePattern()); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "This is a sentence with line breaks" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "Cheese\n(price == 10)", result ); } public void testExpandWithPound() throws IOException { final String inputKey = "Bedingung-\\#19-MKM4"; final String inputValue = "eval ( $p.getTempVal(\"\\#UML-ATZ-1\") < $p.getZvUmlStfr() )"; DSLMappingEntry entry = createEntry( inputKey, inputValue ); assertEquals( "(\\W|^)Bedingung-#19-MKM4(\\W|$)", entry.getKeyPattern().toString() ); assertEquals( "$1eval ( \\$p.getTempVal(\"#UML-ATZ-1\") < \\$p.getZvUmlStfr() )$2", entry.getValuePattern()); String result = entry.getKeyPattern().matcher( "Bedingung-#19-MKM4" ).replaceAll( entry.getValuePattern() ); assertEquals( result, "eval ( $p.getTempVal(\"#UML-ATZ-1\") < $p.getZvUmlStfr() )", result ); } }