/* * Copyright 2010 salaboy. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * under the License. */ package org.drools.io.mina; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.drools.SystemEventListener; import org.drools.SystemEventListenerFactory; import org.drools.grid.CoreServicesLookup; import org.drools.grid.GridServiceDescription; import org.drools.grid.SocketService; import org.drools.grid.conf.GridPeerServiceConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.conf.impl.GridPeerConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.impl.GridImpl; import org.drools.grid.impl.MultiplexSocketServerImpl; import org.drools.grid.io.Connector; import org.drools.grid.io.ConversationManager; import org.drools.grid.io.impl.ConversationManagerImpl; import org.drools.grid.io.impl.MultiplexSocketServiceCongifuration; import org.drools.grid.remote.mina.MinaAcceptorFactoryService; import org.drools.grid.remote.mina.MinaConnector; import org.drools.grid.service.directory.WhitePages; import org.drools.grid.service.directory.impl.CoreServicesLookupConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.service.directory.impl.WhitePagesClient; import org.drools.grid.service.directory.impl.WhitePagesLocalConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.service.directory.impl.WhitePagesSocketConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.time.impl.MockJob; import org.drools.grid.timer.impl.CoreServicesSchedulerConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.timer.impl.RegisterSchedulerConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.timer.impl.SchedulerClient; import org.drools.grid.timer.impl.SchedulerLocalConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.timer.impl.SchedulerSocketConfiguration; import org.drools.grid.util.IoUtils; import org.drools.time.SchedulerService; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * * @author salaboy */ public class RegisterServicesTest { private SystemEventListener l = SystemEventListenerFactory.getSystemEventListener(); private Map<String, GridServiceDescription> coreServicesMap; public RegisterServicesTest() { } @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() { } @After public void tearDown() { } @Test public void test1() { } // @Test // public void testRegisterInCoreServices() { // // coreServicesMap = new HashMap<String, GridServiceDescription>();//Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance( null ).getMap( CoreServicesLookup.class.getName() ); // // GridImpl grid = new GridImpl( new HashMap<String, Object>() ); // // //Local Grid Configuration, for our client // GridPeerConfiguration conf = new GridPeerConfiguration(); // // //Configuring the Core Services White Pages // GridPeerServiceConfiguration coreSeviceWPConf = new CoreServicesLookupConfiguration( coreServicesMap ); // conf.addConfiguration( coreSeviceWPConf ); // // //Configuring the Core Services Scheduler // GridPeerServiceConfiguration coreSeviceSchedulerConf = new CoreServicesSchedulerConfiguration(); // conf.addConfiguration( coreSeviceSchedulerConf ); // // //Configuring the SocketService // MultiplexSocketServiceCongifuration socketConf = new MultiplexSocketServiceCongifuration( new MultiplexSocketServerImpl( "", // new MinaAcceptorFactoryService(), // l, // grid ) ); // // //Configuring the WhitePages // WhitePagesLocalConfiguration wplConf = new WhitePagesLocalConfiguration(); // conf.addConfiguration( wplConf ); // // socketConf.addService( WhitePages.class.getName(), wplConf.getWhitePages(), 8000 ); // // // conf.addConfiguration( socketConf ); // // //Create a Local Scheduler // GridPeerServiceConfiguration schlConf = new SchedulerLocalConfiguration( "myLocalSched" ); // conf.addConfiguration( schlConf ); // // //Expose it to the Grid so it can be accesed by different nodes // // I need to use the same port to reuse the service multiplexer // GridPeerServiceConfiguration schlsc = new SchedulerSocketConfiguration( 5012 ); // conf.addConfiguration( schlsc ); // // GridPeerServiceConfiguration registerschedincore = new RegisterSchedulerConfiguration(); // conf.addConfiguration( registerschedincore ); // // conf.configure( grid ); // // //Local White Pages // WhitePages wp = grid.get( WhitePages.class ); // // //Local sched in Local WP // GridServiceDescription gsdLocalSched = wp.lookup( "scheduler:" + "myLocalSched" + SchedulerService.class.getName() ); // // //Get the CoreWhitePages // CoreServicesLookup corewp = grid.get( CoreServicesLookup.class ); // //Get the registered Scheduler // GridServiceDescription gsdLocalButExposedSched = corewp.lookup( SchedulerService.class ); // //Get the registered white pages // GridServiceDescription gsdLocalButExposedWp = corewp.lookup( WhitePages.class ); // // //The Scheduler is local = no addresses and no Data // Assert.assertEquals( 0, // gsdLocalSched.getAddresses().size() ); // Assert.assertNull( gsdLocalSched.getData() ); // // Assert.assertNotNull( gsdLocalButExposedSched.getData() ); // // Connector conn = new MinaConnector(); // // ConversationManager cm = new ConversationManagerImpl( "s1", // conn, // l ); // // SchedulerClient sched = null; // // GridServiceDescription clientSched1 = wp.lookup( "scheduler:" + "myLocalSched" + SchedulerService.class.getName() ); // sched = new SchedulerClient( grid, // clientSched1, // cm ); // sched.scheduleJob( new MockJob(), // new MockJobContext( "xxx" ), // new MockTrigger( new Date( 1000 ) ) ); // // sched = new SchedulerClient( grid, // gsdLocalButExposedSched, // cm ); // sched.scheduleJob( new MockJob(), // new MockJobContext( "xxx" ), // new MockTrigger( new Date( 1000 ) ) ); // // //GridServiceDescription clientSched2 = new WhitePagesClient( gsdLocalButExposedWp, cm).lookup(SchedulerService.class.getName()); // // conn.close(); // // grid.get( SocketService.class ).close(); // // } }