/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.converter; import org.apache.camel.ContextTestSupport; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; public class TimePatternConverterTest extends ContextTestSupport { public void testMillisecondsTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "444"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(444, milliseconds); } public void testMilliseconds2TimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "-72"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(-72, milliseconds); } public void testSTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "35s"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(35000, milliseconds); } public void testSecTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "35sec"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(35000, milliseconds); } public void testSecsTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "35secs"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(35000, milliseconds); } public void testSecondTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "35second"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(35000, milliseconds); } public void testSecondsTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "35seconds"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(35000, milliseconds); } public void testConsiderLegalSTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "89s"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(89000, milliseconds); } public void testMTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28m"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(1680000, milliseconds); } public void testMinTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28min"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(1680000, milliseconds); } public void testMinuteTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28MINUTE"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(1680000, milliseconds); } public void testMinutesTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28Minutes"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(1680000, milliseconds); } public void testConsiderLegalMTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "89m"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(5340000, milliseconds); } public void testHTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28h"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(100800000, milliseconds); } public void testHourTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28Hour"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(100800000, milliseconds); } public void testHoursTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "28HOURS"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(100800000, milliseconds); } public void testHMSTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "1h3m5s"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(3785000, milliseconds); } public void testHMSTimePattern2() throws Exception { String source = "1hours30minutes1second"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(5401000, milliseconds); } public void testHMSTimePattern3() throws Exception { String source = "1HOUR3m5s"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(3785000, milliseconds); } public void testMSTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "30m55s"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(1855000, milliseconds); } public void testHMTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "1h30m"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(5400000, milliseconds); } public void testSTimePattern2() throws Exception { String source = "15sec"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(15000, milliseconds); } public void testMTimePattern2() throws Exception { String source = "5min"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(300000, milliseconds); } public void testMTimePattern3() throws Exception { String source = "5MIN"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(300000, milliseconds); } public void testMSTimePattern2() throws Exception { String source = "4min2sec"; long milliseconds = TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); assertEquals(242000, milliseconds); } //Negative Tests public void testIllegalHMSTimePattern() { String source = "36h88m5s"; checkForIllegalArgument(source, "Minutes should contain a valid value between 0 and 59: " + source); } public void testHoursTwice() { String source = "36h12hours"; String expectedMessage = "Hours should not be specified more then once: " + source; checkForIllegalArgument(source, expectedMessage); } public void testMinutesTwice() { String source = "36minute12min"; String expectedMessage = "Minutes should not be specified more then once: " + source; checkForIllegalArgument(source, expectedMessage); } public void testSecondsTwice() { String source = "36sec12second"; String expectedMessage = "Seconds should not be specified more then once: " + source; checkForIllegalArgument(source, expectedMessage); } public void testIllegalMSTimePattern() { String source = "55m75s"; checkForIllegalArgument(source, "Seconds should contain a valid value between 0 and 59: " + source); } public void testIllegalHMTimePattern() throws Exception { String source = "1h89s"; checkForIllegalArgument(source, "Seconds should contain a valid value between 0 and 59: " + source); } public void testIllegalCharacters() throws Exception { String source = "5ssegegegegqergerg"; checkForIllegalArgument(source, "Illegal characters: " + source); } public void testSsCharacters() throws Exception { String source = "5ss"; checkForIllegalArgument(source, "Illegal characters: " + source); } private void checkForIllegalArgument(String source, String expectedMessage) { try { TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(source); fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (Exception e) { assertIsInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class, e); assertThat(e.getMessage(), is(expectedMessage)); } } }