package com.github.jsonldjava.core; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.github.jsonldjava.core.JsonLdConsts.*; import static com.github.jsonldjava.core.JsonLdUtils.*; import static com.github.jsonldjava.core.Regex.HEX; import static com.github.jsonldjava.utils.Obj.newMap; public class RDFDatasetUtils { private RDFDatasetUtils() { } /** * Creates an array of RDF triples for the given graph. * * @param graph * the graph to create RDF triples for. * @param namer * a UniqueNamer for assigning blank node names. * * @return the array of RDF triples for the given graph. * @deprecated Use {@link RDFDataset#graphToRDF(String, Map)} instead */ @Deprecated static List<Object> graphToRDF(Map<String, Object> graph, UniqueNamer namer) { final List<Object> rval = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : graph.entrySet()) { final Map<String, Object> node = (Map<String, Object>) stringObjectEntry.getValue(); final List<String> properties = new ArrayList<>(node.keySet()); Collections.sort(properties); for (String property : properties) { final Object items = node.get(property); if ("@type".equals(property)) { property = RDF_TYPE; } else if (isKeyword(property)) { continue; } for (final Object item : (List<Object>) items) { // RDF subjects final Map<String, Object> subject = newMap(); if (stringObjectEntry.getKey().indexOf("_:") == 0) { subject.put("type", "blank node"); subject.put("value", namer.getName(stringObjectEntry.getKey())); } else { subject.put("type", "IRI"); subject.put("value", stringObjectEntry.getKey()); } // RDF predicates final Map<String, Object> predicate = newMap(); predicate.put("type", "IRI"); predicate.put("value", property); // convert @list to triples if (isList(item)) { listToRDF((List<Object>) ((Map<String, Object>) item).get("@list"), namer, subject, predicate, rval); } // convert value or node object to triple else { final Object object = objectToRDF(item, namer); final Map<String, Object> tmp = newMap(); tmp.put("subject", subject); tmp.put("predicate", predicate); tmp.put("object", object); rval.add(tmp); } } } } return rval; } /** * Converts a @list value into linked list of blank node RDF triples (an RDF * collection). * * @param list * the @list value. * @param namer * a UniqueNamer for assigning blank node names. * @param subject * the subject for the head of the list. * @param predicate * the predicate for the head of the list. * @param triples * the array of triples to append to. */ private static void listToRDF(List<Object> list, UniqueNamer namer, Map<String, Object> subject, Map<String, Object> predicate, List<Object> triples) { final Map<String, Object> first = newMap(); first.put("type", "IRI"); first.put("value", RDF_FIRST); final Map<String, Object> rest = newMap(); rest.put("type", "IRI"); rest.put("value", RDF_REST); final Map<String, Object> nil = newMap(); nil.put("type", "IRI"); nil.put("value", RDF_NIL); for (final Object item : list) { final Map<String, Object> blankNode = newMap(); blankNode.put("type", "blank node"); blankNode.put("value", namer.getName()); { final Map<String, Object> tmp = newMap(); tmp.put("subject", subject); tmp.put("predicate", predicate); tmp.put("object", blankNode); triples.add(tmp); } subject = blankNode; predicate = first; final Object object = objectToRDF(item, namer); { final Map<String, Object> tmp = newMap(); tmp.put("subject", subject); tmp.put("predicate", predicate); tmp.put("object", object); triples.add(tmp); } predicate = rest; } final Map<String, Object> tmp = newMap(); tmp.put("subject", subject); tmp.put("predicate", predicate); tmp.put("object", nil); triples.add(tmp); } /** * Converts a JSON-LD value object to an RDF literal or a JSON-LD string or * node object to an RDF resource. * * @param item * the JSON-LD value or node object. * @param namer * the UniqueNamer to use to assign blank node names. * * @return the RDF literal or RDF resource. */ private static Object objectToRDF(Object item, UniqueNamer namer) { final Map<String, Object> object = newMap(); // convert value object to RDF if (isValue(item)) { object.put("type", "literal"); final Object value = ((Map<String, Object>) item).get("@value"); final Object datatype = ((Map<String, Object>) item).get("@type"); // convert to XSD datatypes as appropriate if (value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number) { // convert to XSD datatype if (value instanceof Boolean) { object.put("value", value.toString()); object.put("datatype", datatype == null ? XSD_BOOLEAN : datatype); } else if (value instanceof Double || value instanceof Float) { // canonical double representation final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0###############E0"); df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US)); object.put("value", df.format(value)); object.put("datatype", datatype == null ? XSD_DOUBLE : datatype); } else { final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0"); object.put("value", df.format(value)); object.put("datatype", datatype == null ? XSD_INTEGER : datatype); } } else if (((Map<String, Object>) item).containsKey("@language")) { object.put("value", value); object.put("datatype", datatype == null ? RDF_LANGSTRING : datatype); object.put("language", ((Map<String, Object>) item).get("@language")); } else { object.put("value", value); object.put("datatype", datatype == null ? XSD_STRING : datatype); } } // convert string/node object to RDF else { final String id = isObject(item) ? (String) ((Map<String, Object>) item).get("@id") : (String) item; if (id.indexOf("_:") == 0) { object.put("type", "blank node"); object.put("value", namer.getName(id)); } else { object.put("type", "IRI"); object.put("value", id); } } return object; } public static String toNQuads(RDFDataset dataset) { final List<String> quads = new ArrayList<>(); for (String graphName : dataset.graphNames()) { final List<RDFDataset.Quad> triples = dataset.getQuads(graphName); if ("@default".equals(graphName)) { graphName = null; } for (final RDFDataset.Quad triple : triples) { quads.add(toNQuad(triple, graphName)); } } Collections.sort(quads); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (final String quad : quads) { builder.append(quad); } return builder.toString(); } static String toNQuad(RDFDataset.Quad triple, String graphName, String bnode) { final RDFDataset.Node s = triple.getSubject(); final RDFDataset.Node p = triple.getPredicate(); final RDFDataset.Node o = triple.getObject(); String quad = ""; // subject is an IRI or bnode if (s.isIRI()) { quad += "<" + escape(s.getValue()) + ">"; } // normalization mode else if (bnode != null) { quad += bnode.equals(s.getValue()) ? "_:a" : "_:z"; } // normal mode else { quad += s.getValue(); } if (p.isIRI()) { quad += " <" + escape(p.getValue()) + "> "; } // otherwise it must be a bnode (TODO: can we only allow this if the // flag is set in options?) else { quad += " " + escape(p.getValue()) + " "; } // object is IRI, bnode or literal if (o.isIRI()) { quad += "<" + escape(o.getValue()) + ">"; } else if (o.isBlankNode()) { // normalization mode if (bnode != null) { quad += bnode.equals(o.getValue()) ? "_:a" : "_:z"; } // normal mode else { quad += o.getValue(); } } else { final String escaped = escape(o.getValue()); quad += "\"" + escaped + "\""; if (RDF_LANGSTRING.equals(o.getDatatype())) { quad += "@" + o.getLanguage(); } else if (!XSD_STRING.equals(o.getDatatype())) { quad += "^^<" + escape(o.getDatatype()) + ">"; } } // graph if (graphName != null) { if (graphName.indexOf("_:") != 0) { quad += " <" + escape(graphName) + ">"; } else if (bnode != null) { quad += " _:g"; } else { quad += " " + graphName; } } quad += " .\n"; return quad; } static String toNQuad(RDFDataset.Quad triple, String graphName) { return toNQuad(triple, graphName, null); } final private static Pattern UCHAR_MATCHED = Pattern.compile("\\u005C(?:([tbnrf\\\"'])|(?:u(" + HEX + "{4}))|(?:U(" + HEX + "{8})))"); public static String unescape(String str) { String rval = str; if (str != null) { final Matcher m = UCHAR_MATCHED.matcher(str); while (m.find()) { String uni =; if ( == null) { final String hex = != null ? :; final int v = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);// hex = // hex.replaceAll("^(?:00)+", // ""); if (v > 0xFFFF) { // deal with UTF-32 // Integer v = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); final int vt = v - 0x10000; final int vh = vt >> 10; final int v1 = vt & 0x3FF; final int w1 = 0xD800 + vh; final int w2 = 0xDC00 + v1; final StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); b.appendCodePoint(w1); b.appendCodePoint(w2); uni = b.toString(); } else { uni = Character.toString((char) v); } } else { final char c =; switch (c) { case 'b': uni = "\b"; break; case 'n': uni = "\n"; break; case 't': uni = "\t"; break; case 'f': uni = "\f"; break; case 'r': uni = "\r"; break; case '\'': uni = "'"; break; case '\"': uni = "\""; break; case '\\': uni = "\\"; break; default: // do nothing continue; } } final String pat = Pattern.quote(; final String x = Integer.toHexString(uni.charAt(0)); rval = rval.replaceAll(pat, uni); } } return rval; } public static String escape(String str) { String rval = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { final char hi = str.charAt(i); if (hi <= 0x8 || hi == 0xB || hi == 0xC || (hi >= 0xE && hi <= 0x1F) || (hi >= 0x7F && hi <= 0xA0) || // 0xA0 is end of // non-printable latin-1 // supplement // characters ((hi >= 0x24F // 0x24F is the end of latin extensions && !Character.isHighSurrogate(hi)) // TODO: there's probably a lot of other characters that // shouldn't be escaped that // fall outside these ranges, this is one example from the // json-ld tests )) { rval += String.format("\\u%04x", (int) hi); } else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(hi)) { final char lo = str.charAt(++i); final int c = (hi << 10) + lo + (0x10000 - (0xD800 << 10) - 0xDC00); rval += String.format("\\U%08x", c); } else { switch (hi) { case '\b': rval += "\\b"; break; case '\n': rval += "\\n"; break; case '\t': rval += "\\t"; break; case '\f': rval += "\\f"; break; case '\r': rval += "\\r"; break; // case '\'': // rval += "\\'"; // break; case '\"': rval += "\\\""; // rval += "\\u0022"; break; case '\\': rval += "\\\\"; break; default: // just put the char as is rval += hi; break; } } } return rval; } private static class Regex { // define partial regexes // final public static Pattern IRI = // Pattern.compile("(?:<([^:]+:[^>]*)>)"); final public static Pattern IRI = Pattern.compile("(?:<([^>]*)>)"); final public static Pattern BNODE = Pattern.compile("(_:(?:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*))"); final public static Pattern PLAIN = Pattern.compile("\"([^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*)\""); final public static Pattern DATATYPE = Pattern.compile("(?:\\^\\^" + IRI + ")"); final public static Pattern LANGUAGE = Pattern.compile("(?:@([a-z]+(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*))"); final public static Pattern LITERAL = Pattern.compile("(?:" + PLAIN + "(?:" + DATATYPE + "|" + LANGUAGE + ")?)"); final public static Pattern WS = Pattern.compile("[ \\t]+"); final public static Pattern WSO = Pattern.compile("[ \\t]*"); final public static Pattern EOLN = Pattern.compile("(?:\r\n)|(?:\n)|(?:\r)"); final public static Pattern EMPTY = Pattern.compile("^" + WSO + "$"); // define quad part regexes final public static Pattern SUBJECT = Pattern.compile("(?:" + IRI + "|" + BNODE + ")" + WS); final public static Pattern PROPERTY = Pattern.compile(IRI.pattern() + WS.pattern()); final public static Pattern OBJECT = Pattern.compile("(?:" + IRI + "|" + BNODE + "|" + LITERAL + ")" + WSO); final public static Pattern GRAPH = Pattern.compile("(?:\\.|(?:(?:" + IRI + "|" + BNODE + ")" + WSO + "\\.))"); // full quad regex final public static Pattern QUAD = Pattern.compile("^" + WSO + SUBJECT + PROPERTY + OBJECT + GRAPH + WSO + "$"); } /** * Parses RDF in the form of N-Quads. * * @param input * the N-Quads input to parse. * * @return an RDF dataset. * @throws JsonLdError * If there was an error parsing the N-Quads document. */ public static RDFDataset parseNQuads(String input) throws JsonLdError { // build RDF dataset final RDFDataset dataset = new RDFDataset(); // split N-Quad input into lines final String[] lines = Regex.EOLN.split(input); int lineNumber = 0; for (final String line : lines) { lineNumber++; // skip empty lines if (Regex.EMPTY.matcher(line).matches()) { continue; } // parse quad final Matcher match = Regex.QUAD.matcher(line); if (!match.matches()) { throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.SYNTAX_ERROR, "Error while parsing N-Quads; invalid quad. line:" + lineNumber); } // get subject RDFDataset.Node subject; if ( != null) { subject = new RDFDataset.IRI(unescape(; } else { subject = new RDFDataset.BlankNode(unescape(; } // get predicate final RDFDataset.Node predicate = new RDFDataset.IRI(unescape(; // get object RDFDataset.Node object; if ( != null) { object = new RDFDataset.IRI(unescape(; } else if ( != null) { object = new RDFDataset.BlankNode(unescape(; } else { final String language = unescape(; final String datatype = != null ? unescape( : match .group(8) != null ? RDF_LANGSTRING : XSD_STRING; final String unescaped = unescape(; object = new RDFDataset.Literal(unescaped, datatype, language); } // get graph name ('@default' is used for the default graph) String name = "@default"; if ( != null) { name = unescape(; } else if ( != null) { name = unescape(; } final RDFDataset.Quad triple = new RDFDataset.Quad(subject, predicate, object, name); // initialise graph in dataset if (!dataset.containsKey(name)) { final List<RDFDataset.Quad> tmp = new ArrayList<>(); tmp.add(triple); dataset.put(name, tmp); } // add triple if unique to its graph else { final List<RDFDataset.Quad> triples = (List<RDFDataset.Quad>) dataset.get(name); if (!triples.contains(triple)) { triples.add(triple); } } } return dataset; } }