package org.drools.compiler; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException; import org.drools.base.evaluators.EvaluatorDefinition; import org.drools.base.evaluators.EvaluatorRegistry; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration; import org.drools.builder.conf.AccumulateFunctionOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.ClassLoaderCacheOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.DefaultDialectOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.DefaultPackageNameOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.DumpDirOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.EvaluatorOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.KnowledgeBuilderOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.MultiValueKnowledgeBuilderOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.ProcessStringEscapesOption; import org.drools.builder.conf.SingleValueKnowledgeBuilderOption; import org.drools.compiler.xml.RulesSemanticModule; import org.drools.core.util.ClassUtils; import org.drools.core.util.ConfFileUtils; import org.drools.core.util.StringUtils; import org.drools.rule.Package; import org.drools.runtime.rule.AccumulateFunction; import org.drools.util.ChainedProperties; import org.drools.util.ClassLoaderUtil; import org.drools.util.CompositeClassLoader; import org.drools.xml.ChangeSetSemanticModule; import org.drools.xml.DefaultSemanticModule; import org.drools.xml.Handler; import org.drools.xml.SemanticModule; import org.drools.xml.SemanticModules; /** * This class configures the package compiler. * Dialects and their DialectConfigurations are handled by the DialectRegistry * Normally you will not need to look at this class, unless you want to override the defaults. * * This class is not thread safe and it also contains state. Once it is created and used * in one or more PackageBuilders it should be considered immutable. Do not modify its * properties while it is being used by a PackageBuilder. * * drools.dialect.default = <String> * drools.accumulate.function.<function name> = <qualified class> * drools.evaluator.<ident> = <qualified class> * drools.dump.dir = <String> * drools.classLoaderCacheEnabled = true|false * * default dialect is java. * Available preconfigured Accumulate functions are: * drools.accumulate.function.average = org.drools.base.accumulators.AverageAccumulateFunction * drools.accumulate.function.max = org.drools.base.accumulators.MaxAccumulateFunction * drools.accumulate.function.min = org.drools.base.accumulators.MinAccumulateFunction * drools.accumulate.function.count = org.drools.base.accumulators.CountAccumulateFunction * drools.accumulate.function.sum = org.drools.base.accumulators.SumAccumulateFunction * * drools.parser.processStringEscapes = true|false */ public class PackageBuilderConfiguration implements KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration { private Map<String, DialectConfiguration> dialectConfigurations; private DefaultDialectOption defaultDialect; private CompositeClassLoader classLoader; private ChainedProperties chainedProperties; private Map<String, AccumulateFunction> accumulateFunctions; private EvaluatorRegistry evaluatorRegistry; private SemanticModules semanticModules; private File dumpDirectory; private boolean allowMultipleNamespaces = true; private boolean processStringEscapes = true; private boolean classLoaderCache = true; private String defaultPackageName; public boolean isAllowMultipleNamespaces() { return allowMultipleNamespaces; } /** * By default multiple namespaces are allowed. If you set this to "false" it will * make it all happen in the "default" namespace (the first namespace you define). */ public void setAllowMultipleNamespaces(boolean allowMultipleNamespaces) { this.allowMultipleNamespaces = allowMultipleNamespaces; } /** * Constructor that sets the parent class loader for the package being built/compiled * @param classLoader */ public PackageBuilderConfiguration(ClassLoader... classLoaders) { init( null, classLoaders ); } /** * Programmatic properties file, added with lease precedence * @param properties */ public PackageBuilderConfiguration(Properties properties) { init( properties, null ); } /** * Programmatic properties file, added with lease precedence * @param classLoader * @param properties */ public PackageBuilderConfiguration(Properties properties, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { init( properties, classLoaders ); } public PackageBuilderConfiguration() { init( null, null ); } private void init(Properties properties, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { setClassLoader( classLoaders ); this.chainedProperties = new ChainedProperties( "packagebuilder.conf", this.classLoader, true ); if ( properties != null ) { this.chainedProperties.addProperties( properties ); } setProperty( ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME, this.chainedProperties.getProperty( ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME, "true" ) ); this.dialectConfigurations = new HashMap<String, DialectConfiguration>(); buildDialectConfigurationMap(); buildAccumulateFunctionsMap(); buildEvaluatorRegistry(); buildDumpDirectory(); setProperty( ProcessStringEscapesOption.PROPERTY_NAME, this.chainedProperties.getProperty( ProcessStringEscapesOption.PROPERTY_NAME, "true" ) ); setProperty( DefaultPackageNameOption.PROPERTY_NAME, this.chainedProperties.getProperty( DefaultPackageNameOption.PROPERTY_NAME, "defaultpkg" ) ); } public void setProperty(String name, String value) { name = name.trim(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) ) { return; } if ( name.equals( DefaultDialectOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { setDefaultDialect( value ); } else if ( name.startsWith( AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { addAccumulateFunction( name.substring( AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME.length() ), value ); } else if ( name.startsWith( EvaluatorOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { this.evaluatorRegistry.addEvaluatorDefinition( value ); } else if ( name.equals( DumpDirOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { buildDumpDirectory( value ); } else if ( name.equals( DefaultPackageNameOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { setDefaultPackageName( value ); } else if ( name.equals( ProcessStringEscapesOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { setProcessStringEscapes( Boolean.parseBoolean( value ) ); } else if ( name.equals( ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { setClassLoaderCacheEnabled( Boolean.parseBoolean( value ) ); } } public String getProperty(String name) { name = name.trim(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) ) { return null; } if ( name.equals( DefaultDialectOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { return getDefaultDialect(); } else if ( name.equals( DefaultPackageNameOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { return getDefaultPackageName(); } else if ( name.startsWith( AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { int index = AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME.length(); AccumulateFunction function = this.accumulateFunctions.get( name.substring( index ) ); return function != null ? function.getClass().getName() : null; } else if ( name.startsWith( EvaluatorOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { String key = name.substring( name.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ); EvaluatorDefinition evalDef = this.evaluatorRegistry.getEvaluatorDefinition( key ); return evalDef != null ? evalDef.getClass().getName() : null; } else if ( name.equals( DumpDirOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { return this.dumpDirectory != null ? this.dumpDirectory.toString() : null; } else if ( name.equals( ProcessStringEscapesOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { return String.valueOf( isProcessStringEscapes() ); } else if ( name.equals( ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ) { return String.valueOf( isClassLoaderCacheEnabled() ); } return null; } public ChainedProperties getChainedProperties() { return this.chainedProperties; } private void buildDialectConfigurationMap() { //DialectRegistry registry = new DialectRegistry(); Map dialectProperties = new HashMap(); this.chainedProperties.mapStartsWith( dialectProperties, "drools.dialect", false ); setDefaultDialect( (String) dialectProperties.remove( DefaultDialectOption.PROPERTY_NAME ) ); for ( Iterator it = dialectProperties.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry entry = (Entry); String str = (String) entry.getKey(); String dialectName = str.substring( str.lastIndexOf( "." ) + 1 ); String dialectClass = (String) entry.getValue(); addDialect( dialectName, dialectClass ); } } public void addDialect(String dialectName, String dialectClass) { Class cls = null; try { cls = classLoader.loadClass( dialectClass ); DialectConfiguration dialectConf = (DialectConfiguration) cls.newInstance(); dialectConf.init( this ); addDialect( dialectName, dialectConf ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Unable to load dialect '" + dialectClass + ":" + dialectName + ":" + ((cls != null) ? cls.getName() : "null") + "'", e ); } } public void addDialect(String dialectName, DialectConfiguration dialectConf) { dialectConfigurations.put( dialectName, dialectConf ); } public DialectCompiletimeRegistry buildDialectRegistry(PackageBuilder packageBuilder, PackageRegistry pkgRegistry, Package pkg) { DialectCompiletimeRegistry registry = new DialectCompiletimeRegistry( pkg ); for ( Iterator it = this.dialectConfigurations.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { DialectConfiguration conf = (DialectConfiguration); Dialect dialect = conf.newDialect( packageBuilder, pkgRegistry, pkg ); registry.addDialect( dialect.getId(), dialect ); } return registry; } public String getDefaultDialect() { return this.defaultDialect.getName(); } public void setDefaultDialect(String defaultDialect) { this.defaultDialect = DefaultDialectOption.get( defaultDialect ); } public DialectConfiguration getDialectConfiguration(String name) { return (DialectConfiguration) this.dialectConfigurations.get( name ); } public void setDialectConfiguration(String name, DialectConfiguration configuration) { this.dialectConfigurations.put( name, configuration ); } public CompositeClassLoader getClassLoader() { return this.classLoader.clone(); } /** Use this to override the classLoader that will be used for the rules. */ private void setClassLoader(final ClassLoader... classLoaders) { this.classLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader( classLoaders, getClass(), isClassLoaderCacheEnabled() ); } public void addSemanticModule(SemanticModule module) { if ( this.semanticModules == null ) { initSemanticModules(); } this.semanticModules.addSemanticModule( module ); } public SemanticModules getSemanticModules() { if ( this.semanticModules == null ) { initSemanticModules(); } return this.semanticModules; } public void initSemanticModules() { this.semanticModules = new SemanticModules(); this.semanticModules.addSemanticModule( new RulesSemanticModule() ); this.semanticModules.addSemanticModule( new ChangeSetSemanticModule() ); // split on each space String locations[] = this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "semanticModules", "" ).split( "\\s" ); int i = 0; // load each SemanticModule for ( String moduleLocation : locations ) { // trim leading/trailing spaces and quotes moduleLocation = moduleLocation.trim(); if ( moduleLocation.startsWith( "\"" ) ) { moduleLocation = moduleLocation.substring( 1 ); } if ( moduleLocation.endsWith( "\"" ) ) { moduleLocation = moduleLocation.substring( 0, moduleLocation.length() - 1 ); } if ( !moduleLocation.equals( "" ) ) { loadSemanticModule( moduleLocation ); } } } public void loadSemanticModule(String moduleLocation) { URL url = ConfFileUtils.getURL( moduleLocation, this.classLoader, getClass() ); if ( url == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( moduleLocation + " is specified but cannot be found.'" ); } Properties properties = ConfFileUtils.getProperties( url ); if ( properties == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( moduleLocation + " is specified but cannot be found.'" ); } loadSemanticModule( properties ); } public void loadSemanticModule(Properties properties) { String uri = properties.getProperty( "uri", null ); if ( uri == null || uri.trim().equals( "" ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Semantic Module URI property must not be empty" ); } DefaultSemanticModule module = new DefaultSemanticModule( uri ); for ( Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet() ) { String elementName = (String) entry.getKey(); //uri is processed above, so skip if ( "uri".equals( elementName ) ) { continue; } if ( elementName == null || elementName.trim().equals( "" ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Element name must be specified for Semantic Module handler" ); } String handlerName = (String) entry.getValue(); if ( handlerName == null || handlerName.trim().equals( "" ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Handler name must be specified for Semantic Module" ); } Handler handler = (Handler) ClassUtils.instantiateObject( handlerName, this.classLoader ); if ( handler == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to load Semantic Module handler '" + elementName + ":" + handlerName + "'" ); } else { module.addHandler( elementName, handler ); } } this.semanticModules.addSemanticModule( module ); } private void buildAccumulateFunctionsMap() { this.accumulateFunctions = new HashMap<String, AccumulateFunction>(); Map<String, String> temp = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.chainedProperties.mapStartsWith( temp, AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME, true ); int index = AccumulateFunctionOption.PROPERTY_NAME.length(); for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : temp.entrySet() ) { String identifier = entry.getKey().trim().substring( index ); this.accumulateFunctions.put( identifier, loadAccumulateFunction( identifier, entry.getValue() ) ); } } /** * This method is deprecated and will be removed * @return * * @deprecated */ public Map<String, String> getAccumulateFunctionsMap() { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); for ( Map.Entry<String, AccumulateFunction> entry : this.accumulateFunctions.entrySet() ) { result.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getClass().getName() ); } return result; } public void addAccumulateFunction(String identifier, String className) { this.accumulateFunctions.put( identifier, loadAccumulateFunction( identifier, className ) ); } public void addAccumulateFunction(String identifier, Class< ? extends AccumulateFunction> clazz) { try { this.accumulateFunctions.put( identifier, clazz.newInstance() ); } catch ( InstantiationException e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error loading accumulate function for identifier " + identifier + ". Instantiation failed for class " + clazz.getName(), e ); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error loading accumulate function for identifier " + identifier + ". Illegal access to class " + clazz.getName(), e ); } } public AccumulateFunction getAccumulateFunction(String identifier) { return this.accumulateFunctions.get( identifier ); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private AccumulateFunction loadAccumulateFunction(String identifier, String className) { try { Class< ? extends AccumulateFunction> clazz = (Class< ? extends AccumulateFunction>) this.classLoader.loadClass( className ); return (AccumulateFunction) clazz.newInstance(); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error loading accumulate function for identifier " + identifier + ". Class " + className + " not found", e ); } catch ( InstantiationException e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error loading accumulate function for identifier " + identifier + ". Instantiation failed for class " + className, e ); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error loading accumulate function for identifier " + identifier + ". Illegal access to class " + className, e ); } } private void buildEvaluatorRegistry() { this.evaluatorRegistry = new EvaluatorRegistry( this.classLoader ); Map<String, String> temp = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.chainedProperties.mapStartsWith( temp, EvaluatorOption.PROPERTY_NAME, true ); for ( String className : temp.values() ) { this.evaluatorRegistry.addEvaluatorDefinition( className ); } } /** * Returns the evaluator registry for this package builder configuration * @return */ public EvaluatorRegistry getEvaluatorRegistry() { return this.evaluatorRegistry; } /** * Adds an evaluator definition class to the registry using the * evaluator class name. The class will be loaded and the corresponting * evaluator ID will be added to the registry. In case there exists * an implementation for that ID already, the new implementation will * replace the previous one. * * @param className the name of the class for the implementation definition. * The class must implement the EvaluatorDefinition interface. * */ public void addEvaluatorDefinition(String className) { this.evaluatorRegistry.addEvaluatorDefinition( className ); } /** * Adds an evaluator definition class to the registry. In case there exists * an implementation for that evaluator ID already, the new implementation will * replace the previous one. * * @param def the evaluator definition to be added. * */ public void addEvaluatorDefinition(EvaluatorDefinition def) { this.evaluatorRegistry.addEvaluatorDefinition( def ); } private void buildDumpDirectory() { String dumpStr = this.chainedProperties.getProperty( DumpDirOption.PROPERTY_NAME, null ); buildDumpDirectory( dumpStr ); } private void buildDumpDirectory(String dumpStr) { if ( dumpStr != null ) { setDumpDir( new File( dumpStr ) ); } } public File getDumpDir() { return this.dumpDirectory; } public void setDumpDir(File dumpDir) { if ( !dumpDir.isDirectory() || !dumpDir.canWrite() || !dumpDir.canRead() ) { throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Drools dump directory is not accessible: " + dumpDir.toString() ); } this.dumpDirectory = dumpDir; } public boolean isProcessStringEscapes() { return processStringEscapes; } public void setProcessStringEscapes(boolean processStringEscapes) { this.processStringEscapes = processStringEscapes; } public boolean isClassLoaderCacheEnabled() { return classLoaderCache; } public void setClassLoaderCacheEnabled(boolean classLoaderCacheEnabled) { this.classLoaderCache = classLoaderCacheEnabled; this.classLoader.setCachingEnabled( this.classLoaderCache ); } public String getDefaultPackageName() { return defaultPackageName; } public void setDefaultPackageName(String defaultPackageName) { this.defaultPackageName = defaultPackageName; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends SingleValueKnowledgeBuilderOption> T getOption(Class<T> option) { if ( DefaultDialectOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) this.defaultDialect; } else if ( DumpDirOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) DumpDirOption.get( this.dumpDirectory ); } else if ( ProcessStringEscapesOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) (this.processStringEscapes ? ProcessStringEscapesOption.YES : ProcessStringEscapesOption.NO); } else if ( DefaultPackageNameOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) DefaultPackageNameOption.get( this.defaultPackageName ); } else if ( ClassLoaderCacheOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) (this.classLoaderCache ? ClassLoaderCacheOption.ENABLED : ClassLoaderCacheOption.DISABLED); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends MultiValueKnowledgeBuilderOption> T getOption(Class<T> option, String key) { if ( AccumulateFunctionOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) AccumulateFunctionOption.get( key, this.accumulateFunctions.get( key ) ); } else if ( EvaluatorOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return (T) EvaluatorOption.get( key, this.evaluatorRegistry.getEvaluatorDefinition( key ) ); } return null; } public <T extends MultiValueKnowledgeBuilderOption> Set<String> getOptionKeys( Class<T> option) { if ( AccumulateFunctionOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return this.accumulateFunctions.keySet(); } else if ( EvaluatorOption.class.equals( option ) ) { return this.evaluatorRegistry.keySet(); } return null; } public <T extends KnowledgeBuilderOption> void setOption(T option) { if ( option instanceof DefaultDialectOption ) { this.defaultDialect = (DefaultDialectOption) option; } else if ( option instanceof AccumulateFunctionOption ) { this.accumulateFunctions.put( ((AccumulateFunctionOption) option).getName(), ((AccumulateFunctionOption) option).getFunction() ); } else if ( option instanceof DumpDirOption ) { this.dumpDirectory = ((DumpDirOption) option).getDirectory(); } else if ( option instanceof EvaluatorOption ) { this.evaluatorRegistry.addEvaluatorDefinition( (EvaluatorDefinition) ((EvaluatorOption)option).getEvaluatorDefinition() ); } else if ( option instanceof ProcessStringEscapesOption ) { this.processStringEscapes = ((ProcessStringEscapesOption) option).isProcessStringEscapes(); } else if ( option instanceof DefaultPackageNameOption ) { setDefaultPackageName( ((DefaultPackageNameOption) option).getPackageName() ); } else if ( option instanceof ClassLoaderCacheOption ) { setClassLoaderCacheEnabled( ((ClassLoaderCacheOption) option).isClassLoaderCacheEnabled() ); } } }