package edu.isi.karma.semantictypes.typinghandler; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.semantictypes.ISemanticTypeModelHandler; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.semantictypes.SemanticTypeLabel; import edu.isi.karma.semantictypes.numeric.KSTest; import edu.isi.karma.semantictypes.tfIdf.Indexer; import edu.isi.karma.semantictypes.tfIdf.Searcher; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ContextParametersRegistry; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ServletContextParameterMap; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ServletContextParameterMap.ContextParameter; /** * LATEST * * This is the API class for the semantic typing module, implementing the * combined approach of TF-IDF based cosine similarity and Kolmogorov-Smirnov * test approaches for textual and numeric respectively by * Ramnandan.S.K and Amol Mittal. * * @author ramnandan * */ public class HybridSTModelHandler implements ISemanticTypeModelHandler { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(HybridSTModelHandler.class.getSimpleName()); private ArrayList<String> allowedCharacters; private boolean modelEnabled = false; private String contextId; /* * While training, * if numericCount >= pureNumeric -> train as NUMERIC COLUMN * else if numericCount <= pureText -> train as TEXTUAL COLUMN * else (pureText<numericCount<pureNumeric) -> train as NUMERIC as well as TEXTUAL * * While testing, * if numericCount >= pureNumeric -> test as NUMERIC COLUMN * else (numericCount<pureNumeric) -> test as TEXTUAL COLUMN */ private double trainNumericThreshold = 0.8; private double trainTextualThreshold = 0.6; private double testThreshold = 0.7; private String numericRegEx = "((\\-)?[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})+(\\.[0-9]+)?)|((\\-)?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)|((\\-)?[0-9]+)|((\\-)?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)"; public HybridSTModelHandler(String contextId) { allowedCharacters = allowedCharacters(); this.contextId = contextId; } /** * Adds the passed list of examples for training * * @param label * True label for the list of example. * @param examples * List of example strings. * @return True if success, else False */ @Override public synchronized boolean addType(String label, List<String> examples) { boolean savingSuccessful = false; int countNumeric = 0; // running basic sanity checks in the input arguments if (label == null || label.trim().length() == 0 || examples.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("@label argument cannot be null or an empty string and the @examples list cannot be empty."); return false; } label = label.trim(); ArrayList<String> cleanedExamples = new ArrayList<>(); countNumeric = cleanedExamplesList(examples, cleanedExamples); // making sure that the condition where the examples list is not empty // but contains junk only is not accepted if (cleanedExamples.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("@examples list contains forbidden characters only. The allowed characters are " + allowedCharacters); return false; } try { savingSuccessful = indexTrainingColumn(label, cleanedExamples, countNumeric); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return savingSuccessful; } /** * Indexes the given training column for a specific label * * @param label * @param selectedExamples * @param countNumeric * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean indexTrainingColumn(String label, List<String> selectedExamples, int countNumeric) throws IOException { /** * @patch applied * @author pranav and aditi * @date 12th June 2015 * * */ /** * TODO: Currently training exclusively as textual or numeric based on 0.7, * not as both if between 0.6 & 0.8 */ // check if textual or numeric boolean isNumeric = false; double fractionNumeric = ((double)(countNumeric+0.0))/((double)(selectedExamples.size()+0.0)); if (fractionNumeric >= testThreshold) { isNumeric = true; } logger.warn("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // if numeric, clean examples to remove text if (isNumeric) { selectedExamples = cleanExamplesNumeric(selectedExamples); logger.warn("Training Label "+label+" classified as numeric - fractionNumeric = "+fractionNumeric); } else { logger.warn("Training Label "+label+" classified as textual - fractionNumeric = "+fractionNumeric); } logger.warn("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // treat content of column as single document StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String ex : selectedExamples) { sb.append(ex); sb.append(" "); } // check if semantic label already exists Document labelDoc = null; // document corresponding to existing semantic label if exists if (indexDirectoryExists(isNumeric)) { try { // check if semantic label already exists in index Searcher searcher = new Searcher(getIndexDirectory(isNumeric), Indexer.LABEL_FIELD_NAME); try { labelDoc = searcher.getDocumentForLabel(label); } finally { searcher.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore, the searcher might not work if index is empty. } } // index the document Indexer indexer = new Indexer(getIndexDirectory(isNumeric)); try {; if (labelDoc != null) { IndexableField[] existingContent = labelDoc.getFields(Indexer.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME); indexer.updateDocument(existingContent, sb.toString(), label); } else { indexer.addDocument(sb.toString(), label); } indexer.commit(); } finally { indexer.close(); } return true; } /** * Check if index directory exists and contains files * * @return */ private boolean indexDirectoryExists(boolean isNumeric) { final ServletContextParameterMap contextParameters = ContextParametersRegistry.getInstance().getContextParameters(contextId); String indexDirectory; if (isNumeric) { indexDirectory = contextParameters .getParameterValue(ContextParameter.NUMERIC_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY); } else { indexDirectory = contextParameters .getParameterValue(ContextParameter.TEXTUAL_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY); } File dir = new File(indexDirectory); if (dir.exists() && dir.listFiles().length > 0) { String[] files = dir.list(); for (String file : files) { if (file.equals("segments.gen")) return true; } } return false; } /** * @param examples * - list of examples of an unknown type * @param numPredictions * - required number of predictions in descending order * @param predictedLabels * - the argument in which the ordered list of labels is * returned. the size of this list could be smaller than * numPredictions if there aren't that many labels in the model * already * @param confidenceScores * - the probability of the examples belonging to the labels * returned. * @param exampleProbabilities * - the size() == examples.size(). It contains, for each * example, in the same order, a double array that contains the * probability of belonging to the labels returned in * predictedLabels. * @param columnFeatures * - this Map supplies ColumnFeatures such as ColumnName, etc. * @return True, if successful, else False */ @Override public List<SemanticTypeLabel> predictType(List<String> examples, int numPredictions) { if (!this.modelEnabled) { logger.warn("Semantic Type Modeling is not enabled"); return null; } // Sanity checks for arguments if (examples == null || examples.isEmpty() || numPredictions <= 0) { logger.warn("Invalid arguments. Possible problems: examples list size is zero, numPredictions is non-positive"); return null; } logger.debug("Predic Type for " + examples.toArray().toString()); logger.warn("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // decide if test column is textual or numeric boolean isNumeric = false; int countNumeric = 0; for (String example: examples) { if (example.matches(numericRegEx)) { countNumeric++; } } double fractionNumeric = ((double)(countNumeric+0.0))/((double)(examples.size()+0.0)); if (fractionNumeric >= testThreshold) { isNumeric = true; logger.warn("Test Label classified as numeric - fractionNumeric = "+fractionNumeric); } else { logger.warn("Test Label classified as textual - fractionNumeric = "+fractionNumeric); } // get top-k suggestions if (isNumeric) { // numeric test column if (indexDirectoryExists(isNumeric)) { KSTest test = new KSTest(); logger.warn("KS test called"); // extract distributions for each trained semantic label Map<String, List<Double>> trainingLabelToExamplesMap = new HashMap<>(); try { IndexReader reader = File( getIndexDirectory(isNumeric)))); try { for (int i=0; i<reader.maxDoc(); i++) { Document doc = reader.document(i); String label = doc.get(Indexer.LABEL_FIELD_NAME); List<Double> exampleList = new ArrayList<>(); String content = doc.get(Indexer.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME); for (String example: content.split(" ")) { try { Number exampleNum = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(java.util.Locale.US).parse(example); exampleList.add(exampleNum.doubleValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.warn("Could not add example:" + example + " for training"); } } trainingLabelToExamplesMap.put(label, exampleList); } } finally { reader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // extract test column distribution List<Double> testExamples = new ArrayList<>(); for (String example: examples) { if(example.matches(numericRegEx)) { try { Number exampleNum = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(java.util.Locale.US).parse(example); testExamples.add(exampleNum.doubleValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.warn("Could not add example:" + example + " for training"); } } } List<SemanticTypeLabel> result = test.predictLabelsForColumn(numPredictions, trainingLabelToExamplesMap, testExamples); logger.debug("Got " + result.size() + " predictions"); return result; } } else { // textual test column if (indexDirectoryExists(isNumeric)) { logger.warn("TF-IDF cosine similarity called"); // construct single text for test column StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String ex : examples) { sb.append(ex); sb.append(" "); } try { Searcher predictor = new Searcher(getIndexDirectory(isNumeric), Indexer.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME); try { List<SemanticTypeLabel> result = predictor.getTopK(numPredictions, sb.toString()); logger.debug("Got " + result.size() + " predictions"); return result; } finally { predictor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } logger.warn("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); return null; } /** * @return True if successfully cleared the model. False, otherwise. This * method removes all labels from the model. * * Currently, when only TF-IDF is used, equivalent to deleting all * documents */ @Override public boolean removeAllLabels() { try { Indexer indexer = new Indexer(getIndexDirectory(true)); // remove numeric labels try {; indexer.deleteAllDocuments(); indexer.commit(); } finally { indexer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { Indexer indexer = new Indexer(getIndexDirectory(false)); // remove textual labels try {; indexer.deleteAllDocuments(); indexer.commit(); } finally { indexer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public String getIndexDirectory(boolean isNumeric) { final ServletContextParameterMap contextParameters = ContextParametersRegistry.getInstance().getContextParameters(contextId); String indexDirectory; if (isNumeric) { indexDirectory = contextParameters .getParameterValue(ContextParameter.NUMERIC_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY); } else { indexDirectory = contextParameters .getParameterValue(ContextParameter.TEXTUAL_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY); } return indexDirectory; } /** * @param uncleanList * List of all examples * @param cleanedList * List with examples that don't have unallowed chars and others * such as nulls or empty strings This method cleans the examples * list passed to it. Generally, it is used by other methods to * sanitize lists passed from outside. * @return countNumeric */ private int cleanedExamplesList(List<String> uncleanList, List<String> cleanedList) { int countNumeric = 0; cleanedList.clear(); for (String example : uncleanList) { if (example != null) { String trimmedExample; trimmedExample = getSanitizedString(example); if (trimmedExample.length() != 0) { cleanedList.add(trimmedExample); if (trimmedExample.matches(numericRegEx)) { countNumeric++; } } } } return countNumeric; } /** * @param unsanitizedString * String to be sanitized * @return sanitizedString */ private String getSanitizedString(String unsanitizedString) { String sanitizedString; sanitizedString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < unsanitizedString.length(); i++) { String charAtIndex; charAtIndex = unsanitizedString.substring(i, i + 1); if (allowedCharacters.contains(charAtIndex)) { sanitizedString += charAtIndex; } } return sanitizedString; } /** * @return Returns list of allowed Characters */ private ArrayList<String> allowedCharacters() { ArrayList<String> allowed = new ArrayList<>(); // Adding A-Z for (int c = 65; c <= 90; c++) { allowed.add(String.valueOf((char) c)); } // Adding a-z for (int c = 97; c <= 122; c++) { allowed.add(String.valueOf((char) c)); } // Adding 0-9 for (int c = 48; c <= 57; c++) { allowed.add(String.valueOf((char) c)); } allowed.add(" "); // adding space allowed.add("."); // adding dot allowed.add("%"); allowed.add("@"); allowed.add("_"); allowed.add("-"); allowed.add("*"); allowed.add("("); allowed.add(")"); allowed.add("["); allowed.add("]"); allowed.add("+"); allowed.add("/"); allowed.add("&"); allowed.add(":"); allowed.add(","); allowed.add(";"); allowed.add("?"); return allowed; } public List<String> cleanExamplesNumeric(List<String> exampleList) { List<String> cleanedExamples = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<String> itr = exampleList.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { String ex =; if(ex.matches(numericRegEx)) { cleanedExamples.add(ex); } } return cleanedExamples; } @Override public boolean readModelFromFile(String filepath, boolean isNumeric) { final ServletContextParameterMap contextParameters = ContextParametersRegistry.getInstance().getContextParameters(contextId); if (isNumeric) { contextParameters .setParameterValue(ContextParameter.NUMERIC_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY, filepath); } else { contextParameters .setParameterValue(ContextParameter.TEXTUAL_SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY, filepath); } return true; } @Override public void setModelHandlerEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.modelEnabled = enabled; } @Override public boolean readModelFromFile(String filepath) { final ServletContextParameterMap contextParameters = ContextParametersRegistry.getInstance().getContextParameters(contextId); contextParameters .setParameterValue(ContextParameter.SEMTYPE_MODEL_DIRECTORY, filepath); return true; } }