package org.drools.integrationtests; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.drools.ClockType; import org.drools.KnowledgeBase; import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseConfiguration; import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseFactory; import org.drools.OrderEvent; import org.drools.RuleBase; import org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration; import org.drools.RuleBaseFactory; import org.drools.Sensor; import org.drools.SessionConfiguration; import org.drools.StatefulSession; import org.drools.StockTick; import org.drools.StockTickInterface; import org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryFileLogger; import org.drools.base.ClassObjectType; import org.drools.base.evaluators.TimeIntervalParser; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilder; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory; import org.drools.builder.ResourceType; import org.drools.common.EventFactHandle; import org.drools.common.InternalFactHandle; import org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase; import org.drools.common.InternalWorkingMemory; import org.drools.compiler.DrlParser; import org.drools.compiler.DroolsParserException; import org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder; import org.drools.conf.AssertBehaviorOption; import org.drools.conf.EventProcessingOption; import org.drools.core.util.DroolsStreamUtils; import org.drools.definition.KnowledgePackage; import org.drools.definitions.impl.KnowledgePackageImp; import org.drools.event.rule.ActivationCreatedEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.AfterActivationFiredEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.AgendaEventListener; import org.drools.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl; import; import org.drools.lang.descr.PackageDescr; import org.drools.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode; import org.drools.rule.EntryPoint; import org.drools.rule.Package; import org.drools.rule.Rule; import org.drools.runtime.KnowledgeSessionConfiguration; import org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession; import org.drools.runtime.conf.ClockTypeOption; import org.drools.runtime.rule.Activation; import org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle; import org.drools.runtime.rule.WorkingMemoryEntryPoint; import org.drools.spi.ObjectType; import org.drools.time.SessionPseudoClock; import org.drools.time.impl.DurationTimer; import org.drools.time.impl.PseudoClockScheduler; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; public class CepEspTest extends TestCase { protected RuleBase getRuleBase() throws Exception { return RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase( RuleBase.RETEOO, null ); } protected RuleBase getRuleBase(final RuleBaseConfiguration config) throws Exception { return RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase( RuleBase.RETEOO, config ); } private RuleBase loadRuleBase(final Reader reader) throws IOException, DroolsParserException, Exception { return loadRuleBase( reader, null ); } private RuleBase loadRuleBase(final Reader reader, final RuleBaseConfiguration conf) throws IOException, DroolsParserException, Exception { final PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder(); final DrlParser parser = new DrlParser(); final PackageDescr packageDescr = parser.parse( reader ); if ( parser.hasErrors() ) { System.out.println( parser.getErrors() ); fail( "Error messages in parser, need to sort this our (or else collect error messages)" ); } // pre build the package builder.addPackage( packageDescr ); final Package pkg = builder.getPackage(); // add the package to a rulebase RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase( conf ); ruleBase.addPackage( pkg ); // load up the rulebase ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( ruleBase ); return ruleBase; } private KnowledgeBase loadKnowledgeBase(final Reader reader, final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration conf) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newReaderResource( reader ), ResourceType.DRL ); assertFalse( kbuilder.getErrors().toString(), kbuilder.hasErrors() ); // add the packages to a rulebase KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase( conf ); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() ); kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase ); return kbase; } private KnowledgeBase loadKnowledgeBase(final String resource, final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration conf, final boolean serialize) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( resource, CepEspTest.class ), ResourceType.DRL ); assertFalse( kbuilder.getErrors().toString(), kbuilder.hasErrors() ); // add the packages to a rulebase KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase( conf ); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() ); if ( serialize ) { kbase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( kbase ); } return kbase; } public void testEventAssertion() throws Exception { // read in the source KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newInputStreamResource( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertion.drl" ) ), ResourceType.DRL ); KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); conf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( "pseudo" ) ); StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( conf, null ); SessionPseudoClock clock = session.getSessionClock(); final List results = new ArrayList(); session.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 10010 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, 10100 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, 11000 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 ); clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 ); clock.advanceTime( 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 ); clock.advanceTime( 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 ); clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertNotNull( handle3 ); assertNotNull( handle4 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); session.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, ((List) session.getGlobal( "results" )).size() ); } public void testPackageSerializationWithEvents() throws Exception { // read in the source KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newInputStreamResource( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertion.drl" ) ), ResourceType.DRL ); // get the package Collection<KnowledgePackage> pkgs = kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages(); assertEquals( 1, pkgs.size() ); KnowledgePackage kpkg = pkgs.iterator().next(); // serialize the package Package internalPkg = ((KnowledgePackageImp) kpkg).pkg; // nasty trick for test purposes byte[] serializedPkg = DroolsStreamUtils.streamOut( internalPkg ); // recreate the pkg using a new kbuilder KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder2 = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder2.add( ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource( serializedPkg ), ResourceType.PKG ); assertFalse( kbuilder2.getErrors().toString(), kbuilder2.hasErrors() ); // create the kbase KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder2.getKnowledgePackages() ); // create the session KnowledgeSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( conf, null ); final List<StockTick> results = new ArrayList<StockTick>(); session.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 10010 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); session.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 0 ) ); } public void testEventAssertionWithDuration() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertionWithDuration.drl" ) ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000, 5 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 11000, 10 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, 12000, 8 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, 13000, 7 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick3 ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick4 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertNotNull( handle3 ); assertNotNull( handle4 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); EventFactHandle eh1 = (EventFactHandle) handle1; EventFactHandle eh2 = (EventFactHandle) handle2; EventFactHandle eh3 = (EventFactHandle) handle3; EventFactHandle eh4 = (EventFactHandle) handle4; assertEquals( tick1.getTime(), eh1.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick2.getTime(), eh2.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick3.getTime(), eh3.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick4.getTime(), eh4.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick1.getDuration(), eh1.getDuration() ); assertEquals( tick2.getDuration(), eh2.getDuration() ); assertEquals( tick3.getDuration(), eh3.getDuration() ); assertEquals( tick4.getDuration(), eh4.getDuration() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, results.size() ); } public void testEventAssertionWithDateTimestamp() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertionWithDateTimestamp.drl" ) ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000, 5 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 11000, 10 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, 12000, 8 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, 13000, 7 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick3 ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick4 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertNotNull( handle3 ); assertNotNull( handle4 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); EventFactHandle eh1 = (EventFactHandle) handle1; EventFactHandle eh2 = (EventFactHandle) handle2; EventFactHandle eh3 = (EventFactHandle) handle3; EventFactHandle eh4 = (EventFactHandle) handle4; assertEquals( tick1.getTime(), eh1.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick2.getTime(), eh2.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick3.getTime(), eh3.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( tick4.getTime(), eh4.getStartTimestamp() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, results.size() ); } public void testEventExpiration() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_EventExpiration.drl" ) ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader ); final InternalRuleBase internal = (InternalRuleBase) ruleBase; final TimeIntervalParser parser = new TimeIntervalParser(); assertEquals( parser.parse( "1h30m" )[0].longValue(), internal.getTypeDeclaration( StockTick.class ).getExpirationOffset() ); } public void testEventExpiration2() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_EventExpiration2.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); conf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, conf ); final InternalRuleBase internal = (InternalRuleBase) ruleBase; final TimeIntervalParser parser = new TimeIntervalParser(); Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = internal.getRete().getObjectTypeNodes( EntryPoint.DEFAULT ); ObjectTypeNode node = objectTypeNodes.get( new ClassObjectType( StockTick.class ) ); assertNotNull( node ); // the expiration policy @expires(10m) should override the temporal operator usage assertEquals( parser.parse( "10m" )[0].longValue() + 1, node.getExpirationOffset() ); } public void testEventExpiration3() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_EventExpiration3.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); conf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, conf ); final InternalRuleBase internal = (InternalRuleBase) ruleBase; final TimeIntervalParser parser = new TimeIntervalParser(); Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = internal.getRete().getObjectTypeNodes( EntryPoint.DEFAULT ); ObjectTypeNode node = objectTypeNodes.get( new ClassObjectType( StockTick.class ) ); assertNotNull( node ); // the expiration policy @expires(10m) should override the temporal operator usage assertEquals( parser.parse( "10m" )[0].longValue() + 1, node.getExpirationOffset() ); } public void testTimeRelationalOperators() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_TimeRelationalOperators.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); rbconf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final PseudoClockScheduler clock = (PseudoClockScheduler) wm.getSessionClock(); clock.setStartupTime( 1000 ); final List results_coincides = new ArrayList(); final List results_before = new ArrayList(); final List results_after = new ArrayList(); final List results_meets = new ArrayList(); final List results_met_by = new ArrayList(); final List results_overlaps = new ArrayList(); final List results_overlapped_by = new ArrayList(); final List results_during = new ArrayList(); final List results_includes = new ArrayList(); final List results_starts = new ArrayList(); final List results_started_by = new ArrayList(); final List results_finishes = new ArrayList(); final List results_finished_by = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results_coincides", results_coincides ); wm.setGlobal( "results_before", results_before ); wm.setGlobal( "results_after", results_after ); wm.setGlobal( "results_meets", results_meets ); wm.setGlobal( "results_met_by", results_met_by ); wm.setGlobal( "results_overlaps", results_overlaps ); wm.setGlobal( "results_overlapped_by", results_overlapped_by ); wm.setGlobal( "results_during", results_during ); wm.setGlobal( "results_includes", results_includes ); wm.setGlobal( "results_starts", results_starts ); wm.setGlobal( "results_started_by", results_started_by ); wm.setGlobal( "results_finishes", results_finishes ); wm.setGlobal( "results_finished_by", results_finished_by ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick5 = new StockTick( 5, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick6 = new StockTick( 6, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick7 = new StockTick( 7, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick8 = new StockTick( 8, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick3 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick4 ); InternalFactHandle handle5 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick5 ); clock.advanceTime( 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle6 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick6 ); InternalFactHandle handle7 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick7 ); clock.advanceTime( 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle8 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick8 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertNotNull( handle3 ); assertNotNull( handle4 ); assertNotNull( handle5 ); assertNotNull( handle6 ); assertNotNull( handle7 ); assertNotNull( handle8 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle6.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle7.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle8.isEvent() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, results_coincides.size() ); assertEquals( tick5, results_coincides.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_before.size() ); assertEquals( tick2, results_before.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_after.size() ); assertEquals( tick3, results_after.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_meets.size() ); assertEquals( tick3, results_meets.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_met_by.size() ); assertEquals( tick2, results_met_by.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_met_by.size() ); assertEquals( tick2, results_met_by.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_overlaps.size() ); assertEquals( tick4, results_overlaps.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_overlapped_by.size() ); assertEquals( tick8, results_overlapped_by.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_during.size() ); assertEquals( tick6, results_during.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_includes.size() ); assertEquals( tick4, results_includes.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_starts.size() ); assertEquals( tick6, results_starts.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_started_by.size() ); assertEquals( tick7, results_started_by.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_finishes.size() ); assertEquals( tick8, results_finishes.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 1, results_finished_by.size() ); assertEquals( tick7, results_finished_by.get( 0 ) ); } public void testBeforeOperator() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_BeforeOperator.drl" ) ); final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( reader, kconf ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration sconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); sconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) ); StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( sconf, null ); final PseudoClockScheduler clock = (PseudoClockScheduler) ksession.getSessionClock(); clock.setStartupTime( 1000 ); AgendaEventListener ael = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession.addEventListener( ael ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick5 = new StockTick( 5, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick6 = new StockTick( 6, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick7 = new StockTick( 7, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick8 = new StockTick( 8, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); ksession.insert( tick1 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick2 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick3 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick4 ); ksession.insert( tick5 ); clock.advanceTime( 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick6 ); ksession.insert( tick7 ); clock.advanceTime( 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick8 ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() ); assertThat( arg.getValue().getActivation().getRule().getName(), is( "before" ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( any( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ) ); } public void testMetByOperator() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_MetByOperator.drl" ) ); final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( reader, kconf ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration sconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); sconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) ); StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( sconf, null ); final PseudoClockScheduler clock = (PseudoClockScheduler) ksession.getSessionClock(); clock.setStartupTime( 1000 ); AgendaEventListener ael = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession.addEventListener( ael ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick5 = new StockTick( 5, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick6 = new StockTick( 6, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); StockTickInterface tick7 = new StockTick( 7, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 5 ); StockTickInterface tick8 = new StockTick( 8, "ACME", 10, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3 ); InternalFactHandle fh1 = (InternalFactHandle) ksession.insert( tick1 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); InternalFactHandle fh2 = (InternalFactHandle) ksession.insert( tick2 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick3 ); clock.advanceTime( 4, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick4 ); ksession.insert( tick5 ); clock.advanceTime( 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick6 ); ksession.insert( tick7 ); clock.advanceTime( 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); ksession.insert( tick8 ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> arg = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( arg.capture() ); Activation activation = arg.getValue().getActivation(); assertThat( activation.getRule().getName(), is( "metby" ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aaf = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ); verify( ael ).afterActivationFired( aaf.capture() ); assertThat( (InternalFactHandle) aaf.getValue().getActivation().getFactHandles().toArray()[0], is( fh2 ) ); } public void testAfterOnArbitraryDates() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_AfterOperatorDates.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List< ? > results = new ArrayList<Object>(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 100000, // arbitrary timestamp 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 104000, // 4 seconds after DROO 3 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 4, results.size() ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 1 ) ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 2 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 3 ) ); } public void testBeforeOnArbitraryDates() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_BeforeOperatorDates.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List< ? > results = new ArrayList<Object>(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 104000, // arbitrary timestamp 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 100000, // 4 seconds after DROO 3 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 4, results.size() ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 1 ) ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 2 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 3 ) ); } public void testCoincidesOnArbitraryDates() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_CoincidesOperatorDates.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List< ? > results = new ArrayList<Object>(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 100000, // arbitrary timestamp 3 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 100050, // 50 milliseconds after DROO 3 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( tick2 ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 4, results.size() ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 1 ) ); assertEquals( tick1, results.get( 2 ) ); assertEquals( tick2, results.get( 3 ) ); } public void testSimpleTimeWindow() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleTimeWindow.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); rbconf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); // how to initialize the clock? // how to configure the clock? SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock(); clock.advanceTime( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds EventFactHandle handle1 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1", "customer A", 70 ) ); assertEquals( 5000, handle1.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle1.getDuration() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.getSerialisedStatefulSession( wm ); // results = (List) wm.getGlobal( "results" ); // clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock(); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); assertEquals( 70, ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds EventFactHandle handle2 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2", "customer A", 60 ) ); assertEquals( 15000, handle2.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle2.getDuration() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, results.size() ); assertEquals( 65, ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds EventFactHandle handle3 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3", "customer A", 50 ) ); assertEquals( 25000, handle3.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle3.getDuration() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); assertEquals( 60, ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds EventFactHandle handle4 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4", "customer A", 25 ) ); assertEquals( 35000, handle4.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle4.getDuration() ); wm.fireAllRules(); // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds EventFactHandle handle5 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5", "customer A", 70 ) ); assertEquals( 45000, handle5.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle5.getDuration() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); // still under the threshold, so no fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds EventFactHandle handle6 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "6", "customer A", 115 ) ); assertEquals( 55000, handle6.getStartTimestamp() ); assertEquals( 0, handle6.getDuration() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 4, results.size() ); assertEquals( 70, ((Number) results.get( 3 )).intValue() ); } public void testSimpleLengthWindow() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleLengthWindow.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); rbconf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.REALTIME_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); EventFactHandle handle1 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1", "customer A", 70 ) ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); assertEquals( 70, ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() ); // assert new data EventFactHandle handle2 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2", "customer A", 60 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, results.size() ); assertEquals( 65, ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() ); // assert new data EventFactHandle handle3 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3", "customer A", 50 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); assertEquals( 60, ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() ); // assert new data EventFactHandle handle4 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4", "customer A", 25 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); // assert new data EventFactHandle handle5 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5", "customer A", 70 ) ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); // still under the threshold, so no fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); // assert new data EventFactHandle handle6 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "6", "customer A", 115 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 4, results.size() ); assertEquals( 70, ((Number) results.get( 3 )).intValue() ); } public void testDelayingNot() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_DelayingNot.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); rbconf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); final Rule rule = ruleBase.getPackage( "org.drools" ).getRule( "Delaying Not" ); assertEquals( 10000, ((DurationTimer) rule.getTimer()).getDuration() ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); final List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock(); clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); StockTickInterface st1O = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 100, clock.getCurrentTime() ); EventFactHandle st1 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( st1O ); wm.fireAllRules(); // should not fire, because it must wait 10 seconds assertEquals( 0, results.size() ); clock.advanceTime( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); EventFactHandle st2 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 80, clock.getCurrentTime() ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); // should still not fire, because it must wait 5 more seconds, and st2 has lower price (80) assertEquals( 0, results.size() ); // assert new data wm.fireAllRules(); clock.advanceTime( 6, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); wm.fireAllRules(); // should fire, because waited for 10 seconds and no other event arrived with a price increase assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); assertEquals( st1O, results.get( 0 ) ); } // public void FIXME_testTransactionCorrelation() throws Exception { // // read in the source // final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_TransactionCorrelation.drl" ) ); // final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader ); // // final WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession(); // final List results = new ArrayList(); // // wm.setGlobal( "results", // results ); // // // } public void testIdleTime() throws Exception { // read in the source KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newInputStreamResource( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertion.drl" ) ), ResourceType.DRL ); KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); conf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( "pseudo" ) ); StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( conf, null ); InternalWorkingMemory iwm = ((StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl) session).session; SessionPseudoClock clock = session.getSessionClock(); final List results = new ArrayList(); session.setGlobal( "results", results ); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 10010 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, 10100 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, 11000 ); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 ); clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getIdleTime() ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 ); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); clock.advanceTime( 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertEquals( 15000, iwm.getIdleTime() ); clock.advanceTime( 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertEquals( 30000, iwm.getIdleTime() ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 ); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); clock.advanceTime( 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 ); clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); assertNotNull( handle1 ); assertNotNull( handle2 ); assertNotNull( handle3 ); assertNotNull( handle4 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getIdleTime() ); session.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); assertEquals( 2, ((List) session.getGlobal( "results" )).size() ); } public void testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob() throws Exception { // read in the source final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CEP_SimpleTimeWindow.drl" ) ); final RuleBaseConfiguration rbconf = new RuleBaseConfiguration(); rbconf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader, rbconf ); SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration(); conf.setClockType( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK ); StatefulSession wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf, null ); WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( wm ); logger.setFileName( "audit" ); try { List results = new ArrayList(); wm.setGlobal( "results", results ); InternalWorkingMemory iwm = (InternalWorkingMemory) wm; // how to initialize the clock? // how to configure the clock? SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock(); clock.advanceTime( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds // there is no next job, so returns -1 assertEquals( -1, iwm.getTimeToNextJob() ); wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1", "customer A", 70 ) ); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); // now, there is a next job in 30 seconds: expire the event assertEquals( 30000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob() ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); assertEquals( 70, ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds // next job is in 20 seconds: expire the event assertEquals( 20000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob() ); wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2", "customer A", 60 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, results.size() ); assertEquals( 65, ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds // next job is in 10 seconds: expire the event assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob() ); wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3", "customer A", 50 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); assertEquals( 60, ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds // advancing clock time will cause events to expire assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); // next job is in 10 seconds: expire another event //assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob()); wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4", "customer A", 25 ) ); wm.fireAllRules(); // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); // advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5", "customer A", 70 ) ); assertEquals( 0, iwm.getIdleTime() ); // wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm); wm.fireAllRules(); // still under the threshold, so no fire assertEquals( 3, results.size() ); } finally { logger.writeToDisk(); } } public void testCollectWithWindows() throws Exception { final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kbconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kbconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_CollectWithWindows.drl", kbconf, true ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration ksconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); ksconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) ); StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( ksconf, null ); WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( ksession ); logger.setFileName( "audit" ); List<Number> timeResults = new ArrayList<Number>(); List<Number> lengthResults = new ArrayList<Number>(); ksession.setGlobal( "timeResults", timeResults ); ksession.setGlobal( "lengthResults", lengthResults ); SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.getSessionClock(); try { // First interaction clock.advanceTime( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "1", "customer A", 70 ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 1, timeResults.size() ); assertEquals( 1, timeResults.get( 0 ).intValue() ); assertEquals( 1, lengthResults.size() ); assertEquals( 1, lengthResults.get( 0 ).intValue() ); // Second interaction: advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "2", "customer A", 60 ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 2, timeResults.size() ); assertEquals( 2, timeResults.get( 1 ).intValue() ); assertEquals( 2, lengthResults.size() ); assertEquals( 2, lengthResults.get( 1 ).intValue() ); // Third interaction: advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "3", "customer A", 50 ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 3, timeResults.size() ); assertEquals( 3, timeResults.get( 2 ).intValue() ); assertEquals( 3, lengthResults.size() ); assertEquals( 3, lengthResults.get( 2 ).intValue() ); // Fourth interaction: advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "4", "customer A", 25 ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); // first event should have expired now assertEquals( 4, timeResults.size() ); assertEquals( 3, timeResults.get( 3 ).intValue() ); assertEquals( 4, lengthResults.size() ); assertEquals( 3, lengthResults.get( 3 ).intValue() ); // Fifth interaction: advance clock and assert new data clock.advanceTime( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "5", "customer A", 70 ) ); ksession.fireAllRules(); assertEquals( 5, timeResults.size() ); assertEquals( 4, timeResults.get( 4 ).intValue() ); assertEquals( 5, lengthResults.size() ); assertEquals( 3, lengthResults.get( 4 ).intValue() ); } finally { logger.writeToDisk(); } } public void testPseudoSchedulerRemoveJobTest() { String str = "import org.drools.integrationtests.CepEspTest.A\n"; str += "declare A\n"; str += " @role( event )\n"; str += "end\n"; str += "rule A\n"; str += "when\n"; str += " $a : A()\n"; str += " not A(this after [1s,10s] $a)\n"; str += "then\n"; str += "end"; KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newReaderResource( new StringReader( str ) ), ResourceType.DRL ); if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) { throw new RuntimeException( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() ); } KnowledgeBaseConfiguration config = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); config.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); KnowledgeSessionConfiguration sessionConfig = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration(); sessionConfig.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( "pseudo" ) ); KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase( config ); knowledgeBase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() ); StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = knowledgeBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionConfig, KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment() ); PseudoClockScheduler pseudoClock = ksession.getSessionClock(); FactHandle h = ksession.insert( new A() ); ksession.retract( h ); } public static class A implements Serializable { } public void testStreamModeNoSerialization() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kbconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kbconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); final KnowledgeBase kbase1 = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_StreamMode.drl", kbconf, false ); KnowledgeBase kbase2 = (KnowledgeBase) DroolsStreamUtils.streamIn( DroolsStreamUtils.streamOut( kbase1 ), null ); final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession1 = kbase1.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); AgendaEventListener ael1 = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession1.addEventListener( ael1 ); final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession2 = kbase2.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); AgendaEventListener ael2 = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession2.addEventListener( ael2 ); // ------------- // first, check the non-serialized session // ------------- ksession1.insert( new Sensor( 10, 10 ) ); ksession1.fireAllRules(); ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aafe1 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ); verify( ael1, times( 1 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe1.capture() ); List<AfterActivationFiredEvent> events1 = aafe1.getAllValues(); assertThat( events1.get( 0 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 10 ) ); ksession1.insert( new Sensor( 20, 20 ) ); ksession1.fireAllRules(); verify( ael1, times( 2 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe1.capture() ); assertThat( events1.get( 1 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 15 ) ); ksession1.insert( new Sensor( 30, 30 ) ); ksession1.fireAllRules(); verify( ael1, times( 3 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe1.capture() ); assertThat( events1.get( 2 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 25 ) ); ksession1.dispose(); // ------------- // now we check the serialized session // ------------- ArgumentCaptor<AfterActivationFiredEvent> aafe2 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ); ksession2.insert( new Sensor( 10, 10 ) ); ksession2.fireAllRules(); verify( ael2, times( 1 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe2.capture() ); List<AfterActivationFiredEvent> events2 = aafe2.getAllValues(); assertThat( events2.get( 0 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 10 ) ); ksession2.insert( new Sensor( 20, 20 ) ); ksession2.fireAllRules(); verify( ael2, times( 2 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe2.capture() ); assertThat( events2.get( 1 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 15 ) ); ksession2.insert( new Sensor( 30, 30 ) ); ksession2.fireAllRules(); verify( ael2, times( 3 ) ).afterActivationFired( aafe2.capture() ); assertThat( events2.get( 2 ).getActivation().getDeclarationValue( "$avg" ), is( (Object) 25 ) ); ksession2.dispose(); } public void testIdentityAssertBehaviorOnEntryPoints() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { StockTickInterface st1 = new StockTick( 1, "RHT", 10, 10 ); StockTickInterface st2 = new StockTick( 1, "RHT", 10, 10 ); StockTickInterface st3 = new StockTick( 2, "RHT", 15, 20 ); final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kbconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kbconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); kbconf.setOption( AssertBehaviorOption.IDENTITY ); final KnowledgeBase kbase1 = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_AssertBehaviorOnEntryPoints.drl", kbconf, true ); final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession1 = kbase1.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); AgendaEventListener ael1 = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession1.addEventListener( ael1 ); WorkingMemoryEntryPoint ep1 = ksession1.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint( "stocktick stream" ); FactHandle fh1 = ep1.insert( st1 ); FactHandle fh1_2 = ep1.insert( st1 ); FactHandle fh2 = ep1.insert( st2 ); FactHandle fh3 = ep1.insert( st3 ); assertSame( fh1, fh1_2 ); assertNotSame( fh1, fh2 ); assertNotSame( fh1, fh3 ); assertNotSame( fh2, fh3 ); ksession1.fireAllRules(); // must have fired 3 times, one for each event identity verify( ael1, times( 3 ) ).afterActivationFired( any( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ) ); ksession1.dispose(); } public void testEqualityAssertBehaviorOnEntryPoints() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { StockTickInterface st1 = new StockTick( 1, "RHT", 10, 10 ); StockTickInterface st2 = new StockTick( 1, "RHT", 10, 10 ); StockTickInterface st3 = new StockTick( 2, "RHT", 15, 20 ); final KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kbconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration(); kbconf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM ); kbconf.setOption( AssertBehaviorOption.EQUALITY ); final KnowledgeBase kbase1 = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_AssertBehaviorOnEntryPoints.drl", kbconf, true ); final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession1 = kbase1.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); AgendaEventListener ael1 = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); ksession1.addEventListener( ael1 ); WorkingMemoryEntryPoint ep1 = ksession1.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint( "stocktick stream" ); FactHandle fh1 = ep1.insert( st1 ); FactHandle fh1_2 = ep1.insert( st1 ); FactHandle fh2 = ep1.insert( st2 ); FactHandle fh3 = ep1.insert( st3 ); assertSame( fh1, fh1_2 ); assertSame( fh1, fh2 ); assertNotSame( fh1, fh3 ); ksession1.fireAllRules(); // must have fired 2 times, one for each event equality verify( ael1, times( 2 ) ).afterActivationFired( any( AfterActivationFiredEvent.class ) ); ksession1.dispose(); } public void testEventDeclarationForInterfaces() throws Exception { // read in the source final KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_EventInterfaces.drl", null, true ); StatefulKnowledgeSession session = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1, "DROO", 50, 10000 ); StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2, "ACME", 10, 10010 ); StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3, "ACME", 10, 10100 ); StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4, "DROO", 50, 11000 ); InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 ); InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 ); InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 ); InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 ); assertTrue( handle1.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle2.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle3.isEvent() ); assertTrue( handle4.isEvent() ); } }