/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.component.facebook.config; import java.net.URL; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import facebook4j.AlbumUpdate; import facebook4j.CheckinUpdate; import facebook4j.CommentUpdate; import facebook4j.EventUpdate; import facebook4j.GeoLocation; import facebook4j.Media; import facebook4j.PictureSize; import facebook4j.PostUpdate; import facebook4j.Reading; import facebook4j.TagUpdate; import facebook4j.TestUser; import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam; import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParams; @UriParams public class FacebookEndpointConfiguration extends FacebookConfiguration { @UriParam private URL achievementURL; @UriParam private AlbumUpdate albumUpdate; @UriParam private String albumId; @UriParam private String appId; @UriParam private GeoLocation center; @UriParam @Deprecated private CheckinUpdate checkinUpdate; @UriParam private String checkinId; @UriParam private String commentId; @UriParam private CommentUpdate commentUpdate; @UriParam private String description; @UriParam private Integer distance; @UriParam private String domainId; @UriParam private String domainName; @UriParam private List<String> domainNames; @UriParam private String eventId; @UriParam private EventUpdate eventUpdate; @UriParam private String friendId; @UriParam private String friendUserId; @UriParam private String friendlistId; @UriParam private String friendlistName; @UriParam private String groupId; @UriParam private List<String> ids; @UriParam private Boolean includeRead; @UriParam private URL link; @UriParam private String linkId; @UriParam private Locale locale; @UriParam private String message; @UriParam private String messageId; @UriParam private String metric; @UriParam private String name; @UriParam private String noteId; @UriParam private String notificationId; @UriParam private String objectId; @UriParam private String optionDescription; @UriParam private String permissionName; @UriParam private String permissions; @UriParam private String photoId; @UriParam private String placeId; @UriParam private String postId; @UriParam private PostUpdate postUpdate; @UriParam private Map<String, String> queries; @UriParam private String query; @UriParam private String questionId; @UriParam private Reading reading; @UriParam(prefix = "reading.", multiValue = true) private Map<String, Object> readingOptions; @UriParam private Integer scoreValue; @UriParam private PictureSize size; @UriParam private Media source; @UriParam private String subject; @UriParam private TagUpdate tagUpdate; @UriParam private TestUser testUser1; @UriParam private TestUser testUser2; @UriParam private String testUserId; @UriParam private String title; @UriParam private String toUserId; @UriParam private List<String> toUserIds; @UriParam private String userId1; @UriParam private String userId2; @UriParam private String userId; @UriParam private List<String> userIds; @UriParam private String userLocale; @UriParam private String videoId; @UriParam private Integer pictureId; @UriParam private Integer pictureId2; @UriParam private PictureSize pictureSize; @UriParam private String pageId; @UriParam private String tabId; @UriParam private Boolean isHidden; @UriParam private String offerId; @UriParam private String milestoneId; public URL getAchievementURL() { return achievementURL; } /** * The unique URL of the achievement */ public void setAchievementURL(URL achievementURL) { this.achievementURL = achievementURL; } public AlbumUpdate getAlbumUpdate() { return albumUpdate; } /** * The facebook Album to be created or updated */ public void setAlbumUpdate(AlbumUpdate albumUpdate) { this.albumUpdate = albumUpdate; } public String getAlbumId() { return albumId; } /** * The album ID */ public void setAlbumId(String albumId) { this.albumId = albumId; } public String getAppId() { return appId; } /** * The ID of the Facebook Application */ public void setAppId(String appId) { this.appId = appId; } public GeoLocation getCenter() { return center; } /** * Location latitude and longitude */ public void setCenter(GeoLocation center) { this.center = center; } public CheckinUpdate getCheckinUpdate() { return checkinUpdate; } /** * The checkin to be created. Deprecated, instead create a Post with an attached location * @deprecated instead create a Post with an attached location */ @Deprecated public void setCheckinUpdate(CheckinUpdate checkinUpdate) { this.checkinUpdate = checkinUpdate; } public String getCheckinId() { return checkinId; } /** * The checkin ID */ public void setCheckinId(String checkinId) { this.checkinId = checkinId; } public String getCommentId() { return commentId; } /** * The comment ID */ public void setCommentId(String commentId) { this.commentId = commentId; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public CommentUpdate getCommentUpdate() { return commentUpdate; } /** * The facebook Comment to be created or updated */ public void setCommentUpdate(CommentUpdate commentUpdate) { this.commentUpdate = commentUpdate; } /** * The description text */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public Integer getDistance() { return distance; } /** * Distance in meters */ public void setDistance(Integer distance) { this.distance = distance; } public String getDomainId() { return domainId; } /** * The domain ID */ public void setDomainId(String domainId) { this.domainId = domainId; } public String getDomainName() { return domainName; } /** * The domain name */ public void setDomainName(String domainName) { this.domainName = domainName; } public List<String> getDomainNames() { return domainNames; } /** * The domain names */ public void setDomainNames(List<String> domainNames) { this.domainNames = domainNames; } public String getEventId() { return eventId; } /** * The event ID */ public void setEventId(String eventId) { this.eventId = eventId; } public EventUpdate getEventUpdate() { return eventUpdate; } /** * The event to be created or updated */ public void setEventUpdate(EventUpdate eventUpdate) { this.eventUpdate = eventUpdate; } public String getFriendId() { return friendId; } /** * The friend ID */ public void setFriendId(String friendId) { this.friendId = friendId; } public String getFriendUserId() { return friendUserId; } /** * The friend user ID */ public void setFriendUserId(String friendUserId) { this.friendUserId = friendUserId; } public String getFriendlistId() { return friendlistId; } /** * The friend list ID */ public void setFriendlistId(String friendlistId) { this.friendlistId = friendlistId; } public String getFriendlistName() { return friendlistName; } /** * The friend list Name */ public void setFriendlistName(String friendlistName) { this.friendlistName = friendlistName; } public String getGroupId() { return groupId; } /** * The group ID */ public void setGroupId(String groupId) { this.groupId = groupId; } public List<String> getIds() { return ids; } /** * The ids of users */ public void setIds(List<String> ids) { this.ids = ids; } public Boolean isIncludeRead() { return includeRead; } /** * Enables notifications that the user has already read in addition to unread ones */ public void setIncludeRead(Boolean includeRead) { this.includeRead = includeRead; } public URL getLink() { return link; } /** * Link URL */ public void setLink(URL link) { this.link = link; } public String getLinkId() { return linkId; } /** * Link ID */ public void setLinkId(String linkId) { this.linkId = linkId; } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } /** * Desired FQL locale */ public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * The message text */ public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessageId() { return messageId; } /** * The message ID */ public void setMessageId(String messageId) { this.messageId = messageId; } public String getMetric() { return metric; } /** * The metric name */ public void setMetric(String metric) { this.metric = metric; } public String getName() { return name; } /** * Test user name, must be of the form 'first last' */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getNoteId() { return noteId; } /** * The note ID */ public void setNoteId(String noteId) { this.noteId = noteId; } public String getNotificationId() { return notificationId; } /** * The notification ID */ public void setNotificationId(String notificationId) { this.notificationId = notificationId; } public String getObjectId() { return objectId; } /** * The insight object ID */ public void setObjectId(String objectId) { this.objectId = objectId; } public String getOptionDescription() { return optionDescription; } /** * The question's answer option description */ public void setOptionDescription(String optionDescription) { this.optionDescription = optionDescription; } public String getPermissionName() { return permissionName; } /** * The permission name */ public void setPermissionName(String permissionName) { this.permissionName = permissionName; } public String getPermissions() { return permissions; } /** * Test user permissions in the format perm1,perm2,... */ public void setPermissions(String permissions) { this.permissions = permissions; } public String getPhotoId() { return photoId; } /** * The photo ID */ public void setPhotoId(String photoId) { this.photoId = photoId; } public String getPlaceId() { return placeId; } /** * The place ID */ public void setPlaceId(String placeId) { this.placeId = placeId; } public String getPostId() { return postId; } /** * The post ID */ public void setPostId(String postId) { this.postId = postId; } public PostUpdate getPostUpdate() { return postUpdate; } /** * The post to create or update */ public void setPostUpdate(PostUpdate postUpdate) { this.postUpdate = postUpdate; } public Map<String, String> getQueries() { return queries; } /** * FQL queries */ public void setQueries(Map<String, String> queries) { this.queries = queries; } public String getQuery() { return query; } /** * FQL query or search terms for search* endpoints */ public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public String getQuestionId() { return questionId; } /** * The question id */ public void setQuestionId(String questionId) { this.questionId = questionId; } public Reading getReading() { return reading; } /** * Optional reading parameters. See Reading Options(#reading) */ public void setReading(Reading reading) { this.reading = reading; } public Map<String, Object> getReadingOptions() { return readingOptions; } /** * To configure {@link Reading} using key/value pairs from the Map. */ public void setReadingOptions(Map<String, Object> readingOptions) { this.readingOptions = readingOptions; } public Integer getScoreValue() { return scoreValue; } /** * The numeric score with value */ public void setScoreValue(Integer scoreValue) { this.scoreValue = scoreValue; } public PictureSize getSize() { return size; } /** * The picture size, one of large, normal, small or square */ public void setSize(PictureSize size) { this.size = size; } public Media getSource() { return source; } /** * The media content from either a java.io.File or java.io.Inputstream */ public void setSource(Media source) { this.source = source; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } /** * The note of the subject */ public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } public TagUpdate getTagUpdate() { return tagUpdate; } /** * Photo tag information */ public void setTagUpdate(TagUpdate tagUpdate) { this.tagUpdate = tagUpdate; } public TestUser getTestUser1() { return testUser1; } /** * Test user 1 */ public void setTestUser1(TestUser testUser1) { this.testUser1 = testUser1; } public TestUser getTestUser2() { return testUser2; } /** * Test user 2 */ public void setTestUser2(TestUser testUser2) { this.testUser2 = testUser2; } public String getTestUserId() { return testUserId; } /** * The ID of the test user */ public void setTestUserId(String testUserId) { this.testUserId = testUserId; } public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * The title text */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getToUserId() { return toUserId; } /** * The ID of the user to tag */ public void setToUserId(String toUserId) { this.toUserId = toUserId; } public List<String> getToUserIds() { return toUserIds; } /** * The IDs of the users to tag */ public void setToUserIds(List<String> toUserIds) { this.toUserIds = toUserIds; } public String getUserId1() { return userId1; } /** * The ID of a user 1 */ public void setUserId1(String userId1) { this.userId1 = userId1; } public String getUserId2() { return userId2; } /** * The ID of a user 2 */ public void setUserId2(String userId2) { this.userId2 = userId2; } public String getUserId() { return userId; } /** * The Facebook user ID */ public void setUserId(String userId) { this.userId = userId; } public List<String> getUserIds() { return userIds; } /** * The IDs of users to invite to event */ public void setUserIds(List<String> userIds) { this.userIds = userIds; } public String getUserLocale() { return userLocale; } /** * The test user locale */ public void setUserLocale(String userLocale) { this.userLocale = userLocale; } public String getVideoId() { return videoId; } /** * The video ID */ public void setVideoId(String videoId) { this.videoId = videoId; } public Integer getPictureId() { return pictureId; } /** * The picture id */ public void setPictureId(Integer pictureId) { this.pictureId = pictureId; } public Integer getPictureId2() { return pictureId2; } /** * The picture2 id */ public void setPictureId2(Integer pictureId2) { this.pictureId2 = pictureId2; } public PictureSize getPictureSize() { return pictureSize; } /** * The picture size */ public void setPictureSize(PictureSize pictureSize) { this.pictureSize = pictureSize; } public String getPageId() { return pageId; } /** * The page id */ public void setPageId(String pageId) { this.pageId = pageId; } public String getTabId() { return tabId; } /** * The tab id */ public void setTabId(String tabId) { this.tabId = tabId; } public Boolean isHidden() { return isHidden; } /** * Whether hidden */ public void setIsHidden(Boolean isHidden) { this.isHidden = isHidden; } public String getOfferId() { return offerId; } /** * The offer id */ public void setOfferId(String offerId) { this.offerId = offerId; } public String getMilestoneId() { return milestoneId; } /** * The milestone id */ public void setMilestoneId(String milestoneId) { this.milestoneId = milestoneId; } }