/** * Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * under the License. */ package org.drools.camel.component; import javax.naming.Context; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Message; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.drools.event.rule.ActivationCreatedEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.AgendaEventListener; import org.drools.event.rule.ObjectInsertedEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.WorkingMemoryEventListener; import org.drools.pipeline.camel.Person; import org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; public class CamelEndpointActionInsertTest extends DroolsCamelTestSupport { private StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession; private AgendaEventListener ael; private WorkingMemoryEventListener wmel; public void testSessionInsert() throws Exception { Person person = new Person(); person.setName( "Bob" ); template.sendBody( "direct:test-no-ep", person ); ArgumentCaptor<ObjectInsertedEvent> oie = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ObjectInsertedEvent.class ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> ace = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( wmel ).objectInserted( oie.capture() ); assertThat( (Person) oie.getValue().getObject(), is( person ) ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( ace.capture() ); assertThat( ace.getValue().getActivation().getRule().getName(), is("rule1") ); } public void testSessionInsertEntryPoint() throws Exception { Person person = new Person(); person.setName( "Bob" ); template.sendBody( "direct:test-with-ep", person ); ArgumentCaptor<ObjectInsertedEvent> oie = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ObjectInsertedEvent.class ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> ace = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( wmel ).objectInserted( oie.capture() ); assertThat( (Person) oie.getValue().getObject(), is( person ) ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( ace.capture() ); assertThat( ace.getValue().getActivation().getRule().getName(), is("rule2") ); } public void testSessionInsertMessage() throws Exception { Person person = new Person(); person.setName( "Bob" ); template.sendBody( "direct:test-message", person ); ArgumentCaptor<ObjectInsertedEvent> oie = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ObjectInsertedEvent.class ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> ace = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( wmel ).objectInserted( oie.capture() ); assertThat( (Person) ((Message) oie.getValue().getObject()).getBody(), is( person ) ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( ace.capture() ); assertThat( ace.getValue().getActivation().getRule().getName(), is("rule3") ); } public void testSessionInsertExchange() throws Exception { Person person = new Person(); person.setName( "Bob" ); template.sendBody( "direct:test-exchange", person ); ArgumentCaptor<ObjectInsertedEvent> oie = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ObjectInsertedEvent.class ); ArgumentCaptor<ActivationCreatedEvent> ace = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( ActivationCreatedEvent.class ); verify( wmel ).objectInserted( oie.capture() ); assertThat( (Person) ((Exchange) oie.getValue().getObject()).getIn().getBody(), is( person ) ); verify( ael ).activationCreated( ace.capture() ); assertThat( ace.getValue().getActivation().getRule().getName(), is("rule4") ); } @Override protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() throws Exception { from( "direct:test-no-ep" ).to( "drools://node/ksession1?action=insertBody" ); from( "direct:test-with-ep" ).to( "drools://node/ksession1?action=insertBody&entryPoint=ep1" ); from( "direct:test-message" ).to( "drools://node/ksession1?action=insertMessage" ); from( "direct:test-exchange" ).to( "drools://node/ksession1?action=insertExchange" ); } }; } @Override protected void configureDroolsContext(Context jndiContext) { String rule = ""; rule += "package org.drools.pipeline.camel \n"; rule += "import org.apache.camel.Exchange \n"; rule += "import org.apache.camel.Message \n"; rule += "rule rule1 \n"; rule += " when \n"; rule += " $p : Person() \n"; rule += " then \n"; rule += " # no-op \n"; rule += "end\n"; rule += "rule rule2 \n"; rule += " when \n"; rule += " $p : Person() from entry-point ep1 \n"; rule += " then \n"; rule += " # no-op \n"; rule += "end\n"; rule += "rule rule3 \n"; rule += " when \n"; rule += " $m : Message() \n"; rule += " then \n"; rule += " # no-op \n"; rule += "end\n"; rule += "rule rule4 \n"; rule += " when \n"; rule += " $e : Exchange() \n"; rule += " then \n"; rule += " # no-op \n"; rule += "end\n"; ksession = registerKnowledgeRuntime( "ksession1", rule ); ael = mock( AgendaEventListener.class ); wmel = mock( WorkingMemoryEventListener.class ); ksession.addEventListener( ael ); ksession.addEventListener( wmel ); } }