/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.springboot; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Generated; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.AuthenticationType; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.NotFoundBehaviour; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceHttpClient; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.analytics.reports.ReportMetadata; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.approval.ApprovalRequest; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.approval.ApprovalRequest.Action; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.bulk.ContentType; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.PayloadFormat; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForFieldsEnum; import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum; import org.apache.camel.spring.boot.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon; import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters; import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters; import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties; import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.NestedConfigurationProperty; /** * The salesforce component is used for integrating Camel with the massive * Salesforce API. * * Generated by camel-package-maven-plugin - do not edit this file! */ @Generated("org.apache.camel.maven.packaging.SpringBootAutoConfigurationMojo") @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "camel.component.salesforce") public class SalesforceComponentConfiguration extends ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon { /** * Explicit authentication method to be used one of USERNAME_PASSWORD * REFRESH_TOKEN or JWT. Salesforce component can auto-determine the * authentication method to use from the properties set set this property to * eliminate any ambiguity. */ private AuthenticationType authenticationType; /** * All authentication configuration in one nested bean all properties set * there can be set directly on the component as well */ private SalesforceLoginConfigNestedConfiguration loginConfig; /** * URL of the Salesforce instance used after authantication by default * received from Salesforce on successful authentication */ private String instanceUrl; /** * URL of the Salesforce instance used for authentication by default set to * https://login.salesforce.com */ private String loginUrl = "https://login.salesforce.com"; /** * OAuth Consumer Key of the connected app configured in the Salesforce * instance setup. Typically a connected app needs to be configured but one * can be provided by installing a package. */ private String clientId; /** * OAuth Consumer Secret of the connected app configured in the Salesforce * instance setup. */ private String clientSecret; /** * KeyStore parameters to use in OAuth JWT flow. The KeyStore should contain * only one entry with private key and certificate. Salesforce does not * verify the certificate chain so this can easily be a selfsigned * certificate. Make sure that you upload the certificate to the * corresponding connected app. */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private KeyStoreParameters keystore; /** * Refresh token already obtained in the refresh token OAuth flow. One needs * to setup a web application and configure a callback URL to receive the * refresh token or configure using the builtin callback at * https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success or * https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success and then retrive the * refresh_token from the URL at the end of the flow. Note that in * development organizations Salesforce allows hosting the callback web * application at localhost. */ private String refreshToken; /** * Username used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It's easy to * get started with password OAuth flow but in general one should avoid it * as it is deemed less secure than other flows. */ private String userName; /** * Password used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It's easy to * get started with password OAuth flow but in general one should avoid it * as it is deemed less secure than other flows. Make sure that you append * security token to the end of the password if using one. */ private String password; /** * If set to true prevents the component from authenticating to Salesforce * with the start of the component. You would generaly set this to the * (default) false and authenticate early and be immediately aware of any * authentication issues. */ private Boolean lazyLogin = false; /** * Global endpoint configuration - use to set values that are common to all * endpoints */ private SalesforceEndpointConfigNestedConfiguration config; /** * Used to set any properties that can be configured on the underlying HTTP * client. Have a look at properties of SalesforceHttpClient and the Jetty * HttpClient for all available options. */ private Map<String, Object> httpClientProperties; /** * SSL parameters to use see SSLContextParameters class for all available * options. */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters; /** * Enable usage of global SSL context parameters */ private Boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters = false; /** * Hostname of the HTTP proxy server to use. */ private String httpProxyHost; /** * Port number of the HTTP proxy server to use. */ private Integer httpProxyPort; /** * Username to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. */ private String httpProxyUsername; /** * Password to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server. */ private String httpProxyPassword; /** * If set to true the configures the HTTP proxy to use as a SOCKS4 proxy. */ private Boolean isHttpProxySocks4 = false; /** * If set to false disables the use of TLS when accessing the HTTP proxy. */ private Boolean isHttpProxySecure = true; /** * A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should be used. */ private Set<String> httpProxyIncludedAddresses; /** * A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should not be used. */ private Set<String> httpProxyExcludedAddresses; /** * Used in authentication against the HTTP proxy server needs to match the * URI of the proxy server in order for the httpProxyUsername and * httpProxyPassword to be used for authentication. */ private String httpProxyAuthUri; /** * Realm of the proxy server used in preemptive Basic/Digest authentication * methods against the HTTP proxy server. */ private String httpProxyRealm; /** * If set to true Digest authentication will be used when authenticating to * the HTTP proxyotherwise Basic authorization method will be used */ private Boolean httpProxyUseDigestAuth = false; /** * In what packages are the generated DTO classes. Typically the classes * would be generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. Set it if using * the generated DTOs to gain the benefit of using short SObject names in * parameters/header values. */ private String[] packages; /** * Whether the component should resolve property placeholders on itself when * starting. Only properties which are of String type can use property * placeholders. */ private Boolean resolvePropertyPlaceholders = true; public AuthenticationType getAuthenticationType() { return authenticationType; } public void setAuthenticationType(AuthenticationType authenticationType) { this.authenticationType = authenticationType; } public SalesforceLoginConfigNestedConfiguration getLoginConfig() { return loginConfig; } public void setLoginConfig( SalesforceLoginConfigNestedConfiguration loginConfig) { this.loginConfig = loginConfig; } public String getInstanceUrl() { return instanceUrl; } public void setInstanceUrl(String instanceUrl) { this.instanceUrl = instanceUrl; } public String getLoginUrl() { return loginUrl; } public void setLoginUrl(String loginUrl) { this.loginUrl = loginUrl; } public String getClientId() { return clientId; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public String getClientSecret() { return clientSecret; } public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) { this.clientSecret = clientSecret; } public KeyStoreParameters getKeystore() { return keystore; } public void setKeystore(KeyStoreParameters keystore) { this.keystore = keystore; } public String getRefreshToken() { return refreshToken; } public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { this.refreshToken = refreshToken; } public String getUserName() { return userName; } public void setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public Boolean getLazyLogin() { return lazyLogin; } public void setLazyLogin(Boolean lazyLogin) { this.lazyLogin = lazyLogin; } public SalesforceEndpointConfigNestedConfiguration getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(SalesforceEndpointConfigNestedConfiguration config) { this.config = config; } public Map<String, Object> getHttpClientProperties() { return httpClientProperties; } public void setHttpClientProperties(Map<String, Object> httpClientProperties) { this.httpClientProperties = httpClientProperties; } public SSLContextParameters getSslContextParameters() { return sslContextParameters; } public void setSslContextParameters( SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) { this.sslContextParameters = sslContextParameters; } public Boolean getUseGlobalSslContextParameters() { return useGlobalSslContextParameters; } public void setUseGlobalSslContextParameters( Boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters) { this.useGlobalSslContextParameters = useGlobalSslContextParameters; } public String getHttpProxyHost() { return httpProxyHost; } public void setHttpProxyHost(String httpProxyHost) { this.httpProxyHost = httpProxyHost; } public Integer getHttpProxyPort() { return httpProxyPort; } public void setHttpProxyPort(Integer httpProxyPort) { this.httpProxyPort = httpProxyPort; } public String getHttpProxyUsername() { return httpProxyUsername; } public void setHttpProxyUsername(String httpProxyUsername) { this.httpProxyUsername = httpProxyUsername; } public String getHttpProxyPassword() { return httpProxyPassword; } public void setHttpProxyPassword(String httpProxyPassword) { this.httpProxyPassword = httpProxyPassword; } public Boolean getIsHttpProxySocks4() { return isHttpProxySocks4; } public void setIsHttpProxySocks4(Boolean isHttpProxySocks4) { this.isHttpProxySocks4 = isHttpProxySocks4; } public Boolean getIsHttpProxySecure() { return isHttpProxySecure; } public void setIsHttpProxySecure(Boolean isHttpProxySecure) { this.isHttpProxySecure = isHttpProxySecure; } public Set<String> getHttpProxyIncludedAddresses() { return httpProxyIncludedAddresses; } public void setHttpProxyIncludedAddresses( Set<String> httpProxyIncludedAddresses) { this.httpProxyIncludedAddresses = httpProxyIncludedAddresses; } public Set<String> getHttpProxyExcludedAddresses() { return httpProxyExcludedAddresses; } public void setHttpProxyExcludedAddresses( Set<String> httpProxyExcludedAddresses) { this.httpProxyExcludedAddresses = httpProxyExcludedAddresses; } public String getHttpProxyAuthUri() { return httpProxyAuthUri; } public void setHttpProxyAuthUri(String httpProxyAuthUri) { this.httpProxyAuthUri = httpProxyAuthUri; } public String getHttpProxyRealm() { return httpProxyRealm; } public void setHttpProxyRealm(String httpProxyRealm) { this.httpProxyRealm = httpProxyRealm; } public Boolean getHttpProxyUseDigestAuth() { return httpProxyUseDigestAuth; } public void setHttpProxyUseDigestAuth(Boolean httpProxyUseDigestAuth) { this.httpProxyUseDigestAuth = httpProxyUseDigestAuth; } public String[] getPackages() { return packages; } public void setPackages(String[] packages) { this.packages = packages; } public Boolean getResolvePropertyPlaceholders() { return resolvePropertyPlaceholders; } public void setResolvePropertyPlaceholders( Boolean resolvePropertyPlaceholders) { this.resolvePropertyPlaceholders = resolvePropertyPlaceholders; } public static class SalesforceLoginConfigNestedConfiguration { public static final Class CAMEL_NESTED_CLASS = org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceLoginConfig.class; private String instanceUrl; /** * Salesforce login URL, defaults to https://login.salesforce.com */ private String loginUrl; /** * Salesforce connected application Consumer Key */ private String clientId; /** * Salesforce connected application Consumer Secret */ private String clientSecret; /** * Keystore parameters for keystore containing certificate and private * key needed for OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow. */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private KeyStoreParameters keystore; /** * Salesforce connected application Consumer token */ private String refreshToken; private AuthenticationType type; /** * Salesforce account user name */ private String userName; /** * Salesforce account password */ private String password; /** * Flag to enable/disable lazy OAuth, default is false. When enabled, * OAuth token retrieval or generation is not done until the first API * call */ private Boolean lazyLogin; public String getInstanceUrl() { return instanceUrl; } public void setInstanceUrl(String instanceUrl) { this.instanceUrl = instanceUrl; } public String getLoginUrl() { return loginUrl; } public void setLoginUrl(String loginUrl) { this.loginUrl = loginUrl; } public String getClientId() { return clientId; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public String getClientSecret() { return clientSecret; } public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) { this.clientSecret = clientSecret; } public KeyStoreParameters getKeystore() { return keystore; } public void setKeystore(KeyStoreParameters keystore) { this.keystore = keystore; } public String getRefreshToken() { return refreshToken; } public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { this.refreshToken = refreshToken; } public AuthenticationType getType() { return type; } public void setType(AuthenticationType type) { this.type = type; } public String getUserName() { return userName; } public void setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public Boolean getLazyLogin() { return lazyLogin; } public void setLazyLogin(Boolean lazyLogin) { this.lazyLogin = lazyLogin; } } public static class SalesforceEndpointConfigNestedConfiguration { public static final Class CAMEL_NESTED_CLASS = org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig.class; /** * Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls, either JSON or XML, * defaults to JSON */ private PayloadFormat format; /** * Salesforce API version, defaults to * SalesforceEndpointConfig.DEFAULT_VERSION */ private String apiVersion; /** * SObject name if required or supported by API */ private String sObjectName; /** * SObject ID if required by API */ private String sObjectId; /** * SObject fields to retrieve */ private String sObjectFields; /** * SObject external ID field name */ private String sObjectIdName; /** * SObject external ID field value */ private String sObjectIdValue; /** * SObject blob field name */ private String sObjectBlobFieldName; /** * Fully qualified SObject class name, usually generated using * camel-salesforce-maven-plugin */ private String sObjectClass; /** * Salesforce SOQL query string */ private String sObjectQuery; /** * Salesforce SOSL search string */ private String sObjectSearch; /** * APEX method name */ private String apexMethod; /** * APEX method URL */ private String apexUrl; /** * Query params for APEX method */ private Map apexQueryParams; /** * The approval request for Approval API. * * @param approval */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private ApprovalRequest approval; /** * Bulk API content type, one of XML, CSV, ZIP_XML, ZIP_CSV */ private ContentType contentType; /** * Bulk API Job ID */ private String jobId; /** * Bulk API Batch ID */ private String batchId; /** * Bulk API Result ID */ private String resultId; /** * Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using the Streaming * API, defaults to false */ private Boolean updateTopic = false; /** * Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE */ private NotifyForFieldsEnum notifyForFields; /** * Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API * version < 29.0) */ private NotifyForOperationsEnum notifyForOperations; /** * Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0) */ private Boolean notifyForOperationCreate; /** * Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0) */ private Boolean notifyForOperationUpdate; /** * Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0) */ private Boolean notifyForOperationDelete; /** * Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= * 29.0) */ private Boolean notifyForOperationUndelete; /** * Salesforce1 Analytics report Id */ private String reportId; /** * Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report, defaults to false. */ private Boolean includeDetails; /** * Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for filtering */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private ReportMetadata reportMetadata; /** * Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID */ private String instanceId; /** * Custom Jetty Http Client to use to connect to Salesforce. */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private SalesforceHttpClient httpClient; /** * Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing/deserializing * Salesforce objects. */ @NestedConfigurationProperty private ObjectMapper objectMapper; /** * Backoff interval increment for Streaming connection restart attempts * for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. */ private Long backoffIncrement; /** * Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection restart attempts * for failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. */ private Long maxBackoff; /** * Default replayId setting if no value is found in * {@link #initialReplayIdMap} * * @param defaultReplayId */ private Long defaultReplayId; /** * Replay IDs to start from per channel name. */ private Map initialReplayIdMap; /** * Limit on number of returned records. Applicable to some of the API, * check the Salesforce documentation. * * @param limit */ private Integer limit; /** * Represents the kind of action to take: Submit, Approve, or Reject. * * @param actionType */ private Action approvalActionType; /** * The comment to add to the history step associated with this request. * * @param comments */ private String approvalComments; /** * The ID of the submitter who’s requesting the approval record. * * @param contextActorId */ private String approvalContextActorId; /** * The ID of the item that is being acted upon. * * @param contextId */ private String approvalContextId; /** * If the process requires specification of the next approval, the ID of * the user to be assigned the next request. * * @param nextApproverIds */ private List approvalNextApproverIds; /** * The developer name or ID of the process definition. * * @param processDefinitionNameOrId */ private String approvalProcessDefinitionNameOrId; /** * Determines whether to evaluate the entry criteria for the process * (true) or not (false) if the process definition name or ID isn’t * null. If the process definition name or ID isn’t specified, this * argument is ignored, and standard evaluation is followed based on * process order. By default, the entry criteria isn’t skipped if it’s * not set by this request. * * @param skipEntryCriteria */ private Boolean approvalSkipEntryCriteria; /** * Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce * API. Should the body be set to NULL {@link NotFoundBehaviour#NULL} or * should a exception be signaled on the exchange * {@link NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION} - the default. */ private NotFoundBehaviour notFoundBehaviour; public PayloadFormat getFormat() { return format; } public void setFormat(PayloadFormat format) { this.format = format; } public String getApiVersion() { return apiVersion; } public void setApiVersion(String apiVersion) { this.apiVersion = apiVersion; } public String getSObjectName() { return sObjectName; } public void setSObjectName(String sObjectName) { this.sObjectName = sObjectName; } public String getSObjectId() { return sObjectId; } public void setSObjectId(String sObjectId) { this.sObjectId = sObjectId; } public String getSObjectFields() { return sObjectFields; } public void setSObjectFields(String sObjectFields) { this.sObjectFields = sObjectFields; } public String getSObjectIdName() { return sObjectIdName; } public void setSObjectIdName(String sObjectIdName) { this.sObjectIdName = sObjectIdName; } public String getSObjectIdValue() { return sObjectIdValue; } public void setSObjectIdValue(String sObjectIdValue) { this.sObjectIdValue = sObjectIdValue; } public String getSObjectBlobFieldName() { return sObjectBlobFieldName; } public void setSObjectBlobFieldName(String sObjectBlobFieldName) { this.sObjectBlobFieldName = sObjectBlobFieldName; } public String getSObjectClass() { return sObjectClass; } public void setSObjectClass(String sObjectClass) { this.sObjectClass = sObjectClass; } public String getSObjectQuery() { return sObjectQuery; } public void setSObjectQuery(String sObjectQuery) { this.sObjectQuery = sObjectQuery; } public String getSObjectSearch() { return sObjectSearch; } public void setSObjectSearch(String sObjectSearch) { this.sObjectSearch = sObjectSearch; } public String getApexMethod() { return apexMethod; } public void setApexMethod(String apexMethod) { this.apexMethod = apexMethod; } public String getApexUrl() { return apexUrl; } public void setApexUrl(String apexUrl) { this.apexUrl = apexUrl; } public Map getApexQueryParams() { return apexQueryParams; } public void setApexQueryParams(Map apexQueryParams) { this.apexQueryParams = apexQueryParams; } public ApprovalRequest getApproval() { return approval; } public void setApproval(ApprovalRequest approval) { this.approval = approval; } public ContentType getContentType() { return contentType; } public void setContentType(ContentType contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } public String getJobId() { return jobId; } public void setJobId(String jobId) { this.jobId = jobId; } public String getBatchId() { return batchId; } public void setBatchId(String batchId) { this.batchId = batchId; } public String getResultId() { return resultId; } public void setResultId(String resultId) { this.resultId = resultId; } public Boolean getUpdateTopic() { return updateTopic; } public void setUpdateTopic(Boolean updateTopic) { this.updateTopic = updateTopic; } public NotifyForFieldsEnum getNotifyForFields() { return notifyForFields; } public void setNotifyForFields(NotifyForFieldsEnum notifyForFields) { this.notifyForFields = notifyForFields; } public NotifyForOperationsEnum getNotifyForOperations() { return notifyForOperations; } public void setNotifyForOperations( NotifyForOperationsEnum notifyForOperations) { this.notifyForOperations = notifyForOperations; } public Boolean getNotifyForOperationCreate() { return notifyForOperationCreate; } public void setNotifyForOperationCreate(Boolean notifyForOperationCreate) { this.notifyForOperationCreate = notifyForOperationCreate; } public Boolean getNotifyForOperationUpdate() { return notifyForOperationUpdate; } public void setNotifyForOperationUpdate(Boolean notifyForOperationUpdate) { this.notifyForOperationUpdate = notifyForOperationUpdate; } public Boolean getNotifyForOperationDelete() { return notifyForOperationDelete; } public void setNotifyForOperationDelete(Boolean notifyForOperationDelete) { this.notifyForOperationDelete = notifyForOperationDelete; } public Boolean getNotifyForOperationUndelete() { return notifyForOperationUndelete; } public void setNotifyForOperationUndelete( Boolean notifyForOperationUndelete) { this.notifyForOperationUndelete = notifyForOperationUndelete; } public String getReportId() { return reportId; } public void setReportId(String reportId) { this.reportId = reportId; } public Boolean getIncludeDetails() { return includeDetails; } public void setIncludeDetails(Boolean includeDetails) { this.includeDetails = includeDetails; } public ReportMetadata getReportMetadata() { return reportMetadata; } public void setReportMetadata(ReportMetadata reportMetadata) { this.reportMetadata = reportMetadata; } public String getInstanceId() { return instanceId; } public void setInstanceId(String instanceId) { this.instanceId = instanceId; } public SalesforceHttpClient getHttpClient() { return httpClient; } public void setHttpClient(SalesforceHttpClient httpClient) { this.httpClient = httpClient; } public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { return objectMapper; } public void setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) { this.objectMapper = objectMapper; } public Long getBackoffIncrement() { return backoffIncrement; } public void setBackoffIncrement(Long backoffIncrement) { this.backoffIncrement = backoffIncrement; } public Long getMaxBackoff() { return maxBackoff; } public void setMaxBackoff(Long maxBackoff) { this.maxBackoff = maxBackoff; } public Long getDefaultReplayId() { return defaultReplayId; } public void setDefaultReplayId(Long defaultReplayId) { this.defaultReplayId = defaultReplayId; } public Map getInitialReplayIdMap() { return initialReplayIdMap; } public void setInitialReplayIdMap(Map initialReplayIdMap) { this.initialReplayIdMap = initialReplayIdMap; } public Integer getLimit() { return limit; } public void setLimit(Integer limit) { this.limit = limit; } public Action getApprovalActionType() { return approvalActionType; } public void setApprovalActionType(Action approvalActionType) { this.approvalActionType = approvalActionType; } public String getApprovalComments() { return approvalComments; } public void setApprovalComments(String approvalComments) { this.approvalComments = approvalComments; } public String getApprovalContextActorId() { return approvalContextActorId; } public void setApprovalContextActorId(String approvalContextActorId) { this.approvalContextActorId = approvalContextActorId; } public String getApprovalContextId() { return approvalContextId; } public void setApprovalContextId(String approvalContextId) { this.approvalContextId = approvalContextId; } public List getApprovalNextApproverIds() { return approvalNextApproverIds; } public void setApprovalNextApproverIds(List approvalNextApproverIds) { this.approvalNextApproverIds = approvalNextApproverIds; } public String getApprovalProcessDefinitionNameOrId() { return approvalProcessDefinitionNameOrId; } public void setApprovalProcessDefinitionNameOrId( String approvalProcessDefinitionNameOrId) { this.approvalProcessDefinitionNameOrId = approvalProcessDefinitionNameOrId; } public Boolean getApprovalSkipEntryCriteria() { return approvalSkipEntryCriteria; } public void setApprovalSkipEntryCriteria( Boolean approvalSkipEntryCriteria) { this.approvalSkipEntryCriteria = approvalSkipEntryCriteria; } public NotFoundBehaviour getNotFoundBehaviour() { return notFoundBehaviour; } public void setNotFoundBehaviour(NotFoundBehaviour notFoundBehaviour) { this.notFoundBehaviour = notFoundBehaviour; } } }