/** * Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.ruleflow.core; import org.drools.definition.process.Node; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.ActionNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.CompositeNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.EndNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.EventNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.FaultNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.ForEachNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.HumanTaskNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.JoinFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.MilestoneNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.RuleSetNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.SplitFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.StartNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.SubProcessNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.TimerNodeFactory; import org.drools.ruleflow.core.factory.WorkItemNodeFactory; import org.drools.workflow.core.NodeContainer; import org.drools.workflow.core.impl.ConnectionImpl; public abstract class RuleFlowNodeContainerFactory { private NodeContainer nodeContainer; protected void setNodeContainer(NodeContainer nodeContainer) { this.nodeContainer = nodeContainer; } protected NodeContainer getNodeContainer() { return nodeContainer; } public StartNodeFactory startNode(long id) { return new StartNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public EndNodeFactory endNode(long id) { return new EndNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public ActionNodeFactory actionNode(long id) { return new ActionNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public MilestoneNodeFactory milestoneNode(long id) { return new MilestoneNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public TimerNodeFactory timerNode(long id) { return new TimerNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public HumanTaskNodeFactory humanTaskNode(long id) { return new HumanTaskNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public SubProcessNodeFactory subProcessNode(long id) { return new SubProcessNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public SplitFactory splitNode(long id) { return new SplitFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public JoinFactory joinNode(long id) { return new JoinFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public RuleSetNodeFactory ruleSetNode(long id) { return new RuleSetNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public FaultNodeFactory faultNode(long id) { return new FaultNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public EventNodeFactory eventNode(long id) { return new EventNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public CompositeNodeFactory compositeNode(long id) { return new CompositeNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public ForEachNodeFactory forEachNode(long id) { return new ForEachNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public WorkItemNodeFactory workItemNode(long id) { return new WorkItemNodeFactory(this, nodeContainer, id); } public RuleFlowNodeContainerFactory connection(long fromId, long toId) { Node from = nodeContainer.getNode(fromId); Node to = nodeContainer.getNode(toId); new ConnectionImpl( from, org.drools.workflow.core.Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, to, org.drools.workflow.core.Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE); return this; } public abstract RuleFlowNodeContainerFactory done(); }