/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.test.spring; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.camel.component.properties.PropertiesComponent; import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultDebugger; import org.apache.camel.impl.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy; import org.apache.camel.management.JmxSystemPropertyKeys; import org.apache.camel.spi.Breakpoint; import org.apache.camel.spi.Debugger; import org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext; import org.apache.camel.test.ExcludingPackageScanClassResolver; import org.apache.camel.test.spring.CamelSpringTestHelper.DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigUtils; import org.springframework.context.support.GenericApplicationContext; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import org.springframework.test.context.MergedContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractContextLoader; import org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractGenericContextLoader; import org.springframework.test.context.support.GenericXmlContextLoader; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import static org.apache.camel.test.spring.CamelSpringTestHelper.getAllMethods; /** * Replacement for the default {@link GenericXmlContextLoader} that provides hooks for * processing some class level Camel related test annotations. */ public class CamelSpringTestContextLoader extends AbstractContextLoader { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CamelSpringTestContextLoader.class); /** * Modeled after the Spring implementation in {@link AbstractGenericContextLoader}, * this method creates and refreshes the application context while providing for * processing of additional Camel specific post-refresh actions. We do not provide the * pre-post hooks for customization seen in {@link AbstractGenericContextLoader} because * they probably are unnecessary for 90+% of users. * <p/> * For some functionality, we cannot use {@link org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener} because we need * to both produce the desired outcome during application context loading, and also cleanup * after ourselves even if the test class never executes. Thus the listeners, which * only run if the application context is successfully initialized are insufficient to * provide the behavior described above. */ @Override public ApplicationContext loadContext(MergedContextConfiguration mergedConfig) throws Exception { Class<?> testClass = getTestClass(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Loading ApplicationContext for merged context configuration [{}].", mergedConfig); } try { GenericApplicationContext context = createContext(testClass, mergedConfig); context.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles(mergedConfig.getActiveProfiles()); loadBeanDefinitions(context, mergedConfig); return loadContext(context, testClass); } finally { cleanup(testClass); } } /** * Modeled after the Spring implementation in {@link AbstractGenericContextLoader}, * this method creates and refreshes the application context while providing for * processing of additional Camel specific post-refresh actions. We do not provide the * pre-post hooks for customization seen in {@link AbstractGenericContextLoader} because * they probably are unnecessary for 90+% of users. * <p/> * For some functionality, we cannot use {@link org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener} because we need * to both produce the desired outcome during application context loading, and also cleanup * after ourselves even if the test class never executes. Thus the listeners, which * only run if the application context is successfully initialized are insufficient to * provide the behavior described above. */ @Override public ApplicationContext loadContext(String... locations) throws Exception { Class<?> testClass = getTestClass(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Loading ApplicationContext for locations [" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(locations) + "]."); } try { GenericApplicationContext context = createContext(testClass, null); loadBeanDefinitions(context, locations); return loadContext(context, testClass); } finally { cleanup(testClass); } } /** * Returns "<code>-context.xml</code>". */ @Override public String getResourceSuffix() { return "-context.xml"; } /** * Performs the bulk of the Spring application context loading/customization. * * @param context the partially configured context. The context should have the bean definitions loaded, but nothing else. * @param testClass the test class being executed * @return the initialized (refreshed) Spring application context * * @throws Exception if there is an error during initialization/customization */ protected ApplicationContext loadContext(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { AnnotationConfigUtils.registerAnnotationConfigProcessors(context); // Pre CamelContext(s) instantiation setup handleDisableJmx(context, testClass); // Temporarily disable CamelContext start while the contexts are instantiated. SpringCamelContext.setNoStart(true); context.refresh(); context.registerShutdownHook(); // Turn CamelContext startup back on since the context's have now been instantiated. SpringCamelContext.setNoStart(false); // Post CamelContext(s) instantiation but pre CamelContext(s) start setup handleProvidesBreakpoint(context, testClass); handleShutdownTimeout(context, testClass); handleMockEndpoints(context, testClass); handleMockEndpointsAndSkip(context, testClass); handleUseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent(context, testClass); // CamelContext(s) startup handleCamelContextStartup(context, testClass); return context; } /** * Cleanup/restore global state to defaults / pre-test values after the test setup * is complete. * * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void cleanup(Class<?> testClass) { SpringCamelContext.setNoStart(false); if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(DisableJmx.class)) { if (CamelSpringTestHelper.getOriginalJmxDisabled() == null) { System.clearProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED); } else { System.setProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED, CamelSpringTestHelper.getOriginalJmxDisabled()); } } } protected void loadBeanDefinitions(GenericApplicationContext context, MergedContextConfiguration mergedConfig) { (new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(context)).loadBeanDefinitions(mergedConfig.getLocations()); } protected void loadBeanDefinitions(GenericApplicationContext context, String... locations) { (new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(context)).loadBeanDefinitions(locations); } /** * Creates and starts the Spring context while optionally starting any loaded Camel contexts. * * @param testClass the test class that is being executed * @return the loaded Spring context */ protected GenericApplicationContext createContext(Class<?> testClass, MergedContextConfiguration mergedConfig) { ApplicationContext parentContext = null; GenericApplicationContext routeExcludingContext = null; if (mergedConfig != null) { parentContext = mergedConfig.getParentApplicationContext(); } if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(ExcludeRoutes.class)) { Class<?>[] excludedClasses = testClass.getAnnotation(ExcludeRoutes.class).value(); if (excludedClasses.length > 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Setting up package scanning excluded classes as ExcludeRoutes " + "annotation was found. Excluding [" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(excludedClasses) + "]."); } if (parentContext == null) { routeExcludingContext = new GenericApplicationContext(); } else { routeExcludingContext = new GenericApplicationContext(parentContext); } routeExcludingContext.registerBeanDefinition("excludingResolver", new RootBeanDefinition(ExcludingPackageScanClassResolver.class)); routeExcludingContext.refresh(); ExcludingPackageScanClassResolver excludingResolver = routeExcludingContext.getBean("excludingResolver", ExcludingPackageScanClassResolver.class); List<Class<?>> excluded = Arrays.asList(excludedClasses); excludingResolver.setExcludedClasses(new HashSet<Class<?>>(excluded)); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not enabling package scanning excluded classes as ExcludeRoutes " + "annotation was found but no classes were excluded."); } } } GenericApplicationContext context; if (routeExcludingContext != null) { context = new GenericApplicationContext(routeExcludingContext); } else { if (parentContext != null) { context = new GenericApplicationContext(parentContext); } else { context = new GenericApplicationContext(); } } return context; } /** * Handles disabling of JMX on Camel contexts based on {@link DisableJmx}. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleDisableJmx(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) { CamelSpringTestHelper.setOriginalJmxDisabledValue(System.getProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED)); if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(DisableJmx.class)) { if (testClass.getAnnotation(DisableJmx.class).value()) { LOG.info("Disabling Camel JMX globally as DisableJmx annotation was found and disableJmx is set to true."); System.setProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED, "true"); } else { LOG.info("Enabling Camel JMX as DisableJmx annotation was found and disableJmx is set to false."); System.clearProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED); } } else { LOG.info("Disabling Camel JMX globally for tests by default. Use the DisableJMX annotation to override the default setting."); System.setProperty(JmxSystemPropertyKeys.DISABLED, "true"); } } /** * Handles the processing of the {@link ProvidesBreakpoint} annotation on a test class. Exists here * as it is needed in * * @param context the initialized Spring context containing the Camel context(s) to insert breakpoints into * @param testClass the test class being processed * * @throws Exception if there is an error processing the class */ protected void handleProvidesBreakpoint(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { Collection<Method> methods = getAllMethods(testClass); final List<Breakpoint> breakpoints = new LinkedList<Breakpoint>(); for (Method method : methods) { if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, ProvidesBreakpoint.class) != null) { Class<?>[] argTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (argTypes.length != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with ProvidesBreakpoint but is not a no-argument method."); } else if (!Breakpoint.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with ProvidesBreakpoint but does not return a Breakpoint."); } else if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with ProvidesBreakpoint but is not static."); } else if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with ProvidesBreakpoint but is not public."); } try { breakpoints.add((Breakpoint) method.invoke(null)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] threw exception during evaluation.", e); } } } if (breakpoints.size() != 0) { CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { @Override public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { Debugger debugger = camelContext.getDebugger(); if (debugger == null) { debugger = new DefaultDebugger(); camelContext.setDebugger(debugger); } for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) { LOG.info("Adding Breakpoint [{}] to CamelContext with name [{}].", breakpoint, contextName); debugger.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); } } }); } } /** * Handles updating shutdown timeouts on Camel contexts based on {@link ShutdownTimeout}. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleShutdownTimeout(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { final int shutdownTimeout; final TimeUnit shutdownTimeUnit; if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(ShutdownTimeout.class)) { shutdownTimeout = testClass.getAnnotation(ShutdownTimeout.class).value(); shutdownTimeUnit = testClass.getAnnotation(ShutdownTimeout.class).timeUnit(); } else { shutdownTimeout = 10; shutdownTimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; } CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { @Override public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { LOG.info("Setting shutdown timeout to [{} {}] on CamelContext with name [{}].", new Object[]{shutdownTimeout, shutdownTimeUnit, contextName}); camelContext.getShutdownStrategy().setTimeout(shutdownTimeout); camelContext.getShutdownStrategy().setTimeUnit(shutdownTimeUnit); } }); } /** * Handles auto-intercepting of endpoints with mocks based on {@link MockEndpoints}. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleMockEndpoints(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(MockEndpoints.class)) { final String mockEndpoints = testClass.getAnnotation(MockEndpoints.class).value(); CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { @Override public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { LOG.info("Enabling auto mocking of endpoints matching pattern [{}] on CamelContext with name [{}].", mockEndpoints, contextName); camelContext.addRegisterEndpointCallback(new InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy(mockEndpoints)); } }); } } /** * Handles auto-intercepting of endpoints with mocks based on {@link MockEndpointsAndSkip} and skipping the * original endpoint. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleMockEndpointsAndSkip(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(MockEndpointsAndSkip.class)) { final String mockEndpoints = testClass.getAnnotation(MockEndpointsAndSkip.class).value(); CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { @Override public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { // resovle the property place holders of the mockEndpoints String mockEndpointsValue = camelContext.resolvePropertyPlaceholders(mockEndpoints); LOG.info("Enabling auto mocking and skipping of endpoints matching pattern [{}] on CamelContext with name [{}].", mockEndpointsValue, contextName); camelContext.addRegisterEndpointCallback(new InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy(mockEndpointsValue, true)); } }); } } /** * Handles override this method to include and override properties with the Camel {@link org.apache.camel.component.properties.PropertiesComponent}. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleUseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent(ConfigurableApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { Collection<Method> methods = getAllMethods(testClass); final List<Properties> properties = new LinkedList<Properties>(); for (Method method : methods) { if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent.class) != null) { Class<?>[] argTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (argTypes.length > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent but is not a no-argument method."); } else if (!Properties.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent but does not return a java.util.Properties."); } else if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent but is not static."); } else if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] is annotated with UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent but is not public."); } try { properties.add((Properties) method.invoke(null)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Method [" + method.getName() + "] threw exception during evaluation.", e); } } } if (properties.size() != 0) { CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { PropertiesComponent pc = camelContext.getComponent("properties", PropertiesComponent.class); Properties extra = new Properties(); for (Properties prop : properties) { extra.putAll(prop); } if (!extra.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("Using {} properties to override any existing properties on the PropertiesComponent on CamelContext with name [{}].", extra.size(), contextName); pc.setOverrideProperties(extra); } } }); } } /** * Handles starting of Camel contexts based on {@link UseAdviceWith} and other state in the JVM. * * @param context the initialized Spring context * @param testClass the test class being executed */ protected void handleCamelContextStartup(GenericApplicationContext context, Class<?> testClass) throws Exception { boolean skip = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("skipStartingCamelContext")); if (skip) { LOG.info("Skipping starting CamelContext(s) as system property skipStartingCamelContext is set to be true."); } else if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(UseAdviceWith.class)) { if (testClass.getAnnotation(UseAdviceWith.class).value()) { LOG.info("Skipping starting CamelContext(s) as UseAdviceWith annotation was found and isUseAdviceWith is set to true."); skip = true; } else { LOG.info("Starting CamelContext(s) as UseAdviceWith annotation was found, but isUseAdviceWith is set to false."); skip = false; } } if (!skip) { CamelSpringTestHelper.doToSpringCamelContexts(context, new DoToSpringCamelContextsStrategy() { @Override public void execute(String contextName, SpringCamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { LOG.info("Starting CamelContext with name [{}].", contextName); camelContext.start(); } }); } } /** * Returns the class under test in order to enable inspection of annotations while the * Spring context is being created. * * @return the test class that is being executed * @see CamelSpringTestHelper */ protected Class<?> getTestClass() { return CamelSpringTestHelper.getTestClass(); } }